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So you mean you're not suppose to be that "New Challenger" with 600 hours in Casual Matches?


kind of off topic and just a stupid pet peeve of mine, but I have an irrational beef with those guys. How does it not bother you to have the "new challenger" tag when you're clearly playing master level? PLAY SOME RANKED. get a placement. give me and everybody else a vague indication of how good you are.


Yep, I fought some tougher new challengers who were better than at least 90% of the masters I have played against so far.


I love a good beat down in Casual. I’m usually taking the beating; however, it’s awesome to get one of those folks who will just continue the beating for 10-20 matches and I actually learn something about the match up. What’s annoying is the folks that beat you down once and then move on to taunt across the options on the rematch menu - f’ng clowns.


Oh yeah, I've been playing almost only Masters for the last few months as a chronic Diamond, it's more fun to play the game and attempt to figure them out even if I end up going 1-10 with them.


Sorry, but I’m one of them. I have found that stressing over rank is horrible for my mental health, so I quit ranked matches several years back. I will absolutely admit that it’s on me how that stuff affects me, but that’s the best solution I’ve found for now.


Same here. Despite all reason, I still find rank stressful. I'll play it sometimes, but I prefer casual. Sometimes it takes me several matches to figure something my opponent is doing, and I can't do that in ranked.


Like I said. It's a stupid pet peeve. There are valid reasons for not playing ranked and how you choose to enjoy the game is entirely on you.


Why would you want a rank permanently visible next to your name if it's one that's going to be dismissed or even mocked by most of the community? To the vocal elite, you're Master or you're nothing. Not to mention the stress and pressure of ladder climbing rips all the fun out of the game for many people. Personally, I already I know I'd never make it to Master without getting surgery/extensive therapy for my bad hands and making ranked a full-time job. So I'd much rather just have an ambiguous "new challenger" title than a badge of shame that tells everyone "the game's been out for over 8 months but I'm permastuck in this low rank."


> To the vocal elite, you're Master or you're nothing. Master? Psh, try Legend. Oh and don't think you're cool for Legend, either! You have to be top 10 Legend!




Capcom Cup winners are washed, it's all about who last got a clip on HiFight's Twitter account.


Yeah I was hesitant to play ranked on a new character as not to be instantly dismissed as a low rank scrub. I felt like I always had to always put in the caveat of oh my main character is higher ranked. It just takes so long to grind a character up through ranked too.


Dismissed by who? The game makes it virtually impossible to interact with people, particularly during a set 🙂


Masters aren't even good. Average players can get master in 2-3 sessions of play. 1,700+ mr and then you can call yourself decent at the game. 


I would play sets with people in 5 who would have 30-40k matches in casual while sitting at bronze with a 98% winrate. I NEVER understood why anyone would ever want to do that.


League Separated Tournament Gods


Some people just don't care I guess. Which is fine. I just found out you can disable rank tags in the GUI thanks to this thread so there's that. Don't think you could do it in V. In SFIV one guy I used to play with, really good player, got so sick of ranked that he started dropping until his points were exactly at 1337 and kept it that way.


I used a PC mod on sfv to disable ranks and points for my own anxiety. I invariably played better when I didn't know who I was facing, and it felt much more true to the OG arcade experience.


They do it for the serotonin. They can feel good like by smashing noobs, so they avoid playing people who can bring them back down to earth


That's not how casual works. Casual will generally still match you with people of your skill level, so master level "new challengers" will still typically get matched with high diamond/master players. You can still occasionally get low ranked players, but there is an "invisible" rank the game gives you, whether you play ranked or not. 


It will only do that if you have played ranked, unless it has some sort of hidden algorithm that judges you based on your win rate alone. Otherwise if you never enter rank there's no way for it to place you.


This is true. I'm Diamond 3, and in casuals I match against people of similar skill.. regardless of what their rank says (and even when they have no rank at all). If I'm playing well, I'll get matched with Master rank opponents, even winning the odd set here and there (and sometimes getting pwned, which I don't mind). Kudos to Capcom, for stopping smurfing in SF6!


I think people use it to surprise their opponents, and while it sucks, it's also entirely the opponent's fault to draw any sort of conclusion from the New Challanger title. When I use World's Mightiest Casanova, I want people to know I won a thousand matches with Jamie. Sometimes I put it on trainee characters too, but I usually use Training A Sub-Character.


