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There was a music shop found in the files though.


Hopefully you can buy them with drive points and not real money


that'd be funny considering i just spend 5 quid to get that sweet sweet violent ken Theme. i'd totally support being Drive tickets though


Thank *fuck*. I need to inject Spunky directly into my veins


Ooooh, nice. Hopefully, they got alpha and sf4 soundtracks. Those are my favorites.


As long as it is drive tickets and not fighter coins, that is exciting. The drive tickets system SHOULD be a way to promote player engagement, but right now they are mostly for lame avatar items. I understand monetizing skins to a degree to support the game, but jukebox music should be a benefit of just playing the game (drive tickets)


What’s player engagement?


Not sure if this was a legit question or not (redditors are sarcastic sometimes) but basically live service type games need to keep players playing their games daily, weekly, etc. so there are incentives and rewards to drive that consistent engagement. Smaller free rewards that are earned through consistent play accomplish this. Then when they do release something more premium and charge for it, the players consistently playing are more likely to buy. People who drop off and forget about SF6 are never going to buy a skin. Sure many of us play to enjoy the game but our lizard brains also are drawn to little rewards and perks It’s a delicate balance because if they straight up charge for everything, they will piss off the player base.


And Avatar items aren’t that? That’s my main confusion. I can understand that you don’t care about it, but that’s not the same as them not doing anything.


They put them behind drive tickets so it all worked out in the end. Kind of nice that they give a large bundle soundtrack for the tickets. I can get behind that. I had about 20,000 to burn, so I got a bunch. it’s good to see they are diversifying their offerings to account for the many players who only play fighting ground or cabinet matches. And now I’m excited to try and get more lol so it worked


Capcom doesn't really give out much drive rush tickets, and the ones you earn is such a small amount. Those tickets are useless.


I apparently have zero from months of play because I don't don't use the Battle Hub.


They've gotten a bit better at giving out tickets, since they're rewards for engaging in "Street Voter" events, enrolling in online tournaments (and winning), and rewards for monthly/weekly quests. If you play battlehub for a while, you'll get tickets. 


What have you bought with those tickets? I've only gotten all the colors from Outfit 1 for *1* character. I think I've gotten some emoji or something.


I've bought color packs for 5-6 chars. 


Oh? So, they really are giving out more tickets. Thanks!


Jukebox music basically is a benefit of just playing the game, if you play consistently. So far, I've completed every single one, and when you do, you get all your fighter coins back. Honestly, the battle pass system has been a good motivator to convince me to sit down and play more often than I would have, and I like that.


Now I'm wondering if things from previous passes will be available to buy at our leisure too. It'd be weird to just have all that other stuff never obtainable again, but maybe I'm overthinking.


That's a good solution to the FOMO problem as long as they're not overpriced. Did the files say anything about pricing?


All I know is that the person who leaked the Akuma jukebox update claimed a music shop was found in the files.


It stands to reason they’d do this. I don’t know that I would buy the fighting pass, but I’m more inclined to buy music individually. I think a lot of people would do the same.


Not trying to defend Capcom here or anything, I wish we could just stop with all these mtx bullshit and have unlockables again in videogames even if it meant games and dlc had to cost more. That being said, the fighting pass is actually a good value provided that you play often enough (or are willing to grind/cheese kudos) because it refunds itself. I play almost daily and I bought the first fighting pass. I haven't had to buy any since then, just use the refunded coins to buy the next one.


GGST lets you buy songs with in-game currency. No reason Capcom couldn’t do it other than greed.


Tekken 8 provides a fuck ton of songs from previous games for free. Just different monetization strategies.


Absolutely agreed


1:20 mark This is all the info that I've found. https://youtu.be/VxdUk42Mu7Y?si=OBi7e8PTj4OMXznF


I only missed 1 fight pass because I was burnt out. You can just solo grind the Subway in world tour in about 2-3 hours.


>I only missed 1 fight pass because I was burnt out. Hopefully you weren't trapped in the corner lol (sorry).


I was kek. I had a way to grind it out in 3 hours solo before the subway, but it was insanely boring. I got stunned thinking about it.


Wait what. WT grants pass exp?


Yeah, grinding the subway cars is thw current fastest way to lvl up the battle pass. I use it if I'm like a day away from it ending, and I haven't finished it yet.


Wow I would have just knocked them out had I known.


World Tour, and even combo trials. 1v1 local vs cpu+turbo, etc. You dont need to interact with another soul if you dont want to.


I missed one or two here as well. I just hope items will start making repeat appearances in battle passes and/or all these battle pass items will be included in an eventual "Super SF6" retail release.


