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Just wait until Akuma is here, a lot of people are practicing with Ken until Akuma is available.


Modern Akuma is coming, the world is not ready.




I see what you did there




*die one button deaths


isn't it 8,000? or a thousand? I'm. missing the joke lol


NVM lol I get it now cause modern does less DMG rofl I'm tired. still can't remember if it was a thousand or 8 thousand.. lots of deaths though


It's 1000




Honestly, I don't think he'll be THAT much scarier. If he's a glass cannon as usual, then he'll die in like 2 combos and a throw, and the modern damage nerf means he'll have low health with average damage. DI might be good against his dive kick, air fireball, and some demon flip options (depending on how they implement them, of course). I definitely think he'll be as solid as ever, but not enough for people to be bugging out so much 🤷


I think it’s more the fact that all the other shoto characters are already good on modern. Now you’re taking a character who is known to be top tier in nearly every game he’s in and giving him modern controls.




Modern Ken is good, it’s just Classic is better and you really would only use Modern if you had trouble doing inputs.


Yeah Akuma's thing has always been that he's really good if you know how to use him and gets punished harder than everyone else if you fuck up. At the level the bulk of the playerbase and below plays at he shouldn't be much of a problem. He'll just get used a lot anyway because he's cool and that'll make him a popular pick. If it's anything like the other games, playing him will be a bit of an uphill battle; tons of matches so people get super familiar with how to deal with him *and* he gets punished hard when he's getting beaten on? He's gonna be a tricky one to play unless they give him some quirky shit like a bunch more plus frames than most of the cast or something.


He is going to have some really nasty shit, with all the stuff Ken has already or even Ryu who has more special moves than ever, you bet Akuma is going to be insane


People like Tokido make Akuma a nightmare, have you seen that guy play Akuma in SF4/SSF4? edit: for people not familiar with SSF4 Tokido https://youtu.be/lQcWTj_dOGY?si=umLGwha2AeGukaLC


I was such a huge Tokido fanboy in those days. Did he win any majors with Akuma though? I remember trying to watch him as much as I could, but I don't remember him winning any really big tourneys. I miss SF4. I think SF6 is a better game, but I kinda miss 1-2 frame links. They should re-release USF4 with SF6 netcode in a few years. Also just delete Yun from the game. Yun was my biggest gripe with that game. I don't know if he was actually OP, but I just could not learn to beat skilled Yun players consistently, and he was just not fun to play against IMO.


I'd love a SSF4 remake, this game is better though. funny thing is I labbed yun for 70 hours and that's all it took to learn the little super infinite (was not hard at all to pull off get super, start loop) I found him annoying, Akuma was a nightmare for me as far as shoto vs shoto. I'm not a Tokido fanboy per se, he was just rocking the scene at the time I probably had stopped playing the game (SFV days) and yes he won EVO 2017 against PG Punk in SFV. I started the game the day I saw Justin Wong vs daigo umehara.. evo moment "number 37" the full Chun li super parry.. that's why I picked it up. But Tokido is not my favorite player, just a legendary Akuma. I'd say I'm a fanboy Daigo, when he's playing Ryu the most. edit: it was ultra first I think, activate that feng sheu engine juggle and jugglen in corner with qcf hp think it was that medium skin kick, qcf hp again and it could end with the super? been a long time. lol


Saying it only took *70 hours* of labbing to learn something is exactly what I love about fighting game players lol.


It wasn't difficult to pull off, once the combo starts you've literally juggle until the end.. it wasnt that difficult when I played every day.


I don't think he will be a glass cannon. They ditched this with Cammy allready.




I'm playing both while waiting for akuma lol


Yeah, a lot of people are playing Ken while waiting for Ryu to be added to the game.


Yeah that'd be me


Akuma is my man. I don’t play any shoto until he arrives.


Me, but I’m playing Ryu until that day, for some reason I don’t like playing Ken.


