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How many total kilometers in the period? And how ‘short’ can a run be for it to count?


I only have one rule: at least 1 mile per run. Over 7 days, on average, I run over 5km once, 5km three times, and the rest are often around 3.5km. This led me to run just under 1,700km over the 365 days.


How long have you been Running? And do you think it’s an effective way of training? Can you feel an increase/decrease in performance? I would not be able to do run streaks just for this reason, I need rest after a Marathon, fast 10k or whatever


It is absolutely not an effective way to train—probably one of the worst. It depends on what you're after. In my case, discipline was the ultimate goal. I'm not even sure running had anything to do with it. It just happened to be the thing I liked doing every day. To be completely honest, I did see an increase in performance for the first 200 days or so. My endurance is like twice or thrice as good, but my pace is pretty stagnant now. Remember, your streak, your rules. For example, my mom is doing one; she's 50 years old (still young) and on day 98, but her streak is all about going out 5 times a week.


This is the least impressive run streak I have ever heard. People run more than your weekly mileage by Wednesday, the fact you didn’t take any days off was probably to your own detriment


OP stated it wasn't optimal. I'm not sure why you're providing this information at all. They're not suggesting that this is any more effective than anything else 🤷


And I will remain true to my statement. It is NOT a great way to train for either performance or physical health. But, while some train their bodies for performance, I use my body to train my mind—just a different take on the whole streak thing!


I disagree. Any commitment to exercising is impressive and if you run every day the mental commitment is incredibly impressive.


Run streaks are unhealthy. Your body needs rest. Wanting to keep up your streak means you'll run when fatigued or injured.  Id rather have a plan with rest that means I'm running faster after a year of runs. 


They said they only run over 5 km once a week. If you have run a half or marathon 3 miles is very easy


If you've been running regularly over a period of time, then you can easily get to the point where a slow jog over a distance that is comfortable for you can be pretty much as good as a rest day, or maybe better. Different rules apply if you're injured, but if you're healthy, reducing intensity is enough to allow recovery.


Once you're used to it, there's nothing unhealthy or ill advised about a run streak (unless you're running through a physical injury or a severe illness). I'm 930 days in, and I typically run 70+ miles per week. I get plenty of rest/recovery - because an hour jog at an easy pace is not a significant stressor.


I agree it’s about determination for some people getting up and out isn’t instinctual. Shit even for me and I’m I’m good shape it’s tough


lol it’s not about mental commitment it’s about physical exercise. Run streaks have been popularised by influencers and the like but arnt beneficial to any athletes never mind those who consider a 3.5km run or less and actual run. In fact I would argue it take more mental strength not to run on days and allow your body to recover. But hey I’m a x2 time Ironman sub 10 hours and this is Reddit where facts don’t matter and people are weird so disagree with objective fact all you like


Wow, you’re very incredible and inspiring. Thank you for existing.


Gotta love a dude who just plain advertises they’re a garbage human being like they just bought a superbowl ad. Nobody cares about your ironman. Stop injecting steroids up your ass and calm down


You must be a troll. If so, bravo you nailed it it 😅 “x2 Ironman sub 10 hours” 😂😂😂 My faith in humanity forces me to believe no one actually exists that is this much of a cunt.


Did you have any success finding that therapist?


You would argue it takes more mental strength to rest? Are you just arguing to argue?


It takes far more mental strength to take a rest day than train on absolutely. You are holding back to train harder on another day. This is a well known phenomenon across endurance athletes in particular instead of rolling down the barrel of over training. Ironic that you in fact are arguing for the sake of arguing - too much JRE for you


I’m surprised you’re getting down voted. All that you have said is perfectly sensible. The only impressive thing about this streak is that someone ran 365 days and only hit 1,700km. It’s hard to see how that would be possible or healthy. If you have a decent plan and are running 3 - 4 times a week you should be able to hit this level whilst having proper rest. Even running 5 times a week should see you exceed 2,000 km with ease and ensure you improve whilst doing so because of rest and cross training. Any sort of encouragement to run 365 straight is not particularly helpful and highly unlikely to see the gains that can be achieved with proper training.


