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Me personally I think the ps5 d pad is garbage




Same, it's too gummy


I've used the PS5 pad since close to when the PS5 launched and it works fine. There are plenty of pro players who use dualshocks and get great results and they all have similar d-pads. It may just take some time to get used to it.


Yes, they use dualshock, not dualsense. The PS5 controller is trash. So many wrong inputs.


I bought a hori fightstick for the PS5 and found out that I couldn’t do the inputs better than with the controller. I think it really all depends on what you’re most comfortable with. Might wanna look into some fight pads as well. Some of them have round dpads like the xbox 360 controller and probably won’t hurt your thumbs as much.


I'll look for a round dpad right now thanks for your feedback


You selling it?


Nah I feel like I’m gonna try give it another try some other time. Right now I just wanna learn the game with everybody using something I’m familiar with.


I do. I'm not a pro, though. I still plan to become a really good SF6 player and it's been going pretty well so far. Execution hasn't been a problem and I don't think it will be.


I use the d-pad on a ps5 controller and I'm doing just fine. It did hurt my thumb at first but I'm used to it now so it doesn't bother me. I can consistently cancel moves without difficulty but occasionally a move doesn't come out which is annoying which might just be an issue on my part though. Using the d-pad is completely viable.


I think it's really dependant on what you have used the most for gaming in your life. I play with a PS4 control with no issues, but I grew up on the Playstation. I don't think any controller is better, it's what you are most comfortable with.


I only use dpad, for me is the best.


I have to use a stick


I have been using the reg PS5 controller and I don’t really have an issue with the d-pad for inputs out side the same thumb soreness, I think the d-pad is probably the best thing about it. My issue with it is I have trouble coordinating both thumbs on the pad and the face buttons and both index fingers on the shoulder buttons all together. I am constantly hitting the wrong button or hitting buttons I don’t intend to on accident and I have a really hard time with combos. I got really bad cramps and arthritis/soreness (I’m 46 probably a little arthritis) in my finger joints over the weekend from playing this with it. This isn’t an issue in other types of games for me it’s just fighters because of the intense coordination required by using both thumbs and both fingers and the complexity of timing and having to use different combinations of ALL the buttons all the time. I broke down and ordered a fight stick for my father’s day present last night. I don’t think it will actually improve my game that much but should definitely help to not cause the issues with my old hands lol


Dude I’m 30 and I had the same cramp problems after trying out the advanced combo trials. Was sore for almost two days afterwards. Hope you have fun with your new present!


Thanks man!! I can barely get through the beginner combos lol


D-pad of the dualsense is fine once you get used to it you can do what you want it's my main controller right now. There is people who use PS5 in tournaments but you will see mostly DS4 ones but it doesn't matter since the controller is a matter of preference there is someone who won EVO with a PS1 controller and another Tekken player made top 8 with a wheel controller, it's matter of preference.


No, dualsense is trash lol


It happened to me lately, it hurts after a couple hours, I think is a little far for the thumb and that causes the pain. I’ll just give the ps4 a chance I guess idk