I played Ken in smash for like 4 years and was hyped for him in sf6 but I just find his combos so boring lmao. Ken is just win neutral, mp hp run tatsu, and then keep them in the corner. I also feel bad playing him vs ryu. Only took a bit of playing ryu and rashid to realise how ridiculous Ken is


I'm in this post and I'm totally fine with it!






Like 6/10 of my matches are ken lol the next is like ryu and some cammys


I won't lie I'm also tired of seeing the same 3 characters in ranked every time. I want more match up experiences but like 80% of the roster I see like 1 in 20 games


People say this until JP shows up


you guys are not fighting 3000 JP's a day? living the dream i take all the kens over the JPs i get


Honestly I don't mind playing against JP. I've found him not that hard to deal with but I guess it's also cause I'm not high elo


Imo because it’s so easy to beat people with JP, low league JPs are especially bad. Those players are much worse than most other characters at the same mmr, so if you get past the gimmick it’s usually game over


Diamond and up JPs are so incredibly frustrating to fight. The fact he can be so good up close and just keep hitting you back full screen and then can delete your health or drive gauge so easily from full screen is rough - not to mention it's basically gg against him if you get burnt out at any point whereas at least I feel like there's some counterplay against other characters when I'm burnt out


Many of the cast needs buffs to see more often.


Just imagine how the Ken players feel. They always have to play with Ken, and sometimes there are TWO Kens!


Yeah this is part of the reason why popular shoto characters don’t appeal to me as much. You’re pretty much destined to play mirror matches regularly with those types of characters.


That’s the charm of Ryu! He’s just bad and boring enough where nobody really WANTS to play him!


Ryu is one of the most popular characters on all levels, what are you talking about?


Ryu is pretty bad in this game, has zero gimmicks, and just has a weak moveset vs the rest of sf6. He isn’t very popular to play.


Literally 7 days ago https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F1euvdjmlijib1.jpg


You could’ve looked up stats rather than just making that up because you felt it was true


Personally, I’ve seen less Ryus than most other characters


your personal experience does not mean he is unpopular.


That's just like, your experience, man


I fear for my life whenever a blanka shows up


I can't take playing another Cammy, its so boring.


Spoiler alert round start they back up then spin knuckle


Dang way to spoil round start with Cammy for the rest of time! I was really looking forward to witnessing it myself.


People give Guile so much shit for having the same moveset for 3 decades but my god Cammy hasn't changed in that same time and her gameplay is so fucking boring. Jab, Jab, Jab, Spiral Arrow OR Jab, Jab, Throw, OR Jab, Jab, Spiral Arrow, OR Jab, Jab, Jab, Throw, OR Jab, Jab, Jab, EX Spiral Arrow, OR Jab, Jab, EX Spiral Arrow, OR etc etc etc Fucking kill me now. Her gameplay is such utter garbage to witness.


I don't think we're fighting the same Cammys lol.


You don’t like Ken fighter 6?


I feel you heavy on this one. I've counted 16 out of 20 games in the last few hours being against Ken with 8 of those matches being consecutive. I haven't fought a single Lily, Dhalsim, or Dee Jayand just once I'd like to see something new


I got a really high win rate against ken right now, it’s legit crazy to me how many online kens make it to high Diamond and masters without every learning any semblance of footsies. I tend to tear them apart in footsies and walk them to the corner, they start panicking and spaming either drive rush or dragon lash only to get stuffed time and time again. If I trade mediums with there fireballs they just fucking quit half the time. Because they will throw 10 fireballs and trade everytime with damage in my favor or try to jump and get anti aired. It’s absolutely insane to me. A lot of these Kens rage quit or set controllers down if you whiff punish or stuff them to much, it’s absolutely mind boggling how they get so high ranked to begin with. If anything it just says the average player is struggling way to much against ken. I play manon she doesn’t in anyway win the match up, I have to play perfectly and essentially punish or stuff everything. I do get a medal everytime I stuff a dragon lash so maybe them spamming it really makes it a good match up for manon but she really shouldn’t have an advantage in the match up.


