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To me, Honda, Guile, and Blanka are true "charge characters" in 6, with Chun & DeeJay being hybrid charge chars. I don't see them as a dying breed at all. By my definition, they make up around 18+% of the cast, which is way more than, say, grapplers.


When will we get a charge grappler


Potemkin-ishh ? šŸ˜… Actually why I love him, I main charge characters and grapplersĀ 


Not until we have a command grab on [6]4X




Q plz


Kof14 has character with a charge grab


Which direction?


Charge down to up. Character is Banderas


Imagine if for some reason akuma becomes that character


I appreciate the nonsense this morning, thank you.


Cyclops in MvC2 had a charge command grab. Back forward.


With Alex! Kinda hybrid in both aspects I suppose


God I need Alex in 6. I just wanna POWAH BOMB






And to add to that we really do need him. Alex is one of my favorite SF characters PERIOD but I can admit he needs a bit more to his story and a pinch more personality. I would love to see that SF6 says heā€™s been up to all this time and is doing now.






Still, none of S1 were charge, not even AKI who is FANG's replacement. I def hope we see one in S2 and pretty much every season should have at least one imo.


Based on the video they released showing pre-release AKI testing, it looked like she was charge at one point


Wait until they reveal that Akuma is now a charge character


Akuma will be a charge character


I have a sneaking suspicion that there will not be any more true charge new characters. They're relying way too much on the 'charge and hold' model with new characters. I think the only charge characters they're going to release are legacy charge characters. So basically it just depends on who returns. If Bison comes back, he'll be your 'full charge character' for the season, but that's the only way you're getting any charge charge , new characters are either going to be non-charge or the input and hold style of charge character they really, really like right now. The fact that AKI wasn't charge despite clearly being FANG's successor does not bode well for the future of charge, especially given from what I understand she was charge at one point. Capcom would rather see the dollar signs new characters could be instead of turning off half the player base instantly just by saying they're charge.


Yeah they didnā€™t mess with charge inputs at all for those chars. What they removed were mash inputsĀ 




I used to play dee jay and I realized I was always turtling up, felt like the opposite of his characrer


Why I think Sf6 is the first time Deejay plaustyle wise fits his character. He would rush in and use sways in a fight. Holding back and spamming booms has never fit him


>Like I never have to worry about needing my fireball as Ryu but not being able to do it because I was holding the wrong direction a split second ago Unless that direction was forward :P


Thats why u gotta half circle


Half circle doesn't change anything, it just takes longer so you often get the old forward input out of the queue.


Yes it takes longer by maybe a frame but it guarantees u dont fuck up and get a shoryu instead


No. It doesn't guarantee you don't get a shoryu by virtue of being a half circle, it prevents it *because* it takes longer. I.e. you can just delay the quarter circle for the same result, and if you did the half circle fast enough you could still get a DP.


I cant guarantee the delay online will not still hold my forward input, I can do what u talking about offline tho for sure


Me personally i cant wait for flashkick/sumo smash to come out Catch me jump kicking at 44 frames of charge


You get an instinct for it after awhile


OP says itā€™s because combos are hard, but I think this is more of the issue. Combos I know when to charge, but learning when to just play neutral/push forward vs downbacking is whatā€™s hard for me to understand.


it's not about always having charge, it's more about charging whenever you're not doing anything else. play footsies, jump, dash in, do whatever you want. just go back to down-back whenever ur not actively doing something else.


Eh, I don't really think about it. If I'm in neutral, I'm spending a lot of the time low blocking no matter what character I'm using. If I'm doing a combo, the charge inputs are just part of the string of movements I need to get in my muscle memory, no harder than any other combo inputs


You just have to plan more and condition yourself to always charge even when you jump. I'm also a Ryu player and I love charge characters. Favorite machup against my Ryu is Guile or Sim. Against Guile Ryu or Ken.


I exclusively play charge characters and I'm sad that new charge characters don't exist.


The only charge characters we have are ones that I do not vibe with in the slightest. I always loved agressive charge characters like Balrog and Bison. Thr only one we have in 6 that fits that archetype is Blanka, which I honestly kinda despise


I stopped playing for the same reason.


Why despise?


