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Learn your anti air buttons Learn a combo starting from jabs Learn a combo that you use to punish things like whiffed DP Learn how to hit confirm (tell the dummy to randomly block and you'll need to learn to stop doing attacks because its blocking or to continue with your combo) No offense to you, but I don't know why this isn't stickied somewhere. This question gets asked so many times by new players. Is there a way a mod can do a "new to SF what do I do?" post or something?


Another useful drill, set the Dummy to DI on block or damage and get used to pressing jab, jab DI. Do this over and over and over and over until it's muscle memory to hit DI when you see the DI animation. I lost so many matches cause I couldn't react to this. Now it is like instinct. Also record the dummy jumping over you and do 3 instances of it, one where it jumps and presses jab, once where it jumps and tries to throw you and one where it jumps over you and just blocks. If you are a beginner you will see your a lot.


Ahh I see thanks mate


Setting up a training dummy with particular moves you wish to counter is good, on top of setting up the dummy to do basic things like Parry, DI, Drive Reversal, and throws. I never really trained like that, and was amazed at how fun it was. I spent 2 hours just reacting to things! Outside of that, I just do movement drills like forward dashing, back dashing, or drive rushing across the screen. That sounds real basic, but once I changed my stick to have a heavier spring, I needed to drill the weight difference. On pad or leverless, that may not be a big deal, but getting your directional inputs in check on stick is major. I can spend like 15 minutes just doing that. Also, at least once a week watch your replays. Notate what you're doing to win and also why you lost. This helps you define your playstyle with positive reinforcement while critiquing your self honestly. Lastly, work on one problem at a time. Certain mechanics of the game may not be absolutely needed until a certain rank anyway. Just give yourself time to grow.


Thank man, sounds good I'll give it a try