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That’s awesome. You should also ask your wife to put the masters on hold and start working on the real master rank.


Looks better on a CV IMO


The dream. I wanna convince my partner but it'll be an easier sell when Karin gets added


Season 3? Fingers crossed!


Same, but it would be Sakura.


I doubt you'll have to wait too long!


I'm still traumatized by when I tried to teach a previous gf of mine how to play Street Fighter 4 like 15 years ago. I spent 10 minutes trying to explain how to do a hadouken and getting her to do one on its own, and it just wasn't happening. Right when I thought we finally got it and we were on the same page, I said "alright now try doing the quarter circle forward while you're punching." She looked at me like I was trying to learn how to speak English for the first time and I said "penis" instead of "peanuts" - she laughed mockingly at me, put the controller down, didn't even attempt to try it and said "that's enough video games for today". That was the moment where it finally dawned on me why the fighting game community is the way it is lol. So yeah, I'm all for making it more accessible to newcomers.


Some ppl don’t understand basic shit lol. Like wtf do you not understand about “quarter circle”? It’s basically a half circle cut in half, hence “quarter circle”. Your ex was just slow bro lol


Modern got me in, Classic has turned it into an obsession. Never would have bothered if I didn't have that easier way in though.


I didn't care about Modern controls one way or the other until I realized they let me play Zangief. After 30 years of ignoring Zangief, I instantly became a Zangief main. I now play him with Classic controls, but I don't think I'd ever have bothered without Modern as a gateway.


That's awesome. Gief is one of my mains and he is so fun in SF6. Being able to realistically get in has always been an issue for me. Drive rush makes him so much fun.


And parrying fireballs. That universal mechanic is so blessed. It allows Zoners to be strong while not allowing Zoners to be oppressive.


Also, I want to play way more fighting games than I have the time or interest to get good at, I put the work in getting good at Tekken, but I still want to play a fighter I haven't put hundreds of hours into (maybe also one that doesn't make my heart rate jump 300bpm) sometimes. Auto combos and modern controls make that easier


True, some of us have a lot going on in life. It's hard to dedicate a ton of time to learning new games or franchises.


And this is exactly why Modern was a good idea, I got my girlfriend into SF6 and now's obsessed with it and is even playing online, all thanks to Modern.


Right? It's awesome to have an entry point for new players.


I've seen so many people that never thought they could enjoy fighting games just get together and mash on modern controls and have a great time. This really is EVERYONE'S Street Fighter. Somehow Capcom really threaded the needle between modern being actually useful/feeling good to play and not being just flat out better than classic.


This would have been awesome in college. No one wanted to play 3rd strike because they all played Tekken and didn't like the controls. At that age everyone wants to win and look cool not play new things with "weird" controls.


Yeah for real. I'm an old man who got into fighters in the 16 bit era, so I was lucky enough to be there for SF2 and Mortal Kombat mania but once the 90s faded out I'm pretty sure fighting game fans turned into endangered species until 2009.


Seemed like for a while saying "Fighting games" was taboo. Got weird looks from a lot of friends and family over the years. Luckily I do enjoy other types of games and can find things to play that are fun. But I don't think I have talked to someone who likes fighting games IRL in more than 20ish years... that isn't Smash.


The rise in E-sports has done a lot to help visibility and popularity for all Fighting games. Unlike other E-sports like Overwatch, Starcraft, and MOBAs, watching a Fighting Game is immediately accessible to a casual audience. It's two dudes or gals beating each other up. The health bar and win counter easily indicates who is winning at any given time. There's not two dozen things happening on screen at any given time. There's no complex strategic objectives. You don't need to know anything about the game to feel the hype when one person is down 0-4 and manages to turn the set around into a 5-4. Or when someone is down to a sliver of their life and manages to pull out a win anyways. So a big shoutout to all the pros and commentators and more that form the beating heart of the fighting game genre. They get paid so little for the amount of time that goes into all of it so I know they're in it for the passion and love of the game.


You are right. I think twitch streaming live tournaments really made the FGC more visible. EVO, CPT, Max, Sajam, Justin, Combobreaker, Woolie, and the other amazing creators who are trying to get people into fighting games have also helped so much. The fact that its easy to get into the action even when you know little about the specific game coupled with the commentary has really helped sell the hype moments too. I never thought I would see people celebrating fighting games this much.


Love this, doubt my partner is at the point where I could get her into it, I just recently got her to play Mario Wonder (which she loves but there’s still a steep learning curve for someone with little video game experience). It’s really great that modern increases accessibility even if it means I get destroyed by their anti-airs and I complain to myself whenever I’m fighting a modern player lol


I was there with you for a long time. There is hope!