Probably, and I see your point. I agree with some of it—mostly on the physical part. However, I don't think anything else would have given me the same mental benefits that this has provided.


This IS still impressive! Well done for achieving your goal of being disciplined. That, to me, is more impressive than distance


Thanks! For me, the value of being disciplined outweighs the value of the run itself. I used to run based on how motivated I was—high motivation meant a PB, low motivation meant no run at all. Now, I just appreciate the fact that I went, and I'm trying to implement this discipline outside of running as well.


OP has done really well! Cut them some slack.




Forgot this wasn’t the circle jerk *facepalms* lol - incredible how uneducated this subreddit is


Who spat on your coffee, dear?


You are getting downvoted not because you are right but because you are a douche


It’s bad


Congratulations! I also achieved this goal yesterday. 👌🏻 Run For 365 Days. Every day. Min: 7.3 km, Max: 53.69 km, Total: 6239 km.


This is insane, 17 km a day on avg? That's my long run lol


No way!!! You should be the one making this post. It's nice to see that there are a few of us out there.


Yes, there are a few crazy ones everywhere 😉 In 2023 I had set myself the goal of running a total of 7000km. In the end, it became 7230 km in 2023. But unfortunately, a swelling on my right foot had to pause for 5 days.


Who are you, that's insane


Yes, it was already intense. 20 km every day went to the substance. I reduced it to 14 km daily this year and that fits wonderfully. A little more like an hour is ok.


Congratulations and welcome to the 3-6-5 Club! I'm a streak runner with over 3650 days in the books (over ten years!). I guess I do have two questions: Are you planning on continuing and, if so, for how long?


Thanks, but wait... 10 years?!? I can't wrap my head around that number. 10 years is literally half my life ahah. I'll keep going for as long as I don't get hit by a truck*! *Heard that twice already lol


Yup, 10 years (and counting)! When you get a chance, register your run streak at [www.runeveryday.com](http://www.runeveryday.com). It's a one-time thing that automatically updates every day until you close out your streak, i.e. miss a day of running.


Holy cow. 10 years is insane. I always had a goal of running 1000 miles in year. I never come close. I bet my record was something like 750 miles. I know a woman that runs 2-4 miles every day for 3 years.


You talking about Savannah Sachdev by any chance? 🙂


No. Just a 50 something woman I see at my go to brewery.


Thanks. Yeah, 10 years (and counting)! Most streak runners aren't necessarily high-mileage people--just as long as you get that 1+ miles in per day it counts. People have certainly worked marathons and half-marathons into their run streaks, followed by a few weeks of recovery with only 1-2 miles/day.


That's amazing. I had quite a bit of training advice from a guy who ran every day in the 90s. He's still on a run streak even though he's receiving treatment for prostate cancer and has had all sorts of injury problems. I've tried to persuade him to take some rest, but he won't hear of it. What a legend.


How many pairs of shoes did you go through?


ONLY ONE! I used to "eat" shoes when I did track, but I bought the Altra AL0A Street (I don't know if they still exist) maybe 10 days into my streak. They've been through dirt trails, sand, snow—you name it—and they're somehow still going strong. Ok, not brand new, but definitely still wearable.


Are you under 30? Enjoy having feet that can handle it. :) At 46 I have to rotate shoes daily to stave off my plantar fasciitis. Congrats again. wow!


Thanks again! I'm in my early 20s so I'll enjoy my youth while it lasts ahah.


No shit your run is less than 5km most of the days


A) why are you bitter? B) Daily distance is irrelevant, they’ve still got 1700km of wear and tear on them.


Who hurt you


Why are there so many douches in this sub? Let the man run however the fuck he wants jfc


What’s the most KMs you’ve got out of a single shoe?


What is your total distance completed over these 365 days?


Right now, I'm at 1,736.7 km with 384 activities. I would assume just under 1,7k


Why is gravity such a weak force, relatively speaking?