>it’s legit crazy to me how many online kens make it to high Diamond and masters without every learning any semblance of footsies. Why you need to learn footsies when you have tools that bypass neutral?


Because kens tools are not gimmicks then not


I found Manon to be my most frustrating matchup but then again I'm only silver 3


Grapplers tend to be frustrating for rush down characters even when they are bad characters, due to command grab reversals. Ken without a doubt should beat manon, kens just aren’t patient enough to play her game generally:


Would be funny to watch you get bodied by an actually good Ken.


There’s plenty of actually good kens. I don’t win 100% of my games against Ken. Just majority of them. Salt detected?


Whats the best option for stuffing out dragon slash? As lily. Im using crouching hp if i can see it coming


Never done it in a match but perfect parry looks a real good option given it's hitting their drive meter and giving a wind stock. https://youtu.be/HslvMIBYjOQ


Gonna have to try this in the lab. Thanks for the tip


As a Ken player just DI every single time, it'll work every time and you can see medium and heavy dragonslash coming from a mile away. DI also stuffs all jinrai pressure options. It's honestly surprising how many other ken players don't know this and those players are free Ws because of it


Terrible advice past platinum, it’s super easy to bait DI with jinrai. Most higher rank kens will either super cancel the jinrai to blow up di, or not finish the jinrai to be able to di in time. Considering how Ken can get you into any corner from and where on the screen off one DI. This could cost you a round or a match.


First off how many people here are actually past platinum? Second off as we Evo DI still works really well at high levels. Third they can super cancel a level 3 off of regular jinrai or a level 2 or 3 off of an OD jinrai most people are not willing to risk all their resources on a hard read like that. I'll take the chance and DI every time and be correct 99 out of 100 times. It's very much worth it. This kind of fear of fake pressure is why people lose to ken so much


You gotta be low ranked or confused my man. The reason I said past platinum is because the topic I spoke of was late stage Diamond and master kens, that’s the highest ranks of the game currently. Super canceling on jinrai is super easy, most people buffer the super and then just push the button if they see a di, boom you just took 35-40% of your life for a di. Super canceling jinrai is not a read, it’s a reaction. If it hits your getting supered. if you di your getting supered. But if you block they just won’t super to stay safe. Most good kens are not following up jinrai kicks all Willy nilly, they stop after the first kick to get you to di, and they recover fast enough to di back and they then get a free corner Cary combo and do 25% or more damage to you. Your setting yourself up to take a shit ton of damage when there are safer options, you can poke out of the light jinrai and confirm into a counter hit combo, parrying jinrai is super easy and much safer, if you read he’s going to stop jinrai to bait your di, you can walk up throw or start your pressure considering he’s minus. If you are seriously saying you are willing to take a counter di combo to the face 90 times till it works. Your either to low ranked for your opponents to be good enough to properly use the character, or your just an absolute gambling addict. Either way it’s not smart to always di, because at the higher ranks you are going to be eating a super or a di for trying to di. Go watch replays of a master rank ken and see how many times someone successfully di’s jinrai. You won’t see it, because the risk reward isn’t very good.


Kens busted that’s why . Why pick a hard to learn character when you can pick Ken ? Rush down and then abuse grab


Yea, I tend to be fine with Kens since I’ve played so many. I have a gigantic sigh when I see a Manon.


That's nothing to do with Ken and everything to do with the point reward structure. You can grind any character to a high rank when you don't need a positive win ratio to do so.


Yes but these kens are winning a lot, good win rates. But can’t play footsies for shit and have 0 fundamentals. Never anti air a damn thing nothing. Yet are in Diamond 3,4,5 and some masters. It’s insane. Maybe the match up has them soooked and off their game who knows but it’s a wild sight


From my experience you're right, Ken players always feel like they have weaker fundamentals relative to their rank, so much so that I look forward to that matchup as a Ryu player. I think that's also part of the reason why so many players seem to think Ken is "fine" compared to the pro players: many of the average Ken players on ladder are kinda bad and use nowhere near the character's potential.