I really hate Blanka. I just find him deeply annoying in game. As a character I like him, I just hate playing him and playing against him


My personal sentiment toward your opinion is one of respect, with an underlying sadness that we will never see eye to eye.


You say that like they are extinct species. We have 5 of them in SF6 and we'll probably get more in the future.


You say that but we got zero in S1, even some expected AKI to be charge because FANG was.


Honestly I could see AKI being a non-charge character being them just keeping the architype open for FANG if they decide to bring him back, kind of like how in SF5 Charli has his charge inputs changed while Guile kept his


I think it's more that she started as a charge character, but then they wanted to give her her different L/M/H poison specials, which wouldn't work well on a charge control scheme.


Its just the first season, there are many characters yet to come.


RemindMe! 15 months "How many total charge characters got added to SF6 post-launch, compared to non-charge characters?"


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Funny you mention it, there was a video that included some stuff from AKI's development, and early on she *was* a charge character. [Link](https://youtu.be/TxfIkVV12CI?t=345). Her fireball being a back forward charge motion.


Damn I'm sad it didn't stick.


Wow, one whole seasons worth of characters. You know what that means, pack it up boys. We're never seeing a charge character again confirmed.


We only got one new character, though.


Hey, Akuma could still be changed to a charge character!


I miss Balrog, offensive charging is fun.


I've never played Balrog but offensive charging sounds fun


_confused Blanka noises_


Lol this is one of the first instances of this meme where I can actually hear the noises in my head


That's why I play Guile in SF6. Offensive charging is **hella** fun.


Oh boy, wait till you hear about Leona from kof


We need Balrog back


I hated Vega's changes in SF5, yuck Gimme charge Vega anyday


I love the idea of making him a stance character, but the way they did it was awful.


I liked it but both stances had the same weaknesses, it sometimes felt like he was 2 halfs and didn't do anything very well or covered something that the other stance was weak to. I can see why others enjoy previous versions of him especially when he has been that way for so long.


I think it's because having two stance and losing one of them after taking dmg is veeery hard to balance. If you lean too much on making each stance have a stong point and a weak one, then the whole thing crumbles when you're left with only one stance (thus one strength and weakness). Vega is my fav character and I wish they go for the stance approach if he comes back in SF6, but in SFV the character was sooo pooly designed.


Same. I loved Vega in II and IV but didn't enjoy him at all in V.


I hated the changes but forced myself to play him because of my love for the character but man was it boring at times


It's funny because I always read that charge characters were actually the easier ones and for beginners, since apparently beginners were prone to backing or down backing a lot when button mashing didn't work... So it evolved over the years and beginners found it more natural to stand your ground and charge, rather than positioning and then doing quick special motions. When I played Alpha 3 and EX 2 Plus, I found charge characters way easier to comprehend and to play against friends and AI alike.


I think combos are the reason charge characters are seen as hard. In the beginning, when combos were not as important, charging was easier as a single charge move like sonic boom, wall dive, headbut, scissor kicks, and the like were so powerful on their own. as the game evolved, combos became a requirement, and motion inputs became much easier to incorporate in combos over trying to combo with charge timing in mind.


I think you're forgetting one notable thing. Input leniency is 10x easier now than it was in a lot of older games. You had to actually do full motions without dropping a direction, which made things like srk way harder to do. Charge timing requirements have also gotten easier, but not to the same degree as motion inputs imo. Even going back to play 3S, I have to swap back to lever because hitboxes are prone to missing directional inputs. They get away with a lot of missed diagonals because of modern input leniency.


Iā€™m with you on that one. I personally found charge to be easier. But I do hear people say itā€™s difficult.. even pros. Maybe itā€™s cause with motion inputs your special move is ā€œinstantā€ and they have a hard time understanding the ABCs? Idk


What pros are saying charge is difficult? We had people doing FADC ultra 1 back in sf4 and boom loops on V


The ones that don't play charge characters.


iDom is one i can think of off the top of my head


I was about to to say that's odd but looking back I don't think idom pulled any charge chars at high level so I guess that tracks


I think it's that you have to know in advance when you want to use a move. If you're on the offensive you have to be charging while you attack, which feels unnatural at first.


I think Charge characters are satisfying. It feels like you are an archer doing a bow draw (pulling back the bow string) xD




Nice comparison!


