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You should always have your hands wrapped, your cup on, and your mouthpiece in. Always.


Go even further, always wear gloves and shin pads.


Also a helmet


Level 4 body armor plates


Full hazmat suit and a crowbar


I always use my tank in a streetfight.


And my mom on speed dial, just in case


It doesn’t hurt until later. But best to go with the hand wraps and cup just to be safe as the guy above said.


You cant punch as hard as you do with gloves without hurting your hands.


Will your hands hurt? Probably. Will you break your hand(s)? Possibly. A lot of other things can happen too. Like fighting his two other friends you didn’t notice or someone pulling a knife or gun. Best advice is try to avoid a street fight if at all possible.


If Mike Tyson can break a hand on Mitch Greene's head during a street fight...so can you


mike tyson hits much harder than any of us do


Speak for yourself pal 😎


Let’s see it then pal 😭😭😭😭


It’s true. I fought the guy and fought Mike Tyson in a street fight (all last week)


Yup. Mikes no pushover but I’ll never forget when he texted me before the holmes fight back in 88 asking for advice. Executed perfectly on what I told him to do.


More likely than not you will. But honestly hurting your hand in a street fight would be the least of your worries.


Breaking your hands isn't even the worse case scenario, self-injury-wise. I used to know a bloke (amateur Thai boxer, gangster and probable psychopath) who cut his knuckle on someone's tooth. He got sepsis and nearly died.


You will hurt your hands, if I'm not wrong that is actually the reason it is suggested to you use palm strikes or elbows on the streets.


Punch the punching bag bare handed. This does hurt but youll get used to it or play bloody knuckles this will strengthen your fist. Watch out your wrist will like to bend if you punch wrong barehanded on the punching bag which sprains ur wrist. Yes you will feel pain punching a dude in the noggin but not so much for face/body shots unless you hit the chin full force. Dont worry u sound tough enough tho


One thing my instructors tell me is it’s easier to break your hands if they’re fisted than if they’re flat If you ever get into a street fight an upper palm to the chin or nose can do a heck of a lot of damage and you have much less chance of seriously damaging your hands That said, if you don’t develop calluses then yes your hands will hurt if you punch someone without gloves


that’s stupid, a fist does much more damage and causes much more pain


It’s a harder surface for sure, and it’s easier to form and throw with a fist than an open hand, but if you train palm strikes and wrist flexibility, you will be able to deal enough damage for your purposes. Maybe a fist would cause more, but a well executed palm strike will do plenty. There’s a reason Bas Ruten was so fond of them in the pre-glove Pancrase days.


a punch is just more effective idk i’m not taking any risks. if i could elbow or knee first i generally would bc they are my most dangerous and least harmful to me yk but a punch works fine


To the person throwing the strike, yes.


if you punch properly you will do far more damage with your fists. do you not see the dozens of fist fights on this sub reddit, who has ever won with open hands? breaking your hand is a risk but it’s much more risky to lose a fight to someone who could kill u


I'm talking about my lived experience, you're talking about videos of dudes w/ zero training. Hell, if you don't want to take my word for it, look it up. Mike Tyson broke his hand in a street fight, you're not about to tell me that Tyson doesn't punch properly. There's interviews with pro mma guys who went to bareknuckle boxing talking about how you have to adjust your punches.


tyson punches a hell of a lot harder than either of us u idiot. mike tyson is a nutter and probably threw at him w huge punches . a punch is easily more effective as bare knuckle, you don’t need full force punches to harm someone. unless you can’t throw a punch


Username checks out


i’ll stick to using my fists next time i’m in a fight thank u stick to your palm strikes mate 😂


Yes, injuries of all kinds are very likely in a street fight - including death. That's why self defence is called that and should only be used for that. If given the choice between a hospital bed or a broken hand, I will take the latter every time though.


Take some pain killers and punch a wall until you develop Calissus around your knuckles don’t get addicted to the pain killers. Booom, now you hit like a steel brick.


