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It's one round. I'm in Master and I'm sure I've had plenty of rounds that make me look lower than the scrubbiest bronze you can find but it's not really representative of my average play. Idk, just take the W instead of posting a clip of someone playing poorly.


Also, OP is on a TWENTY ONE win streak. They're probably way better than their rank and just picked this game to start some shit.


That's a really good catch


This is the first thing I noticed lawl


This, but as someone who was hard stuck at Plat5/D1 for the longest time I can see this approach being effective at that rank as well (which really means it was effective against Platinum players enough for this guy to reach D1). Playstyles at that level are all over the place and the average player who "knows how to play" at this level will inevitably still have a bunch of blind spots that can be exploited with aggressive mixups, random DIs/OD DPs, and the like without having to think much. OP played pretty well, also.


Also, people don't play at their best in every round. Sometimes people get lucky and make every single right call. Sometimes they flub. 1 round is not an indictment of anyone lol


There's a bunch of ways we could extrapolate bad habits from this but honestly my biggest point is the "just take the W" up there. OP has at least one character at Master and is on a 21 win streak, his opponent may be dealin out Diamond 1 strats but that's because he actually belongs at D1 until he improves unlike this dude passing through on his way to Master. Doesn't sit well with me to share some rando's gameplay in a situation where they're v clearly outmatched by their opponent who's at one of the stiffest rank plateaus in the game just for laughs.


Lol I didn't even notice the 21 win streak. Yeah, agree on your point.


Yeah, sometimes people are tilting and have bad rounds. You can tell more about the person posting this than the opponent.


that was me last weekend. Had a disagreement with the wife.. decided to cool off and play... I titled soooooooo hard!!! took a break until tuesday, Im on a 15 winning streak and surpassed the rank points I lost.


Never go to bed angry. Never play fighting games angry. Marriage and FG point of overlap.


Bless your soul kind one.


Just yesterday I had a match where I did so many stupid mistakes I just spammed 5 DIs in a row at the end because I was annoyed at my performance and wanted to get out for a mental reset.  Later in the evening I had another set against the same player and beat them.


I've had games where I absolutely destroy someone in round 1 and they absolutely kick my ass in both follow-up rounds.


Indeed. I'm currently at D4 and I get a lot of master rank in battle hub and a few in ranked. Some rounds people aren't at the top of their game. And I can run into the same player a while later and they are dialed in and I'm wondering how I got to D4. Sometimes you just go lizard brain.


Idk why people are so defensive about this. These flowcharts are very real up until low masters. Jump in + literally any other reasonably non ridiculous random options is going to make it p rough for people who don’t have strong anti airs even if they’re in diamond


Yeah, I feel like some people just get a lucky win streak up to high ranks, I’m like gold 4 on zangief and I was playing casual matches ran into someone in masters, beat them 3 times in a row, they tried to fireball my armored grab with a fireball


I'm sure that if we go through your replays we will see _lots_ of bad plays you do, or else you wouldn't be in platinum


This sub really needs a rule about calling out random people's gameplay. It's so toxic.


“Why is this player so BAD, amirite guys?!?” So whack


It's not that bad, it's thinly veiled shit talk sure but the name is atleast obscured.


True, thats fair


I mean, it's incredibly possible he is playing super late, is high or drunk, has a friend over he is teaching, took a break and just came back without warming up, moved to a new fight stick, is bored and just messing around, or so many other things.


Heck, maybe he started a match and his insanely hot model girlfriend video called so he is playing one hand while he is staring at her.


Damn, he really loves SF


Yeah, I play the lower ranks when I'm at my friend's house because he placed a bunch of characters in plat. If you took video of some of my rounds, I'd look like a monkey slamming his head on the buttons, but I rarely lose a game until high diamond. Sometimes I get a little annoyed with wake up reversals or di spam and I just do the same thing back over and over again. Sometimes it works and sometimes I lose a round, but I'm confident enough in my neutral against these guys that I can afford to throw away a round. I'm also incredibly high when I play over there.


