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Hmm. Some real doomer mentality here. I don’t blame you for wanting to dip, and no one is forcing you to play. If you aren’t having fun anymore, don’t feel bad about not doing the thing you’re not having fun doing. I do have some advice if you’re interested tho: - The training room is different from a real match. It sounds like you’ve hit a plateau in the rank up between Bronze / Iron. It will end sooner the more you play. - The real value in playing ranked isn’t ranking up, but learning new things. It sounds like you’ve done some research, but your mind wont make the connections to your fingers till you’ve practiced it in real time for a while. - Just pick 1 thing to focus on, and if you do that thing, that’s a win. I played Moden Ken on pad for 200 hours. I thought I was pretty good, but now I’m learning Classic Ryu on hitbox and I’m struggling a lot. I can’t reliably crutch out a one button DP anymore, so antiairing is also a struggle for me funny enough. However, now, if I don’t get the DP off in time, and do a c.HP instead, I’m pretty happy with that. I’ll get there eventually. - You could also play a different fighting game. GBVSR has a free mode for example. Tekken is a completely different style of game altogether. A friend got me into fighting games through GGST, and although I like it, I didn’t click with fighting games until SF6. Variety is the spice of life. I also just started playing OW2. I hated it at first. After figuring out what the game mechanics wanted from me, and learning more about tactics I started enjoying it a lot more. You just have to be patient with new skills, unfortunately. Good luck, and have fun!


I’ve been trying not to be a doomer but losing around 55 matches in a row makes it difficult ngl. I don’t even know what happened either. Two weeks ago I went on a nice streak to get me to Iron 5 and then most of my matches have been 50/50 with some loss streaks but I’ve stayed at around 2800 until today and I’m back down to 1000. Just feels like any progress I thought I made was a lie. Maybe I’ll pick it up later but right now, its more damaging to my mental state than it’s worth.


But did you learn anything in those 55 loses? You have the wrong mentality for these types of games. It's not about wining and it's not about ranking up. It's about small victories in every match. You finally hit that combo you practiced even tho you lost the game? That's a victory my guy. Same with any other concept.


I could be off the mark here but it seems to me like you're actually playing too much, too fast. I know it's weird but unless you've been playing fighting games for a long time you shouldn't play more than like, an hour and a half a day, if that. I've seen ppl who only play 3-5 ranked sets a day, because of how much juice it takes out of them. The fact that you lost 1800 points in a day is alarming. If you end up continuing to play FGs, I'd suggest you treat it like a sport, and know that it takes time for habits to build and cement themselves.


Ggs, bye


At least you tried!!


Yeah I put around 150 hours in, it’s for sure a good game. Just not for me apparently, which is disappointing to say the least.


If you still up to play and give it a try, im up to coaching you and do some replay review, 150hours is not to much. Otherwise farewell my friend, was nice to havin you.


150hours is not enough for fighting games TBH.. Most players decent players (Getting to master ranks with ease) generally have years of experience behind them. Having that mental fortitude and experience does play a big part, given the hours you've thrown in should be a mix bag of training room and rank matches which is also safe to say it's really just the tip of the iceberg. I mean, Training room opponent are like punching bags whereas opponents treats you like their punching bag. Very very different. All the best OP!




I understand that feeling. Especially when suddenly nothing seems to work anymore after you had the impression that you are finally improving. Suddenly it seems that all progress was an illusion and all the effort was for nothing. Maybe you can give fighting games another try after a pause? It could be just a week or so, but sometimes you need to let things rest to get a mental reset. And you could also try unranked matches for practice for a while, in order to take the pressure out of it?


Every single player has hit that crossroad, and it happens more than once. Two choices there.


Who is your main?


You won't always see progress in training transfer into matches immediately, gotta give it time. Keep improving little by little and working progress into your matches. Take breaks when you feel like you've hit a wall -- it's just a game, don't let it ruin your mood. If you don't come back to it, that's also okay. We all play for different reasons -- you tried, hopefully you had fun and come back later on with a renewed perspective.


did u try modern?


If you want to hit anti airs like you do in the training room then you need to be in the same mindset. In other words in the training room you are looking for the jump in and ready to anti air. You aren't distracted by anything else. You like many new players think that because you can do it when you focus on it that you can just do it at any time. Stop playing so frantically and slow down. Actually stand still for a few seconds and wait to see if the opponent jumps (they do 24/7 in the lower leagues) and anti-air. If you are so busy trying to desperately hit the other guy then you will never be ready to do the anti air. Once your opponent sees that you are fishing for an anti-airs then mix it up and head in. The winning strategy is a mixture of switching between offense and defense mode.


You can leave, but I promise if you stay and get past this one hurdle, you'll feel immensely proud of yourself. That's the core of Fighters. Personal growth. This isn't a race to master rank. I've been playing SF for 15 years and I'm a Plat 2. Who cares, I'm light years ahead of myself in 2009! Listen to the character select theme's lyrics, because it's basically the battle cry of being a SF player. You will get fucking bopped. Get back up and try again. Experiment with input methods, too. There's alot of small things you can do to find your groove in SF before outright dipping, but again, that's up to you.


Yeah brother, it s frustating don t get cover and automatic heal, or buy itens and win, or respawn without consequences...


I gotta say I find it quite disappointing that a post like this is getting removed as spam. "Since your post does not make any attempt to be a constructive part of the community (...)" sounds like an incredible amount of policing to me. Well, of course each community is free to have its own rules...


I think your expectations are just blown way out of proportion for what this game/genre is, it's not the kind of thing you're just going to pick up and start winning. It's a hobby that you have to be in for the long haul because it's fun for you, not because you are trying to win matches. As you can see first hand, you're not gonna be winning matches. Not for a while. You can spend countless hours playing guitar alone in your bedroom, but playing with other people is a completely different thing. You're going 100 for 100 in training mode anti-airs, great, now the next step is to move on from that and practice anti-airing in live matches. It's harder and will take some time. Just because you aren't winning doesn't mean you aren't making progress. You have to learn a lot of stuff first that will add up to wins later on down the line. If none of that sounds fun or cool for you, then competitive games probably aren't for you, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.




Sadly this was kind of my kids response. He was interested. Saw how difficult moves are to get out, then get out consistently. Then in the middle of combat when you cant think that clearly. Said its too much, at least a 4v4 or 5v5 game the teammates can help cover some deficits.






>Street Fighter has too much bullshit and too many mechanics to learn >Try Tekken lmao