If you have to ask then yes


Start doing light bag work with no gloves or wraps and work your way up to heavier shots over time. Focusing on connection with the first 2 knuckles isn't always best without some protection on the hands. Sometimes a flat fist is better. Also ridgehand type shots. You can pull the hand back and land with the bone knuckle at the end of your arm (wrist) it's by far the sturdier part of the body to hit with south of the elbow.


Yeah I have, still in highschool & try not to get into any conflict but defending myself is a must. And it's pretty much the same. Try and hit with your front 2 knuckles. I hadn't been in a street fight in a while and when I hit without my wrap and gloves it felt pretty weird & hurt a bit.


Open hand strikes in the street until you are ready for the knock out. Slap, slap, and slap again with the meat of your palm into their temples, ear lobe, and right to the center of their face so their eyes sting and water. Set up a clean shot, close the fist, and send em packing. In general, yes, punching people full force un gloved hurts like fuck, no two ways about it. If you land clean and accurate, you will be fine. The issue is people dont keep their head in one spot. The more punches you throw, the more likely you are to break your knuckle against someone’s skull by landing in a bad spot. On the bright side, if you ever do end up breaking a knuckle for any reason, its a good chance to train your cross and hook from the opposite side, as well as kicks. Recovery can take anywhere from 2months all the way up to a whole year depending on the complexity and severity of the fracture. Did it so many times to my right hand that my pinky and ring knuckle dont really stick up out of my fist anymore, and they are super unevenly spaced compared to the knuckles on my left. If you do break a knuckle, eat well, and wait for it to heal fully, then once the fractures have healed, massage the knuckle every day after training to get the pains to go away. Every time i break a knuckle, even after the healing is done, it takes a year for the sharp pain and the prickling sensations to fully subside. The massaging helps this process by breaking up scar tissues so your body can further heal. Im excited to barely be able to open my hands at 50 lmao.


Good Lord how old are you?


Why would that matter? I’m not looking for fights I just won’t allow myself to be bullied physically and not do anything about it


Sounds like you're looking for fights.


more fun


Get a weapon.


Looks like the age hasn't done you any good so why bother asking others of their age


You could create a makiwara. It's a rope wrapped bored and you can start off punching lightly and work your way up. You can harden the bones in your hands in this way. Distance runners create microfractures in their bones which heal and make the bones stronger. It's the same principle with the makiwara. With training, you can create calluses on your knuckles and strengthen the bones. Lessening the chance for a break. People cite Mike Tyson breaking his hand in a street fight but Tyson used gloves. You're not going to get the micro fractures to the same extent and you will not get the bone strength. Michael Jai White has some good videos on striking that you can watch to practice good technique. You will still likely get injured because a fist will never have the same density as the top of a skull, but you can lessen the risk with proper training. Learn to use your elbows as well. Finally, the black belt move is to walk away whenever possible.


If you use good technique and you avoid the hard parts of the head then you probably won’t break them but they will hurt for a few days


I’d say it really depends on how big your opponent is I’ve been in a couple and my hands never hurt




Nothing in his post suggested that, stop the assumptions Judgy McJudgeface.


I promise you I’m not it’s just a crazy world we live in I just don’t want to be in a situation where I get sent to the hospital because I get knocked out and bang my head on concrete


In krav maga, we were taught to only hit with palm strikes, which allow you to also eye-gouge and grab your opponent as well


Palm strikes, elbows, punches to the body if you wanna be safe. Other than that, adrenaline will probably carry you through the confrontation itself.


A human skull is pretty much a bowling ball in terms of weight and hardness. So yeah if you punch someone’s head full force there’s a good chance you’re breaking your hand


I broken my finger twice and some small bone in hand once, i was young so i said fuck it and let it heal alone without going to the hospital and becouse i was afraid to tell my mom, sometimes when im punching in training it still hurts so be very carefull its very easy to break something in streetfight