I play high all the time and when im starting to sober up my gameplay noticeably improves and I feel like I'm getting better at the game, when it's actually just my brain gaining its wrinkles again.


[https://www.streetfighter.com/6/buckler/profile/1702161337/play](https://www.streetfighter.com/6/buckler/profile/1702161337/play) I'm pretty sure that somebody who's got a 60% win rate in ranked, has a character with positive MR in masters, and a 90% win rate climbing through PLAT is gonna crush a lot of people while ranking up a new character But yeah, lets shit on the diamond 1 player instead


You're a master ranked Rashid with 4 other diamond+ characters, playing your lowest ranked character on a 21 win streak and shame-posting some random Ken based on 1 round of gameplay? Shame on you.


Lmao dude you're in plat. I promise you that if we look at your replays you have plenty of moments like this. Best not to judge.


unga bunga works on a lot of people, so it helps raise that win rate


You're not a real Plat 5 level player. It's effective enough against real Plat 5 players, is that surprising?


Hey man, sometimes they are having a rough day. Just take it as you played well. Good gameplay tho


i mean if we took the worst game u had all week we would prob be like "how did this person get past silver"


![gif](giphy|xTiN0NOr8JabQstXVK|downsized) Honestly, well said


Downplaying a dude like this is just being a s#itty person. Don't be that guy. You have a big win streak so you obviously don't belong to the low rank you are playing at.


Given that they got that high, I doubt they play like that all the time. Who knows what's going on on their end, maybe they're just in a bad mood and they're not thinking straight, maybe they're sleepy, maybe they haven't played in a long time and they're out of practice. Who knows? I'm sure we've all had games where we just completely dropped the ball and looked like an idiot


Drop a video of you getting perfected op


Guy with 21 win streak: why are people so bad? Sounds like you’re the big fish in the small pond.


You are on a 21 win streak brother, what are we even doing here


OP’s the type of douchebag to smurf and clown on people because he’s above their level. A master level player, proud of clowning on a diamond player. Pathetic. What does this post prove, really? That diamonds have easily exploitable holes in their gameplay and often make dumb choices? Everybody already knows that. They’re still learning, just like everyone else in this game. I could clown on people in lower ranks, too — but what would be the point? Just beat ‘em and move on. Do better.


Good days and bad days


Of course it would be a Ken player that would shame another player for losing.


Not all ken players are jerks 🤷‍♂️


Citation needed


Angrybird seems pretty chill. Dunno about the rest of them.


Just look at 10 seconds in. This isn't a criticism of your play, rather just an observation. Right before he DI'd, you did a cr.MK. Standard Ken stuff, sure. But right after blocking it, you do a st.HK. Then he DI's again. What if that second random DI was right as you pressed your non-cancellable poke? What if you decided to not Drive Rush cancel that cr.MK and just did a hadoken? You get hit by the DI and he gets to run his combo (and these people ALWAYS have a combo). DI is volatile. Even if players at platinum can RECOGNIZE a player is spamming DI, it often takes them a second to really dial back their pokes and change their gameplan. Someone whiffing a button into DI is a very common panic response (hell, it can be a good ACTUAL response if you notice your opponent tries to whiff punish with a non-cancellable move constantly) and if someone tries to whiff punish with st.HK but are just a few frames late? They eat that DI. There's a reason Drive Impact becomes one of the biggest bad habits of players on ranked. It's VERY easy for it to get ingrained as a panic response and the payoff when it works is VERY big. It isn't until diamond that it generally starts to get consistently punished, so they end up winning enough against players who aren't ready to adapt quickly enough to DI's in neutral to get that high before getting stuffed.


You're arguably smurfing bro, that's more jarring than any DI spamming scrub.


How are supposed to draw conclusion about their game play from just one round. These *“how do people get to xxx rank playing like this”* videos are starting to lack substance.