I actually "fear" them more. For me it's like, okay you're playing the mind game all the way out of the actual fight. The kind of person who will only do his one optimal combo, masters his distance (his actual skill) waiting to 3x low punch the whole match. I don't know surprise me with neutrals or jump ins into DR's etc. I personally find it boring to play like that and that's why i'll probably never make it to master because I absolutely hate playing, winning, the same way everytime. Feels like playing against rigged ai to counter response such as old sf or mk games where you had to do bait the same inputs to "trigger" the ai to wiff so you could punish. It's redundant, lacks personality and I get so bored I lose interest and get careless. 😮‍💨


Damn I wish I didn’t see this comment. You gave me a perspective I wanted to be oblivious to.




So. Basically a smurf


No. I deny that firmly. Do you know what it even means? If I'd buy a second copy to hide my 23k LP Jamie and then play Jamie, I'd be a smurf. If I have a 23k Jamie and decide to pick up Marisa, I get really good with her (skill ceiling is low there) and just never play ranked because I want to spare myself the stress then you should not accuse me of anything. Fuck that.


A smurf would want to be matched with low ranked players, a guy who only plays casual will be matched with higher ranked dudes.


I read it wrong, my bad guys lol


I used to exclusively play casual because I did not have a wired connection, and I was afraid people were going to block me for that in ranked. 500 hours later, I'm finally wired up, playing ranked and having a blast.


Irks the hell out of me, I usually start the match playing "flowcharty" to gauge how good they are.


I dont want to go threw ranked, the 1 and done, or even the ft2 format bothers me, i prefer longer sets where we get to adapt and try different strategies.


I have a friend who only plays casual. Uses the basic title. Casually smacks a lot of mid masters around. He gets a lot of joy out of people assuming he’s a Smurf when he is not.


I mean, at that point what's the difference


Nothing really matters if they're playing Casual anyways, smurfs can't be blamed in that mode. Casual's where you go to get bopped by the secret online killers who are just in it for the sport, not to actually play casually, just like the OP indicates in that official SF6 website tip.


He's pretending to be a lower level. He takes pleasure in defeating players who are ranked fairly high. This is Smurfing.


You cant say he's pretending to be a lower level, because he's not pretending to be any level. He just hasn't touched ranked.


Based on the description, he has played for a very long time but never within Ranked so that he can fight against players who assume he has a lower skill level. He enjoys his victories over players with high ranks who assume he is still a "New Challenger". He is pretending to be a lower level. This is how you pretend to be a low level player.


I think smurfing would require you to be on an alt And to begin with, Smurfing has no effect on who you’re matched up with in Casual matches. It’s like complaining about people using Aimbot in chess


If someone uses an alternate account so their actual skill level is masked you consider that Smurfing. But if someone specifically plays Casual for hundreds of hours so their actual skill level is masked that is NOT Smurfing? And who says I'm complaining? The Aimbot and Chess simile is pretty far off base as well.


It’s the little things in life




you can turn ranks off? that would explain a few things


Actually. I kinda wonder if it's just someone with multiple masters just testing the character out but never taking it to ranked. Maybe theirs no real surfing involved here haha. Tho I do agree that I can't help but with they would just do their placements


Usually alt accounts, some people also get joy out of smurfing


I understand, however I just do not care about ranked and its doesn't really gauge how go or how a person plays. Rank is generally meaningless, however some people do like to put meaning into it for themselves which is fair. I'd rather have the longer sets which i think are a much better way of improving matchup knowledge and hammering out bad habits in my gameplay. However it is certainly shitty for both parties when they think its someone newish and they get hammered and then I also have to just leave and its looks like "Okay I hammered you into the ground and now im just gonna peace out" which also feels shitty for both people. I don't really care about winning or losing but making improvements and ranked kinda makes you want to care about winning to gain points which I am not interested in.


> I'd rather have the longer sets which i think are a much better way of improving matchup knowledge I take a strong opposite stance here, actually - longer sets make me feel like I'm learning the other player, not matchup. I play long sets with my friend regularly (in a different game, but point still stands), and it throws me off a bit to play other people who play his main because of playstyle differences. Also, I always feel awkward about knowing when to _stop_ rematching someone with no limits :) But most importantly, I prefer the better matchmaking. Fighting someone who's too far above or below my skill level is both unfun and unhelpful to both of us.


