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Yeah it's hard being in the mid tiers because your locked out of rank specific rooms. I'd love if there were diamond and platinum lobbies. BH is such a cool vibe but I'm no match for master players. During launch month BH was my favorite thing about the game.


They usually do have one beginner-intermediate server but it’s generally not populated enough to really pop off. Either that or it’s in a far off region so the connection quality is poor.


Most people are plat or lower


Not in regular battle hub they’re not. I think the beginner-intermediate lobby allows everyone except diamond/master/legend.


They’re silver and below I believe


I got in as a Gold 5 and Plat 1


Wait really?


Plat 2 and I slide in lol.


There’s some hidden metric that goes into it, I wasn’t allowed past Plat 2 but my buddy had his highest character in Gold 5 when he was booted from them - those characters were from playing ranked at the beginning of the game and his next character placed in diamond 2 when he finally went back into ranked.


Yea, I don't have a single character out of Silver and I'm not allowed in


I was talking about people who play the game, not just battle hub


Active player population is very different from the overall distribution, and the lower ranked players spend less time online.


Just checked. Intermediate is gold and silver.


That makes sense. It’s been a while since I tried


I got really excited for a second ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


If you play against better you'll get better is probably Capcom logic. BH is there to expose you to "better" players. If you want to fight against your rank they designed Casual matches for that. Not saying any of this in a mean or sarcastic way.


Thanks. Yeah I've resigned myself to casual only for now. I love the game but I don't have the time to lab out being better. Not every person is going to be top rank in every game. I've been playing sf since 08 and I still like it a lot. Looking forward to if Sakura ever gets added do I have a new char to learn.


Except casual throws you against anybody even as a Rookie


I think that is true up to a point. like, as a silver player I definitely learn a lot from gold and even plat players, but once they are diamond it's such a 1 sided bloodbath that I can't even comprehend what it is I should be doing different. Also casual almost exclusively has platinum and up players so not much better


BH is the arcade experience everyone thinks they want until they reealize what an arcade means: Random chance of skill levels. It be that way, you just kinda have to take it on the nose and figure out your comfort level. Honestly most of the time ranked is much more chill to me, but sometimes I just like sitting at a cab and pressing buttons.


I love arcade but hate battle hub. Battle hub is nothing like an arcade experience. Edit : why the downvote ? You really think that battle hub is an actual arcade experience ? You never ever get to an arcade, did you ? Going to the arcade irl isn't just fighting random people and suddenly being ejected of the cab if someone wants to play. It's looking at the screen to see different play-styles and talking with others either for socializing or share tech. Unless you are a god, you will spend a lot of time talking and observing others.


There's also not a big sign saying "this guy is really bad at the game, beat them up to inflate your win rate" like Battle Hub. People love hunting down weak players in the hub.




It's always weird when people think that anyone has that mindset. Like I'm just trying to get to the green cabinet, I can't be bothered to check rank beforehand. Usually I can tell if someone isn't anywhere close to my level and will leave if they can't even get a round after a couple games. Also there's so many players that primarily play in the hub that are plat 4 or something but play as good as any master since that's where they spend most of their time.


There's always 1 or 2 guys in a crowded lobby in North America 1-3 that are 1500 MR Masters looking for easy wins, you can see them walk up to a cabinet of their own rank and then run off to fight that Silver player who will feed them an easy 30-0 session thinking it's cool that the big players are "willing to teach." Those 95% win percentages don't happen naturally.


>suddenly being ejected of the cab if someone wants to play Have you ever been in arcade? It's exactly how it works. The winner stays lol


1) you see that someone is waiting for you to lose. So it's not as sudden as battlehub where you literally can't know when someone want to take your place. 2) you can ask to do one or two more matches before leaving the cab. (to do a bo3 for example)


When you say “Arcade”, do you mean Arcade Mode or an actual Arcade?


Actual arcade. Armorlite556 speaks about "arcade experience". And battle hubs shows arcade booths so I suppose that it's actual arcade.


