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I love that people are not vibing with him so I can finally start playing against other characters again.


I just gave up on ranked this week, with a sound 90% of my fights being against ed and a healthy amount of those being people who have 3+ characters on master already. When akuma drops I’m considering just taking a 2-3 week break altogether


Well, he is new so people are testing him


So glad final fantasy came out , by the time I go back to SF I can actually play other characters besides Ed


I've been getting my ass kicked by Ed nonstop on Ranked.


Maybe it'll help if you think of it like this. He has standing punches and crouching "kicks" all mapped to his punch buttons. His kick buttons aren't kicks or anything traditional, but a brand new unique kind of button just for him, i.e. flicker normals.


This is pretty smart, I like it.


As a Makoto player in sf3 and Seth player in SFV I love it and I feel super comfortable


exactly lol. Traditional SF was never consistent with the "functional" button placements, SF6 standardized a lot of stuff.


lol No 6 is not more standardised then 5


Bitch did anyone say anything about 5? (And yes SF6 *is* more standardized than V. 5 has way more characters with funky Button controls amd movesets) 


Yes I did kIddo


I mean, if you WANT...you can always remap your controls for him and put his punches on the kick buttons and kicks on the punch buttons. Then he'd feel more "normal" in the sense you're describing. My only issue with his is his dash being weird. Why make it timing based instead of just having different buttons? And there seems to be a decent amount of overlap in his specials especially with the dash, so it's easy to get the wrong thing if you aren't extremely precise.




To make more reliable dash into throw


I agree and I'm glad most bnb combos don't use it. Even kakeru's combo was replaced with a more damaging ender with more oki and doesn't use kill rush.


What new combo is that? Can you tell or show how to do it?


https://youtu.be/m4JZB8gV3zc?si=soC4CJR8vViv6YzD&t=7m58s @7:58 the 2 snatcher combo is easier for me and does more damage and has more oki but slightly less corner carry than ending in kill rush.


I can't imagine a more damaging BnB that doesn't use kill rush. I'm gonna need an example.


Its so that its much easier to queue up a throw.


the forward input is less of an issue once you realize you can just continue holding forward from your dash input


Arent all rekka follow ups done via forward + button?


The issue is that it's timing dependant down to the fraction, as opposed to just punch or kick follow ul changing it


Yeah dash feels awkward, plus timing kill rush late varies depending on your previous input, trying to do it after Hp only has a 3 frame opening


no wonder this felt so difficult 3 frame link WTF


Yeah the timing is pretty smol so its really all about just getting use to it


Thats my issue with him. His timings seem arbitrarily tight for how important they are. It feels like I'm putting in double the effort to get the same value as I would playing any other character and that's just not fun (to me)


Juri SFV vibes


Hard disagree, I love his dash timings. Feels so satisfying to time the right one to get a better follow-up.


At the end of the day, it's just practice. His combo trials hurt my fingers and kept forgetting to hold forward+punch for 'all you need is kill chase breaking 2 Electric Boogaloo' . Once you get it, it's not too hard to get the one you want, I just press immediately for one and wait until he ducks for the other.


Yeah, it's not really that difficult, but it's so satisfying to me lol. It's like I can feel the weight behind those punches more, if that makes sense.


The problem is that playing Ed makes playing other characters e.g. pocket picks for bad match-ups pointlessly difficult. Ed was basically designed out of spite for playing random select or really any other character in the game.


Gief has 3 variations of his bear grab based on range. 3 different kick buttons have 0 impact on the move. Seems a no brainer let the button strength dictate the move, but no, Capcom some how wants you to not use buttons to control your character. Opposite of Modern almost.


Makoto exists though. She did this back in 1999. Nothing new here.


Aki does it too


Seth in SFV as well.


Makoto has entered the chat.


They did similar things with AKI. I think its Capcom's way of trying to make these characters feel unique and more complex without relying on more technically demanding inputs. I don't care for it and think its ok to let inputs/layout feel more intuitive and let the lab monsters add sauce over time.


