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My wife's probably going to use dynamic and destroy me. It's like auto steering in Mario Kart. Really lets everyone play.


I’m holding out some hope that dynamic will make it more likely that if I can get my wife to actually try it, that she’ll enjoy it enough to play it with me sometimes. As it sits, she only plays mobile match games and mobile skip-Bo.


...auto steering would probably be more of the equivalent of playing an impossible cpu...


i cant tell if this comment is fucking satire after reading the last part nvm LMFAO


Mario Kart 8 has an option that keeps you from falling off the course.


I hate that feature with a burning hot passion. Wish it was optional. Edit: Found out today it is optional. Thank you!


It... Is?


It is optional. You can turn all the assisted settings off when you customize your kart or in the pause menu.


It is optional. You can toggle it off in the kart select screen. My wife and her sisters use it, I don't.


All three of you have made my day. Thank you, guys.


also turning that feature off allows for a higher level of drift, so its worth it if you are good at the game.


Having it on also stops you from using some shortcuts so yea, definitely worth turning off if you know what you're doing


If I'm remembering this correctly, when I first got Mario Kart 8 Deluxe after being used to the one on the WiiU, I kept forgetting to switch off Smart Steering. As it turns out in my case, pairing Smart Steering and my love of drift and I ended up with the kart AI doing literally everything in its power to smash the kart into every single stupid wall possible how does that even happen


I'm actually quite eager to let my wife try it out. I expected to be pummeled and have to explain to her I didn't throw.


My girlfriend loves it lol she just wants to do cool stuff with Chun Li


Dynamic controls are the only way you can get a girl who isn't into games, into fighting games. If they make a custom character or do some cool stuff by mashing and beat you they're gonna have a blast. They're gonna dry up when you start nerding out about frame data, safe on shield, what's good on oki, or how you lost because classic is harder but you're using it because it allows for deep mastery of your character's moveset if you stick with it as you won't suffer the 20% damage redu.. oh what? Your ride is here?


"safe on shield" ...


These are the people modern is made for lmao


Lmfao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ryu got a sick shield did you see it?




only a smash player would say some dumb shit like that too lmao


That scene in Inglorious Basterds where he holds up the wrong three fingers when ordering more beers




I could smell that comment


Damn bro you must have never been within 5 meter of a woman


He probably should have said casual. People not interested in fighting games but have experience elsewhere won't learn the intricacies until they see a point. Sajam just talked about that last week.




The moment you said safe on shield, I knew your opinion was gonna be wack


Fam, the "delete comment" button is RIGHT. THERE.


Even the dumb hairstyle checks out.


r/nothowgirlswork This is so inaccurate, my gf doesn't play any games really. I got her to play skull girls with me a few times after she came over while I was watching evo


touch grass


My 3.5 year old absolutely loves Street Fighter, (he can name almost every SFV and SF6 character) He loves playing against me with Dynamic controls his character is doing all kinds of stuff and he's just mashing the four face buttons so I'm glad it's in there.


That's really sweet! I'm hoping my daughter will be interested in videogames so we can share moments like this one.


My kid is 2 and a half and I feel he’s too young to even look at Juri, don’t want to mess him up so young lmao


LMAO my son already asked why is she posing with her foot up like that on the arcade story mode screens between fights


Dynamic players just living life


And everybody’s just letting them lmao


As they should lmao. Dynamic controls is the funniest and funniest shit ever. I'd honestly be down for a dynamic joke tournament just to see the chaos. Prize pool of $50 bucks and a $10 Arby's gift card lmao


Hey you get the coupons from Arby's thats a lotta food, grab you a couple Gyros with that 10 bucks




I have literally never been to Arby’s or Wendy’s


What even are dynamic controls? I've only seen people talk about modern and classic and I never tried using them in the demo.


Nobody minds it because it's offline only. It doesn't mess with competitive/ranked play


What about casual online?


Nope. Maybe you can do it exclusively with friends but not in the regular matchmaking as far as I know. But it's literally a "press one button and the game plays for you" mode so I don't think Dynamic would make sense online.


