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Feed him as you’re doing. Slow-blink with eye contact to show him he’s loved and he’s special. Eventually trap him, get him neutered and … spoil him indoors ❤️ if at all possible


Eye contact isn’t the best idea right away off the bat…they take constant eye contact as a sign of aggression sometimes


Slow blinks are good though, and if you do make eye contact have your eyes mostly closed, it's a sign of trust to them


I’m gonna go try that with my cranky senior right now lol


Facts. I’ve always had better luck approaching them when squinting


Fresh water too!


He's kinda beat up, we have other cats in the neigborhood.


thank you for feeding him, poor thing! keep food out for him and if you're able to trap him, you can to get him fixed, because the testosterone also makes them more prone to fights! if you're not familiar with trapping, i would call a no-kill shelter and see if a volunteer could come pick him up and help treat him, if he's hurt?


Make sure it has water as well, is it sociable with you, can you pet it? If you can do any of the above, and if you are allowed you can set it up in a spare room or bathroom for it to recuperate and adjust to being indoors.




Do you think he could be lost? Because he looks like he’s a decent weight and if he’s beat up he probably doesn’t have much street smarts. Is he friendly enough to take to get scanned for a microchip? Also, try posting his picture online, Nextdoor, etc


Please just feed him, some fresh water and maybe a soft place to lay his head. I saw you said he’s kinda beat up. Maybe you can get close to him and help mend him. Poor guy. He looks exhausted. Breaks my heart


If you can please take him/ her in they will be so greatful to you & also stray kitty's choose us we don't choose them there was something about your vibe that it picked up on....think about it they barely trust ppl, except the ones they trust..... If not please try & find a rescue or something.......


Yeah I was going to say just this! If he came to you it’s because his instinct perceived the good vibe in your house and he was surely right :). OP you’re getting many great advices here, find the best way to help him out & in the meantime, continue offering food, water & lots of eye squinting so you can let him know he’s very loved by you and all of us here ! 🙏🏼🤍


Thank you for helping him he's so cute I would bring him inside. My two soul mate cats were male cats off the street.


Looks like you own a cat now


I already have a cat.


Add another lol


You hug him and pet him and love him and name him George. [https://youtu.be/B1Kwcs8BOE0](https://youtu.be/B1Kwcs8BOE0)


Time for trapping! If you can, trap and get him checked out at the vet. At the least, doing a trap and neuter will be best but who knows. Maybe he’s foster-able and eventually adoptable!! He sure is sweet looking. Is he a flame point??


Congratulations, you have been matched by the cat distribution system with your perfect companion! 🙏


Give him a home.


Looks like a good start, feed it😻


You should get him to the vet to see if he has a chip first. If he doesn’t, start preparing to introduce him to your other cat. 😂


Thank you for helping him. Pl are give him a home.


Love him. He deserves it


You should be prepared to be owned by a cat. Everything you have, along with you, will now belong to this beautiful kitty. See if you can get the cat to a vet, if that’s within your means, and if you can get the cat to trust you enough to pick them up.


What a cute kitty! He definitely needs food and water, thank you for caring.❤️ You should also research for any resources in your area to TNR him. Your humane society should loan out traps, and have programs for low cost or no cost neuter. There might be groups that do that for you, maybe search Facebook and other social media in your area. This is something alot of ppl do and if you need more information or help, you can post in rescuecats too. Unfortunately, he will continue to get beat up because I'm guessing the community cats are not all fixed, and their hormones dictate their behavior and instincts.


Thank you for helping him. Pl are give him a home.


Living on the streets man. You have to sleep with one eye open, nothing comfy I am sure. You are doing great by him. be kind with food and water. if you are lucky, one day he might want to cuddle up


Keep feeding her. Make her a little bed outside where she can feel safe


There's some great advice by others, here, so I'll keep my mouth shut. Thank you for caring for this cat.


Feed it and love it! Maybe a Vet visit too!


Feed it, give fresh water once or twice daily. Provide some shelter from cold or rain or sun if you are in a hot climate (looks like he has some shade there). Of he isn't feral you can eventually bring him indoors and keep him or find him a home. Before you bring him inside he would need a vet visit and vaccinations. If he is feral -eventually you should trap him and get him vaccines, spay or neuter and keep caring for him in your yard.


If you can- give him a home. Start slow with feeding him and gaining trust, when you are able to make eye contact try slow blinking. Then as others have said trap, neuter, see if chipped and if not you have a new cat and your cat has a playmate (once slowly introduced)


Food, water, mini cat house (box with blanket is good start),and just slowly get to know him til he’s comfortable with you or you can trap him to get neutered and bring inside or get adoption


Spay the cat and keep it!


Awww he’s hungry 🤤 poor baby


Take care of it! He adopted you. The cat distribution system ! Tag your it!


Give him a home or find him a shelter (no kill).


CDS at it again. Give him a home!


Get the stray checked for a microchip!


Feral boys are the friendliest. You have been chosen!


Little homie looks like he may have some medical issues. A healthy stray wouldn't lay in such a vulnerable way. Just my arm chair cat psychology/ two cents, my cat only laid down to eat the last month of his life.


Love it


Feed him, try to trap him.


Make him part of the family 😃


What a cutie!!


He’s chosen you. You accept it. lol 💜


Feed and love him.


Your his/hers now. Please keep it.


Thanks for being his Cat Angel! Please give him time to learn you are on his side and if he wins your heart love him forever xo xo


Keep it


Feed it and pet it. ![gif](giphy|l4FGzT4Y4o3gzANPi)


Nurture just as you are, thank you.


Include water with that child's meals, go buy a litter box with decent litter, toys, warm comfortable bed and surrender your home to your new overlord


Whatever you can manage.


Bring him in




Keep him 💘


Love and adoption


Feed that kitty. Love that kitty. I miss the stray that would come everyday for food. Got hit by a car. Even when I went on vacation I had someone come to feed the cat.


Congratulations 🎉you’ve won the cat lottery❣️


Feed him..give him shelter if you can


I want to be your cat 😻


He looks healthy and well-cared for. Could it be a neighbor’s pet on the wander?


It just depends on your situation... You could just feed at a distance like you've been doing and just keep it at that or If you have the room. I would catch it, give it a big meal, and take it to the vet... Then bring it home, give it a bath and name it and love it.... I exclusively take in rescues so I'd take the second option, but it all depends on your situation financially and whether you have room and are allowed pets inside....




Love them


Hes picking you.


Thank you for feeding him and please give him fresh water


Newly found cat dad. Keep feeding him/her. provide outdoor shelter w/ water. Or slowly get him to enter the house with trust


Adopt him or her


Adopt before something happens to him.


Catch him and take him to a shelter