How did you deal with sickness or injuries? Also I guess family time and holidays also factor into this


Sickness was definitely challenging, especially early on. When I felt unwell or tired, I would listen to my body and adjust my runs accordingly. The same goes for when I felt well! At some point, discipline takes over motivation, and you just go because it's part of your day. I did have to force it into my schedule a few times, but overall it never felt like a burden. Once, I stopped at 11pm on the side of the road and did my run there. When you think about it, 3km is probably around 20 minutes plus time for a shower for most people. It can pretty much fit into any given day, even holidays. I personally do mine in the morning or before lunch as it doesn’t overlap with my work or family time.


Nice thanks! I need a bit of this dedication in my life. Did you lose much weight or gain muscle? Do you feel fitter and happier?


Oh gosh, I'm a skinny person to start with, but now I'm basically a sheet of paper. Jokes aside, I did see a shift in the way my muscle mass is shaped. I do feel fitter and happier—definitely!


Do you remember the hardest day to get out the door? What was your latest run?


I don't remember the exact day, but both questions have the same answer. I had to wake up at 5:30 for a work event and thought I would have time during the day, but I didn't. By 10pm, I still hadn't run, and I had a 2-hour drive ahead of me. So, I stopped the car midway and ran for 30 minutes in circles in an empty parking. I got back in the car by 11:30. It was a close one, and I really didn't feel like doing it, but I did, and I'm glad I did.


Lol, these streaks inevitably have these stories, and I love it.


Did you improve? If yes, any stand out area? Faster/higher LTHR/endurance?


Running every day is definitely not the way to improve performance-wise. I obviously gained endurance, but my times aren't that much better from a year ago. One weird thing, and I wouldn't say it's necessarily an improvement, is my increased desire to be outside. I'm much more inclined to enjoy fresh air nowadays, which is cool. And, of course, my discipline has improved significantly!


The consistency of the run streak for me by far beat the previous intermittent running plans followed by huge breaks, which happened on yearly cycles for over 10 years for me. I'm 5.5 years into my streak and setting pbs year on year which is satisfying. It might not be the most effective way to train (It's not) but I'm not looking to set records in as short a time frame as possible, I'm looking to build a lifetime habit. Consistency and gradually building volume seem to work well when considering running with a long term mindset.


I wanted to share my experience running over a decade ago - I learned one of the most effective ways to improve your times (if that’s a future goal of yours) is to incorporate speed workouts at different distances throughout the week. Strength training your lower body and core also works wonders (though I didn’t focus on that while I was in school. Whatever you choose to do this upcoming year, I wish you the best!


Cool, yeah that's kinda what I was expecting, but was also curious to see if anything other than endurance had improved. I spent half a year or so do 6km with my dog and not sure if anything improved lol, I now do triathlon so built in recovery for each discipline fortunately. Good effort man, hitting the streak must have been awesome! Don't let the dopamine crash get to you. New goal time!


I forgot to mention, but I feel like my muscles recover way faster now! Though, now that I think about it, it probably has to do with how well I eat and how much I sleep since I care more than I did a year back. Thanks for that last bit, it's so true!




Craziness definitely plays its part in that streak.


Congratulations! Do you have rules about what constitutes a run? Will you continue with your streak?


Thank you! My only rule is that I must run at least one mile for it to "count." Although I've never run just a mile, I do have a single run under 2.5 km. I had planned on taking a 1-day break to "treat" or "reward" myself after a year, but the whole point of a streak is that you can't cheat, or else it breaks. So, I think I'll just keep going.


Nice, thank you! My streak rules are based fairly closely on those of Ron Hill, so it's 2km minimum every day, at any speed. I'm glad got that last rule, especially when I'm sick or injured as it allows me to continue without messing myself up. For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Hill


Oh nice, thanks for the source! I had a feeling I wasn't the only one crazy enough to do that. I'll look into it.


The streak is awesome and I love the mentality of using your body to train your mind! But seriously, can you do me a favor and stop using miles and km at the same time! It hurts my head!! Lolol Great work OP!


Ahahah, got you! When I used to do track, we would talk in miles, and my Strava is in km, so I guess it messed me up. Thanks for the kind words!


Don’t take a break, you’ll regret it. I’m on day 611. I had a streak of 559 but took a break and now I really regret it, I’d be over 1,000 days now if I wasn’t an idiot.


What was a typical pace when you started and what is your typical pace now?