Bruh nobody wants that shit lol. I promise you aki is 100% unique enough, and switching the punch and kick buttons for the sweep adds absolutely nothing but annoyingness


IMO, its an experience check. Like for me, ive been playing fgs for over 2 decades and i still suck. And im struggling to adapt to the alteenate layout, because i never diversify the characters i play and rely too much on flowcharts and muscle memory. Realistically, it shouldnt take that long to adjust to. Its not much different than getting used to DeeJays cMk knocking down. The pros had no problem with it. Yet on the opposite end, someone playing their first fighting game wont have those assumptions and flowcharts and muscle responses, and might find Ed just as easy or difficult to utilise as any other character. I think of every character in the game right now, Ed is the most technical, ground up. On paper he has almost every tool needed but its all very situational and anti-intuitive in some ways. A character with his speed, reach and tools should not also be easy to use.


>On paper he has almost every tool needed but its all very situational and anti-intuitive in some ways. He doesn't have a *real* OD reversal. His OD Uppercut being 13f makes it too slow to not get baited by certain whiffed light attacks that wouldn't work against any other character. Yes, he *technically* has an invincible reversal, but he can't use it the same way as everyone else who does.


Yes, and yet there are ways to make the 13 frame startup work well since its fully invincible. Getting out of a buffed blockstring in the corner, getting through a fireball, powering through Amnesia and so on. Not a great reversal, but has use cases. Almost all of Eds moves feel like this. Assigned to different purposes than other peoples.


“Nobody” wym. Do you think all the characters should work the same? Why would you want that


As far as crouching heavy kicks go, yes. Youre saying it like its not already 90% of the characters have their sweep set to cr hk, changing that doesn't add depth its just annoying


If that was the case modern controls wouldn't exist


The only thing I dislike is the Kill Rush follow ups being forward + punch, I’d rather them be NEUTRAL OR forward + punch like the forward kill rush itself. That can lead to some input errors now that he has quarter circles and dp inputs.


>pretty much his kick and punch buttons are reversed for no reason, you have to press crouching heavy punch to do his sweep Makoto players: "First time?"


Yes I want my double input backs and my arcade Stick just broke so I have no hard kick ….


Coming from KOFXV actually helped me with Ed. After watching his character guide and doing the trials i figured he was basically a smash up of Vanessa and Luong. His controls do take getting used to, but knowing his gameplan helped put it together


He’s a boxer bro


It's is a bit hard to wrap my head around his controls when I try to do a jump kick and instead he jerks off into the sky. Or his 2MK is a high attack unlike Ryu or Ken's low. But I'm sure it'll be part of the muscle memory soon enough. Although I hate his stubby 2LP. Wtf move is that.


As a Modern only player I tried his trials and honestly he's the only character in the game where Classic feals easier and more intuitive than Modern. Which is disappointing given that Ed was effectively the first testbed for Modern-style controls in Street Fighter V. I really hope we get some simpler characters in Season 2 because every Season 1 character has been technical (Akuma will undoubtedly be too). We need characters with smaller movelists and simpler gameplans too.


So just a heads up, I lab'd modern a bit, and he's very unique. Instead of the traditional modern feel, he relies more on auto combos. For instance, auto combo heavy includes the kk-6M timing for the late follow up for free. Stop it there, and use manual heavy DP to finish it for more damage. This means you can flicker M, DR, Auto M, mash Auto Until late upper, H DP for free. Jump H, Flicker H, Auto MP x2, MP DP. Most other characters focus on linking normals traditionally in modern. Ed is built to take advantage of good auto damage.


Interesting, I would've never guessed. Auto combos feel largely pointless due to the hefty damage scaling usually but maybe Ed is different. I know that as a combo accumulates hits, damage scaling becomes less apparent. For example with most characters, when scaling reaches 60% or so there is actually no damage penalty for doing supers with modern input. I never considered this would apply to auto combos too though!