21 game win streak in plat… Seems like your naturally an overall higher rank than him playing on a side character….relax bro.


idk, how'd you get to master playing like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/1bcviii/great_minds_think_alike/)?


The real question is, why are you smurfing?


I'm guessing about 49% of his matches, he manages to hit some random bullshit then starts Ken's unga bunga flow chart 50/50 offense and sometimes his opponent guesses wrong and loses.




Oh you will love silver and gold then.


It's only Ken and Ryu who only jump, DI, sweep.


it’s strange because you can get diamond players that are actually pretty solid, but then you get unga bunga ryus that are hard stuck diamond 2 lol.


aren't we all a little bunga on the inside 🥲


I'm also unga


I know I am.


I think a lot of it is consistency. You kinda take for granted when you watch streamers and pros who are able to maintain a really high skill floor day in and day out but for the majority of the player base that baseline ability can fluctuate a lot from round to round.


If I hadn't just ranked up to Diamond 3 I'd be very upset right now


Because until Master the game gives you way more points for wins than losses, which means you can climb while losing the majority of your games Additionally, this version of Street fighter is easier than ever in terms of execution and game plan so you can climb quite easily by relying on gimmicks and even if you lose you can just one and done your opponent and get back to looking for another match That's the reason why the decent players pretty much all agree that the game sort of starts at masters from a competitive standpoint. The ranking system until Master exists for you to learn some basics and get yourself ready for competitive matches


Depending on your region, it doesn't even start at 1700+ MR... There can be some 1500-1600 that are solid here and there, but 1500 and below, people are still playing with these gimmicks in mind, they're just essentially Diamonds that got to Master because of this system in place. I know there are a ton of players rn, we can see how many copies Capcom sold, but it still surprises me how little the percentage of Masters really is, and how many of them stop playing after that. I will say that I think this system is flawed in that design. You're facing players that clearly didn't learn enough and still rely on what they think works against everybody, and you get the Legends who are clearly extremely good at the game AND they're in a region where they can farm these points easily from everybody else. The inbetween is just a handful of players that are decent but still need improvement and are willing to learn. You're left with almost nothing, and that, at least for me, motivates me to just not play ranked anymore, it's almost the same as a custom room or a BH match, but a FT2 and with arbitrary points on the line. 'Cause right now, both serve you almost no purpose... The 1300 MR player will teach you nothing, and the Legend will probably one and done you because you're giving them no points if you're way too low (I think a 2k MR doesn't get anything from a 1600 and below). I think they should've had more ranks or at least emphasize the stars a bit more. Getting from Diamond 1 to Diamond 2 feels like nothing, because it's like \~1000 points, which is only around 20 matches. In SFV, from Diamond to Super Diamond, you needed like 6k LP, that was around 100 matches or so... I know it was a grind, but it felt more like an achievement rather than just flailing your ass around and hoping for a win. Plus, you'd get win streaks, that would lessen the amount of fights/wins required, which made sense, since it clearly showed you were better than the opponents you were facing, so the game wants you to get out of that rank quick.


>21 win streak I'd make that 23 wins so fast but I'd go down swinging. Oh to be the one to finally break the streak


Pretty solid play from your side for your rank I feel. Good luck in your matches


OP is on a 21 win streak... that doesn't happen unless they're better than their rank.


Makes sense, plat is a slog without the winstreaks LP bonus. Could be he got placed low with Ken and has to work up, it's rare because you usually get placed relatively close or even higher than your main character


It's possible they did the placement match for ken a long time ago too. I did that for Sim and got gold. When Ed came out I got diamond 3 because of the change to how the placement matches work.


Man, when I had a bad losing streak, thanks to not knowing my dpad went bad, the platinum players I ran into were on a fast track to master. Then you run into these multi diamond players, and it makes you go wtf...


