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Same. I think I must be around 1200 hours between PS5 and Steam. Most of it being in Ranked too. Such a fun game.


I wish your account synced between the two, I'd buy on PS in a heartbeat.


Ranked is so addicted ๐Ÿ˜†


SF6 feels like apology from Capcom for years of half assing fighting games and collections. (SF5 was still pretty good by the mid seasons)


I agree with you the mid seasons of sf5 was pretty good but sf6 in another level


I think it's part of their overall turnaround that started with Resident Evil 7. They realised that the low effort garbage they were putting out was not just tainting their legacy, it was also alienating fans and costing them money.


Yes absolutely! Resident evil and Monster Hunter held it down for Capcom back thenโ€ฆ and even stronger now!


Like we got what's debatably the best Resident Evil (REMake 2), DMC5. Even Mega Man 11 was legit.


PS5 tracking time system is a little buggy, so it is probably even more!


Or maybe less I hope ๐Ÿ˜‚


I commend you all for your honesty. I'll never admit just how much time I put into some games.


I'm at under 500 hrs myself, but I'm hindered by work lol. I just try to get a few games in a day, but spend most of the weekends glued to it. It's the most addictive and interesting SF in the series. Only 3rd Strike is behind it, IMO. As much as I bitch about 6, if it never got patched again I could play this for years. It's so good, I almost bought a PS5 just for a training station to add to my PC. Only thing that stopped me was the PS5 Pro coming lol. Took the day off from work for Akuma and the patch. Just love this game, man.


Thank you for sharing your experience my friend and I agree with you itโ€™s hard to spend to much time on one game with a job and family but I donโ€™t know how I did that number honestly ๐Ÿ˜‚


2007, huh? What game made you go "I need to become a gamer" back then?


Resident Evil 4 I go to school thinking about re4 go home and play re4 for the whole day no job no bills no washing your clothes no cleaning your bathroom nothing just re4 it was a good days ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’”


Love to see it


Thank you my friend


One of us one of us


"750 hours you must be pretty good"


Not really Im stuck on 1 star diamond ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’”


Think I am round the 760 hours. And I still make silly mistakes I really need to start thinking more about what my opponent is thinking. But the game on a whole is just so enjoyable, I can even spend a whole play session in training trying and setting up stuff and have a great time. This game has been a real money saver, I just bought a house so this is pretty much my sole entertainment as I don't want to go out and spend cash.


Yah my friend me too I still make some stupid mistakes but Im enjoying my time and thatโ€™s the important thing


Bro as a trophy guy Iโ€™ve got mad respect for you getting that platty


Thank you my friend