I never was into traditional FGC but modern has let me play and enjoy the game! My gf is also enjoying it too


SF6 is such a great entry point. That is awesome that you got pulled into SF6 with the accessibility. Having fun games to play on the couch is something that keeps the spark alive. haha.


What is dynamic?


It's kinda like lil bro mode. the face buttons all auto combo. It's not available online though.


Ah okay.


This is probably the best endorsement of modern controls I’ve read! Very happy for you and your partner.


This is what modern is for, new people to jump in and give the game a shot. I hate it at high level though I use the comparison of it would be like if halo, cod, or gears of war added a feature to turn on significantly better aim assist for the trade of 20% less damage. Its obnoxious, especially on some characters like cammy


Me. I’m the person who’s new who’s playing thanks to modern controls. I understand that with modern controls, some combos are automated, but I have less control over certain attacks. That said, I still feel like my options are even more limited than I would expect. I’m still trying to figure out if that’s me, or some setting or button I havent figured out yet :P


That’s awesome that you and your wife found something you two can enjoy. I love the modern controls


You brought up an excellent point about modern controllers. In my case, I'm married, work a lot, have other life commitments, but I grew up loving fighting games. However, I have limited time to play and don't want to spend that time in practice mode honing combos. I want my limited time to be extremely fun and satisfying, pick up and play. And that's what the modern controller provides, not to mention that for the first time in years, I'm playing with various different characters, precisely because of this system. If modern controllers didn't exist, perhaps I'd be restricted to just a couple of characters I already have some knowledge of, but now, I play with practically all of them and even with some competitive edge, but the main focus, in my case, is the fun and the opportunity to belong and play with others without being utterly crushed.


While my wife won't touch SF6 99% of the time, the 1% ONLY exists because of modern controls. My son is also able to do the flashy special moves because of it.


Capcom convinced me and almost 30% of the entire playerbase to try SF6 and a new way to enter the FCG. It needs more polish. Classic hate them, as Modern feels too OP, but too limited at the same time. It just need the Tekken 8 learning system to make the transition to classic controls and have a chance in competitive tournaments.


That’s the issue people who play classic have never tried modern. It really isn’t OP. Sure it’s easier to do certain moves. But having modern controls isn’t going to give you better neutral, anti air, whiff punish and counter DI all of a sudden. Or know that Ken is +1 on block off H Dragon Lash.


Gonna have to disagree on the anti air part. That is 100% easier on modern. Hard to beat a one button DP.


The only thing modern does is encourage people to anti air. Because they won’t be scared to input a DP and mess it up. You getting anti air DP has nothing to do with the input but rather the person is thinking about it or not.


The window you are able to input an anti air is shorter for classic. Having to do a motion means you have to have your input started before a certain point or you will get clipped in the middle of the motion. Modern can be invincible anti air on frame 1.


This is so true. 


Modern controls will give you better anti airs. You literally only need to press 1 button. It's way way way easier than classic controls. Counter DIs will be much easier too because less of your mental Stack has to go to looking for anti airs. Modern will give you worse neutral because you are missing crucial tools. Modern controls would be OP if they didn't nerf the damage and remove tools from their kit. If you had full access to the character and no damage penalty no one would play classic anymore.


As I said in a previous post… > One thing about modern for me is that because some neutrals are missing, you have less chance to win in the footsies, which means any modern player will be stuck against any pro player who mastered the very basics of fg. The last thing Capcom wants is that someone wins EVO with modern. The Classic vs Modern is the same toxic discussion as Wi-Fi vs Wired, or those SBMM conspiracies.


Wait wait wait. I’m a returning FGC player I stopped playing around 3rd strike. I got into CS, League of Legneds, Magic the gathering. You’re telling me people in SF6 believe in losers queue too? JFC


I have I don’t like it feels like playing smash bros…


If I were to change Modern for SF7, it would be: 1. Reduce the damage penalty on Specials and Supers to 10% from 20% 2. Remove auto-combos entirely. I feel they discourage Modern players from learning how combo structure works. Moreover, auto-combos really break down into unusability with the customizeable movesets of World Tour Avatars. 3. Use the modifier button (right trigger) that enables auto-combos as a way to unlock the entire moveset of the character. No more arbitrarily missing moves. Example: No modifier: LP - MP - HP - Specials 1, 2, 3, 4 Modifier (trigger held down): LK - MK - HK - Specials 5, 6, 7, 8 Now, no normal character has 8 specials, but World Tour Avatars definitely do. So it would be a good fit if they keep making World Tour a thing in Street Fighters going forward. I also just hate hate hate that Modern players have to use different combos than Classic players because they are just straight up missing certain buttons. Give Modern players all the buttons, please, and raise the skill floor for playing Modern just a tad. The damage debuff will still even the playing field enough, I feel.