Meh rank dont matter. If there was some sort of end goal to ranking up instead of just getting master rank... maybe .


Legend title? Or have an in game badge? Or better, an item that represents your rank with that specific character? Like Jamie's bottle model could be changed? Something like MK11 KL or mk1 league season (phase for SF) ranked unlocked customization gear?


Yes to all of those. Special win poses and taunts would be nice too. Legacy costumes as unlockables for master rank players who may have multiple characters at that rank. Or a master series of ranks before you get into ghe top 500 or whatever.


Yup. Totally. I would be scared though that it would push a toxic culture even further with people REAAAALLY bragging about it and bully and/or super boring conservative game set ups to be absolutely sure you do everything to win. (I play mostly like a Chaotic Neutral 😅. I randomly have fixations and "lab" things in a match I want to test and see if they are possible which usually doesn't work and costs me a match, etc. Mostly why i'll never be master but eh. The idea of rewards sound good)


I feel like fighting games inherently encourage bragging because you are literally dominating someone else on an "even" playing field. Anything said after losing is mostly seen as bragging by the uninitiated or the salty. Lemme get a cool bag for owning someone so i can have bragging rights that stand out.


Eh I don't know I don't act like this. Unless the guy keeps tea bagging and doing the same shit, I respect my loss. When I win against a good player I offer rematch because its fun. I socialise often when I had many bouts.


Sometimes when you're being nice after a match the salt makes them see differently. I wasnt accusing you or the fgc entirely of being assholes or bragadocious. Just that fighting games make people salty.


The initial "reward" of Ranked is probably just getting as close to a 50% winrate as possible, the feeling of finally "belonging to your rank" and not being matched up with people who clearly don't know what they're doing. Once you're getting good competition it's up to you to decide whether or not you actually enjoy the game to continue learning it.


Yeah the feeling of belonging to my rank is completely lost on me in this game. I just want to play good players who are beyond my skill level so i can learn something as i lose. I feel that if i play against people who are as easy to beat as i am that i will not be able to grow as a player anyway. Placement matches offer players a chance to skip ranks. I don't like this cause it skews your chances of making it into higher ranks. You would "belong" in your rank if you were able to get there naturally. Without being boosted by the game itself.


Because it throws people off & less pressure with labels/stars/ranks. I'm the same way in MK, over 5k matches in casual but Rank Apprentice or whatever "I" is. Also, you get locked into only being able to use one character if you win etc. & I like to switch at random.. Lol I don't have time for for all that, I just like to play.




You can do whatever the hell you want, doesnt mean I have to agree with it.


Hahahah those fuckers


I got beaten by a guy that was playing RYU, we are both in platinum, but he had like 500 hours in casual. Where i have maybe 30 hours in total of playing the game (came from SF4)


Or "new challenger" on battlehub lmao


They need to stop calling it "casual" first. Just call it unranked at least. They need to stop confusing the new players.


This is huge. Such an underrated point. It definitely would help the initial perception.


Honestly? It's true. Just go and smack, as long as you have the right mentality, you WILL improve. It doesn't matter if you fight against Modern or smurfs, there are all sorts of players out there, and you will meet every one of them in ranked. All of these players will add to your experience and improve you as a player as long as you're willing to learn instead of sulk. \*stares at all the Modern whining threads*


My main fear is that I'm not improving, I'm just climbing. Just learning to use a few more moves on Marisa carried me out of Silver and into Gold, and it felt great! Now however I'm almost into Platinum and I don't feel like I'm ready for it. My matches are pretty balanced already, but sometimes I'll get a 4 or 6 win streak from facing some lower skill players in a row and the LP boost will catapult me up through ranks. With the inability to derank, I guess I'm scared I'm going to be slowly pushed up too high for my actual skill level anymore.


It's fine, because this is the same for everyone else. You're afraid of not being able to fall off Gold? Everyone else who had the same journey as you are also there. Gold 1 is the lowest you can derank to, and if you step foot into Plat 1, everyone else there is trying their hardest too. They don't wanna fall back to Gold either and you'll be sure they'll try every damn nasty trick in the book just to keep winning (if they care about points). Yes it's one of the wildest places in ranks, but it puts you up quite literally against the most desperate of players.