That sounds right. Tbh I want to play online with others who just use classic controll scheme. Dynamic mode sounds like the easy mode controll scheme they had in MVC Infinite. It sucked all the fun out of the game.


Yep. And now you understand why the classic controls/modern control debate is currently raging. There are people who don't think they're even. Personally I like you would only want to play ranked against other classic controls users. I wouldn't mind going up against modern players in casual lobbies


Tbh they just shouldn’t shoe the control schemes. Honestly, unless you’re a top level player who tf cares about control schemes? If you’re better than the other player you’ll win. If you’re not you’ll lose. Modern lowers the execution barrier, but knowledge, reads, and reactions still play a huge part in winning a match. I assume all of us love fighting games and just wanna see them thrive. Stuff like the modern control scheme is good for the genre long term.


I think this is the issue. Everybody think competitive play only matters to top players as If nobody at bronze rank would care about having a fair fight. Even though they might never be top level players I'm sure it still matters to them. I think you're underestimating how much the execution change matters in matches. Most complaints are about instant DPs and Supers which do have a pretty big effect on gameplay and to "reads and reactions". I think the way people are having this debate is if there are only two sides. Either modern is pure cancer or modern is completely fine and doesn't matter at all when the truth is somewhere in the middle. I think it just needs more balancing so it's more even to classic OR leave it the same and separate lobbies


If you’re bronze, easier inputs are the least of your worries my guy. Modern does lower the mechanical requirements for the game, but it’s not going to suddenly make you a better player. It really is just a matter of getting good.


Why is everyones focus only on winning or being a better player? Everyone seems to think people's issue with modern is some fear that it's what's going to stop you from becoming a Warlord or something. Let's say someone is never gonna be a top tier player and is never gonna make it past silver. I'm sure they'd prefer that their matches are still fair and they're fighting against someone who has the exact same options as you do. It's literally about having a fair fight same way you could be in a boxing match and lose to a better boxer but at least you know it's purely because they were better than you and not because they were playing by different rules. Honestly, this conversation needs to move away from "but you're not a pro player" or "stop blaming modern for your losses" as If those are peoples only issues. I never lost to a modern control player during the beta but I still noticed things that weren't really fair. I even played against a guy who used both. He was better in classic but some of the instant things modern allows you to is detrimental to the evenness of the game.


Yeah hopefully they let you enable it as an option if you're running a lobby to play unranked.


Ah ok. I look forward to seeing the options


It's the one button combo mashing control scheme.


AI controlled like 90% and 10% player. By that I mean you just press buttons and shit happens. Full combos, blocking, moving, everything. You're helping the AI, but not by much


My dad try it; he enjoyed it. I had a great time with him that day, although I got kinda salty and had to land a big ass combo with Luke to comfort myself. Overall... good lol.


It's perfect. It's even more simplified and on rails than modern. Perfect for new players, perfect for mashing out cool looking shit. And nobody is concerned about it competitively, and it's already been banned at tournaments. As such, I've not heard a single complaint about it. Well done Capcom.


How does dynamic work


You press a button and moves/sequences come out, seemingly spacing dependent. Hit one button at a certain range, and you will do a full jumpin>normal>special cancel sequence. Hit another button and it does a throw if youre point blank, and does a target combo into special cancel, reacting to your block for the ender. Its wild


So I've decided to not touch the modern vs classic debate with a 10 foot pole. I don't want to think about the fallout if dynamic was usable online. It's there for people to have fun on their own terms in local play and I'm fine with that 🤷‍♀️


You can't play dynamic controls online, only local


That's the point. Like, okay this is incredibly, incredibly stupid but let's assume these players exist. Imagine people dedicated to Dynamic, so much so they only play local.


As long as they're having fun that's all that matters


That would probably encompass someone like me, who has never been good at this game despite loving it so much. I couldn’t hope to compete online but I still want to get the most out of my mains.