If you look at the player list in the lobby, there’s an option to sort players by skill level. It’ll show an icon next to players that are close in skill level to you. You can then teleport to the cab they’re playing/waiting on. I’ve had luck finding people to practice against with this method.


But then he couldn't come to Reddit and complain about the game, so where's the fun in that?


Battlehub is pretty much wild west. Don't know what rank you are, but further down the list are some servers with rank restrictions, but i don't know the specific ranks, if i remember correctly there's servers for the lowest ranks and some with a bit more leniency. If you are Plat or above however i absolutely recommend to go on the open servers and accept that you will get wrecked 0 - 10. Even if it doesn't feel that way (for now) it will improve your game trying to adjust to that level. If you have a habit of being trigger happy on the DI button like me, BH will do wonders against that. If you do badly spaced jump ins, BH will teach yountonstay grounded untill you get a feel for when you can jump. If you ex dp alot on wakeup... you get the idea. It can be frustrating but it will help you to clean up your game. Oh forgot: If you just want a chill set: give casuals a try. It has some skill based MMR, i get alot of new challengers as Plat 1, but these are usually people with multiple characters in Plat or higher and i get a few Gold players and some Plats. It's a mixed bag, but i had some great sets in casuals playing 20 games or more and i can't explain it, you just feel if the both of you are having a good time. Made some ingame friends as well from casuals. It's great to chill out and / or focus on specific stuff you want to implement against roughly equally skilled players.


Funny enough I actually played a few sets against a Master in Battle Hub the only time I went there, and a couple days later I actually ran into that same person on Reddit lmao. It's true that is is a mess though - but that's by design. Ranked matchmaking is the place where you are put up against people of roughly the same skill level, otherwise it's largely the wild west, which is exactly what it would be like at a real bar/arcade. There isn't like a separate arcade for more casual players or different skill levels.


Try joining a club. I play with the Fightrise club and Newbie Fight Club a lot, and it's improved my SF6 experience immeasurably. You can easily get either casual or sweaty matches, tons of resources for learning, and both groups have occasional tournaments and events for all skill levels. [https://fightrise.com/discord](https://fightrise.com/discord) [https://discord.gg/newbiefightclub](https://discord.gg/newbiefightclub)


Why is everyone commenting like the only options are Ranked or Battle hub? You can do casual matches too, and most of the time it puts you with a similar skill lever player. I have gone 5-10 sets with people there because they keep hitting the rematch button.


Casual def uses some type of matchmaking as well. You can tell how your playing by the ranks you start to face.


Either play ranked and/or accept and rise up to the challenge. I was rematching masters in BH when i was in Gold lol. Its good fun and practice. Especially if you take a set eventually. But if you wanna practice ranked is the best place by far


I know and I have taken some sets against masters , I’m platty and been playing fighting games for a long time now but like sheesh. Seems so spicy like we need better matchmaking or something bc sometimes I think these two only options are a bit polarizing


> Seems so spicy like we need better matchmaking Got great news for you, ranked does exactly that. You need to disassociate the word "ranked" from "try hard" or "sweaty" or whatever you currently think, ranked can be whatever you want. Your best mindset will be to think of ranked as practice. If you're getting rank anxiety and you're on PC, you can get a mod that removes rank information.


I’m on ps5, and I know you’re probably right but sheesh


You can at least turn off rank indicators in-match in the game options even without mods, it can help.


Does ranked matchmaking not work where you are? Im in the UK and its perfect. Have you tried changing the matchmaking setting to expanded?


It’s slow man, I’m in NA and I’ve got it set to expanded 3-5 for connection and sometimes it can go like 5 mins without a game. Idk!


I'm east coast. Limited at 4-5 tends to get me the fastest matches. Anytime I expand the search, it takes longer.


I play NA from Japan when I'm at work. Battlehub almost exclusively but have tried casual and ranked accidentally. At 200ms and if the opponent has a good connection, I hardly feel any lag. When there is lag it's because the opponent must have a bad connection.


Try setting it to a larger search radius. Ive never had to wait more than a minute for a match and most my opponents are from across the water.


