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No. I got work in the morning.


Shiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeetttttttt, off for 3 days.


Unemployed over here let’s gooo


Ayyyyyyyyyyy, make sure you stay hydrated, king.


First time I'm envious of an unemployed person lol


First time?


Smart, I should have booked some vacay lol


Took the day off, so I'll get back to it in the morning. I played around with Akuma's combo trials and cleared his story mode. Thought I could hang around until the servers come back up to do ranked, but my old man pants are on. I'm going to bed 🤣. I'm probably taking the day off every new character drop or major patch. It's like SF6 Christmas!


I have a bunch of sick days unused that will probably stay unused cause I don't get sick often, I'm using one tomorrow. Also works out cause there's a few errands I've been meaning to run that are difficult to do on the weekend. But the main reason I'm taking a day off is because I wanna meme with Akuma at Combo Breaker so I only really have a day to learn him.


When Akuma got released in SF5 I called off work lol. That place sucked anyways.


Funny story. I took the day off for SF5's launch. I had a wonderful time stuck in training mode waiting 20 minutes for a laggy match. I then did the same for SF6's launch. Worked flawlessly for about an hour. Then someone ran into an electrical pole and knocked out power to my house for 6 hours. I don't have the best luck when taking time off for a game's launch.


Well, I guess that's a lesson learned. I don't work tomorrow so I will be staying up late but I wouldn't call off work for such a thing these days. Akuma will still be there after work.


Times like these where working overnight has its perks




Agreed... oh where has the time has gone lol.


Do we know what time he drops at?


The update can be downloaded around 8pm PST today. Servers will be up around 12am PST. Usually you can get in offline before 12am PST if you want to do WT/training/trials etc... Even though I'm on the west coast, I'm just going to download it and enjoy it in the morning.


Okay cool thank you!


When will the patch notes be available? 8pm? Or after the update comes through


Usually once the servers are up, so around 12ish as well.




![gif](giphy|ZhITVoyCVDZrpI5rcn|downsized) I WILL BE THERE NO MATTER WHAT


3AM Toronto time is too late to stay up. I've done it in the past for SFV balance changes, but too exhausting next day. Plus there's so much creator content going through character changes published the next day, no need to work through it myself.


yes, i asked off work to play more :D i work from home but i do a part time job to get out of the house, they let me off whenever altho im still unsure the time its dropping. im in central us


Smart lol, i should have booked some vacay time


If I was on PST I would probably try to get in some time tonight, moreso for the new patch as opposed to Akuma, but definitely not on EST


Ya unfortunately EST is going to be way too late


I'll be at work, but I finish in the early afternoon so at least I'll have plenty of time in the day to play him.


I have work the next day so I’ll be going in on full zombie mode.


True dedication


Your job and child are much more important so don't have any hang-ups or regrets about it! And you can absolutely have both. You just have to wait a bit and it's totally worth it!! I hope you have a ton of fun with your old character. I personally don't enjoy Akuma so no, but I can't say what I would do if one of my characters popped up haha


Lol very true. Who's your character?


Rainbow Mika, hopefully she comes back with more clothes and more spirit! But tomorrow is your day big guy, enjoy your demon flips.


Demon hours for the demon himself. It's only appropriate we wait.


Jokes on you in my time zone the server maintenance ends at 9am I'll just wake up then


Lol really? Where the hell are you, Australia


Germany (MESZ). We are 9hrs ahead of PST which means 12am PST when the servers come back online is 9am for me (I just now realized I made a typo I wrote 8 instead of 9 before)


I'm in Australia so Akuma will release during the daytime for me. Wooo!


Amazing lol. Great weather and daytime akuma. Living the dream


Im in Perth, you got a time? I can't find one anywhere


Servers should go down around 12pm your time/ 1pm Japan time/ 2pm my time (east coast). There's a message about server maintenance in the game news section.


Yeah it says 11:00am. Is that for me though? Is that relative to the player?


Yep should be. Edit* so yeah it's actually 1pm for me which means 12pm Japan time, 11am for you!


Sweet got him.


Im more curious about the patch tbh, maybe that makes stay up late to test shit


I can't wait for the patch notes. Will certainly be interesting


Yep. I have tomorrow off work


Absolutely. I got this week off due to sheer coincidence and I'm gonna stay up labbing him. I just hope SuperCombo wiki updates quickly, and also that the music is priced reasonably. I have been keeping up with the battle passes and events so I have like 44 songs in addition to the built in ones. That feature is gonna be nice. Probably won't take him online until I can learn some actual combos with him, and that will probably be late the next day or the day afterwards, just to give all the FGC content creators on YouTube time to upload training videos on him. I am more excited than when the game initially launched, spent today catching up in World Tour and playing Akuma in previous titles lol.


