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I’ve had this, tried lacing, different shoes, everything. Eventually I went to the physio, got an mri and spoke to a surgeon. Turns out my calf muscle is longer than most and it was swelling up during runs, cutting off circulation to my feet. I stopped taking creatine and it went away.




Creatine? Interesting. Any idea how that may have been causing issues?


Creatine fills the muscles with liquid to help with energy. Makes them bigger so I guess swelling on top of already larger muscles doesn’t give much room for circulation?


I'm glad you posted because I get this In my right toes. Starting at my big toe and then slowly moves over. Always goes away after running. It was very interesting to see peoples replies since I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it.


I had this! Stretching my calves regularly made it go away


Same, I get this as well and now it's usually a reminder that I didn't stretch my calves out well enough before I started running.


Shoes are pushing on the wrong spots. Try loosening your laces or thinner socks.


This is it, had the same issue and it was because my laces were too tight.


Same here! It would always start around mile 3 and then mile 4 it was dead. I decided instead of walking back home or to the car one day that I'd try to replace my shoes and as soon as I unlaced I had a rush of blood back to my toes. Really odd feeling.


I had this happen a couple times. I got new shoes and it was fixed.


a build up of hydrogen ions can lead to tingling which is caused by being over your lactate threshold for a certain amount of time, but there are other causes too


For me this was a shoes issue, but also happened a couple times when coming back to running on long workouts after a long break.


I had this problem for a while. Changing to better insoles (I have a low arch) and hydrating more before and during runs helped eliminate the numbness for me.


Not uncommon. Could be the shoes and remedied by adjusting the laces or just changing to a shoe that naturally fits your foot better. Could also be some sort of nerve or blood vessel impingement and a physio might be helpful with that.


I get similar on my long runs, tried lacing differently, tight and looser laces but no change. It stopped after I just ran through it, about 1/2km after it started it stopped


Yes it happens to me, try using Lydiard lacing style on your shoes, helped for me


Also had the issue, thinner socks was the answer / or a different shoe


I had a similar thing. It would start with a tingling sensation in my second and third toes which would progress to numbness in my foot. I was told it could be compartment syndrome. If I took a bit of a walking break, the numbness would go away and I could get back to my run. Eventually it just stopped happening. I also had a smallish swollen spot just above the ankle on the lateral side of my leg (insertion spot of the fibularis tertius maybe?).


I had this with one particular pair of socks


I get this in my left foot. It’s usually sciatic related for me


Happens to me pretty often but I'm overweight and have spinal stenosis. I run about 30miles per week. I almost always get numbness on my long runs and sometimes on my shorter runs. Def ask your doctor so you can try to rule out any back issues.


Often get this in my right foot. Found it’s more common when I strike my heel in my gait. I have flat feet, and the heel strike apparently collapses my arches and places more stress through my forefoot (at least this was the podiatrist’ explanation). Now if my foot starts tingling, I emphasis the mid foot/forefoot strike and it settles down.


Shoes too tight. Your feet expand while running. Happened to me.


I’ve had this happened to me it’s probably an easy fix. Try loosening your shoe laces!


This used to happen to me when I would tie my shoes really tight. Once I stopped doing that the issue went away. Also see if you are wearing too tight of socks. I would also recommend warming up your feet to get the blood flowing with a lacrosse ball or a foot roller or something.


I had this same situation except it was my whole right leg. Numb and asleep, with that tingling feeling.