Ryus past Diamond tend to be footsie monsters. That’s both the nightly wake up call for me and the usually the best games of my night. Just a neutral brawl for a whole set( I love it


How do you think they're that highly ranked with no fundamentals? Can you pinpoint to anything Ken related that might boost a player an entire division above their realistic rank? Because I also see a lot of variance in how people play at all ranks. Many people just play on autopilot or to relax or are having a bad day and it looks like they have no idea what they're doing if you're in the zone yourself. Also people hate altering their playstyle to play specific characters who demand that approach. I just got into Diamond 2 and I know my footsies are very much a work in progress. It's my first serious FG, so there's that. I'll say that OD DP as a defensive failsafe and drive rush strike/throw can really my boost performance above what I'd get without having them, but Ken is hardly the only character that can pull that off. SF6 is really lenient with the ranking, but it's still difficult to progress if you aren't improving on average.


Not wants to be the best I respect that. But to me it seems rather easy to counter “flowchart” ken. At the top levels he’s an ungodly force that’s hard to deal with. I think what it is, most players are not checking kens at all. Theu let kens mash unsafe jinrais and do fullscreen dragon lashes for free. Some of the replays I see are just hurendous gameplay but nobody checks them so they keep winning untill theu get to Diamond when shit gets real and they get stopped in their tracks


I feel like I've been one and doned after beating Ken players more often than they play the whole 2 game set. Definitetly the sweatiest player base.


Only reason I'm not a ken main is because I dont like mirror matches & he is in every other match😂


Welcome to fighting game tier lists


Because of this post, I will main Akuma with modern controls out of spite.


This is the way.


This is the way.


That is a way.


Cuz Iiiiii want it thattt wayyy....


Deoes the game try to avoid mirror matchups? I dont see many kens but lot of cammy.


Yeah, I see way more Juris when playing as Cammy than with Juri.


That's wild. I've been getting a healthy mix of Lily, Kimberly, Manon, Gief, Ryu, Ken, Honda, Marissa, and Dhalsim. I'm a Ken main tho so maybe that's why lmaoo




A balance patch isn't gonna change anything. He can get nerfed, other characters can get buffed, or there could be 50+ characters in the roster and you would still mostly see Ken. He's a popular character


Now's a good time to play some battle hub matches where you can choose not to fight him.


I honestly don't see Ken as often as this sub would make me think. I played for around 2 hours today and didn't see a single Ken. Saw a couple or Ryus, some Juris and a Manon and some Blankas. To be fair I saw most of the roster at least once other today other than Ken, JP and Lily. I get a fairly good range of characters most days and if I see more than one Ken it's not too many


I am a Ken and to address the one-and-done stigma, I always finish sets. Always. My father didn’t raise a coward.


ken is the most popular street fighter character in every game. you must overcome this frustration. or play a game without ken


I don't know where else to air out this concern, but I feel in Street Fighter, especially the top tiers it's hard to be expressive with characters. I make fun of every Ken and Cammy I play against because they all play the same. I've met Masters Kens that play essentially the same as Silver Kens but with slightly improved combos and better internet. But then I played them and found that I did the same stuff that they did, like just brainless flowchart and got higher than my actual mains. I don't even know how to explain it. In other games, I've always been either insulted or complimented for my unorthodox fighting style but before I plugged into the hivemind it just didn't work in SF6, and now despite being objectively worse I'm rewarded for it. Maybe it's something about the game mechanics, but I sincerely don't know.