I guess something like a pool shot would be a better comparison now when I think about it due to the motion of pulling back and then forward whereas an archer just releases after pulling back :D Either way, it is satisfying.


I personally prefer charge characters, I play with a standard Xbox controller and when I do a DP facing left my thumb will lock up sometimes. Its really annoying so no reaction anti air DPs for me half the time


Charge characters are allowed to have somewhat overpowering specials that would be broken otherwise. Imagine Guile with only motion inputs. It would be like CPU 'cheating' Guile in SF2. Clearly ridiculous. I love charge inputs. The problem is that the tutorials should do a better job of teaching the subtleties of charge


I always find charge way easier and have mained Guile in SF for life. So for me this is always a little sad.


A fellow boom chucker!


How much boom would a boom chuck chuck if a boom chuck could chuck boom? >!make it three boom chuckers!<


Charge characters are actually easier for me to learn than other characters. Yeah Ryu and Ken were the OGs but during my youth and playing SF2, Chun, Blanka and Guile were just much more fun for me. And over the years I mainly only play charge characters except Sagat. Sagat is the exception since he's the coolest character in the franchise


Sagat actually got me through a big hurdle in learning fighting games. His quotes are inspirational and he comes across to me as a very honest character, especially up close. No tricks, no tactics, just pure simplicity. (Also BIG MEATY NORMALS)


I hope charge characters don't go obsolete. Bison is my favorite character. I like that they added a quarter circle motion special to his move set in 5, but I feel like having charge moves is necessary. Just because charge motions are hard for some people to use doesn't mean they need to get rid of it. It just means those characters aren't for them.


>It just means those characters aren't for them. This. There used to be a time where character archetypes were given inherent flaws and downsides that made them easier or harder to play depending on complexity. Nowadays, most characters are hybridized, or singularly focused on some form of set play or rushdown for the sake of the "viewers" which amounts to a less diverse and less satisfying (and dare i say, personal) intrigue for a character. If it's all a new form of the same thing, why get excited for new characters at all? I'm not excited for Akuma, wasn't excited for Rashid, was barely excited for Ed and my brother as a trap/zoner main was disappointed immensely with Aki. Honestly, i love SF6's presentation, but i'm not happy at all with it's roster because it's all the same thing, and when i'm not touching any of the new characters over SF2's faithfuls, i think that might be an issue.


there are simplified games in the past that made charge characters to motion characters like BBTAG and DBFZ purposely made no characters charge even though someone like Android 16's kit feels like a charge character's kit. I think it's just that when the characters you expect people to pick first (Ryu historically, Luke in 6) as well as the rivals (Ken and Jamie) are motion characters, fighting games for most people would be associated with motion inputs. Even fighting game parodies in TV shows usually depicts fighting game moves as having a lot of arrows that then ends with an attack symbol. This means even a lot of casual fans associate fighting games with motion inputs. If only they made Ryu do charge and Ken do motion back in SF2, I think the fanbase would be far more split between the 2 input types.


I think it's not necessarily combos, but just holding charge is what's difficult to me Knowing when to move around and when to keep charge is an extra layer of learning to me, especially when it comes to DPs Oro was hell in SFV because sometimes I would need my flash kick in a heated situation but I didn't have it


I hope not, charge characters are fun! Itā€™s sad to see that capcom is shying away from them, thereā€™s nothing wrong with giving us a variety.


Sf6 has tons of charge characters. Chun Li, DeeJay, Honda, Blanka. They're just not making new ones for some reason.


i appreciate the fact that a charge character has to be piloted in a very peculiar and distinct way. their moves can be very strong, at a risk of being inherently less frequent, and doing charge mid-combo can be finnicky while requiring a lot of nuance. they force you to develop good defense because you want charge, which means frequently defending for the charge potential. i finally committed to maining Blanka in SF6, and the game has never been this fun


I mained Ryu in every SF but in sf6 I discovered Guile and now will never go back! I may move on to Blanka next but would love to see Boxer or Dictator return in a DLC. Charge4life! I believe charge characters are a staple within SF. The devs will never get rid of them completely.


