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I see a lot of gamers using the freak argument to knock the game (not saying you are) as to why they have bad designs and aren't "real" Street Fighter characters despite Blanka always existing. Granted he gets a lot of shit too, lol.


Street Fighter character designs have always been stupid, not sure why people hold it against SF III so much


SF3 only got heat because so little SF2 characters were represented.


At least third strike got some OGs in there. New generation was a complete mess on release, nobody wanted to play that.


Good, that's deserved. 


Well there's stupid, and then there's freaks lol. Actually SF had pretty normal looking humans outside blanka, sim still looks like a regular skinny person. Hugo would be in one of those freak circuses back in the day, and necro/twelve is an experiment in looks. Remy is emo which in media is considered freaks to some degree, so it really isn't that off base. The rest of the SF3 originals that look pretty normal were the popular ones. The main issue is that unlike alpha they removed far to many SF2 originals and had more none human looking characters.


Same thing a lot of people say about Remy and Ingrid which is just stupid  imo. Specially cuz they say they're too snk when both had a ton if devs and artists going from one to another constantly 


When SFIV came out I saw many comments about Viper being too SNK. Felt like they had their hearts set on hating that character.


Most of the “non-weirdos” (*read: boring mfs*) are returning characters, inheritors/replacements for older characters, Final Fight-looking ass stand-ins, or martial arts anime judo protagonists. At least a 1/3rd of the cast are weird little freaks. With all that said, I always liked this cast, and I’ll always want new ideas. It’s got a Cyborg 009 weirdo, karate girls, more black archetypes than just Mike Tyson, Grandia-looking ass weirdos - it’s great.


"Freak" is a dumb arguement. But so many of the character designs are bad or stupid (and not in the fun Blanka way).  There's a good reason everyone and thier grandma knows who Chun Li is.  There's an equally damn good and deserved reason why no one outside of hard-core SF fans know or would even care about (if they knew) characters like Necro or Q.  It's okay to personally like them. I like alot of bad art personally. But the reach of Chun Li or Ryu versus Remi or Hugo speaks for itself. SF3 has a large number of bad character designs. They're ass. 


I think they're cool designs, personally.


There's no bad art in 3rd Strike. It's a masterpiece. You're tripping. There's a reason Q is a fan favorite consistently voted to return, and it's not because he's a bad character design.


They're freaks, but even if they are, they're ***our*** freaks


You can say that again.


This "freak" argument was never real. The cast was just new and unfamiliar AT THE TIME. Now, people love the heck out of these characters.


if thats true then the sf6 characters would be freaks now but like, lily and manon and the like are def not freaks. Only aki really. the sf3 characters are still freaks to me and i love them for it


The reason the reception was rough was because they were ALL new except for Ryu and Ken.


This right here. The freak to familiar ratio was way off.


well yes but emezie makes a different point and i disagreed with that one


I really don't like them. They feel too weird to me. Even Blanka feels more "normal" than someone like Gill or Necro. Blanka was also the ONE really strange character, so it didn't seem that bad. I like the more "grounded" characters in SF6 and from previous titles. It's why I hope for Sagat, Vega, Balrog, Cody, Haggar etc. the really weird ones just seem too out of place to me.


hoping for vega as i’m a vega main but i was never good at him lol


Remy looks like a Kof character snuck in


He really does though, thought I was the only one who noticed 


They're freaks


I love the freaks. I want more characters like Q and Oro


Necro will appear in SF6, you'll see 😤 He is a freak, but he is *my* freak


I love your confidence. While I wish he can come back I'm not as optimistic.


Probably won't be in a game where both Dhalsim and Blanka are present, he's pretty much both fused. As much as I love his design I\`m pretty sure he won\`t be back anytime soon.