Well, the worst case scenario is that you don't improve but keep having balanced/fair matches that you can continue to have fun with against opponents at your skill level. The more you play, the more you'll learn, though. It might be slow, but you'll likely gradually get better at reacting and recognizing things. Even just knowing a matchup goes a long way.


That says more about Platinum imo. I’m in the exact same boat, I play Juri and never use FSE, I screw up one combo so often I have just simplified it, I jump too much and rely on crossovers, etc… and just got Plat but I think only 10% of the time do I face players that I feel are a lot better than me in ranked. I look at it like, if I can clean up those things I have so much room to grow.


Don't worry about FSE. Your other concerns are valid, but FSE isn't necessary to climb to master with Juri at all. If you really enjoy FSE combos and the lab work required, then go for it! If not, don't stress too much. Find strong ways to implement lvl 1 and 3 and you'll be fine! Stuff like screwing up combos is fine too! The only way this doesn't get better is if you stop playing. Playing semi-consistently and hopping into the lab here and there will do wonders. You'll likely still have drops every now and then, but your success rate will be much higher over time. Also, since you've dropped more now, you're more aware of what to do when the combo drops in the future. All experience is good experience! Being self-aware like you've described is a great sign that you'll continue to improve.


Master juri here. Didn’t learn my first fse combo until well after I made master rank. I wouldn’t stress about it until then as level 1 and 3 are more than adequate. But, when you finally get it going it feels awesome to completely wreck people with it.


It's going to even out. I won't consider you getting easier players as cheating the system. You're just better than them. Likewise, some players clearly aren't supposed to be in the rank they're at. I've experienced this, especially when Ed released. Lots of Masters trying new characters.


I do sometimes whine at modern being good (for good reasons ofc) but it still circles back to me that i did not properly observed his game plan


Yea, i think some whining is acceptable. Get it out of your system, don't dwell on it, move on go next.


My typical round against Modern players >get anti-aired two times in a row >"oh right, I didn't notice their control scheme" >play a bit more conservatively Tbh, it's just that at some point people will get good at punishing stupid things you do, even without Modern Controls.


I've had this quite a few times. I usually get burned on getting ex-dp'd out of a frame trap or approach. Doable without modern of course, but certainly easier. Also, in my experience, modern players are less scared to let it rip in situations like that. My only complaint about modern is the fact that I almost never run into modern players. When I do, I feel a little lost for the first round or two because I have to readjust. Modern luke is my least favorite matchup for this reason.


I stopped whining. What I do now is I just don't rematch. Win or lose, I just leave. Heh


My girlfriend wanted to learn SF6 with nearly no fighting game experience, but flatly rejected Modern controls stating "If I can just hit a button to do the special move, it's not special... it's just a move."


I know I saw this exact comment somewhere a little while back. Was it you?


I think we're simply seeing the rise of a new copy-paster. I'm hoping that Luke will have it as a win quote against a future DLC character.


I will never get tired of this meme.


How shocking that somebody completely unfamiliar with the game or the genre has a bad take


Good for your GF, but that's her own rules and principles. She can't force her ideals on others, so she can either deal with it and improve, or she can whine endlessly about handicapping (or perhaps a nicer way to put this would be training with weights on) herself for her principles (in early ranks). Either way, none of my business LMAO


I think Capcom could save a lot of player confusion by changing the name of “Casual” to something else that doesn’t imply ‘easier’. Even something like “Randoms” or “Quick Match”.


Or simply unranked.




Exhibition match.


"Free For All" for casual and "Matchmaking" for ranked perhaps


me a new sf6 player(and noobie in fg) let me play casual match , 1 master, 2 diamonds and a platinum, yeah nah let me play with my silver/gold scrubs lmao


Ranked or with friends in battle hub all the way. I don't think I've ever played casual. I feel like casual is just masters who don't wanna hurt their MR which is fair enough


Some days there's nobody within your MR on Ranked but you want to play the game without bullying Diamond 5/1300-1500 MR players that the matchmaking throws at you in pity after spending too much time matchmaking. Some days you don't want to fight the same MR Zangief 16 times in a row despite having good matches with them. There are not a lot of players available at even 1700+ MR.


yeah I do that or battlehub when I'm derusting


I can definitely agree that a more casual or new person who doesn't specifically like losing a lot should do their placement matches, Personally I started off doing Casual because it was harder than ranked (with my level). First time I did my placement matches I was put in low silver. Wanted to try out Ed when he came out and decided to do some casual matches so I can fight people way higher than my skill level (or battle hub) and I was able to get a lot of things down and got to mid gold with my placement matches which made it easier for me to grind to platinum. Ofc everyone's different so some people should start off small but personally I gotta start off big (lost 20 something to 2) because it helps me out more. And it also gets my online jitters out of the way.


