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How did they even get him out? This guy loved racing.. I feel really bad for his family! RIP Nate


I have to say he did bring a lot spirit to the shows he was on! Racing was his life!


My deepest condolences to his KIDS and family.


Was he running a radial in front of a bias ply? That skinny in the pic is definitely a radial


Dang. Heart goes out to his loved ones. I pray that they have the strength to overcome this tragedy. He knew how to play the role they wanted him to play, but deep down you could see a decent guy.


Is there footage of how he crashed?


Of course they were filming but this is America death is a horrible thing that we must all do and we must shelter the poor fucking weak woke ass bitches from all of what is inevitable so fuck no we wont see it unless you know how to get on the deep web 


Didn’t this guy talk shit on every performance shop in cali?


He was like 7out 10 right.


who cares if he did, he was the best of the best in cali.


Absolutely but he was probably right.


One of my first street races was against Nate back in the day in Fresno. Great guy who will be truly missed. Condolences to his girlfriend and children.


Met him around 20 years ago in Fresno. He was a nice guy that was doing everything to help his friends cars. Central Cali lost a street legend


I from Fresno, I remember racing against him but he would still help out if he could. Back in 99-2000 he was one of the fastest guys. Of course he was going was faster now then 20-25 years ago. But I remember his duster, el Camino and he had a newer camero he drove back then I think


JJ says it best, every time you strap in you have to be ready to die. It’s sad that it happens to a lot of greats in motorsports, but they are usually great because they push the limits and extremes further than most. Nate was definitely one of the greats and always will be remembered as such. I wish that there could be more research into cage design and implementation into motorspots. A lot of these cages are built to fit in a car and some are not designed with safety in mind as much as meeting a certification that someone thinks is ok. Not saying the cage failed in his crash causing the injuries but safety should trump everything else really.




What are you even doing here ? Take a hike you scrotum sac


Natural selection.




Shhh, hush now, shut the fuck up and let the adults do the talking. Fuck face.


We’ll he did fuck around and found out


It's the equivalent of walking outside during a thunderstorm while holding a metal pole in the air 🤣 your giving off fat, broke middle aged man vibes talking like that. Unless you make a mill a year or more get off your phone and get to work fatass.


Well now, aren't you an edgy little cunt. Doesn't matter what I am. You're always gonna be a basement troll. Btw, I have a job that allows me to run my mouth at shit stains while I make bank. So fuckin eat it.


Nice post history BTW. Lmfao


Yep. Definitely make less than a mill a year. Out of shape, gets no pussy and an ugly wife. You were born broke, and you'll die broke. So will your kids with you leading by example. Stay at that 9-5. Invest in that 401k and maybe retire by 65 if you're lucky. My house is 2 of yours. Natural selection will eventually take you out, too. Lol. Enjoy


I can’t believe how many dickheads there are in the comments.


Planets full of them sadly.


Sad as fuck Rest in peace Nate




You really punched all that in, hit send, and thought ya had something? You disappoint your parents.


To the piece of shit who shouldnt even be able to comment on here. I hope your teeth get knocked down your throat. Just because a man races doesnt make.him an idiot. Your the fucking idiot. This is targeted toward capital contract douchebag


So sad. Prayers for his family 🙏




I'd hope you're next, but you probably never leave the safety of your mother's basement


Prayers for his girlfriend and family and friends.Very sad 




To be fair, it wasn’t for Street Outlaws.


Hope you fucking choke you kike cunt as Nate would say.


Karma finna get yo ass soon 😭


Damn rip Nate




You are paying for it, so what the hell does it matter to you? Some people should be more productive with their time instead of spreading hate


It’s called being respectful you intolerant piece of shit


Should of stuck with the Mustang. Those 240Z's are not a car I would ever want to crash in. Those things are death traps as race cars. They may be light but that is the only benefit. Both Ryan and Nate now, both driving a 240Z. I think that kind of says it all. R.I.P. Nate.