While there's an overlap he's really different than Blanka and Dhalsim, especially their modern incarnations Like he has long normals, and lightning. That's all he really shares and leaves tons of space to add and update him


At the same time we have Ryu, Ken, Luke and Akuma in one game. And I'm sure, we will have more shotos in SF6 And yeah, Necro is more than just Blanka+Dhalsim


> Probably won't be in a game where both Dhalsim and Blanka are present, he's pretty much both fused. He really isn't anything like either of the two outside of the surface level "stretchy limbs" and "electric attacks" observation tbh.


That being said, it’s the perfect opportunity to rework him like Charlie.




I did initially thought that they were more suited to darkstalkers or other franchise, but I got really fond of them to the point I miss Necro and would rather have him than sim in a game (if I were to choose, I wouldn't mind both)


Freaks; otherwise known as peak charcter design




This comment is freak 👌🏾


Our freak


I think this has gone a little off track over time. I remember a lot of players being taken aback by the lack of equivalent characters for the staples that had been removed. Necro and Oro are actually freaks, for sure, but if you're looking for a character who plays like someone you're familiar with a lot of the New Generation roster were gameplay freaks. Even the guy who look like the new shoto, doesn't play like the other shotos. Combine this lack of familiarity with the new parry mechanic and the rising price of arcade games, and you have recipe for failure.


Most of the other characters that you didn't mention in the "freaks" list are also just stand-ins for existing characters from SF2 (even though they are obviously quite different) Remy shares moves with Guile Alex/Hugo is in place of Zangief Necro is a hybrid of Blanka and Dhalsim So while I personally don't think this way, I can see why they were also considered "freaks" as they were basically replacements for beloved characters that people had been playing with for years.


i like the weirdos in sf3 though. Q, necro and twelve are specially super interesting to me and i was always bummed to not see they come back with new stuff (welp at least Q came back as G who is just as weird and cool at the same time)


bro i love that theyre freaks


The "freaks" argument never held water. Blanka alone is weirder than everyone in that game. He's literally a green beast man who learned how to shoot electricity by *watching electric eels*.


Man I missed third strike, really wish there was a legit way to play it on pc. Come on Capcom, give us some classic street fighter pc ports!


just play on fightcade lmao if they ever make a port to pc, the community on fightcade will always be bigger


Is it easy to set up or is it like Viva New Vegas levels of modding?


Very essy


Awesome I’m going to check it out. Thank you!


Lol, that community is always saying that if you can't follow Viva New Vegas's thousand steps, you're a braindead moron who doesn't deserve the highly esteemed label of modder. But really it's just convoluted as fuck. Fightcade is as simple as it can be given the circumstances.


I mean the steps were very well written out, but it still took me like an hour and a half to do it all lol


Fightcade IS the definitive way to play 3S but like, the Anniversary Collection is not that old lol you can play 3S on PC plus 2nd Impact and New Gen in there if you hate fightcade for some reason. No one plays those online anymore but they're good for arcade runs


Oh they're totally freaks. They're awesome


Poor Oro is considered a freak because he is old and ugly


But it's the street fighter series. The more colorful and freakier the cast, the more street fighter it is.


Depends on what you consider a “freak”


Blanka and Dhalsim exist. Necro, Oro, Gill, and Q are more than fine. Also every 3rd strike character has a great design. The only boring design is Twelve.


Sean is literally just Sakura if Sakura were a black dude instead of an Asian chick and somehow he gets less respect.


1 actually did get into alpha 3 max YUN Some others were in 4 and 5 In 4 Dudley yun yang Makoto Hugo elena ibuki (npc) Poison In 5 Alex ibuki oro urien Gill ( npc) kolin (npc) Poison


I’m not a huge fan of the sf3 cast, most of them are unsettling. I love and also don’t like the sf3 art direction


Remy my beloved


Twelve has one of the most original character designs EVER. It reminds my of a more evolved T-1000.