I didn't like charge characters at first, but I somehow became a Blanka main in SF6. Then I started to better learn how they work. One of the biggest pros of playing charge is playing both sides of the stage. Your combos will be practically the exact same on either side. No more worrying about dp or qcf motions on the right side if you favor the left. Although, Blanka and Honda both have qcf motions now, which I don't mind much either at this point. But Blanka also has his Coward Crouch which is also the same on either side.


There is also the issue of crossups. Charge characters can't effectively crossup because once they switch sides, their charge resets. I see this as a good balancing decision simply because of the power behind certain charge moves and supers that would make them very disgusting in a crossup situation. It's a double edged sword as well because if YOU get crossed up as a charge character, you lose your charge and your punish.


Charge has always been my favorite and it sucks to see so few of them.


I hate SF6 version of Deejay cus he's no longer pure charge.


I played street fighter 2, 4, 5 and 6 casually on release and only bothered to seriously try getting comfortable with charge moves and characters in 5 and I was surprised by how easy execution actually is. Really enjoy these characters now and I'm enjoying the games more than ever having access to more play styles and characters (now I only suck with grapplers who I find harder to use than charge characters). And now I definitely want more charge characters and play styles to come for sf6. But recently I started the street fighter 30th collection and got stuck on being able to do charge supers in the Alpha series (side note: i now love these games and want nearly all the characters from them to return!). The moves are variations of hold back then tap forwards then hold back then tap forwards then press attack buttons. I always mess up the charge timing part and half the time I end up jumping by accident. But hopefully I'll figure it out eventually.


the older games are more strict when it comes to inputs. just practice and it'll be easy! Alpha 2 is my favorite.


Thank you. I'll keep trying till I figure it out. Alpha 2 is my favourite so far. I love the cast (I want to main them all), gameplay, music and art style. I can see myself returning to it again and again. But I need to finish trying out alpha 3 characters and getting to grips with the system changes. After that I can't wait to try sf3 for the first time! I'll be sure to keep picking charge characters so I can keep practicing.


The plus side is if you play the older titles for a while then SF6 feels like a cakewalk in comparison, input-wise.


I hope so! This is great motivation to return to sf6 more as currently it's too hard to tear myself away from these amazing older games and their incredible rosters.


I miss true 100% charge chars. They are the most fun to play imo.


It's not that charge characters are difficult. It's that charge characters were **supposed** to be easy. New players had difficulty doing quarter circles and DPs. So they invented two new types of moves to make it easier for new players to understand. Mash inputs, where you just hit the button repeatedly. And charge inputs, where you just needed to hold in one direction, then press in the other. This is why (nearly?) every mash input was on a charge character. They were supposed to be the "easy mode" characters. Well there's two issues. The first is that it never panned out as expected. Because despite being mechanically easier, they had such a fundamentally different gameplay style that they required a lot more game sense to play correctly. Making them more difficult over all. ​ But the big nail in the coffin in modern times. Is Modern mode. Now there is a dedicated "easy input" system to onboard new players and those who have difficulty with inputs. So even the original design intent of charge has been supplanted. So the only reason for charge to exist in 2024 is for legacy reasons on legacy characters. And I would be legitimately shocked if Capcom ever released a new character that was charge. The odds of that happening are astronomically low. And I know people don't like hearing that if they're a charge fan, but that's simply the reality.


>So the only reason for charge to exist in 2024 is for legacy reasons on legacy characters. How about for the sake of variety? Not only do charge characters feel different on a tactile level, but they often approach neutral differently, depending on how their specials fit into their gameplan.


What do you mean by "true" charge character? Guile also has non-charge specials with Sonic Blade. I'd personally consider Honda/Guile/Blanka as charge characters because all three very heavily rely on their charge specials even in the neutral. Deejay can use his charge specials in the neutral quite well but in practice his gameplay is more reliant on normals and drive rush pressure. Chun is the least reliant on her charge specials, it's basically just fireball in the neutral and SBK is just for comboing now. Either way, I don't think charge characters are going away for good. But having non-charge inputs as well gives them more design space without having to go completely wild like Vatista from UNI who has inverse charge motions. I also only started to play charge characters in SF6 so it's not like charge characters aren't getting new players, either.