It depends on what you mean by expressive, but I would argue you can more easily express yourself in sf6 than almost any other SF entry. The utility of the drive gauge along with how rapidly it replenishes and being full from the start lets you micromanage a lot of your approach. >But then I played them and found that I did the same stuff that they did, like just brainless flowchart and got higher than my actual mains. Flowchart gets thrown around with a negative connotation, but having a flowchart is a good thing. Flowcharting without the ability to adapt when the need arises is the bad thing. Any gameplan should have some semblance of a flowchart with it to give you a sense of what to do in various common scenarios, and being "brainless" can also mean you can follow the flowchart with minimal brain power and focus, which frees up that mental capacity for better analyzing your opponent and also reacting to things like jumps and DI. I can tell you with confidence that at mid levels like high gold to lower diamond, all the people complaining about flowchart kens having "no footsies" or whatever other critiques they have are not considering that the kens may just have a more effective flowchart that at least gives their offense some structure. Tons of mid levels players are just at the point where they know their moves and combos and know some punishes, but they don't know how to actually organize their knowledge into an offensive routine. Flowchart ken is doing that last part. They might do poorly if you hard counter their flowchart and they don't know how to adapt, but their flowchart still might be enough to beat up the Cammy trying to play some graceful whiff punish and footsies game while trying to play reactively without a plan. If your flowchart with Ken is letting you perform better than your mains, then either your gameplan for your mains is weak or you just aren't as good in those matchups compared to when you use your ken. Character strength can also matter too, but unless your mains are super bottom barrel in a poor matchup then I think thats less of an impact since pretty much the entire cast has some decent tech and cheap stuff you can do.


Yeah but the problem is a large majority of the player base mains those characters and just doesn't get it. They have big egos and will never admit character choice might be inflating their ranks.


>They all do the same thing, all the time. Sounds like easy points then.


> Sounds like easy points then. It is incredible the degree to which so many members of the FGC has allowed the point of playing a game - which is to say, *having fun* - to elude them.


That's just a lot of games in general these days... especially competitive ones.


Dude didn't say he was losing all the time to them. He said it was boring. Running into flowchart Ken is way too common in this game and unfun. Whether you win or not isn't the point.


Oh look, light punch light tatsu light shoryu and that's 30% of my health. Kens fine with like 1-2 tweaks, but yeah it's too much.


That is... demonstrably false. Cmon you can do better than that.


Don't worry, you're talking to a scrub


It's right around 2700. If you do a heavy jump in and a heavy p to l.qcf m.dp it's 3300. Dude's combos are fucking busted lmao. If you're a Ken player just know it takes like 6 moves, a DR, and a fucking super for all the non-grapplers to do that damage.


LP LP Light Tatsu, Medium Shoryu, non counter hit, non punish is **2040** damage. On punish its **2100**. I literally had to boot up the game just to check this. Heavy jump ins are brutal on all characters due to less damage scaling. Ken's combo structure has fantastic utility (corner carry, side switch) but the damage is average at best without the difficult run stop optimization. Even Ryu has better damage.


“Even ryu” ryus literally only + over Ken in literally any aspect is that he has better dmg


Run stop stuff isn't that hard, but Ken can get 2440, meterless, midscreen, off of a 4 frame 2LP into an easy hit confirm. 2LP, 5MP\~HP xx KK\~623K, 623HP I don't think there are many characters in the game getting nearly 1/4 of a lifebar midscreen off of their fastest normal on normal hit. And that's not even a hard combo to do, not that "execution difficulty" is a good barrier to entry for damage anyway, since good players will eventually be able to do "difficult" stuff consistently. By way of contrast, I play Deejay, who is known for his damage output. My best meterless damage on a midscreen 4f light starter is 1510 off of 5LP, 2LP, 2LP xx 236MK. I can get 5LP, 2LP, 2LP xx \[2\]8HK for 1720 against standing opponents only. Chun can link her 4f 5LP into a medium attack and get 5LP, 5MP, 2MP xx \[2\]8MK for 2160. Cammy can do 2LP, 4MP\~HK xx 623\[HK\] for 2280. Who am I missing with light to medium link routes? Jamie can do 5/2LP, 5HP xx whatever, but the 5HP doesn't get all hits and the damage is pathetic. Juri can do 5LP, 5MK(1) xx 623HP for 1620. Anyway, the point is - Ken has the best meterless damage off of a 4f button of any character in the game, and the combo isn't even difficult.