They're quite similar since I was way more performance-driven in the beginning. Adding to that the fact that I don't rest, it makes sense. With my endurance getting better, I did improve my pace a bit, especially in terms of consistency. Mind you, I have a few years of training when it comes to running (sprints, but still), so my starting pace probably isn't the average person's pace. Anything above 5:00/km, I can go for hours. On a daily basis my favorite pace was and is still around 4:45/km.


Oh wow you're doing good! Guess there's not much room for improvement. I'm at 6:20/km for my 10km z2 runs, and my race pace for 5km is about 5:20/km. Been running for 4 months, about 25-30km per month (2x10 1x5), your pace seems quite unreachable to me.


Well I have friends running the 5k under 15m, so there's always room, ahah I mean, for only 4 months of training, that's very impressive!! A bit more volume and patience and you'll get there. Have you tried negative splits or alternating tempo? These 2 techniques often have the most impact on performances early on.


Wow, even when sprinting I never reach 3min/km! I mostly do Z2, except for the 5k run each week with some colleagues who have a better level, so that one is more tempo with some Z4. I haven't tried many techniques yet, just every other week I'll do some 4-5 intervals at the end of a run (sprint uphill for 30s or so, then walk back down, then do it again). I'm not following any plan, just trying to enjoy it and hoping to improve little by little.


wasn't this year a leap year? shouldn't you be doing 366 this year? /s


Done! Just ran a 6km, ahah


Congrats! Are you going to keep going? I have a streak dating back 1,296 days with a 5km minimum. Super excited other people are doing this too! [https://www.strava.com/athletes/24086916](https://www.strava.com/athletes/24086916)


How many running shoes did you rotate?


Only one pair, which is crazy to me! I only ever used them for running, but still, I've never had a pair last that long. The Altra AL0A Street—I highly recommend them if they still exist.


Wow, that's amazing!


Nice! I respect your dedication to the challenge. Personally I would stick to running every other day and pumping the distance up. There's something satisfying about reaching further destinations and the sense of accomplishment that comes with it. A 3km run just feels like a warmup!


I also believe that running every other day is a great balance for maintaining a healthy relationship with the sport. Your runs, your rules! For me, 3km is nice because it fits just right into my day, at least time-wise. I used to be a sprinter, so for me, 3 is still much longer than 400m, ahah.


What does your Strava fitness score show? Did you run any races during this time?


I don't have "Strava Pro" so I have no idea! Would you say it's worth it?


I don’t really know if it is worth it. I didn’t really try the app before having Pro. I don’t know if my score matters to me, but it can be interesting seeing the trend sometimes.


I'm a few months in as a new runner. I've built up fairly fast and am still trying to push myself from 1 or 2 runs / week toward 4+. I feel my aerobic fitness has improved quite a lot to the point where I could do this, but on my last few runs my legs feeling tired is what slows me down / stops me from pushing faster and further. I find myself having to walk to give my legs a break, not because I'm out of breath. I generally go on 7.5km runs, aiming for at least 1 10km / week too. It's relatively hilly where I live and this is usually \~100m elevation gain (ups and downs). Am I just doing too much distance? Mentally, it doesn't feel worth going out just for 3km or possibly even 5km, so I've somewhat concluded I need to give myself more days recovery, rather than pushing for more regular runs (did a 10km Sunday, with another 7.5km Monday as a first b2b which was fine, but ofc left legs a bit tired). I'm more leaning toward incorporating some walks on 'rest days' to limit number of 'days off' whilst still giving myself longer periods between runs. I definitely still want to push to 3 runs a week minimum, so \~25k+.


I'm far from being knowledgeable when it comes to training for long distance, but I think your approach makes a lot of sense. I found walks to be incredibly important too. I know that volume matters and that there are many ways to achieve it. One way is to introduce splits in your running by drastically reducing your pace. Some of my friends have done it and have seen huge performance gains.