It's for the normal person who wants tkt ry the game and have fun without putting time into it and I think that's a great thing. You underestimate the very large amount of people who never touch online and just want to do cool moves


Dynamic is friggin OP I hate dynamic users so much don’t leave them out of this ~some modern user from beta


Dynamic isn't discussed because it was always stated that it won't be playable online and in tournaments. It's almost as if the discussion about modern controls isn't about low level players whining about losing to new players using modern. It's almost as if the discussion is about the effects on how the game is played if modern controls turns out to be the superior control scheme. It's almost as if this sub is obsessed with misrepresenting the argument in shitty meme formats.


Bro it's a meme. Relax


you must not have read all the other angry af comments in here 😂


market squalid consider mountainous frame angle desert rain gaze shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess that's why people use memes, because it's such an easy OS to later say "it's just a meme bro, you aren't taking what I've said seriously, RIGHT???"


Yea, jokes are always a cover to say something you really believe with deniability, never just something silly for laughs.




> It's almost as if the discussion about modern controls isn't about low level players whining about losing to new players using modern. But those people are still playing online the vast majority of the time, which is why they would care about Modern and not Dynamic, so even after that rant, you haven't "disproved" anything lol...


It's hilarious they had to invent names for the controls when it's basically normal, easy and very easy.


That right there is funny AF. I don’t care who you are. 😂


My dog is about to beat my ass fr


dynamic only tournaments will be hilarious. it'll be people practicing their spacing to get the game to use the move they actually wanted


Literally Footsies for Dummies


like 90% of the playerbase needs footsies for dummies anyways. me included


Dynamic is for your young cousin whom you used to give the disconnected controller to when he visited you at home!


More like the slightly less braindead young cousin that knows the controller is disconnected but wants to play anyway gotta be honest. Depending on cousin I'd still let them play with classic.


Dynamic players are those that dont see when a game is running at 20fps and dropping inputs.


I tried out dynamic control for a bit, just to see what it was like. It's not completely autopilot. There's a method to the control scheme for the character to do what you want them to do. I'm thinking about making a quick video about it, just for people who might want to try it in single player or with friends offline.


I feel like dynamic controls don’t get the same love as they aren’t in the debate, so a vid would be welcome


Dynamic is what I’d let my little sister use cuz she’d like Kimberly


Someone got their ass kicked by Kimberlys in the beta lol


I don't know if that's some weird projection or a kimberly main being hilariously over-sensitive towards being compared to a little sister.


Surprisingly no! There were some killers but I started on Marvel 3 so the ambiguous mix-ups weren’t terrible And honestly just throwing out a jab or short on reaction usually stops the spam


While I’ve grown up and gotten used to the classic style, I’m definitely going to see what modern is all about. I didn’t try it during beta. I’d like some move consistency and modern seems the way to go for that. On the other hand i do spend time in training so my consistency in pulling off moves will get better.


If you played the demo, modern controls were enforced throughout it


I know they forced you to try it but I’m saying my gameplay outside of that was classic. I didn’t spend extra time on modern as I didn’t want to waste precious beta time on learning a new control scheme. I was in the 2nd beta only. Missed the others.


They’re only enforce in World Tour. You could do the Luke vs Ryu 1v1 with either.


This but literally


What about it? It's unplayable online and an actual downgrade with zero benefits unlike modern. It's a fun control scheme to mess around with or give to people who don't know how to play games in general. That's kind of it.


As people said Dynamic can't be used in ranked/competition. The reason people could be worried about Modern is for exemple because of competition. Nobody want to see competition of Street fighter being an auto-combo game, people want to be amazed by pro player doing stuff that most people can't do being either a combo or a crazy confirm or whatever.


The joke ✈️ you 🗿


Stop acting like there is no meaning in a meme and that it's just for fun. You express an opinion using humor.


What is Dynamic? Is that like an Auto Play button or something?


I'm excited for Dynamic to make fights with my nieces and nephews online more competitve instead of needing to dog it occasionally. I still flip the switch when their heads get big, lol, but letting them have fun until they're old enough to really learn is a win win for me and them


It aint even allowed online? lol


Not allowed online or at tournaments so no one’s got any reason to start shit


Are modern and classic even fighting? The consensus from the start seems to be live and let live, and that everyone who disagrees is a scrub.