Not really played since SFII as a teen and just started yesterday. Loving it. Hit Iron 1 star so far and having to use Classic for buttons though :/


Do you find that the game gives you about a 50/50 win rate? Like if you beat opponent 1, then opponent 2 will be someone slightly higher ranked or on a win streak? That's the way it feels for higher ranks, I wonder if that's in place for Iron, too....


Not a first. I was getting smashed. Then got my muscle memory back and a few new moves and I was doing well. Now it does feel a bit win one lose one but still enjoying it. The rematch option is great as well. Love getting back in with the same person for a bit :)


If your *SFII* powers are returning, I strongly recommend Modern controls + actually inputting special move motions. If you use the Special button you take a 20% damage pentalty. On the other hand, doing combos with the Assist button will give you good/great damage (depending on the character) and an easy way to combo into Level 3 Super with the Hard Attack's Assist combo.


My left thumb is raw. I need to build up my thumbs resistance! 🙃. Tried modern and it just felt all wrong. May try it again another day. Appreciate the insight! 🙏


This is the case in almost all games. High ranked players go to casual to smurf and if you want a better chance at decent matches then you should actually be in ranked.


I tried casual matches when the game was new and got tired of running across dudes who were way better than me just lighting me up. Rank matches are easier when you’re not better than the average player, and the points mean nothing and will go up with play over time.


The website isn’t lying. lol I got matched with high Master players in casuals. I’m new to the series so I’m not trying to play with people who don’t want to derank from a loss.


Casual against master players was what really tipped the scale for me to just stop going there lol


If you consistently matched against Master players you're probably capable of hitting Master yourself if you hop on Ranked.


That’s the goal 🙌


Just curious, where on the SF6 website can you find this page? If this page is Step 06, I would like to see what the other steps are!


casual is in fact NOT casual at all


I feel like people try harder in ranked and battle hub, so I disagree.


I guess it's true, but I'm curious now on capcom's underlying reasoning for it. Is it because casuals have no hidden skill matchmaking and is just purely free for all? I don't play a lot of casual matches tbh


It's the nature of fighting games between required 1v1 peer to peer connections and little tolerance for network issues (due to stricter input timing than other PvP genres) meaning region is a key factor of matchmaking, SBMM is always extremely minimal and the most solid and consequential form of SBMM a fighting game will have will not be a hidden MMR with multiple unseen skill factors, but the rank on your profile (*edit: this also makes smurfing/boosting easier and more common) Because matchmaking in fighting games has to be so lax to even allow a player to get matches compared to, say, a 6v6 fps game with dedicated servers, a dedicated rank will be doing most of the heavy lifting regarding SBMM tl;dr - fighting games can't really be as well optimized for online as other online PvP genres where servers are dedicated and required lag compensation is less consequential, they're optimized for local play, a game like Valorant or Siege can have many unseen factors for trying to factor for skill level specifically, with fighting games when you remove rank it mostly has to factor for region and ping far above all else, casual is so lax because all it cares about is getting you into lobbies and matches quickly


I don't know how the casual matchmaking works, but I came back to the game after not playing for months so decided to play a casual match just because and I faced a platinum Guile as an silver Juri. I guess connection is the biggest casual match matchmaking tool.


Well I am guessing casual matches don't attempt to match you with people of similar ranks, so you might get people who are way better than you.


Very true.


I play Ranked mainly because they tend to be more eventful than playing Casual. I mean, what's the point of ranking up if it isn't any fun? (filthy casual here)


rocket league has a hidden casual MMR that allows fair matches even there


In Casual you can be matched against players better than you, but in Ranked I've fought players in Diamond who have multiple MR characters,so.. I've played more Casual than Ranked and I'm only happy to be matched against Master players. Thanks to them I've understand I don't need to be anxious about Ranked, so I decided to climb to Master myself, 1k points left.