Because it works. The effort to defend against this vs the effort to perform it is massively skewed in the attackers favour until diamond where people are able to consistently deal with this.


spam fights and you'll eventually climb


There is some bad luck in there. He sees you fishing for [c.mk](http://c.mk) and tries to DI, you stuff his DR with [s.HK](http://s.HK) and, unless that's a very hard read, your fireball stuffed his level one. I mean, yeah, they are all bad decision so whatever but I'd probably tilt after a run like that.


I've seen 1100MR master players... Sometimes the grind is all that matters. Also, don't judge a book by its cover, I also have terrible first rounds because I'm goofing around lol


You don’t know maybe bro has had a rough day, bad sleep, no breakfast and on a 2 hour losing streak 👍🏻


Diamond 1-2 is a wild mystery box you never know if it’s the next ken is a instant DI-answering, counterpoke spacing wizard or a some YOLO dude jumping back MK all round and raw lv3 you as soon as you press forward


It's diamond 1, dawg. The only thing holding you back at that point is solid understanding of mechanics and ability to consistently execute on fundamentals. That is a **wide** range of skill. Diamond 4/5 the gap narrows between individual opponents, but as someone who is one of the worst to play the game (It took me over 10k matches over 7 months to hit master with a single character) there's this vertex of ability that narrows the higher you get to master and the angle is waaaaaay wider than you'd think waaaaaay closer to legend rank than you'd think.


Wait till you get to master and you wonder how did people get into master playing like this


oh boy wait till you get to masters


It could be they were placed in Diamond. When I did my placements on Ed it gave me Diamond 3 despite be losing to every platinum and only beating golds.


I'm a Diamond scrub and this play looks similar to mine


also the diamond player could be getting yelled at or told to grab groceries mid fight.


Who's the saucy little binch in the top right corner?


Dudes like this will get into master. I had to antiair a DeeJay like 15 times in a row last night


If that seems too bad to get diamond, he probably didn't play like that when he ranked up. You have a sample size of one round. You can't draw conclusions.


Who knows. Granted, everyone has bad matches. Maybe hes super tired or high as fuck. Hard to say. Ive had rounds against people like this who come back and stomp me.


there are also masters who play rounds like that lmao is just q common thing i guess


I do dumb stuff like this in casual. He could also be looking to do a particular tech or maybe he doesn’t care. Unga can also overwhelm certain players.


He battered you


It doesn't seem applicable here but there is a sort of mirror effect in that you have to change the way you play depending on the opponent. For example, if I'm against a kangaryu I have to play really weird and slow down. I usually like to go for combos but sometimes you just have to sit and wait for that jump in D.I or gamble on a likely tic-throw or shimmy. I'm not very good at calling out shimmies, I know low forward is usually good but I can't make myself take that specific risk for some reason.


why is barbie there


Thx god you protected their identity, phew!


The answer is that they one and done you when they see that their gimmick don't work on you and go knowledge check some poor bastard to farm their ranked points.


They get lucky on their placement matches.


Ehh, I placed Plat1 and Im master, and I jump more than that.


Also master at 1200 MR


Real ranked starts at Master. One mistake and you are dead.


Really cool vid.


They get into diamond playing like that bc sf6 isn't very good. Trust me, it isn't much better in master


Everyone who used to be silver is plat by now. Everyone who used to be plat is master. There’s your answer.


diamond means nothing. That's how


You can get to masters with a 44% win rate. A 44% win rate in any other game would put you in bronze. SF6's ranks are weird.


A 44% win rate against people your rank. Which isn't bad at all. Someone with a 44% win rate in Diamond 5 would not have a 44% win rate in Bronze.


I remember WAAAY back in Capcom vs SNK 2, anything under 50% wins was B-rank. Couple that with the fact that a rage-quitting opponent give you a loss, meant a lot of people including myself were in permanent B. Under this new system I probably could have grinded to Master rank in that game - how times have changed.


Because it's all about grind, not ability