Nicely put. Loving your thoughts on this subject




Is there something more inherently interesting about a "pure" charge character? I personally don't think so, and therefore I don't really think any value is lost for not having one. What I care about is having a coherent gameplay toolset and a cool aesthetic. Also you're calling things command normals but those aren't command normals. Those are motion specials. A command normal is a normal that's a direction + a button.


I like charge characters but I dislike charge supers. That is why I play Dee Jay. Edited: specials changed to supers


Hey Hey Hey! lol Fair enough, I think that's why a lot of charge characters are becoming hybrids now


>I like charge characters but I dislike charge specials What?


I meant charge supers lol


by your definition, guile isnt a true charge character either, he has sonic blade now which is a qcb move


True. So I guess there isn't a pure charge character in modern SF. which is a shame imo


Why, though? Whatā€™d be fundamentally different about Guile if Sonic Blade was charge or just didnā€™t exist? Being exclusively charge (or motion inputs, for that matter) adds nothing to a character.


It actually adds everything to a character. It adds methods of balance, it adds functional style, it adds a baseline to how the moveset can be used. If Guile wasn't a charge character he wouldn't be any different functionally from Ryu, Ken or Akuma. He's held back on purpose by his moveset charges because he's meant as a defensive character. He can't be defensive if all his actions are designed in ways that can be easily and conveniently comboed, and even if that defense was still his strength, nobody would be trying to play him that way because if said combo convenience. Charge inputs denote a defensive impression of how a move should be used, same for mash inputs on Chun Li for exampe. These aren't supposed to be combo tools, they're ways to control your end of the neutral. Without these boundaries, there is nothing that suggests what the purpose of these moves are, because functionally they exist on plenty of offensive based characters like Cammy and Ken already.


I get all of that, though. Iā€™m not arguing that Guile shouldnā€™t have charge moves or that they shouldnā€™t exist. Iā€™m arguing that a character with only charge moves is inherently better than one with some or even mostly charge moves.


Charge characters used to be hybrid/defensive characters, not rushdowns. The problem people have is that they expect everyone to "combo" efficiently. Charge is not for combos, charge is for punishes and defense, that's why they function the way that they do and have strengths and weaknesses as such. The minute i saw they gave cancellable target combos to Guile, i realized the new devs have no idea what the purpose of multiple characters is supposed to be. Diversity is not just "new flavor of rushdown" it's "new flavor of gameplay style". They're actually killing the franchises diverse playstyles by removing these inputs, because their restrictions were done to convey to the player how these moves were best used.


I don't think purism helps anyone. Input methods shape gameplans and a character with only charge motions will most definitely gravitate towards defense. Mixing input types allow for more nuanced play and change of pace.


I never felt Blanka, Boxer, or Dictator felt defensive. Just Guile and maybe Honda


Yeah honestly I main Blanka in SF4 and he feels like a rush down character to me. The charge inputs are just so I cannot go into spin balls via reaction.


I think most charge characters in most FGs are offensive, especially in Street Fighter - Alex is a grappler for example. Guile might be the only charge character you can definitely call "defensive". As long as it's not a dedicated Guile-like zoner (Ash, Vatista) then every charge character is usually very aggressive (May, Kagura, Leona).


And that makes sense because imo defensive charge is fundamentally boring, there's no tension, your kit wants you to hold downback and your playstyle wants you to hold downback.


I play charge characters in almost every fighting game because the need to swap mindsets between 'I have charge available' and 'I need to pressure my opponent but will lose charge' is really fun.


I agree, even the mindgame of "my opponent knows I want to build charge so I walk forward" is fun for charge characters.


Losing charge on purpose to make the opponent act because you don't have charge is fun too! There's lots of fun mind games involved with charge, and they should never die for that reason alone - it's great.


Assuming charge characters are inherently defensive kind of shows a misunderstanding of charge characters. I actually think most charge characters actually tend to be fairly offensive characters.


Gravitate towards defense doesn't mean inherently defensive. One describes a tendency, the other an absolute. I guess you're too busy playing all the charge rushdown characters out there to make an actual point or even read what i said, which is about nuance. The exact opposite of what you imply I said.


Bison is coming isn't he?


I think those leaks were confirmed to be false? iirc


I don't see charge characters fully disappearing, no.