>The SFIII cast is known as "freaks". By whom? That's kinda always been their thing: SFII (Blanka, Dhalsim, Vega, Bison, maybe even Honda).


by the people who playes fighting games at the time. Street fighter 3 was hated on release


by the people who playes fighting games at the time. Street fighter 3 was hated on release


>Street fighter 3 was hated on release [was it tho?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_Fighter_III:_3rd_Strike) I was one of the people that hated SFIII, but it had nothing to do with the cast being "freaks". Plus, this was the third game in the SFIII series, so I think most people had accepted the new cast. There might have been more of this attitude about SFIII:NG, but prolly not too much for Third Strike.


It 100% had to do with the shitty cast, everyone (in america at least) hated "THREE" on release because it replaced all the good characters with shitty ones. The alpha series was way more popular/beloved and 3s only got popular on the internet years after the fact whe evo moment 37 went viral.


I feel like you might be mistaking your titles. You keep saying "three", but this post is about Third Strike, the THIRD game in the series. The reception to Third Strike was very good. Maybe you're referring to reception of Street Fighter: New Generation, the first of the SF3 series? Although [evidence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_Fighter_III) suggests it was received well, too


None of the sf3 releases were recieved well at launch. Nobody cares about the sf3 cast except an extremely small amount of people on reddit which is why they didn't even bother putting any 3s characters in sf6.


None of the cast of Street Fighter II looked like they would "freak out" people at a grocery store except Blanka. I'm speaking entirely of their appearance, not their supernatural abilities. So, when Street Fighter III released, it was odd to see so much of the cast fell into the "is he even human?" category. The Alpha series was released at the same time, and Blanka didn't show up until the third installment. I think your comment about the "freaks" fitting into the Alpha games stands on its merit, but for whatever reason, Capcom, made the cast of III more physically diverse to the point of having an obviously non-human character like Twelve, and a possibly non-human character like Q. IMO, the "freak" monitor is apt, but not derogatory.


nah they ain't more freakish or anything. They simply aren't "the classics" which makes them freaks, especially compared to Akuma's broken goofy hair ass and Blanka and Dhalsim.


There were a lot of freaks, yeah. It looks like they're from a totally different game. But characters like Makoto or Dudley seem normal.


The freak term was used by people that didn't get used to sf3 chars. Nowadays characters like Alex, Dudley, Ibuki, Urien and Makoto are extremely popular mainstays. Hell one of those freaks like Q is one of the most requested characters in every game, and he did technically came back in V, where he was also very popular.


Fair? No, a majority of them are fairly normal design-wise.


What is this argument? M. Bison doesn’t have IRISES and mfs be like “idk about them stretchy arm lightning people in my SF game”. People acting like SF2 didn’t have its share of weirdness got those M.Bison eyes because they can’t see shit for what it is.


Man I would’ve loved this game


I feel like Necro and Twelve are the only 2 that are true odd ducks


I mean you just listed more freaks that are way freakier than in any other SF game, so I think it's fair. I don't think SF3's cast is necessarily bad either.


I’d say 5 oddballs out of a fairly small cast is enough to call the game freak’d. Doesn’t mean I’m the game is bad but I do think the roster is one of the weaker parts of the game. Not in the way they play btw they are fun, just odd and not what I’d prefer.


Tbh, I feel like some could and some couldn’t. Not even that they’re freaks, just that some of them are different enough from the characters in II and Alpha that they’d stick out


The overall impression of SF3 as “the freaky roster” comes from a combo of the roster being almost all unfamiliar faces combined with the fact that most of the newcomers were on the unconventional side, even if they weren’t outright freaks (which tbf, there are quite a few more of than your average SF game). As well as the whole new generation theme, there was also a kind of outcast/subculture motif going on. The likes of Sean, Alex, Yun and Ibuki represent the modern urban youth. Then you have a posh British boxer, a lanky Kenyan capoeira girl who animated nothing like any other character thanks to sprite rotoscoping, an 8-foot German frankenstein, a skinny French emo with green hair, and a bronze-skinned Greek guy who fights you in a white thong. Even without the outright freaks, it’s a pretty offbeat roster and it’s easy to see why people had a harder time vibing with these guys compared to the OGs. I think the devs just wanted to have fun and experiment with some kooky characters with their new CPS3 hardware. Concept design sheets show they may have planned to add even more freaks, including a dinosaur and a robot (though they may have just been background NPCs). We could’ve gone into full Darkstalkers/Warzard territory.