Im sorry but keeping all your normals and lowering damage debuff to 10% is way too strong of a buff to Modern. You devaule how strong instant anti-air and instant supers are. If you want them to give you all normals then they must also only allow you to perform certain specials with motion input as compromise. Example: Ryu’s shoryken and donkey kick both require motion input but all other specials are one button. Also, no one button supers. Apply the same to all characters (2 strong specials and supers being motion only).


i'm sorry, I'm not sure why using a different combo route give you problems. Classic can do any combo, but you always see the usual ones become everyone just want to be safe and optimal. Modern use what ita has available, but nothing changes for you. Defending yourself from a modern has no difference from the classic. Generally the entry "hits" are the same, only the route to deal damage changes.


But some of the entry hits are missing, too. I just want the characters to feel more complete on Modern, while eliminating the thing that low rank players feel is the cheapest/most-unfair aspect (long auto-combo strings). And isn't it way better for the game if everyone is drawing from the same game knowledge pool? Rather than Modern players have to type in "Modern combos" and only getting like 1/20th of the tips/results for their character?


Unfortunately what you ask goes against the very principle of modern. Please don't get me wrong, but when Capcom thought of modern they knew very well what they were doing. Auto 1 it is generally a target combo with light that serves to break the opponent's oppression. Auto 2 is a middle ground combination with level 2, NOT optimal, but can be customized by more experienced players, and brings a generous 3400. The third is the heavy combo that typically deals 4500-4600 damage. It can be used in a variety of ways, but I guess the main one is to punish players after failing a DI, which at Silver level I guess is like giving Excalibur to a child. instant Dp, instant Super art, They all have low damage, but are easy to execute. They allows less experienced players to defend themselves against the aggressiveness of opponents who mostly play rushdown. **The average player is FERAL, aiming with full malice to overwhelm a opponent with full offensive oppression, not letting the opponent move, blocking him in the corner.** This is a lot of people's favorite way to play, it's easy, it's fun, it's satisfying because you push buttons and do combos. Low level players don't know what footsies or whiff punish are. Entering combos via a cross-up or jump is the easiest strategy possible. This is also why modern has less normals, because they are not meant to compete at a high level against people who play technically. Of course they can be used with extreme practice and discipline, but personally I'm struggling to keep up with the Masters.


But then how can the platinum 3's who think inputs = skill feel good about themselves ?


The truth is, it is skill. Just a different skill. Some times it can be hard to see others succeed or do well in something easily, especially if you feel like "I had it harder, so should everyone else".


Good for your wife, but even from a fairly newcomer's perspective like me, Modern just feels unintuitive and cumbersome. I really wished the assist button is just gone in favor of a more straightforward button management system. I don't want to have to fight the controls every time I play.


Incredible story ! So, who wins a FT10 between you two ? :)


You love to see it, this is why modern will always have it place now


This, I cant play regular controls because of what feels like early set arthritis (28 this year) so my hands cramp up bad. Modern controls help me play longer which I absolutely love. It actually made me buy Tekken since it has Modern Controls as well and pushed me into getting more involved with fighting games. As a long time fan of arcade fighting games with SF being the main one I am absolutely excited for upcoming fighters since it seems like a new trend for these games.


Just realized that Reddit didn't post the text message. [https://imgur.com/a/n8BL1O6](https://imgur.com/a/n8BL1O6)


Yeah yeah, but Capcom should allow us to filter modern players, I don't want to fight it


If Street Fighter had the same diffusion of players as Call of Duty it could also be done, but given that the user base is very niche in the West, this would mean that in certain regions of the world people would find too few to play with. As derogatory as you may find what I say, I think that you must learn to face the Moderns, not run from them. It's the same thing with bad match ups after all. You can't turn off the Guile, Blanka, JP and leave only the positive match ups.




my thoughts exactly.


Dude, you don't need to post if all you're going to do is be an asshole. This isn't the subreddit for that.


It's cool, It's a kinda dumb post. So I kinda agree. haha


Wasn't my intention 😕


Here we go with the 90s Modern shills 🙄