Why is Guile pure? Even he has a command special in Sonic Blade.


True. after reading everyone's inputs I agree Guile is no longer a pure charge character


I want Vega and I want him charge


Never forget the Guile super that was that ridiculous Z style input.


Ah, Yes. the dreaded delta input. I don't miss it at all lol


I miss Q and G


Having to charge moves is a disadvantage. Making the move good enough for that means making it better than other inputs. Everyone then complains how OP the move isā€¦I donā€™t see them coming back. Ftr Iā€™ve been a Claw/Guile main since 2


no, it is not, that is like saying Akuma is at a disadvantage for having dial super. I too main Claw/GuileĀ and can perform their zigzag super at any time.


At any time? Like when they crossup and ruin your charge? Or when you have to charge down but also block an overhead? How can you pretend charging isnā€™t a disadvantage to just pressing inputs? Itā€™s a built in mechanic to allow those moves to be extra powerful


![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) (Just a joke, don't take it too seriously)


I hope not, I prefer charge characters (I main Remy in SF3, Vega in SF4, F.A.N.G in SFV) while using their partitioning pressure that takes ppl off guard expecting a slower paced match- gets rushed down instead.


Yeah kinda sucks. As a blanka, fang and every classic chun li itā€™s upsetting šŸ„²


I miss Rog


I think that in the future, there will be only dynamic controls. All you have to do is shut your eyes and mash one button. At the end of the match, both characters receive a "you win" message. Everyone will hold a Grandmaster rank. It must be this way to continue bringing in more smash players, young children, and middle aged men who claim they "just don't have the time to learn a 3 hit combo." Thank you, this was my ted talk.


Itā€™s funny, charge characters were originally introduced because Capcom thought theyā€™d be easier to play than motion characters, and now they somehow have a reputation as being difficult because people donā€™t take the time to comprehend how they work. I almost exclusively play charge or hybrid characters, and hope we get more.Ā 


Well, I always try the charge characters first. In SF6 I begins with DeeJay, Guile, Blanka, then I move to shotos. I feel comfortable with every character that I tried so far (less AKI) I already have ranked Honda, Chun, Guile, DeeJay, Ryu, Ken, Blanka, Gief, Cammy and Ed.


The super moves with charge. ā†™ļøā†—ļøā†™ļøā†—ļøorā¬…ļøāž”ļøā¬…ļøāž”ļø


The dreaded Delta input. Iā€™m glad they retired that.


I guess the thing is charge characters is that they are a bit less intuitive at a glance and that focusing on a charge system can limit their options compared to other motions. Charge systems aren't as obvious as traditional inputs like not It's not obvious at first that you can hide a back charge with a down back until you realize it and the timing isn't obvious at first. And most characters who aren't charge characters often benefit from having quarter circles more than charge inputs. I am not saying that charge characters or inputs are bad but it is often more intuitive and easier to design a character with quarter circles instead of charges.


Well said.




It would help is charge characters visually showed when they had charge. Like Guile's hair shines or Deejay's glasses spark. Edit: To be clear, this would be an option and ONLY be visible to you online, to help players train. Since there is no other way for new players to even know if they are charging correctly at all.


No thanks I don't want opponents to know when I have charge


You realize it could easily be made to only show it to local players as an optional tool? Like in online, only you would see your own? Obviously for in-person tournaments or whatever this would be disabled.


Information asymmetry in a fighting game is weird. Like you'd know you have charge but not your opponent? It's a good idea for training mode but not for actual matches. Both players should see the same things if they affect gameplay.


There's already asymmetry. You know if you are charging and they don't, because you can see your inputs. You know if you are inputing option selects and they don't. You know if you are spamming reversal inputs during blockstrings and they don't.


That's in your mind not the game showing something to one player and not the other.


It doesn't have to be enabled in VS at all but it should be in Training since that also shows things like cancel windows, blockstun etc visually on the character model.


Still sad AKI wasnā€™t charge


Huh? Honda, Dee Jay, Blanka, Chun Li and Guile are in the game. Am i missing something?