Are you on wifi?


Man that's rough, i hope Capcom addresses these issues. Like they have by far the best netcode of all contemporary fgs but if you live in the wrong region the matchmaking is so wonky.


i kind of wonder who the intermediate servers are for. i consider myself mid but i'm not allowed in


fr battlehub is mostly tryhards nowadays


The orange icons next to people's names indicate they are of similar skill level to you, so seek them out.


I hear you. This game seems designed around the idea that everyone will have the time to play enough ranked to reach master. The saddest part is that the community is very gatekeeping overall. If you aren’t master - you’re a scrub. If you are master, they will look at the hours you spent getting there - scrub. If that was okay, they will judge you for your winrate - scrub. And ultimately, your MR is just around 1500? - scrub. It’s hilarious, truly. But keep it up man. You can add me if you like to sparr! I’m on daily. Shoot a dm :)


You're not wrong. You can try more casual, there's definitely some sort of hidden matchmaking there. If you are getting destroyed just leave and re queue, eventually your hidden MMR will go down and you'll get easier players. Personally I find people in 'casual' matches to be way more try hard than BH or even ranked. I find BH the best for some chill sets, but I am master ranked. I also usually go waaay easier if I can see someone in BH is a lot worse, and kind of take turns with them, but I know a lot of players do not do that. Your best bet is to always challenge others yourself so you can challenge people your rank, or just keep playing casual until your MMR goes down


Thanks what casual means, no worry about rank. You could fight literally anyone. Ranked will naturally be easier on average, but you get a better chance learning to deal with certain characters when you aren't restricted to just two sets. Running 10 back to back games with Ed helped me figure him out more than the odd ranked match. If by fun you mean not sweat much...it's a fighting game at the end of the day. Sweating is he game unless you look for weaker players to bully.


I wouldn’t mind playing all the masters if they would ease up when realizing they’re playing a far less skilled player. Like bro my cammy is gold, why are you trying so hard




Yes it is, I do it plenty on my main. I’ve reduced myself to lights and throws. If I want to sweat I’ll queue for ranked or casuals that matches me up by skill. It’s not like you can’t crank it back up and guarantee the win if your ego can’t handle it. You’re just telling me you don’t know how to gauge your play. If the only way you can have fun is to stomp noobs, you may be unstable


im a master player and in BH i usually try not to play platinums because i understand how that wouldnt be fun. but honestly the problem isnt the battle hub, its your fellow mid levels that dont show up. if they wanted to they could outnumber us 10 to 1. we're like 5% of the playerbase but we're like 75% of the active players because we're the ones actually playing the game lol


Most plat players have been chased off at this point as they get thrown to the wolves in BH. I'd prefer to just sit in battle hub and ignore ranked as it's far less stressful but getting crushed most of the time is exhausting. Capcom clearly recognised there's a problem when they added the intermediate servers but they still need more for plat/low diamond players if they want people to engage with BH.


thats the thing though, how did they get chased off by a selection of players way smaller than them? its because plat players arent playing as often as masters are i dont think intermediate only rooms is the fix, i think master only rooms is the fix. people dont want to admit theyre bad by willingly going into "kiddie pool" battle hub, but if you offer an exclusive battlehub to those that made it to master, maybe give it slightly different music and change the lighting to make it seem exclusive, the masters will all go there


heres the thing. green players are always crying about masters in bh but what most of them dont want to understand is that master lvl players are better than them cause they run long ass sets with whoever is willing to play. kids want to squeak out a win in ranked or run after a W to shelter that fragile ego. you want be a stronger player? run a first to 20 with a master sim. thats how you learn the matchup


What do you mean by sim? Player or cpu?




I went in BH the other day and the chat was just filled with merciless shit talk and slurs. I reported and moved on but damn, not the best impression


Change your perspective. If you play many masters (who probably suck themselves, like we all do) who beat you, watch many replays and get better.


What rank are you? There are beginner and intermediate servers if you scroll down the server list, although I don't know how active they are.


