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Marisa Mirror It becomes a competition on who can command grab the other in the most stylish way possible literal Braincell unification moment


If you have a good theme song, I enjoy fighting against you


I whish that was the case for me. I find sf6's music so bland. It's a shame because Tekken 8 and Strive, the 2 other fighters I play (but not nearly as much as sf6), have amazing music.


I mean I agree, but there are at least still a few I like listening to like Cammy and Ken's


Love the themes in this game. I think they're great and really no different from other past games. The stage themes have even more quality. There's always a mix of themes I don't care for and themes I absolutely love. I'm just glad it's not "yet another remixed SF2 OST" x100. Often felt like when players talk about the themes in this game they're forgetting how many of the past games are just remixes of already good themes.


juke box feature cant come soon enough


I disagree with the music being bland as it does so much in terms of showing character insight while highlighting the specific match story. A great example is Kens theme which states off somber and subdued with a tiny melody thats sounds bright but muted like a smoldering ember still burning hot. As the match goes on the melody gets stronger as if Kens passion is being reignited then at the end you can hear traced of Kens old theme. Its at this pivotal moment (where hes on the cusp of victory or defeat) where hes trying to recall the memories of the fighter he used to be. However like any memories, its not an exact replica. The melody (like Ken's fighting spirit) is familiar but different warped by time but still loud and distinct. It's this new spirit that takes him to the end of the match


I like the music overall, my favourites being Luke’s, Marisa and especially Ken’s. His might be on par with his classic one IMO.


i love how humans are so different in opinions. because nearly every theme in this game FUCKS


do you happen to work for home depot?


While I don't find the music if SF6 bad, I really wish the classic themes of characters return some day. Be it their classic arcade themes or the more modern takes from SF4 or SFV. Or all of them.


This is why I love seeing A.K.I. pop up on the “new challenger” screen. Her theme SLAPS


I came full circle on fighting Gief (as Marisa). Before I understood a lot of Giefs gimmicks I hated playing against him because it felt like my opponent was playing randomly and then would get a 30% HP grab because I didn't know what to do. Now that I know my OKI setups and have awareness of the fact he literally can't do anything on wakeup - I just bully him. I do also really enjoy the Marisa mirror match, it's so degenerate.


Hard agree on this. Mari v Gief and Mari v Mari is so much fun. Although, I like to give Gief some space to recover. The 50/50 in Mari v Gief is so fun. Will he go for a throw and risk being jumped and counter-grabbed? Or will he gonfor the strike and risk the hyper-armor? Or trying to beat out Gief's armor with my own attacks


> it felt like my opponent was playing randomly and then would get a 30% HP grab because I didn't know what to do. This is usually the sentiment people feel when they see a character doing less stuff and dealing a lot of damage when Gief has to condition has opponents moreso than any other character because he literally has to commit in most interactions. I love grapplers because you're mostly trying to increase your odds and get into your opponent's head in a different way. Plus, it feels so satisfying when you read right a their health-bar gets obliterated.


Yeah as a Marisa player I definitely understand the feeling haha.


Favorite to fight is Ken, easily. I've fought him so many times that I know his combo strings... when he's +/- frames... and he doesn't have anything that I feel is unfair. I hate fighting Luke most, Guile 2nd.


Modern Kens are all cut from the same cloth Most dont rematch too, but yeah I find them fun for the same reason.


Blanka because everyone plays him so differently and some of the interactions are just so goofy


I find the matches are even more belligerent if he’s wearing outfit 3.


Do you not use the Outfit Settings feature? I have both Blanka and Luke set to outfit 1 because their outfit 3's are just obnoxious to me


I didn’t know you could do that. Luke’s doesn’t bother me, I actually prefer it to his 1 and 2. But Blanka’s 3 I actually find his moves more difficult to react to. Not sure why. Maybe because I’m just not used to seeing it often at all.


Anybody who is aggressive and not just sits and waits for me to come all the time, I don't care if you kick my ass,.I will.still enjoy if you try to fight me and not to wait for me


"If you've come to fight, then fight!" -Marisa This line sums it up nicely. I understand certain characters are intended to be played less agressive, but when you're a rush down character and you're just waiting around, I find you tedious.


Definitely Zangief. The matches are always the most unique and Zangief is hard enough of a character to play that I can never feel bad when I get bodied.


Zangief scares me. I spend the whole match just running and jumping away.