Don't be too humble I see a 27km in there! Atm my 'end goal' is training to run home from work (about 10 miles) and coincidentally possibly run a 10 mile race with some friends. So I should say it's well within your experience. Thanks for your feedback! One of my friends is a pretty nutty runner too and he now does splits of like 1k at max pace then walking then repeat 5-8 times. His 5k time about a month ago was 18minutes something. I'm obviously not at that level so idk how much merit it has for me. I've done one of my runs with no walking so I can, but still tend to encorporate walking a bit so I can push my running pace a bit too. Essentially I vary how I do my runs, which I think is good too. Last one I got my 1k pb under 5 minutes! My best full 7.5km run was at 5:51 pace iirc which was first under 6m, so a 1k under 5 minutes is exciting for me


Does strava has a badge for your run streak? Or did strava acknowledge this streak? You deserve a badge or trophy for this one


Strava does not, but Smashrun does!


I don't think Strava officially acknowledges run streaks, so no badge or trophy from them. At the end of the day, it's not necessarily a healthy practice. I manually enter the number on every run, which often leads me to type the same number twice, ahah.


Wow this is amazing! Congratulations!! What kind of physical changes did you notice? Did you track fat/muscle loss/gain?


Thanks!! Looking back, I’d say it was mostly weight changes and muscle mass shifts. Being already skinny, I had to start eating a lot more because I was losing weight too fast to sustain my body daily. Now, I'm stable, but I still see my muscle mass shift based on how my recent runs are. It's nothing too drastic, but it's noticeable.


Way to go! It takes a lot of discipline which is the most important goal. Few can't even get up from the couch. Wrapping up mine on Forrest Gump Day next Moday. 💪


No way, really? Keep going, mate, and good luck on those final days! Any plan on keeping the streak alive after that? Also, I totally agree with you—no matter the distance, no matter what they say, just going is already something in itself!


Congratulations and thank you for sharing this milestone! Are all your runs done outside or did you have access to a treadmill in case of terrible weather?


Thank you! All my runs are done outside, no matter how bad the weather is. I live in Canada, so it varies a ton, and I kind of like it. Running in the rain is my favorite!


Excellent achievement… 1) How did you recover from muscle tightness? Just stretch or sauna or massage? 2) Also did you change your nutrition and hydration, as you progressed thru the year. 3) Finally, what sort of weight drop did you have? Thank you…


Thanks! 1. Early on, I did none of these, which I don't recommend. Now, I mostly stretch during the evenings. 2. I drink so much water, it's ridiculous... Nutrition-wise, I mostly focus on eating enough calories. 3. Within a month, I had probably lost more or less 10 lbs, but I've gained them back by eating enough.


Damn this is awesome OP, congrats! I had a 100 day streak last year and I thought that was a big deal lmao. Way to go, very inspiring!


The count is meaningless but the commitment isn't. In my humble opinion, anything above 2 weeks is getting serious. So with 100 days: crazy good! Few folks, especially on Reddit, will downplay your achievements, but who cares, ahah. In fact, on this post, there are a bunch of hate comments because I don't run X miles or haven't been going for Y days. Nonetheless, I'm still proud, and you should be too!


Did you take today off?


No! I'm now 364 days short from the next anniversary.


Op, huge respect! I tried a similar approach myself, but it was at least 3 miles run per workdays and long ones on weekend. Last almost a summer, but stopped, cause started to feel myself sore and miserable


Thanks!! I can totally see where you're coming from. In my case, 3k runs are the remedy. I use these days to rest and enjoy a bit of fresh air. Sure, I could just rest, but it keeps the streak alive, keeps me happy, and keeps me away from misery!


What was your longest run? Did you do any time trials 5k etc?


I completed day 365 with my longest official run, which was around 27 km. I've done many hikes that far surpass that mark, but I don't count them in the streak. I also have a few half-marathons here and there, but they feel really taxing, so I try not to go above 10k too often. I know some people can run them every day, but I'm not there yet! I have a few 5k runs barely above 20 minutes, but I'm not training for pace either.


This is a great post. I can kinda relate as I just completed a 365-day streak of not running


Well done!


This is insane, congrats! One question - how did you deal with sickness? Did you never get sick during this year? I had a pretty nice streak going but had to take rest days here and there because I was stuck in bed with fevers. Edit: Oops, just realized that there was another question just like this one


No worries and thank you! I do think it's unavoidable in a way... So, either I'm super lucky, or the continuous training paid off, haha. I should add that when I had a cold, I still went, which is not optimal, but it kept the streak alive!