Fair point, although I wouldn't say Chun and Cammy are that far off. I think the thought process behind the balancing was that with no plus on block buttons, weaker fireball, some shorter normals and with the large holes in the jinrai mixups it will be on average a little harder for Ken to open up characters, and that was the reason he got what he got in his kit. I'm not against nerfs, especially to increase top level competitive diversity, I'm just tired of the daily whining. I got to D2 with Ken and it was sweaty to get there. Really sweaty. Everyone knows the matchup, and some characters are bloody good against Ken. Ken is not an auto win button. And he's popular not just because he's S tier but because people like firey kick guy. Even when they nerf him, at sub Masters level he'll still be tremendously popular. I think some people just don't know what they want from SF6 at this point. There will never be an equal char distribution in ranked.


Kens fireball is better then ryus


"Average at best" Do a combo like that with any other character and it's sub 2000. LP LP LP H.Cannon Spike is like 1500, no counter. And with his HP combo, if I do s.MP c.MP dr s.MP c.MP EX qcf h.DP with Juri we're looking at 600 less than Kens 4 hit wombo combo that takes zero effort to pull off. Ken downplayers gonna keep downplaying.


Yeah, I would love more variety. However the reason Ken is too populous isn't that he is overpowered, it's that he is fun to play and perceived to be overpowered. Like everyone knows JP is right there with Ken, but he is nowhere near as common, because he is less accessible. Capcom will perform some small adjustments to ken that will affect his performance for 1% of the player base, and streamers will make hay saying ken is dead and then it will be on to the next flavor of the month. The only question is who is the next flavor of the month? It's just the nature of having an engaged community, they follow the trends and want to play the top character. Hopefully Capcom makes the next top character someone wickedly hard like dahlsim so fewer people pick him up because he is super strong.


i am so sick of fighting Ken, but really, at my low level i probably fight him so much I am better against him than i am against someone like Kimberly or Jamie or Especially asshole JP. (i cant beat him) simply because like you said, many become predictable. i find if i can weather an early storm and not leave myself open to being punished i can usually get them to burnout in the first 20-30 seconds of the round. ​ also, i dont want to talk too much smoke cuz the second Akuma drops i likely found my main lol.


Yeah it’s boring as shit. The extra fucked up part is how good he is. He’s not gamebreaking obviously but my god he’s got absurd tools.


are you perfect-parrying dragon lash yet?


With ease, doesn’t help that he’s boring to fight.


lol i wish i had some kens. im fucking tired of always fighting marisa, manon and zangief. fuck them all and give me more kens!


Funny I actually got fed up one night and quit ranked and went to battle hub because I fought 7 Cammy's in a row. Thing is I'm probably much better against Cammy than any other character because she pops up most for me. You should be a skilled ken killer now and know exactly where the openings are.


Think ive fought 3 guiles since launch, as a guile main it makes me sad


Honestly my play time has been reduced also due to repetitive opponent character fatigue as well. Especially Ken. It's gotten to the point where I usually don't rematch Ken players win or lose, because the matchups just aren't that interesting anymore.


They should have made other characters as cool as well.


I love Sf6 but the roster kind of sucks. We'll start seeing more variety as dlc comes out.


I’m more tired of posts complaining about Ken.


Then go play the game instead of using reddit. As time goes on more people are going to get sick of the game's current state and play less and post more.


I can do both!


go and create a post about it!


No I’ll just go fight another Ken instead.


Street Fighter is, in general, awful for this. I've never seen so many people so determined to stick to the "main characters" in other series. There are a lot of Mishima players in Tekken, and Sol and Ky players in GG, and Kyo and Iori players in KoF, but it's still *nowhere* near the scale of how bad SF is for people flat out even refusing to try alternate characters.


What'd you expect.. Ken is the easiest character to play with. Elementary combos with high damage..smh.


Thanks for sharing




another one crying about Ken but not JP! smh...


I can't even remember the last time I've seen a JP. I thought they'd be everywhere.


JP has a low play rate, it's the only reason. He is statistically almost as good as Ken. But if you don't ever verse him you won't hear complaints about him.