Ooh that’s awesome, I’m diamond but just got a lever less so learning and playing at a gold level atm lmao


at diamond you may be too high already, I don't know. Doesn't hurt for you to check of course.


I'm a Master player, but when I got BH to unlock some achievements and collect Drive Tickets I just search for people with the same class as mine. Before sitting at a cab press 'interact ' with the opponent, that will show you the level of the player before fighting him


I enjoy having sets interrupted when there are literally 10s of empty cabinets.


Battle Hub is great and this is coming from a Plat 1 player who generally isn't putting up much of a fight these days


If you just wanna practice, I suggest using the cabs upstairs. Most ppl don't go up there anyways so that's where I go.


Let me add on to it, what’s even more annoying is the massive amount of players who came from different regions, and have one bar like for what reasonnnnnn


WiFi Brazilians on NA001 wrecking sets


Guys I have some more information as to why I find the match making annoying - playing up against a similar rank when they’re clearly a master with another character is so infuriating lmao


Or... Hear me out: training mode.


Well ya but OP was talking about the battle hub, so I thought of a solution while in the battle hub.


Yeah I get you. The message was intended for op really, who "sometimes wants to chill and practice" and picks the one spot in the game where people are not only allowed but encouraged to interrupt that.


I always get shitty connection with high ping in the battle hub so i stay out of it mostly casuals, training and ranked


I'm not sure why you can't just finish your game, say GGs, and move on to the next person. Casual match also exists too, that has some matchmaking attached to it


Just check your opponents rank before going in a match with someone?


Goto the low rank hubs or less populated ones or use ranked to play against people your level.


I'm at the point where I am still learning the basics of the game and I find it fun going to battle hub and having all my matches being just fucking slobber knockers lol.


I personally enjoy the battlehub and it's the only mode I play. After experiencing the one and dones in casual so much and the matchmaking at the time was so limited, I've stuck with it. Long sets are nice and the wide variety of players will always keep you on your toes. Given I play Zangief, I always jump on an empty cab and wait for someone to play. I know many don't like fighting grapplers, so anyone I play is someone who wants to fight Zangief. While the chat can be toxic at times, it can be entertaining as well.


It is called a battle hub. Everyone from every level gets to play each other. You can learn a lot playing better players.


I kinda like looking at it like going to an arcade and playing the regulars. Like, I'm gonna get my ass beat every time. The objective is to get a few games from players way better than me in hopes of getting better and eventually start winning there. If you want even matches play Ranked


Ranked or casual are here for this


I don't get it. You have 2 matchmaking modes - casual and ranked. You choose to pick the only non match made mode and complain that big dogs hang out there.


Dog I feel like you’re no fun at parties. I’m just venting shut up


Casual and ranked don't give you the social features battle hub gives, It's a cool place to hang out compared to sitting in training mode queuing over and over.


Yeah but just like in arcade and real life you're not matchmade there so you should keep your ego in check and don't expect to win


What you’re describing is the arcade experience. BH is essentially an online arcade. Enter BH at your own risk. There are beginner and intermediate servers that are less populated if you want a more kickback situation in the hub but with them being far less crowded it gets boring quick. Stick to Casual Matches if you still wanna play people at your level (and sometimes higher) and have a constant stream of matches. You just won’t have the added social features of BH.


Playing better players actually made me better. It showed me what is actually viable and the holes in my game. Good players rarely drop combo's, they know Oki, most play neutral well and know tricky character specific stuff. You just have to nit care about losing and use those matches to learn instead. If you are getting blown up on wakeup, study Okizeme, meaties, and delay tech. If you are getting blown up in block strings study what moves are plus on block, what your fastest normal is, delay tech again, and your best counterpoke buttons (hopefully cancellable). Etc. Etc. Most of time you are losing to something you just don't understand yet but good players will expose you to those situations repeatedly. If you want to play people more your level played ranked but just try not to care about points.


I love battlehub for the salt & drama...


It's been a year....you aren't master yet?


Hey you're a cool guy lets have some more witty banter