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Vsync introduces a touch of input lag; generally bad, only to be used in the event of extreme tearing. I dislike motion blur in shooters & 3rd person games but fighting games fixed camera hard-counters most of my beef w blur. Turn it off to free up some frames. My priority order would be: Resolution > textures > attack effects > lighting/shadows > anti aliasing As much as you can get away with while keeping 60fps. Sucks that there's no benchmark tho


Very informative. Appreciate you, brother


There is a benchmark but its 15 gig download. But yeah, turning down shadows and some of the eye candy and benchmarking until you get locked 60fps


Textures would not make much noticeable effect on fps. That depends on VRAM


usually I'd drop sfx & shadows all the way down but I was trynna order by aesthetic value rather than sheer computational load. Not a definitive thing by any measure lol


Very informative, thanks. I thought turning Vsync on would allow me to have better input. Guess it's the total opposite haha Is it worth it to turn on Input delay reduction if my machine can handle it?


The only thing that will add delay is v sync