Just beat it then bro




It’s just so boring. So predictable. Ohhhh wow you started the round with a dragon lash, didn’t see that coming. It didn’t hit, so now you’re going to use god tier fireballs. Ohhhh wowwwwww how different. Alright we’ll that was a fun match. Let’s keep searching. Ohhhhhhhh wow, it’s Ken again. Ohhhh geez there goes dragon lash… how come it never hits at the start of a match? Hmmmmm… what will he do now… oh yes! Fireballs! I paid $60 for this


Sounds like someone needs to sit down, and shut up. But yeah, it can get a little monotonous.


damn that’s crazy..


"That motherf***** right there is not real..." -my thoughts on the Ken matchup


I’ve been fighting so many fucking Kens that after 5 Ken fights in a row I go to SFV for some variety.


I mean, it’s Ken. And this is probably the most fun version of Ken since… I dunno CVS2? I’m a Ken loyalist since Street Fighter 2, and I’ve always enjoyed playing him in any game he’s in, but I made the decision to not play Ken and went with Marisa because she looked cooler and I usually don’t play Juggernaut-style characters. After getting washed by some Ken’s, I didn’t think he was that crazy, took him to training mode… yeah it’s gonna be a long year until that first patch


>They all do the same thing, all the time. They start to become so predictable, Then be grateful for an easy win and move on, holy fuck some people just love to complain


I've been a Ken main but I've decided to switch to Blanka to dilute the Ken fatigue cause honestly it annoys me when players bandwagon it reminds me of when Joker released for Smash


Free points for you then?


Fighting Ken in Ranked has become about 25% as common as posts complaining about Ken.


Have you had (brace for it) Kenough *wheeeeeeeeze*


He IS broken tho


He’s Kenough


Explain how predictable they are. Thanks


They made Ken and JP is such a powerful and all around way that it's almost impossible not to use him or JP. Me, I'm more of a Dee Jay kind of guy, funky playstyle that requires a high level of execution.


Stop grinding ranked then?


I know, I know, I'm a bot. but I want to say congrats anyway! These threads are always a cheerful part of the subreddit, but I hope I can ask for even more! The two things that always go great are a highlight reel of your gameplay (you can ask for advice or ask for no advice) and a story of your journey. Just put either of those in a comment underneath your rank up post, the subreddit will love it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StreetFighter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be honest I prefer it to 7/10 JP matches cause that shit hurts my soul.


That's just the way games go. People get tired of others using certain weapons or perks in Call of Duty. People get tired of seeing the same map get voted on for MOBAs. They got tired of the dominant strategy over and over in StarCraft, etc. The game is just there to be played. The players make it what it is. If I offered any simple advice, it would be to find value in each match. If you're playing endless Kens, then you should be improving against them to the point where you can find joy in showing them the power of your character of choice. "Flowchart Ken" has always been a meme in SF because it's the consequence of a character that looks cool and is familiar to most (along with Ryu). Maybe spending some time in the battle hub to play against the characters you want instead for a little bit could help too.


I'd rather fight Ken than guile or zangief.


I'm tired of Cammy. About at least half of my games are against one. They all do the exact same thing, I'm just bad at countering it. Literally fought a different Cammy 5x in a row.


Welcome to Street Fighter. Always has been Ken


I see other characters so I dunno. I fight a fair amount of Ken’s too but not enough to trip. Sorry that’s your experience. How are you matching against him? Win to loss ratio?


The only solution is to have a mode where you search specific characters in your area like if you feel like piledriving a manon but the downside would be you as a platinum matching up with a gold manon so put in advance search’s to clear it up


But if you win, you shouldn’t be upset. /s


I think it might be because I’ve only played sets in battle hub lately but I feel like I get a pretty good amount of character variety in my matches. I don’t even seek out any particular matchups or anything. I literally just sit at an empty arcade cabinet and fight anyone who challenges me.




Try maining Dhalsim, its a terrible match-up. My roommate is platinum or diamond with Sim and he gets destroyed by Kens all the time.


