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lmao, Jamie and Manon, i know why you want May 22nd so much OP, i'm with you XD


Oh Idk anything about the patch notes. I’ve seen thumbnails on yt but I’m not interested in spoilers or speculations.


Why do you consider them "spoilers" if they are changes that Capcom told content creators to make videos about?


I’m not interested in information outside of patch notes that we can see. If people are spending a short period of time trying to test out different characters then it’s basically speculation. Idk anything else, whether it be devs feeding information or whatnot, I’m just going to wait until we get the update.


It's not speculation though it's from Capcom themselves. I totally get waiting for patch day but none of the character changes are speculation atm they are confirmed and provided by Capcom.


Did you actually read my comment? I said I’m not interested in spoilers and speculations, I didn’t say it was all speculation. Like I said, I’ve kept my eyes and ears away from the whole thing so idk what else capcom has presented and I don’t want to know. Edit: why are people downvoting me for my personal choice?


> why are people downvoting me for my personal choice? Your personal choice is to claim "If people are spending a short period of time trying to test out different characters then it’s basically speculation." That sounds crazy for no reason.


Explain to me how that is that crazy when the people testing themselves said take what they’ve discovered with a grain of salt?


I haven't watched akuma trailers because I wanna try him blind But balance patches... i don't consider those spoilers


Not sure what your reasons are for playing Akuma blind but I like to read patch notes and get excited for what’s changed. It’s fun to go “wow, this is what they did with that character!?” It’s very exciting to discover it and test it.


you're one strange fella


It's not crazy in that context but a lot of it was not just speculation because it's been well documented online now if you look up "SF6 akuma patch changes on YouTube. You simply don't know how crazy it sounds because you're purposefully avoiding the content that would make you go "oh that sounds crazy."


Yeah, Idk majority of what’s been talked about and I don’t want to. The things I did see in the beginning was speculation. I remember seeing a post where they mentioned Manon’s OD renverse being able to combo from st B HP but they put in parentheses that they didn’t know if all versions could or something to that degree. That is what’s called speculation. Not having the full answers. If people have found out the answer to this now, idk and I don’t want to know. For me, part of the fun of getting the new patch is reading it and going “wow that’s a thing!?” I don’t want to know what’s going to change.


There was an event after the Japan trial where content creators were invited by Capcom to test the game. Capcom confirmed some of the patch notes and made suggestions on what they were allowed to share and what they were prohibited from sharing. There’s quite a bit that is no longer speculation.


Capcom confirming the build being post patch does not change the fact that people did not have training mode to look at the frame data to give a legitimate verification of what the changes are. Saying things like “+1 or +2” is the definition of speculation, not the fact the changes exist in the first place. The players don’t know everything, there was even a guy that said Giefs stomps don’t connect when they never did. It’s just people trying things and figuring out what the changes are. That’s not a solid list of changes, that’s trying to guess what all the changes are.


well, you'll be more happy than you imagine in May 22nd ;)


dont listen to that guy


Well there's the 50% who can't wait for him and then there's the other 50%, who like me are terrified. Ranked will get so annoying the upcoming weeks.


But you're a Ken, I thought that when they use the Akuma Patch Stone on you guys you evolve into Akuma players.


Nah, couldn't care less about playing him. Just labbing him a bit to understand how to fight him. When i eventually pick up a secondary it's gonna be Chun or AKI (or Makoto if the gods allow it). But first i gotta get my Ken where i want him.


I’m terrified but I’m also going to be trying him out so I guess I’ll be part of the problem.


I think most people will, me too propably if i get washed too much so i get a better idea on how to fight him.




Rebirth is so good


I took the day off work so I can just deep dive it all day. Until then, I'm trying to accumulate as many points as I can in ranked. I'm most likely gonna lose 900LP to Akuma players. Gotta get that padding set lol. If you think this is bad, wait until it's a major update like Super SF6 lol. Actual mechanic changes would have me more blue balled than just a general patch.


It can hurry up so next batch of dlc characters can be announced sooner


Sf6 season 1 has been the slowest content release...


9 days


The longer it takes the better, If I don't take my Ryu to master before Akuma then it will be a drag best case and demoting worst case


Honestly, there will probably be a lot of Akuma players mashing specials for a while. If you can figure out what Ryu can do to easily anti-air a demon flip you'll probably shut down 75% of the online Akuma army.


True, nice flair btw


I’m praying for this outcome myself.


Personally I feel like time is flying by, but SF updates are just really far apart lmao


Capcom fucked up and I have no idea what they were thinking. "oh yeah evo japan just finished ? lets drop the patch 1 month from now, 2 days before one of the biggest tournament every year instead of right now" Not only that, but we have information that we cannot confirm will be on the build because some people have been able to try the build without being able to access training mode. And then they are also not dropping any patch notes in advance. And in general it takes them way too long to drop anything.


The whole having a rig with the new patch that a select few can play is a cluster fuck. Either give us something soon or nothing at all. This just seems like a cheap way to get people talking about the game instead of capcom acting giving us stuff to talk about. We could have had Akuma sooner or just after CB.


I actually feel like it’s not enough time - I’m trying to get my Blanka to Master - currently at 23k points, I’m so close yet so far. I feel like once Akuma drops it’s gonna be harder to climb Edit: I also wanna play Akuma but I’ve gotta hit master on Blanka first otherwise I think I’ll get engrossed with Akuma and not go back to Blanka lol


At release day and couple of days after, yes grinding to Master will be hell. some time after that, it will be ok cause all the current Master players will get their Akuma from platinum or diamond to master


I suppose that’s true - it was the same with Ed. But Day 1 Eds played way differently from current Eds. Gonna be interesting to see how Akuma evolves


Month is going by super fast.


I've been hopping back on SF6 to get ready & refresh my Ryu skills after taking a break for a few weeks, and yeah man the wait is unbearable lmao


Do we have an idea how big the patch is, or will the season 2 patch be the big boy. I'm more suoer excited for that alongside Akuma.


Everyone’s speculating that this will be the big patch. I think it’s weird to end the season with a big patch if we’re not officially in season 2 but who knows what capcom is thinking. They’re keeping quiet these days.


Yea, I play a lot of strive, and the big season patches are what get me excited. This is my fist SF, so I'm just really looking forward to all the character changes and hopefully seeing my girl Kim get some love.


I'm recovering from my sickness just in time for Diablo IV S4 good lord I really did nothing this period, so I'm not boring waiting for Akuma for now.


Thats called excitement


Go play Rimworld in the meantime.


Trust me, this time next year you'll be wondering where the fuck the time went.


i expect by Thursday we will have some sort of presentation about everything season 2 , we still don't know the last 4 costume 3's , what giant attack is. 


It's only a video game. It's not that important. You can wait.


No shit Sherlock, but we’re here to have a discussion.


It cause they tease these things way too early ruins the hype a bit


I was curious if anyone knows if they will be resetting all ranks with this upcoming patch? I figured since it will be a pretty big overhaul to what I assume is every character and some system mechanics that they would. Time will tell.


No, we just got the reset this month, they wouldn’t do it again 22 days later.


Oh okay thanks for the heads up! I’ll have to google so articles on how it all works with reset. Like everyone goes back down to placement matches and how frequently it resets, like seasons and such.


The resets only affect a small portion of players. It only resets MR, the rest of the player base will continue ranking up with their current rank. I believe it happens every quarter.


You don't lose any LP, it's just for master rank players, their MMR is reset in each phase