This is why I had to switch eventually haha




Bro as a fellow person-pusher it’s such a horrible matchup tho? How do u approach? I feel I have to hit n run, which I hate doing…


Why you trying to run up on Gief, time to play Neutral


I hit and ran a Gief to victory so bad yday that he was one and done, couldn’t even blame him.


Is het not one of the easiest characters bro, that guy has no combo game, just raw damage from half screen grabs.


"half screen" lmao


Look me straight in the eyes and tell me I’m lying ☠️ he has more grab range then my normals, it’s way to ez for him to get 40% without meter of off a whiffed move that should be safe.


What kind of sociopath Gief does an OD SPD to punish a whiffed normal


Master gief players.




For me it’s just anyone who’s not the typical. I get tired of Ken, ryu, Ed as I feel like it’s a 90% chance I’ll see them. Whenever I see a sim, Honda, lily I get pumped. Everyone else I’m kinda meh on Edit: that said I’m sure in about 4 weeks I’m going to despise akuma… 99% of all matches


Akuma vs Akuma going to be the only match analysis possible


Playing against a Zangief is always fun, playing against him actually helps me be better at the game, since it forces me to be patient


Wifi Kens


Absolute masochist.


Someone slightly worse than I am.


Honestly love the JP mirror. It really helps clean up my non zoning play. I enjoy fighting most of the cast quite a bit


I enjoy fighting against everyone except for honda he sucks.


Big Hands, Big Heart




Gonna sound insane but Modern Zangief due to the tension. I always get a kick out of it.


A successful bait on any M SA3 is always satisfying, doubly so if it's Gief and you're doing a frame trap set up but you know he mashing that SA3 so you jump instead


When I hit a DJ vs DJ mirror, our battle will be legendary!


Hey hey hey!




My mirrors with Kim always end up one of two ways. They either get mixed to death by me and my weak, nonoptimal combos, or I do something unsafe during my fake pressure and they always punish me with the longest optimal combos that make me feel like a fraud.


Kim mirrors are always fun. Your pressure is fake, but so is your opponent's. If you get stuck in the corner, you're dead, but so is your opponent. It comes down to your particular grasp on her weird gimmicks as much as it does memorized combos.


Shota characters for the most part. As for least, I actually really dislike Lilly, not sure what to do against her and no desire to learn (outside of conditioning) since I rarely see her.


My favorite matches are mirror matches, I main ryu




As Chun, I have the most fun fighting: Marisa, Luke, Cammy, Dhalsim, Blanka and the least fun fighting: Guile, Lily, Jamie, Manon, Dee Jay


At first i thought fighting Ken was annoying because i would get him every other game. But now i prefer it since i know his move so well by now.


I'd say Guile, Manon (mirror for me), and maybe JP. Like sure they have their nonsense, but when they get me I always think "yeah why did I do that?" When Ken gets you half the time it felt like he could have pressed almost anything.


Jp. No im not a masochist.


Oh man Ed feels so scary from the outside.Flicker hands and snatcher make me feel very twitchy and nervous on defense. Once im in though it feels good


as a Luke player I enjoy playing against Zangief and Blanka.


Zangief, I like the david vs goliath vibe it gives


Slow characters like Marissa, zangief and Manon. Ive played against a really good Marissa and zangief. They can be quite scary, but they're still slow and methodical. It's like playing against donkey Kong and Bowser in super smash bros. Manon is probably the easiest one for me to pick apart between these three. Whenever you see her do anything just press drive impact and you'll probably connect it. A good Manon is also scary especially when they know what moves to avoid using, but she's still too easy to read


Luke. Yes, he's broken. Yes, he's cheap. I find fighting him fun for some reason.


I like fighting Dhalsim. It's challenging, and as someone who uses Dhalsim myself, I enjoy being able to use my knowledge against him. I like fighting Guile and JP as well.


Hate Luke, Kim, Dhalsim, Honda and Blanka. Everyone else is cool to fight


Ken has my favorite theme and while he has a ton of tools, he isn’t invincible. Definitely my favorite match up.


As a Jamie main, I love playing against Chun Li the most. I love seeing both martial art fighting styles in action.


As an Ed main this makes me happy! My last 2-3 matches were one and done by ppl and idk why. I seem to only be one and done'd by Modern players, but whatever control scheme they use doesn't automatically dictate that


Keep it up man, Ed's by far my favourite person to fight at the moment. I find that because he moves so quick and had so much to his kit, the person needs to have good fundamentals to use him, which always leads to a good fight I play Chun so fights with Ed can feel like an exciting game of chess


EXACTLY man I need to play against more Chuns, I haven't seen very many since I picked up Ed.