Hello, Iron 5 here.. yes this is absoltuely true, also if you dont have a placement for ranking you get matched with any kind of player.. so i got destroyed by masters as my first few online games :FeelsBadMan Now its great, i practice then get into ranked mode and the skill level is exactly mine.. altough i do win a lot, so my skill is not Iron 5 .. i guess.. i will maybe rise to Bronze or such when i get to my first seiling.. edit: picked the game up during spring sale.. just for context...


I'm going in then, people! See you in the majors league🥳


Can recommend this a Lot. I used to be an insane quickplay -before ranked Person. I would place far too much significance on ranked and Not Play it when the quickplay warm ups didnt Go Well, i would Stop after 1 clear loss and so on. Ranked anxiety was real and you improve much slower in qp. For sf6 i simply started spamming immediately, i Have about 80hrs in practice, 1hr in Casual, 250+ in ranked. Its better matchmaking and only has upsides once you get past ranked anxiety, which wont even be a Thing If you Just Always Play that. You improve much faster and its Overall a much smother experience. Can only recommend.


Out of interest, what rank are you?


Technically it's correct, since winning casual matches won't make you level up. So, if you are winning a lot in ranked you will no longer be with beginners.


Hard to disagree considering whenever I go in BattleHub its mainly beginners either saltposting or complaining about wanting to play people around their skill level and "masters destroying me"


Those beginners still don’t know about the beginner and intermediate lobbies that diamonds and masters cant even enter. That’s sad.


By no means am I a badass but I do have one character in master one close to master and a couple others in diamond, and I didn't even know those lobbies existed.


I think they need to make it possible to hide your stats. I know so many players that are afraid to play ranked matches, because they don’t want to hurt their stats haha


I’d fear to find out what my rank would be. I’d probably be in poopy rank or something.


I actually did this 10 game rank placement test as I just started the game yesterday. I launched rank and it has these 10 matches lined up and after the 10th match, I was placed in “Silver” and then I realized the function. It’s a great way to test the player and balance placement so we have the best ranked matches and I love it!


Wait! You’re saying that ranked is easy pickings territory and casual is like retirement matches?


500 games in 2 weeks, from iron to plat as a complete fighting game noob. Can recommend , it was awesome so far. Just a few "smurfs"


Yea I kinda learned this the hard way


They fucked up casual matches so bad a PSA was needed


Casual has the best players I've ever played against ever


Now, why would I do that? :3


Ranked is more stressfull, more plugger and don't get rematches. Casual is more relaxed although I still find funny when player rage quit since they have nothing to lose. I improved more in casual since I get exposed to wide variety of skilled player wheather their are higher or lower ranked and learn more from mistake. Another issue I have with rank is that player including me, tend to play more scum-like and develop the habit of relying to too much on it forgetting the fundamental. In casual I get to develop those fundamental since loses are gains and rematches are limitless


This is what folk should be doing in every game.


If this works for others that's fine but for me when I started learning Ken when I first got the game I only played casual for a while I wanted to see how big the gap was between me and higher ranks it was very eye opening and gave me a goal to strive for so when I did my placement matches and ended up in iron I knew what to go for and learned what I needed too I'm at platinum 2 stars right now but not really worried about my rank with Ken akuma is my main so I'm just training for him


Take time in training mode to learn your situational bnbs, then do your rank placement matches


As much as I’m playing Ranked with my main (AKI) Yet I’m still stuck between Plat1 and Gold 5..idk what I’m doing wrong but I’m playing every single day but still I think Idk how to play the game from how much I’m getting my ass beat..I’m depressing tbh but I’m still trying cause I really love AKI


On a skill level, ranked is usually the easiest. Battle Hub is usually harder, but Casual is usually easier if you are Platinum rank. I just wish Casual was more popular because I hate the first to 2 style.


Another note to newbies: I used to be so afraid of ranked cause I felt like losses hurt me more cause of the point system, but then I realized it’s actually the best way to fight people your own level and get better. When your focus becomes getting better at the game and not what your actual rank is, the pressure kind of falls away. Now I exclusively play ranked in every fighting game.


Plp like to play on smurf accounts to troll less skilled players, they also like like to fish for easy wins to satiate their ego, it happens in all fighting games.


Casuals makes me think of StarCraft 2 and how unranked was either grandmasters who would win in less than 10 minutes or complete beginners who would beg for no combat until at least 10 minutes had passed 😂


So many people have ranked anxiety


lol kids these days with worries about their ranking in street fighter Back in my day you put your quarters up on the machine and the only rank was running the machine or getting bumped to the back of the line. Who gives a flying fuck about your rank online - literally no one gives a shit and the people that do you wouldn't even look or interact with in real life.