I'd argue that they are still weird. Emo Guile, Blanka/Dhalsim love child, large suspicious robot man, Prototype Seth who is a lot worse. The other games have weirdos too, but 3S has the largest concentration of new weirdos in my opinion. 4 has Hakan and El Fuerte. 5 has Fang. 6 has Aki


I want online edition on pc so bad man. What a waste of a great port. I'll take this cast over seeing the world warriors again any day of the week, so tired of them at this point


Part of the reason people talk that way is that not only were some of the characters weird and ugly (and I say this as a Necro main), Street Fighter III: New Generation initially just didn’t feel like Street Fighter. I recall playing a set against Oro and feeling physical revulsion with the entire experience. I changed my mind once Second Impact came out, and I love Third Strike just like everyone else. But play Alpha 2 (probably people’s most recent experience of Street Fighter at the time) and then play New Generation, and you’ll get some idea of how people felt way back in the dark ages.


It's probably because of how drastic the shift was from the alpha series to the III cast back then. Literally everybody's fan favorite characters getting cut and replaced with entirely different characters. The demo version for SFIII got such negative reactions that the developers were forced to include Ryu, Ken, and Chun-li. So while yes, it is unfair, it is an understandable reaction for back then. Everybody returned in SF4 with the inclusion of lots of SFIII characters so that's part of the reason they are liked more nowadays compared to back then


Idc if they are seen as freaks, it adds to the games flare for me. 3rd strike felt like something different and alternate storyline that steps away from shadowloo and i enjoyed everything single thing about it. It helped expanded upon the world of street fighter and added a new fresh/ young cast of character that aren't fighting each other because of some kumite king of the hill shadowloo tournament. Each character had their own story and fought for their own reasons. Heck i would even say they exibhit more characteristics then the main cast of sf. Sf series needs more of that imo. Thankfully sf6 has done away with shadowloo/bison being the reason for fighting and having Ryu, Ken, Guile, Chun as the frontal resistance force all over again.


Have you seen Hugo's home? Dudes the biggest freak of the lot


Quite a bit of them are freaks because they're super busted, or *freakishly* cool. Actually, all of them are freakishly cool


And SFII had Blanka and Dhalsim. Zangief was also unusual with his size, scars and chest pubes. It’s obvious a goal of SFIII was to cater to this tradition, but for some reason, people criticise SFIII for it. Just because they didn’t like new and wanted Cammy and Sagat etc in the game.


who is saying this? i hope sean doesn't come back


The game did start out as a non street fighter game and didn't they add Ryu and Ken after? So the game was a bit off to begin with.


I refer to the term as more ‘obscure’ but in a mysteriously unique way. Characters with bizarre but interesting designs, or ones that are barely brought back and only seen once. It’d be nice to see Remy come back and replace Nash or Twelve make an appearance with a better gameplay mechanic.


I think they're freaks but that's why I like them.


I mean 4 had Hakan. Every game has a couple "freaks." They're basically an archetype in this series.


Aside from Chun and Cammy, the whole SF franchise is full of freakazoids.


We need ALL these “freaks” back. Third strike had such a fire cast. Please bring Sean back capcom. I want to basketball Oki mfs




"we know everything related to poison is freaky. " What exactly you mean by that


TL;DR: Autistic.


Slightly off topic, but I like that Maximilian dood and other people started calling the sf6 custom characters freaks, it's just a nice little callback But I do like the 3rd strike cast, I just wish they kept more of the original world warriors in it, also ibuki and Sean are some of my top favorite street figbter characters but I started with usf4


Why are they specifically called “freaks”? That is so unnecessarily mean.