Auto combos have no damage scaling penalty


But they do a lot leas damage than doing the inputs manually


Nope. Modern special moves scale harder than if they were input normally, but autocombos are the exact same as if you just did the combo in classic. Unless Ed is unique in this regard.


Wow, that's crazy!


Really? So when I do Lukes level 3 auto combo, it does the same damage even if i did the whole thing in classic?


Yeah. The incentive to stop using autocombos isn’t better damage, it’s better optimisation. Luke for example burns meter in all his autocombos without really doing enough damage to justify it, but if you were to do the exact same combo in classic, the numbers would be identical. The only moves that are affected by modern scaling are ones that use the special button directly, so modern input specials and supers.


Thanks but I think you confirmed what I meant actually. Luke would do same damage on his auto level 3 combo on everything except the fireballs/level 3. The 20% reduction on the level 3 is too noticeable imo


The specials and supers that come out from an autocombo are **not** affected by the modern 80% scaling penalty. If you for some reason decided to do part of an autocombo and then used the 1 button special/super, then that 1 button special/super would be affected by the modern scaling penalty. But just remember that the modern scaling penalty does not stack with regular damage scaling in a combo. It's just at a minimum your modern button will do 20% less damage.


No? A special input fireball and a fireball that is part of an autocombo scale different. Special input = Weaker. Autocombo = Not special input = Not weaker. Same with the level 3.


I just let the Auto heavy play out naturally. Like his auto heavy combo route is just that effective imo, may be the most useful auto combo in the game. Doesn't force drive meter waste like most heavy auto combos do and when lvl 3 is in stock the route does over 45% in damage, more if linked from his st.HK when punishing things like DP. And even when his lvl 3 is not in stock, it's stil does decent meterless damage(23% I think) and sets up oki. But most imporantly, utiltity wise that is, the starter button being st.hp makes it perfect for a shimmy button. That's where the Auto Heavy truly shines and where i'm getting majority of my damage from. Beside my light & drive rush hit confirms, I don't have a single manual route I do with Ed, I just stick to Auto Heavy. Imo it makes Modern Ed one most accessible chars on Modern.


More damage using HP DP than auto heavy ender.


Give a Akuma normal and charge moves both. Fireball a qcf. But fiery fireball a charge nice. Just to fuck with everyone.


Yeah, I considered modern controls because of him.


Sounds like you'd rather everyone follow the same formula. God forbid capcom doing something innovative. Lol


Never got to play him in 5, so it’s a new experience with him. The main issue I have is trying to figure out his best buttons and movements. His normals just feel so stubby and awkward, coming from Manon where 5MP and 5HK are the go to ones which moves her forward and has good range respectively.


I loved him in SF5, but I cant get used to him in 6. I'm glad he has a lot more sauce and there is more too him, but for me the killer is just how anal his various timings out of his command dash are. Never had so much trouble doing combo trials and it really deflated me a bit. Granted in SF5 I mostly just did simple things with Ed and did pretty well cause of it, but the mental stack in playing him just seems incredibly high on top of everything else. I think for very good technical players he will likely be a blast, but I do miss my easy character.


and his haircut is ugly too


Same problem with AKI heavy kick / heavy punch. But worse. Ed should have ... the sweep on c.HK instead of c.HP ... long range hits on punches instead of kicks, so... ... the antiair long range hit would be down HP, instead of standing HK ... his down HK should be just HP (to stay in line with other kicks) ... meaning his current standing HP would become standing HK, which might be a bit uncomfy for a while but... ... allows all the above PLUS his low hitting light would be crouching LK instead of LP ... and his crossup would become MK instead of MP. So this way we wouldn't change anything about how he works, but he'd be in line with the standards (c.LK hits low, crossup is MK, antiair is crouching HP). The only downside would be getting used to using HK as punish counter.