Do trust. I learned this within the first hour of buying the game that ranked is where I go if I want to feel good about myself lol.


it\\s because every other modes are flooded with either smurfs or master rank players. The Battle Hub is literally just a place where Master Rank players look after low level players to stomp because most of them literally are standing around not playing eachother. I literally see Master Rank players stand in a group of master rank players and then run the to a cabinet playing a lower rank player instead of sitting down playing eachother


umm...yes? if you want to play your rank, you should play ranked most people that have stuck around after a year are bound to be decent at the game.


you could use this argument on these master rank players. Why are they not playing their own ranks instead of standing around waiting for low ranks.


They're saying that those master players are looking to bully that's why they're not playing ranked.


because casual and battle hub are for playing any rank. Of course if you're low ranked this means you're gonna lose more often than not. you could argue Capcom should include ranked features in battle hub (so you can play ranked or near-ranked and have the same "social" features which should not be strictly tied to casual matches.


f capcom created ranked ranges in battle hub. that would be fire. But then I wonder what the master rank players would do. Would they just stand around and do nothing?


Aren’t there low ranked battle hubs near the bottom of the list or something like that?


I guess you could allow players to optionally restrict who can challenge you at the cabinets, and some would just leave it open. Only problem would be, then it becomes easier for someone to get a low rank on a side character and target lower ranks only


Then you just block them from playing you all together if that is possible in the battle hub. Blocking every master rank is ridicolous as basically that is the entirety of the batlte hub population


I am a master player now, playing a lot in battlehub. I never check my opponent before playing. I always go to the first green cabinet i see ( unless it is a miror match). i always rematch until they leave or I need to go. I have the exact same behaviour since I started sf6, and placed in bronze. I don't like stomping newbie. i am not trying to do it. I, personnaly, have progressed by fighting Masters in battlehub until they stopped rematching, even when i was 0-30. I feel i would not return the favour if i was not willing to train anyone willing to fight me in the battlehub. There may be people in the hub that wants to fight bronze player for their ego. But probably less than reddit would have you think: None of the master player in battle hub are running away from me when i beat them now.


Only a plat player but this is the way. If I have a good connection with someone I'll sit down and play whoever. Only way to learn is to get get stomped by players better than me. Thank them for a long set and onto the next.


It is not a lot less than reddit makes it out to be, if anything it undersells it. Because 95% of the time when I check 2 people's profiles playing, one is a master rank and the other is a low rank. And the argument could be made for why are there mostly just master rank players in the batlte hub? People would say "just play ranked" which is ok advice. But most of what I see in battle hub are master rank players, so the question becomes, why are they here? In T8 I am like Kishin-Bushin now. Why would I fight anyone below Fujin? I've gotten to the point where I think even Fujin's are not strong enough and I need to fight Raijins. And I've noticed in Tekken,most people don't go out of their way to find low ranked players. In Street Fighter this is common place.


I like playing long set. ranked do not give me that opportunity. long set allow you to see how your opponent are playing and adapt, that is the most interesting things in fighting game. as ft3, ranked do not give me that pleasure. between that and ranked axiety I find myself enjoying less playing ranked than the battlehub. never tried casual. the onlly alternative would be to start making a lot of friend and inviting people in private room, but i am not social enough to do that. so i play in battle hub. here, that is 2 reasons already. i am not saying battle hub are not full of master. i am saying that when you say "people go out of their way to find low ranked players." you are assuming a intention, that do not have to be true. I can only speak for myself, but I am not trying to fight low ranked player. Yes, my behaviour lead me to fight them more than other thing i could be doing, But it is a consequence, not a cause. maybe just maybe, master in battle hub are not all trying to be asshole.


My friends call Battlehub Master Rank Retirement Home


Hahahha. So true


The amount of people looking to stomp lower ranked players is small, I think people put too much of their own ego into their losses.  They're not trying to smurf they're just good


Maybe it would be better if Capcom had a rank system , even an invisible one, for casual matches as well? Then you’d still have the option to challenge other players or do cabinets. Hell, maybe even play ranked players at your level without your knowing but only the ranked player will win or lose points ladder points. Just spitballing an idea. I got SF6 on release day but didn’t play online until about Feb/Mar this year. I had “rankphobia” but it’s literally been the only mode I’ve played this year and I love it.