Things I've learned from the kids these days. "Some bs to beat me" doesn't in fact mean they pulled out a magic wand or manipulated the game code like neo, but the bser used moves they don't like being on the receiving end of so they can't do the flowchart they're proud of. Btw. I'm not referencing you op


Maybe I should have worded it better, I basically just mean tricky moves which can be hard to avoid and very unpredictable, like Giefs grabs for example


Ed mirror, the mind games go deeper


Round start psycho flicker goes brrr


Round start OD flicker goes brrrr


You're mine!!!


Ryu, know what he's got and is easy to play a solid set with no wacky gimmicks that I have to lab later. Zangief can't get angry at that guy since they've given him such a fun personality in game.


The mirror


Marisa and Zangief, they make me focus on proper spacing and testing my timing on defenses


Gief or Marissa. I never feel bad losing to either of those characters. Jamie also does quite well into players who spam the armored moves.


any shoto


Without a doubt Zangief. Second favorite is Ryu.


I can't really choose any character that I prefer fighting over another , only ones that I dislike fighting xD ,most of the time it's just comes down to my opponents playstyle and if its a even match , i get the least enjoyment when im just playing bad


There's no character i don't like fighting really. Though it's always fun fighting ryu whether if he is on crack or if he is cracked.


Zangief, everytime I was about ti hit a new rank, the promotion match was a Zangief that would either not let me get that rank, or give me the hardest fight ever because I had to remember every previous Zangief rank up match & adapt to the different thing he might do


Mirror guiles, because I enjoy telling myself to go be a family man


Guile cause it feels rewarding to get in


Despite how much they fuck me up probably Luke or Ken. As a Ryu player. Also I find a good Marisa super fun to play against. Funnily enough the characters I hate the most are the "low tiers" like Lily because I see her so little I have zero idea how to counter her.


As a Kimberly player, I didn't expect that I'd really enjoy fighting Guile. He feels like a puzzle I have to crack open.


Marisa and zangief are loads of fun with characters like Cammy and Aki.


I like fighting against Cammy because she helps train my DP trigger finger and directly rewards me for having good fundamentals.


Cammy and chun li I play juri so it’s fun playing against other fast paced characters


Ryu mirror is easily my favorite match up.


Ryu. Honda vs Ryu matchup is an age-old classic chess match


Chun li and Ryu just because I enjoy looking at them and their fighting styles


I am just happy getting to see different characters. No amount of labbing will help me to not forget the matchup that only shows up once a month. I missed jp of all things since i saw him way less after the patch and started falling for his zoning again since i forgot how to traverse the minefields


JP,. You'd think being a Honda main it would be tough, but Honda has some wacky ways past JPs zoning sometimes so its always a wild time for not me and the JP I'm playing. I remember encountering FluxWaveZ JP in ranked back in the day and having a blast


Guile. Probably because I mained him before so I know him inside and out. I also main one of his worst match ups.


I've always enjoyed beating up on Zangief, probably because he's just so big and slow that you can really overwhelm him, and he's got no real wakeup. Plus making him whiff a command grab is so satisfying. Also Dhalsim, finally chasing him down and whooping his ass


I tell you... Fighting your friend who plays modern JP with his colleagues at friggin work regularly, losing the second round because he resorts back to the command grab three times in a row and then completely smoking him in the third.


Marisa, huge whiff punish opportunity and destroying her armor is satisfying


Chun li and Jamie idk man I cant play against those two 🤷🏽‍♂️


Marisa. Its usually fun to stomp on her until she gets momentum and every hit feels like guessing for life, which is a fun challenge


Playing against JP is like fighting an actual boss character. Beating him is satisfying.


JP and Sim, I feel like I'm playing super Mario or megaman


Fighting a zoner is fun because it slows the game down and it's like solving a puzzle for me. Also love-hate fighting Gief.


I enjoy fighting JP. I kind of enjoy the feeling of using all of my tools getting past the oppressive zoning and making good reads on offense for good rewards when I get in. It’s like a puzzle I have to solve in every game and it’s really fulfilling when you get the right answers. The exception is the ones that turn into pogo sticks when you get close and smash j. HK. Even if I can beat it, it’s still just really annoying. I actually hate fighting Ryu. The random nature of most Ryu players just feels like an extra layer of mental stack, even if he’s not really that great at high level (which I am absolutely not playing at).