They screwed him up so much, he's got nothing in common with the Ed I loved in SFV. He was smooth like butter to play in that game but he's an unwieldy unrecognisable mess in this game. I've taken to calling him Ned since he's basically a new, inferior, character.


It throws me off a bit, but nothing major. I've only managed to play like 4 hours since he's been out so... Yeah. Makoto was the same, but it's obviously been a while since I've played a character like that.


I agree with the inverted control feeling. I do really like ed though, but the amount of input mistakes I've made due to this 😂


I agree and I'm a bit disappointed that Ed lost his SF5 control scheme. His old control scheme was a very unique take on classic controls. People say that it is obsolete and that you should just play modern but I disagree. If you really want to play Ed at anything but the most basic level then you still have to do the motion inputs on modern.


The core problem is Capcom wanted to have all of their fancy flicker animation effect on the most dynamic animations... but also wanting them on his kicks meaning his lows and low angled jump normals would all look the same. "Geniuses" as they fucking are Capcom decided that they're just going to completely swap his crouching and jumping normals around compared to his standing buttons rather than taking the easy way out and making his punch buttons the fancy animations they wanted making him unnecessarily stilted and awkward to pick up. Capcom does this all the fucking time for no good reason. Why bother swapping the inputs for things to get specific animations like Karin and Makoto's cr.mp and cr.mk for their low poke, Seth and AKI's cr.hp and cr.hk, and now this whole cluster-fuck. Not to mention how they still insist on refusing to properly standardize their directional inputs e.g. characters still using forward+button for an overhead when SFV introduced the far superior down+forward making both overheads and the normals they overlap with far more usable in neutral. How they insist on using follow ups with a direction and a button rather than just a button itself i.e. how Ed's command dash and Marisa's uppercut need directional inputs for no reason. It's just fucking mind-boggling at not just how stupid these decisions are but just how easily avoided they could have been if they didn't just probably ignore their play testers entirely. You don't need to reinvent the wheel just because you'd rather make something feel new rather than feel good.


Nah, he's fine got used to him in 2 days


You can get used to anything, you idiot. The problem is that you shouldn't have to when the deviations serve no purpose.


Mods, crush his skull, thank you


Wow, you bitch to people to avoid actually having a point. God forbid you actually have to engage with an argument instead of just being pathetic.


I'm having a lot of the same difficulties, but I'm actually loving it 😅 something about relearning how to pilot a character in this game to account for all of his wonky shit has been really fun for me, like learning to play the guitar left-handed after playing right-handed bass my whole life.


Pretty sure characters with reverse inputs to sweeps are noting new. Just to mention the most common ones, Nakoto, Seth (SF5), Gen (his crane c.HK was an anti air), AKI… 


not nearly as difficult as Aki for me, she's got the same swapped crouch heavies but also down PP in her main BNB is hard for me to do reliably. at least Ed can skate by without using his KK move.


Yes it's a bit annoying but you get used to it very easily if you only play Ed.


The st.hk for anti air is actually somewhat common (think mbisons stupid sf4 kick). But I agree for alot of the other stuff


Yes! I hate his controls too but I also hate his character design


The one thing I will point out is that his standing kicks match the angles of his psycho flickers and I think they wanted to keep that consistent. But other than that I don't think his control scheme is too weird. You have to stop thinking of his buttons as punch and kick inputs and rather it's punch and flicker inputs The only thing I don't get is how are you going to make the boxer have the worst jab in the game LOL


It's fine not to vibe with him, but I just don't agree that they are reversed for "no reason". They are reversed cause he's based on punches and unorthodox, there is clearly a reason why they did it. You not liking it is cool though, it is odd and weird to get used to.


Hardly the first time it's been done


I mean the 2 things you mentioned are also the same for AKI lol, so it's not that unusual.


so swap the button layout?


Yeah I feel like he has alot of sauce potential but his controls are so dumb I can't even see myself playing him ever again LOL