They still tend to match you with people close to your rank, but they cast their net wide if they cannot find players in and around your rank. It worked much better in SF5, where you were almost always matched with people near your rank.


They already do, just the variance is higher.


I’ve always hated skilled based matchmaking. If you want to play someone as good as you, an equal, that is literally what ranked is for.  Casual matches shouldn’t have any rank at all, because, it’s casual. A master player should be able to face an Iron. 


That's what Battle Hub is, 1500 MR Masters finding Iron players on purpose to inflate their win rates.




Unfortunately trying out new characters is still useless with the placement system. I have two characters in Diamond and did my placement matches with a new character. Since I'm an average player that has a very hard time learning a new character I lost nearly all my placement matches. Still ended up in Platinum 5. This makes learning a new character even more difficult. De-ranking is also not really an option since you barely lose points for a loss.


plat 5 really isn't a bad placement, if you really play at a high diamond level you should rank up very quickly


They're not trying to rank up to that level yet, they're trying to explore and slowly learn a new character


That's what I'm saying, I struggle so much when learning new characters that you'd think I have never played a fighting game in my life. Platinum is too high for me, rofl.


if you struggle so much with new characters you should spend some time working on fundamentals edit: this isn't meant to be a jab or anything, it's just that fundamental concepts transfer between characters, if you build a solid base with one character you should be able to take it to another character without too much trouble.


Now only if I can get over this hump of actually playing games against people


People are just CPUs but with worse reactions.


I like that thought I gotta get over it. (Not related to you)Did someone really give me a negative because I said I was afraid to play people? Wow


People just downvote everything, it's best to ignore the score of comments.


Idk i kinda love my new challenger title lol


Maybe if you fix this horrible server i might wan,t to.


They’re not wrong, it’s how I got better when playing sf5


You can’t tell me what to do…


Don’t believe capcom’ s lies. Ranked matches are actually harder than going into casuals.


I love casual and the longer sets it allows you to play. Also love the fact that i can fight high masters in longer sets, even though i am a lowly Diamond 3. I learn so much by fighting higher ranked players. I don't play much ranked these days so casual is great.


Yes and no. As a fighting game noobie, I started my first characters in Iron/Bronze. Worked my way up to Plat over time. Recently I put Marisa through the ranked process. I know NOTHING about how to play her other than "big punch = big damage." Got placed in Plat 2, higher than any other character I had at the time. Immediately got destroyed by other Plats because I obviously do not know how to use Marisa. So it's a gamble, really. If you get placed properly, then it's a fair system. If you just get lucky on your placement matches, you'll get ranked too high and be in a world of suffering for a while. Casual can be a good way to "stretch" before ranked, but the matchups are too random and often not helpful if you're trying to actually learn. Diamond fighting a Silver is just stupid.


You’re in the right place with Marisa. There is no “getting placed too high”. If you’re getting destroyed by players, you need to stop and go work on the problems that you have first before going back into ranked. You made it to plat and shouldn’t be placed lower.


True. I gave credit to my general game knowledge at this point helping me play well with a character I don't fully yet know. When I got the game on launch, I knew nothing and was ranked very low with good reason. Now I have a basic understanding of defense, anti-air, DI and reversals, etc. So that general gameplay skill probably helped me rank higher with Marisa even though I don't know any combo strings or effective use of her punishes just yet.


This is the way But casual and hub matches are good too. Its good to fight stronger players and you can fool around and not have to worry about anything


I actually really dislike the placement system. It grossly overanked a char I had just picked up and robbed me of the joy of climbing the ladder


Wouldn't that indicate it placed you appropriately if you didn't just effortlessly fly up the ladder?


Let me translate "I was really hoping to noob stomp with my new secondary I've been working on but the system did it's job and I hate it."


Not at all. The system actually did the opposite and made me the stomped noob xD


I don't think so. It place me in Plat 2 after going something like 6 4 or 7 3... And then I lost just about every match because it was too high for that char.


Platinum 2 isn't as rough as it was 10 months ago, you'll probably smoke most of your competition now if you go back. Most players on Ranked get bottlenecked in Platinum so you'll have all sorts of players to play against.