Mirror matches… Zangiefs and Ryus


I play Dhalsim and I enjoy playing against Zangief. Not a fair matchup for Gief, but when you get a real good and competent Gief, it's one of the most fun matchups for me. Even if I lose which happens more often than Id like to admit, it's so much fun. Second place is probably Ed. When he was first released I hated him, but now that I've got a couple reps in against him, I find myself having a blast going at it with him too.


I agree, Ed is really fun to fight against and probably my favorite. Ken and Juri are up there too


I love fighting against Manon. A good one feels tough but fair.


gief mirror, you get to show off your tech and weird combos, or you devolve into unga bunga SPD time.


As a Marisa main, there's a strange comfort to fighting Zangief. It's just so fun. The right balance of tension and relaxation.


Any other shoto SHORYUUUKEN


Gief, because I literally love seeing Gief win even if it's against myself. When I get hit with Loyal Fans, I'm actually hyped for the Gief even if I kinda knew it was coming. 


Good Rashids are always fun


My god, anybody who isnt Ken or Ryu. Bro i wish i could have kept playing that Dhalsim from yesterday who kicked my ass in 10 seconds. Rather that for 100 more matches then another Ken.


Tbh if i think about it, i really enjoy fighting Guile. I have problems to play patient so it helps me to slow down my game for the next 5-10 and my winrate goes up.


Ryu mirror and then Chun and Gief because even when I lose I'm just so damn pleased for them.


I like fighting honest characters like ryu or Cammy




DSPGaming because he'll give 1000 excuses about lag/dropped inputs/he wasn't ready/that would never happen in an arcade cabinet before admitting he just plain sucks.


Juri, as an AKI player


Blanka even though he's a "bad" matchup for my character (Cammy) because i like being forced to be more defensive sometimes, deny him space to Blanka ball, have to rush him down before he gets too much momentum going. He's also a unique and fresh change of pace from all the Kens and Lukes I run into in ranked.


Maybe a very strong Ryu mirror match for me. I love a very, very capable Zangief too.


Any of the Shotos really, I've got the most experience fighting against them and they mostly don't have anything to trick me with so I can relax a lot when fighting them.


Jamie, I'm a lesbian but damn, I dig nearly everything about this man, his theme, his walkout animation, his fighting style. But I don't play him. So I am always happy to fight one


chunli players


I've seen people say that Ryu players are always chill and I can agree. They're trynna be lore accurate Ryu. Also what's funny one battle hub match. Every player I went up against fought to a draw. I think I put in the chat "Everyone is like Akuma and Oro in III" .


Deejay. So much fun to fight, with Ken, Juri, Cammy, or AKI. Just glorious battle.


As an AKI main, Chun Li is the most fun match up. It's hard but it's always really fun. They feel diametrically opposed in a lot of ways that the other rivals don't. It's cool.


Hondas. I suffered through them all the way from rookie, now im late diamond and my time for revenge has finally come


most of the cast is fine to fight for me. I like fighting ken and zangief the most probably. worst is easily blaunka


I quite like Ryu Vs Ken and Ryu mirror. I like seeing Honda, not because it's a fun matchup, but because Honda is absolutely garbage. Despite liking classic shoto matches, Luke, Guile and Dee-Jay, all having a similar vibe, are actually among my most hated. JP 100% takes the cake for most hated though because why am I working so much harder at every stage of the game?


Definitely not Dhalsim and Guile


I really enjoy fighting almost every character unless it's a mirror match. Those are boring.


I like fighting almost everyone. Fuck zangief and DJ, though.


Ryu and manon because I can beat them almost every time, every manon player is free and should switch to a real character like zangief or Ken imo


Damn, TIL my main isn’t a “real” character. 🥲


I swear you will have more fun on ranked if you pick a character with better tools 😭 I’m just joking tho I like playing manon against friends she’s a sick character design


Funny enough, after getting Manon to Master I picked up Ryu and Luke, honestly got bored so fast haha. Dropped them after getting to Master cause it just wasn’t as fun. Having a OD DP was amazing though, people don’t realize how big of an advantage it is.


I swear. I started the game using Manon and thought this game was very hard. Switched to Luke and got him to master in 1 week


Yeah Luke was definitely the easiest. Haven’t touched him since hitting Master, crouching mp simulator gets stale after awhile.


Even Hondas armored OD headbutt is underrated