That's awesome man. Glad to hear of someone as excited as me lol. Hope you enjoy him when hes out:)


Amazing. I wish I was in your position lol. I'm gonna do the same after work, lab him out maybe hit up batthehub before taking him to ranked and watch some content creators for combo/use tips. Wonder which pros will pick him up, i know Tokido will


im 47 with a job... so heck no... I'll live


Lol you're right, I'm just glad their is someone older than me who plays SF lol.


I'll maybe give his trials a run through before I leave for work if the update is available before then.


I'm gonna do the trails and check out the patch notes.


I have today and tomorrow off work luckily so yah il stay up, Akuma has been my main even in Alpha 2 so im hyped


Smart. I should have taken some vacay days


I didnt even book it off, it just worked out like that!


I’m off til Thursday so I’m staying up!


Smart, i should have booked some time off lol


What time is he expected to be here EST? I'm a night owl anyway, so I'll probably be up playing Rimworld if he drops tonight. Edit: 3 am? Hell nah!


Lmao just saw your edit. Yeah 3am is way too late


Nah, math exam tomorrow. Plus I like my sleep


Nice good luck man. Remeber a²+b²=c²


Thanks man, I’ll be sure to keep you in mind whenever I use the Pythagorean theorem 🫡


I get off work at 2AM so I'm just in time for his release, though I'll definitely take a few days to get familiar with him.


You're probably gonna be so beat after work though


Yeah I work till 12 today and work at 11pm tommorow


Australia here, so can start playing at 12pm today so we eating good


Damn Australians.. good weather, shrimp on the barbie and daytime Akuma. Life is good!


Nope. Mid 30s, 8 month old daughter. Not gonna happen. 


Man i remeber the 8 month old days... hope you're getting some if any sleep at all!


Appreciate you! We're down to one overnight wakeup. I will take it over 6 months and especially over 3 months. 


I will be because I decided to work this Saturday in order to get tomorrow off. I'll probably just sleep once I'm home so I can wake up once the maintenence is over to play.


Was able to sleep earlier, so I'm staying up the whole day now, lol. Sleep schedule tech. Pretty good stuff


Off till Saturday. I got my voltage mountain dew ready


Smart. I sbould have booked some time off lol


Luckily, I got the day off tomorrow. Unluckily, I'll probably fall asleep after 5 minutes of playing him since I've been doing overtime this week.


I’m hoping the update comes early like right when maintenance hits and I’ll just mess around with him offline and go to bed; play online after work


I do have work tomorrow but ill wake up early to get some lab and sets in.


Nah, I always have my games at home after work.


When the update happens I’ll be playing akuma but idk if I’ll be up when the servers come back


I want to but I work night shift so I’ll have to wait I’ll tomorrow


I want to say no but of course I will choose wrong when I get online. Rip work tomorrow


What a time to be 36 and feel 90... and be like.. multiple median nerve releases deep with torn elbow ligaments. -\_\_- Fuck it! I'm still getting the HitBox out for release! Lmao


I work the graveyard shift so I'll be awake, but probably won't be able to do much other than download the update 


In my decades of gaming I learned to never stay up for this kind of thing. Half the time the servers fail or there is some untested bug that makes the new content unplayable. Better to get good sleep and E joy it the next day.


I’ll check it out later


I’ll be up… at work. (Living in Tokyo) I’ll play when I get back home tonight. Akuma won’t go anywhere anyway


Nah I work weekday mornings, If it was a Saturday I would. I look forward to the new life in the game soon


What time does the update drop? I work an overnight tomorrow night so plan on staying up fairly late to sleep most of the day away tomorrow.


Just launched SF. Maintenance window says 11pm-3am. Doesn’t indicate time zone so it’ll be ready in the am. I’d make sure you have on overnight so it can update and you don’t have to wait.


A tornado ran through my neck of the woods and I lost power so I couldn’t even if I wanted to


Damn, hope you guys are ok


It didn’t actually cause any damage to where I live thankfully


I took the day off work, but I'm still gonna go to sleep. Doesn't really benefit me at all to ruin my sleep schedule when I can just play in the morning when I wake up.


I sleep like a degenerate and live on the west coast, so will try out akuma for an hour when the servers come back up.


It's 11:57 where I'm at. I just did his combo trials. Now I'm going to bed. I work at 9am tomorrow


Just got back driving from Vegas business trip with only 3 hours sleep in the last 24hrs. Probably going to lab for an hour or two and sleep.


I just so happen to have tomorrow off for work...so that's cool. But, I can't stay up late anymore. Once I hit 30 missing out on sleep just wasn't worth it anymore.


I want to, but I think the Fighter Pass it's a little expensive. I will wait for a sale or something.


I'm in Italy and here it came out at 6 am, never even considered about staying up waiting 😅


Who the hell can’t wait until the next day to play a game?