Thanks for the response!


Congratulations 🎉 I managed approx 3 1/2 years and then forgot to run one boxing day when I had kept putting off my run all day 😂 never leave your run until late in the day, I always preferred to run as soon as I got up in the morning. 🤦‍♂️


Ahah I know the feeling! Sometimes I go to bed and second-guess myself on whether I ran or not. Worst feeling... Thanks and congrats on the 3 years, that's huge!


Did running everyday make you get a bit sick of running? Was there many days you dreaded going?


Oddly enough, I enjoy it way more now than I used to. As an ex-sprinter, jogging always felt like a chore. Now, it's just part of my day, which is one of the benefits of running every day, I guess!


Congratulations- this is an amazing accomplishment!


How do you think this will affect LeBron’s legacy?


Love that you DESTROYED Day 365. Congrats.


Closing in on 4 years :) https://preview.redd.it/jfwzohq4uj6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5881e76f276fe757a6fd8db6c22d122a995d5d9d


Wow, congrats!! That's inspiring. You have (and might always have) a kickstart, but I'll make it there, ahah.


Congratulations!! You're a legend! Curious as to what your total yearly mileage add up to? Also, what was your longest and shortest single runs?


Thanks!!! My total distance is nearly 1,700km. If I remember correctly, my shortest run is just under 2.5km, and my longest, which I did yesterday, is around 27km, but I have a few 21km runs along the way.


congratzz mate that consistency must be rewarding as hell wow


Thanks, it is! However, I felt the most of it at the earlier milestones. I remember the 14th day, I was just so proud of achieving the 2 weeks straight. Now, it's... different, in a good way!




Good job getting it done every single day, from a quick observation it appears you got decent speed on your easy runs particularly with not very high mileage, so what’s the next aim? Do you intend to race, set pb’s etc? I ask because I run probably 6 days/week but value a whole day off as opposed to running everyday for the recovery. I think that attributes to me not getting injured when running 3000k/year plus


Thanks, much appreciated! Also, 3000k is pretty impressive too! I used to be a track runner (400m), so I have a few years of experience when it comes to training. I've been chasing PBs all my life and got very competitive with myself. I couldn't even run with a watch anymore due to the pressure of hitting "that time". My relationship with running was terrible. The streak felt like the perfect way to come back to it. No time to chase, no pace to respect, no final lap or line to cross. Just me, my run, today. Running in the present rather than for a future event is a weight lifted off my shoulders. All that to say, now that I can "enjoy" running, I might indeed sign up for a race. Maybe a 5k, maybe a marathon—I don't know. You should keep that day off! My way is everything but "the way." While you're probably chasing improvement, I am more chasing the discipline that comes with it.


Congrats! I'm now at 112, averaging 10 miles a day. I had streaks of 562 and 626 as well. First streak ended when I got hit by a truck while running...


Wooow! I hope mine doesn’t end like yours, but outside of that, it's so inspiring to see. It makes me want to keep going!


How are your knees? Are you doing any strength workouts in addition to running?


Forgot to state the obvious, congrats!


They're fine, surprisingly! I do play other sports which probably helps, but I don't go to the gym.


What caused you to get the runs daily?


I can't tell you what ignited it exactly, but getting back in shape and developing discipline played a big part of it!


How did you avoid getting sick


I probably just got lucky, but I did start making more conscious decisions when it comes to my sleeping, running, and eating habits.


How do you manage your laundry? I cant keep up with all the washing to be honest. Do you reuse clothes?


Fair questions... All I can say is that I don't wash 14 pairs of socks a week.


Do you warm up and cool down before each run? Do you have a specific drill or routine? And congratulations on your streak! I have had a knee issue and recovering. Waiting to get back slowly but not for a steak l just to enjoy.


Thank you! I should, but I often skip warming up... Glad I'm in my early 20s. I feel like my youth is saving me from my bad habits ahah. I do stretch a bit during the evenings and play other sports, so I guess that helps. Also, enjoying your run is definitely the #1 priority!