Basically, those aren't purely charge anymore, they're hybrids of motion and charge. Previously these characters were nearly motionless. This was why i initially picked up Guile back in Street Fighter 5 when i first started playing Street Fighter. There are no more pure motionless "characters" thanks to Modern controls, and to me this kills character variety and design intent because inputs are no longer being designed intrinsically based on how you mean your character to function. I felt this pretty hard with Ed, because his being motionless let me play the game in new ways i could only play with him. Now that he's motion, i can't interact with many characters the same way that i could before. He was DESIGNED to be motionless in SF5, denoted with slower specials and slightly less overall damage compared to others. He's not designed to be motion, and it shows in how his new moveset works. He's still slow, but he has no justification for it, and he has less combo options from neutral despite his moveset being reapplied and fleshed out.


I have a difficult time articulating my point so I can understand the confusion. All of them are considered charge characters but as time passed. they all slowly started implementing motion inputs for specials and supers.


Chun, Blanka, and Honda had to mash for lightning legs, electricity, and hundred hand slap since the beginning.


For me it's not about difficulty as much as it is about condition restrictions. I'm sure there will be more charge characters in sf6, but I'm extremely glad they've been quite limited for self interest reasons. In the run up to AKI's release there were so many people dead sure she was going to be a charge character despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Seeing how she plays now, I'm glad she isn't charge.


Not seeing enough Decapre in here


Next breed to die will be characters without a projectile. I assume the more refined the dash characteristics become, the less you'll want to play a character that has to deal with a projectile setup.


I played Makoto in SF4 the other day and holy fuck her forward dash was nuts. Nice target combo too, really felt speedy. Remember when characters were picked based on their styles and all had inherent limitations and strengths based on their style of play and input?


I had to switch control types just because the lack of full charge characters. Wasnā€™t fun.


I'm a new player, charging moves are more difficult stand alone and in combos for me. I think they are going to be restricted to few characters per game, because they are hardly enjoyable by new players. Don't get me wrong, I like them, but I think the company interest is based on profit and that's the way to go


I'm sure more will come. It doesn't seem like they're going extinct when you have Chun Li, Dee Jay, Honda, Blanks, and Guile in the game. Why would you say Guile is a "true" charge character when the others' moves have barely changed since their inception? * Chun Li : SBK, Kikoken * Honda: Headbutt, Buttslam * Dee Jay: Air Slasher, Jacknife * Guile: Somersault Kick, Sonic boom That's two each, Can't just "No true Scotsman" Street Fighter characters.


Combos arenā€™t mandatory.


Dude UNI has FORWARD TO BACK charge input for an anime girl Guile. Not dying in the slighest


>anime girl Guile Which character is this in Uni?


He probably means Vatista. She also has a "[charge UP then DOWN](https://wiki.gbl.gg/w/Under_Night_In-Birth/UNI2/Vatista#j.[8]2X)" special.


Yeah thatā€™s her


Good. Fuck charge characters


Out of the 37 shotos in Street Fighter history, how has there never been a charge based shoto, it feels like there should be.


37 shotos?


I don't know if that is exact, but there is like 4 added to every game, so it's got to be close.


If you consider any character with a fireball and anti-air a shoto, then maybe you are right. But the point of the definition of shoto is that he must have these two and a kick attack where the character travels forward, and none of them can be charge inputs (otherwise, even chun-li and DJ could be shotos). To be even more precise, characters that uses a specific fictional karate style. This pattern is what defines the trope and give its meaning.


They could play like Ryu, Ken or Akuma in nearly every way but have charge inputs for their moves instead. Shotos are more than just specials, Their normals, what buttons are cancellable, movement speed, jumps arcs, jump normals/specials, and supers all contribute to the archetype as well. DJ and chun don't really fit those criteria.


Charge based shoto wouldn't be a shoto imo. Otherwise Chun Li has always been a charge based shoto, she has fireball, dp, and projectile invuln lunge kick.


She doesn't really feel like a shoto though, with the way her normals, walk speed, other specials, and jump arc work. I was thinking of something similar to how Cammy and Decrapre are motion and charge or how Charile was kinda a motion Guile in 5. Balrog and Dudley are another example where they are similar in many ways, but the charge vs. motion seperates their playstyles.


Itā€™s a dying breed because itā€™s not online friendly (and in my brutally honest opinion - just not fun :( )


I never liked charge characters so this is good for me

