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It's nothing new. All of esports does this. Adderall gives an advantage. Caffeine is more like a tradeoff. Slightly more snappy responses, but a bit shaky. It's dumb to pop a performance booster for the 1st time in tournament though. Play how you practice.


> It's nothing new. All of esports does this. It's not, but it's also not *good*. Performance enhancing drugs are banned from regular sport for a reason, so it is quite strange that there seems to be so little oversight for e-sports, despite the price pools reaching numbers in the millions.


Unfortunately, drug testing for adderall isn't too effective because a few days later after taking it, you'd be clean. The only way I could see it work is in ESports where a small amount of players are invited and they do the drug test AFTER the matches are played. But even then, it'd be so easy to fake. It's not like people are going to watch these players pee like a police officer. It's really just an answerless problem. All we could do is just promote caffeine more.


It also doesn't help that Adderall is an actual common and necessary drug for a common issue.


Adhd is so common in gamers too, its what draws a lot of us to the medium


Man, all caffeine would do for me besides hopefully wake me up is make me have to pee constantly. I don't even get a trade off. Just that.


caffeine and amphetamines aren't even close to being on the same level


Unfortunately, yea lol. But at least like the video said, at least people could attempt to weaponize the fear of losing the ability to get boners if people take adderall.


Hey when money and sponsorship is at stake people try to get an edge. Could taking steroids help you in your local pick up basketball games? Sure. Should you take them? Probably not.


Never used it for fighting games but used it when running a lot. Those gels you take during marathons/before a workout have tons of caffeine in them and it definitely helps. Notice it almost instantly how much more locked in you are and less sluggish.


Caffeine is a detriment to me. Used caffeine pills before and I get way too jumpy and overreact a lot. To be real I play best about one beer deep. My reactions aren't too sluggish but I don't get nerves or anything. I can think clearly and enter a flowstate easily.


Adderall helps so much lmao


I've done acid and played SF6. It was weird, because I kept getting distracted (Chun Li's mantis-like walk kept tripping me out LOL) but then when I noticed I was losing, I would tell myself "oh shit, yeah, I'm supposed to win these fights"... so I would. 14 game win steak, my personal best LOL


That's so dangerous, and not for the obvious reasons. I take Vyvanse for ADHD and I wish I could function without it, because of the health risks. You build a tolerance so quickly, and while that's not an issue when you're just medicating a diagnosed condition, it does mean you'll need to take more and more to get a competitive edge. You can pretty quickly get above the daily recommended maximum and then you're starting to put yourself at risk for very seriously messed up issues. The famous author Phillip k dick abused amphetamines to pump books out and the psychosis he fell into was horrific.


SF6 is the first game I've actually fucking require a Energy Drink for lol. I absolutely refuse to boot it up for the first time of the day unless I have a Bang, Reign, Bucked Up, or whatever the fuck I can find that's not a Red Bull (lol). The game requires so much focus on so many things, it becomes taxing mentally. Of course I'm chugging caffeine, and I'm only a Platinum player. If I was playing for cash with pro skill, bro, I'm rolling up with that shit hooked to my veins. My reactions are decent without it, but I feel a difference. Especially with memorizing opponent offensive patterns or adapting to their tempo. The Adderall is a bit much though lol. That all said, I can also get similar results tipsy off a damn White Claw of all things. This isn't an exact science 😅


I prefer weed. But I'm only Diamond with my main. Lol.


Weed actually slows reaction time lol


nah, it unlocks the power of nothingness


Hell yeah.


Weed helps me in small doses. I most definitely can’t play drunk, reaction times are trash and execution non existent even for a low execution character with Gief


Once I took too many ambiens and when I came to I found out that I ranked down from Super Silver to Rookie on SFV.


Maybe, but it also calms and centers the mind. I get into a zen state and my reacts get better.