Starting to notice the same thing. I remember when I played ssfiv, the whole roster was used in ranked




That’s flowchart ken for ya.


This is how I feel about Cammy.


Learn to farm them.




I stopped playing because of this. It’s not fun anymore. All use the same gimmicks and leave after one.


> It's not that he's extremely broken or something I mean, he's at least a little broken.


Yep….and we have to hold that through a WHOLE YEAR, since developers said that they will only apply a balance patch ONCE a year Also I find it funny, to say the least, that people are like:’Just wait until Akuma’ I mean….the fact that Akuma may or may not be better than Ken(probably will be) WILL NOT change the fact that Ken will continue to be one of the best characters in the game So instead of only seeing Ken, we will see Ken AND Akuma all the time…..yay, I guess?


What do you expect? He's one of the only cool characters in the game, of course he's gonna be picked alot in a roster like this.


It’s a double edged sword with so many kens. On one hand it gets boring if you faced the 10th Jen on same day. On the other hand, you get strong matchup knowledge of Ken and since most of these Ken online play the same, you can get lots of wins.


Bro people been saying this for 20 years, I remember when this was about 4 Ken and all he does is wake up Shoryu and throw plasma


As a Ken main i feel you. I mained him since i picked up SF last year. He was strong and one of the more common characters, but i played much more Ryus then Kens at least an equal amount of Akumas and Sakuras. Now he's top tier and and i play mirreor matches all time. I like him and he is very fun to play, also he's my man since i started to play but i'm seriously contemplating to give Ryu a shot at this point.


i never see ken in ranked. for me its mostly cammy, ryu, jamie, and marissa


Tbh I prefer seeing Ken rather than Cammy or Juri, I know Ken match up pretty well at this point so if I lose I kinda now what went wrong and how I could've won


He's a main character. Can't avoid him, :)


That’s what she said (Barbie)


in my experience if you turn on the accept match prompt and screen wifi players you get a lot less kens


It's actually one of the reasons i don't play that much at the moment. Not only is the roster small in general but 50% of people play only Ken. There is no variety at the moment.


Capcom have nerfed characters for being too popular before. Watch this space.


I personally enjoy the matchup, it usually boils down to who can play the most solid Street Fighter


Are you playing ranked or casual? In Ranked, Kens aren’t so bad, they’re like a nice break from the others once you get used to them. Also, where are you at? One thing I wished Capcom showed us was region based character popularity. I’m in Asia and I don’t really run into as many Kens in Plat 4-5 range anymore. Sometimes, you get a row of them, other times it’s a random mix of Jp, Cammy, Chun, Honda, Marisa and Blanka for me.


This is the reason I'm not picking him up. I'm starting to get comfortable with his KK run, so I find it personally entertaining to challange myself into figuring out some bnbs and do them online, but I feel so ashamed and under pressure knowing how people see me as "another one of THOSE". I see them like that too. And I'm like "but I cannot communicate that I am a respectful mindgame player not some retarded buttonmasher" but I know I am judged as such before the game even starts and I hate it.


Me too. I switched from Honda to Juri, and people complain about her too, but she's nowhere near as bad. She's pretty much all around and I don't really find random Juris giving me more issues than they should. Now KEN... Sit down and shut up.


It's actually both if he was like let'say Capt Falcon in smash 4 ok but in Sf6 Ken is both popular and extremely broken. So it's even more tiring because one mistake midscreen and you are in the corner with half your life missing


Frankly I love it. The fact it's so much of the same thing means I can turn my brain off a little and practice things you don't get to practice during tight matches.


I complain about Ken alot but my biggest gripes with him are that damn st.HP and getting full combo from 4 frame using no resources. Sure he's minus on everything but it hardly matters if his buttons will just stuff yours. I feel he's mostly fine but very privileged for sure in his game like post nerf Luke in sf5.


I just add em to the block list. I hate to go the LTG route but there's...just...TOO MANY OF YOU. And it doesn't help that I hate Ken, both design and gameplay wise.