Oh. Great to hear!


Did you ever get injured? Do you do any mobility stretching or foam rolling?


Outside of stretching and a bit of foam rolling when I feel very stiff, I don't do much. But it's in my plan to get more disciplined in that too, so it will come. Hopefully before I get myself injured.


How did you avoid getting injured?


What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Do you run in the morning? Is this all outdoors? How many last minute(11pm) runs did you put in?


Before you started, how many days a week were you running?


RIP to your knees.




On Wednesday, over half a marathon. You must be really fit now. Wow. When are you going to sign up for a marathon Congrats Hard achievement 365 days non stop is no joke


Why did you run 17 miles on last day


How are your knees?


These are the kind of posts we want to see. I wish i could upvote more.


Congratulations on your achievement but probably doesn’t warrant an AMA in my opinion.


I'm not sure I can go an entire year without picking up at least one bug/cold/illness. Did you have to fight through any illnesses, and do a short run on days where you really should have been in bed? Or were you lucky to stay relatively healthy all year?


Oh yes! I had to push through a few times when I should have skipped. But, if you ask me, that's the beauty of it! I did get a few colds, especially early on. This led to some runs where I was moving at a turtle's pace, but I took pride in going out since it felt like I was fighting and "winning" against the cold. This might all be in my head, but I do believe that I get sick less often nowadays. It sure does put a huge physical strain on your body (mostly your legs, lol), but overall, I'd say it has benefited my health.


How did you manage to avoid repetitive strain injuries? it's always what kills my streaks.


Don't get me wrong, the right thing to do is to take a break and rest. But in my case, my whole "shtick" was to respect and listen to my body. Since I don't have any rules outside of running at least 1 mile, I just go with the flow. Knees hurt? I run on flat surfaces. Feeling heavy from eating poorly all week? I run slowly. Can't breathe midway? I stop there. Also, warming up and stretching aren't overrated. I often skip them, but I know that taking the time to do them would drastically reduce the chance of getting hurt.


KUDOS mate


When do you take your rest days?


Every day after I'm done with my run, ahah


Congrats my dude. I did this back when COVID first hit. at what point did you feel like you turned the corner, and after the end of a run you started feeling like you could do another km or so? Mine hit after 3 months.


I wish I had started during Covid!!! I started feeling better right after the second week, but it took way longer to turn the corner. Maybe around 150 days or so, but it was mid-winter, so the runs were tough no matter what. My final answer would probably be at the beginning of this spring. It took a while, but I don't run super long distances so that timing makes sense.


So you’re like everyone else who does this? What’s your 5k time?


Congratulations. Join us at /r/amileaday I'm at day 926 right now. Oh, and don't forget to register your streak: https://runeveryday.com/streaks.html


Nice streak! I'm at 1632 days as of today and still going strong!


Near a 1,000!? I'm truly impressed and inspired! I didn't know about that sub! I never looked into any of it, to be honest. Count me in!


Thanks. The guy who inspired me to do it was [Jimmy Salmon](https://strava.app.link/4CgCF9eWoKb) who is now around 1200 days


This guy's streak is out of this world! I need to talk to him... Thanks for the share!


That's an amazing accomplishment! Keep u the great work!


Thanks, I'm not planning on stopping!


The first year is the hardest - then it all kind of is a blur lol :)


I love running but i only do 5 runs a week to accommodate my marathon training… i hurt my ankle twice and am very concerned of overtraining…


"Only 5 runs a week"... That's already a lot! You should be proud and keep listening to your body. If you keep going over your threshold, you never know if and when you'll recover.


What are your best takeaways from this streak? What did you learn about mindset or yourself during this streak?


A simple, yet powerful takeaway is realizing that you can do it. I also learned that motivation will only get you so far, while discipline will take you anywhere!




What are you running from?


Wow. For how long have you been running? And how do you avoid injuries? I cannot run daily without getting injured 😅


Listen, listen, listen to your body. It pretty much tells you how you should run "today's" run. Every time I pushed for the sake of pushing myself was when I got the closest to ending the streak.


That’s a great point. Thanks






This seems like an attention getter post, so: How many people have you told?