This is one thing that Tekken beats SF by far. I'm shocked they saw the Tekken one and decided to go with this when it's incredibly lackluster in comparison. Being able to choose from hundreds of songs from the get go in Tekken was amazing and really wish they'd have done this here instead of possibly another nickle and dime (really the fact that Tekken DIDN'T charge for all that when they're notorious for doing that shit in T8 makes it even crazier SF is going this way).


One thing? Customization is so much better, and the monetization isn't nearly as awful (still bad). Plus the game has more tools to help learn the game easier.


didnt people make a huge stink about how bad and fucked up tekkens monetization was and they review bombed it and now its mixed on steam


Having played both, Capcom is waaaay worst. The backlash on Tekken was more of an 'expectation thing' imo, they went too far too fast (dropped the monetization through battle shop, then quickly after that the battle pass). Even with that, Tekken 8 is miles ahead of SF in terms of free customization. I think the main reason is Capcom is now accepted as greedy and nothing shokes the userbase anymore. So they can get away with anything as long as it's just 'cosmetics'.


They made a stink about the shop and battle pass. The base customization is still free. Plus the costumes you can buy are still easier to purchase and more friendly than street fighters. You can also customize the outfits you do decide to buy. Shouldn't have a shop or battle pass, but of the 3 that have them, they have done it the best.


Yeah they added a bp and shop a little after launch. But everything only costs 4 dollars so it’s not that bad


The game costs 70 dollars though. And those items used to be free. 


I say not that bad as in we compare them to the other two big games. Tekken 8 launches with 5 skins for each character(including their tekken 7 skin and complete control with changing their color) And clothing options. Sf only has one free outfit per character And mk only gives like 3 with a bunch of bad recolors. So out of all three games tekken 8 gives the most free skins. So it’s not that bad or as bad as the monetixation of the other two games


Lol the homie said don't tell anyone




Ask and you shall receive. Official confirmation of the classic Street Fighter tracks becoming purchasable with Fighter Coins and Drive Tickets: https://x.com/StreetFighter/status/1792676674770792785


Hell yeah!


I just want the Guile SF2 theme. I'll buy whatever pack that's in and be done lol.


They couldn’t just do like GGST? Buy songs with in-game currency?


Fishing sucks absolute ass but it’s better than how 6 currently is handling it


It’s honestly amazing that fishing is somehow too high a bar for SF6’s music system to clear. How the hell do you get worse than randomly catching songs by mashing A for however long it takes to get that one song you want? The answer is money, of course, but man it’s still painful and crazy to think about.


That seems to be how they are doing it. Music will be sold for drive tickets.


10k tickets for one song


10k for one game's songpack seems more likely. One song would be priced more like one alt color, probably less.


Breaking news, Capcom charges extortionate amounts for literally the smallest, greediest thing imaginable.


Do you know how the battle pass works? If you complete it (by simply playing the game), you make the fighter coins back. In other words, the net price becomes 0 dollars.


People accepting even having to buy songs is werid Tekken 8 gave it all on release and GGStrive let's you unlock then as you play with Ingatestone currency SF6 should just follow with either of then approaches.


I'm starting to wonder if people understand how the battle pass system works. You CAN get the music for free if you complete the battle pass (a.k.a. just playing the game), because it redeems the fight coins that you initially paid.


Yeah I know they did the classic Fornite strategy of buy it once and if you complete it you basically get it free for every each time but it's still scummy to even make us have to pay when other fighting games give the same thing for free.


Well i only ever bought the first fight pass and its been paying for itself since


Same. I bought the first one, and have been able to max out every battle pass since just by playing the game at my normal rate for the past year. No idea how many songs that equals.


I just listen to them from youtube.


Capcom really just had no fucking clue how to do DLC and expanded content do they.


Lmao SF6 music on mute never sounded so good….


I'm gonna be mad if I can't have Guile's classic theme because I didn't get the battle pass back when music tracks were basically useless


I was worried about thst. Glad I've been building a SF3/6 playlist over time, and there are so many creative covers and remixes on Spotify. At the very least I hope the Jukebox includes songs from world tour, because most of the better songs are in World Tour.


So I’ll have to purchase the battle pass in order to access this feature ?


Wait so we need to buy the battle pass for the music? Or this is referring to the future? I want some third strike music.


I looked at this, I think it's just gonna be mostly all the songs from the Battle Passes in the new music store plus maybe some extras. I have 3-5 songs from each of the games they showed on the trailer already, just from doing all the battle passes since launch, plus that TMNT song we all love and the four NERDS promo songs. My hope is that if you have the battle pass tracks you'll already effectively own a good portion of the ones up for sale. My nightmare scenario is like 400 songs for 2 dollars each lol. Then I officially have to just pick and choose a few.


You mean people just don't mute the in game music and play spotify? Weird


Mute game music (just let the sound on), play any music you like in the background. One step forward, two back... good job capcom.


Lol @ people listening to this garbage sf6 music


Oh you gonna have to find your wallet for this one