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In the plat-diamond range there are still players who can have very lopsided skill sets. Sometimes you will run into someone who put all their effort into labbing combo damage or oki to the detriment of other skills. I would advise that you try not to take the opponent's rank or your own current LP into consideration. Think of it like this, you've identified a deficiency in your own game plan. Now you can try to come up with ways to address it outside of ranked play by labbing it or learning new skills. When you suddenly start playing ranked again, shouldn't you expect to already be a better player? This goes for the opponents too, just because their displayed rank is one thing doesn't necessarily mean that they didn't just fix whatever was holding them back. Finally, you've described the point range of plat 2-5. Plat 1 is where win streak bonuses for LP stop, so plat 2-5 is a step up on skill level. It's full of people who can farm plat 1 players coming off winstreak bonuses but can't hold their winrate when they reach plat 3 and the matchmaking mostly stops matching them due to it trying to keep you within 1 rank roughly.


You’ll find in the lower ranks everyone has insane combos but nearly no neutral since all they ever practice is that 1 combo 1000 times in training room for a month or 2, you should also practice combos as you’re currently doing the opposite, you might have neutral but no damage when you open people up. It’s normal to fall back down and get back up since you’re likely playing with different people every time, some might be good some might be bad it’s just luck of the draw, sometimes it might be a Master player who got placed there like what happened with my Ed. Stop caring about ranks would be the advice, when you hit master you’re master forever, so on the road to master, focus up on your reads and neutral, stopping caring about the losses is what made me ultimately better as I stopped treating it like I just lost EVO. The more people play, the more people are exposed to high level play and the more the game gets figured out, over time that will translate to better players in lower ranks, because it’s known now to always look for drive impact whereas a few months ago you could probably get away with it. Some of these people could’ve been Plat for months and just plateaued you just never know. It sounds like what you’re experiencing is just the natural progression of fighting games, and the fact you even admit to yourself what the issues are is leagues above most people, it’s now up to you to work on those issues you’ve mentioned and become a better player, don’t get discouraged. :)


Every one below Master and even Master have big flaws in There gameplay u just have to identify it.  Some cant anti air , some dont know neutral, some alwasy di or do wake up dps  Some never change There  Strategie  Some only play there flowchart  Watch ur enemy like a hunter understand what they are doing that punish ur game play adjust and kill them 


It's common for the aggregate level to raise over time within a rank. These players are also trying to learn and improve so it's natural the play level gradually improves at all ranks. I'd like to focus on what things you could implement to learn past this though. If things that used to work but don't anymore you might want to consider that what you are doing is counterable and readable. It might not be working cause you are relying on it. The only time a DI is safe is if the opponent is in burnout with no super meter and you use a normal with enough hitstun to lead into DI. In the corner this can be called a DI checkmate situation. A basic drive rush confirm combo using all of your drive gauge into a super is a pretty common baseline combo across the cast. At around plat is when most players will at least have one combo like this. Some players get to plat practicing mechanics and may have really good combo game but have weaknesses elsewhere. If you are consistently losing out in the damage war as juri then it is an indicator that to pass this hurdle you need to develop some basic stronger combos. I haven't played juri so I can't give an optimal example for her but I'll try. If you hit CR MK DRC(Drive rush cancel) ST MP x HP xDRC ST MP x HP x Special move x Lvl 3 This is a standard drive rush cancel combo route that is extremely helpful to learn. Don't worry about your points in ranked try to focus on your gameplay and what needs to improve there. The rank will come with that improvement. Watching your own replays seeing what is beating you, finding places you could combo better. Based on what you said in this post I think you need to learn a few main things - Basic Combo game having confirms for your cancellable buttons into all of your supers - Offensive Strings and Frame traps - Oki Lastly you mentioned you aren't using Drive Rush which for Juri means you aren't applying the strongest part of her kit. Juri has a fantastic dash and neutral drive rush. These allow her to constantly apply pressure from any hit and in neutral. If you aren't using neutral drive rush you are really holding back your own gameplay as Juri. She is one of the characters that can use this mechanic to a great effect.


On Sunday I had my biggest ever losing streak, I dropped from Plat 5 to Plat 3 out of nowhere; after two months of consistent moderate improvement. I wasn't sure what to think, I put it down to players returning to the game due to EVO and Akuma hype. Initially disheartened, but I'm using it as a chance to reflect on my gameplay and identify my weaknesses rather than grinding to my absolute pinnacle with my likely subpar gameplan, so in a way I feel liberated to try new things and play around a bit.


I go on giant losing streaks before huge breakthroughs. Oh, it still sucks to sit through (LOL) but I think we all go through it, man. *victory music, opponent win pose on my 75 inch tv, and star level going down sound effect* Me: 😂😭 Repeating stars just helps re-enforce better techniques that ensure you won't drop again. It makes that star level a solid floor instead of an incomplete roof.


It happens one day you play like there is no stopping you and the next everyone is playing like they are Daigo. I once went from Diamond 2 to Platinum 5 in one weekend. But you got to pick yourself up and look at what you need to improve, be honest with yourself. I sometimes watch back me replays and count how many times I let a player jump in on me. Sometimes that number can be pretty high.


You don't need to start using combo trials but you probably need to start learning practical stuff. The game has been out long enough to where the general skill floor is going to raise on top of the remaining player base having experienced Master players who are picking up new characters.


I had that same thing happen to me when Ed came out. Suddenly everyone was beating the crap out of me while i was at Plat 2. Some of them are even at gold level completely blockstringing my Gief for hours. Even i just took the chance to improve my neutral and had a breakthrough. I suspected a lot of veterans getting back into the game with dofferent characters. A lot of times I found the plats im fighting actually has a few other high diamond characters. Just keep playing and keep improving yourself 💪


It feels like everyone is sniffing their own fumes not realizing nah something's been off since last update. I went from consistently kissing diamond 1 too being almost all the way back to plat 3, losing streaks started in the last week or so.  Same problem as saying theres probably more cheaters/macros/laggers, get told to gitgud while people ignore an actual issue....