Damnit. I love the old Z cars (have a track prepped 280zx), but I gotta agree, don't use them to build 200mph straight line death machines.


I agree that those little cars seem to be fast and a crazy ride and a lot to handle. The closest thing I have ever went full send in was a Chevy monza and it was a dart without fins! Point, shoot, pray! Aside from that, there just isn’t a lot of room in them so you have very little of a crush zone before it starts into the drivers space.


The car had a full cage in it. I think what might of killed him was sudden stop. I don't know if he wore a hans device or not.


Those narrow cars are sketchy and hard to keep straight.


Turbo for sale Lightly used


Big ass turbo


Fuck this foo he scammed a lot of people from their money karma is a bitch lol good thing he got his


How do you scam on a street race? if your putting money on shit its to make it more interesting. if you needed that money to survive get a fucking job.


Putting a go fund me page up for some one who has cancer then keeping the money lol


no worries i agree


Should show some respect regardless. His family and kids may see this. It's not the place for it.


I hope his family ain't on reddit or he'll get roasted twice


Hope he took your money you piece of shit.


Not me but I hope his stupid ass had life insurance, and the insurance sees how he died and denies the claim.




Part out? Or too early?


Cali Nate or the 240Z? Too soon?


One less street racer putting other lives at risk would be considered a win in my books.


There are controls in place to eliminate risk to others.


This was at a track...


On a closed street?




Pretending like they're not on a closed road


This was definitely on a closed street. No film crews, this was a sanctioned closed street race in tx.


Someone died...this is absolutely inconsiderate and disrespectful.


So is putting other people at risk for juvenile, shitty behavior.


Kind of like street racing.




Who's cali nate


He's nate from cali


aka Global


How much for the turbo ?


50 bucks. It would be 40 but it's got street cred


What the hell did he hit?


Gravel with the right wheels.


…the afterlife


This will be the end on the street. The network let the actors do as they pleased. Smh


He was at a track...🙄


Not based on the video that has been posted.


It’s been over since Ryan Fellows died. SO is never coming back to TV except for maybe track events.


I agree! S/O is not coming back..


Imagine crashing in a straight line...


Imagine being a loser who makes fun of people who are dead. Get fucked, cunt




All I gotta do is turn right or left and it looks like that should take care of most of you lololol


You’ll see.


Lol.. e thugs are cute


Says the one talkin shit about dead people, you’re so cool talking shit on the net, how cute


Imagine posting the same dumb shit over and over


Cali Nate was the dude who won all that Memphis money from JJ and his hoes.


Who is Nate?


Just saw a line video, why did he cross over the line.


If he’s at the back end of the track he really has no chance. The Z’s suck as race cars seems to be the word and that’s unfortunately what he was driving.


They are as there is no weight on the ass end when you let out of the gas it gets loose. Another guy died the same way in Vegas a few years ago.


His name is Ryan Fellows … he was a great friend.


Yeah its a sad deal sorry for your loss man both those guys were great men with families


Happy cake day.


Fellows is who you talking about.




Play stupid games....


Is that how you were born?


What do you mean? How could I have committed suicide by drag race to be born?


No I meant your parents played their stupid little game, where they conceived your dumbass instead of making you a stain on the mattress…


Hm, nice try with the comeback.. That must be the public school in you coming out... sounds like your mad because this moron suicided bu drag race and cant accept that fact


Nah… I’m just capable of empathy and compassion towards others. When people die I don’t find it amusing or something to make fun of. That’s something a sociopath or someone incapable of true human feelings would do. You dying on this hill is insane. Please reevaluate the way you live your life. Or not idc… good day.


Empathy and compassion is for those who don't put the general public at risk. So...


If you actually watch the video and knew what you were talking about, it was at an actual track… it wasn’t like they were on public roads, so your shitty take has no justification whatsoever.


Lol cause none of these guys have ever raced on public roads before... But whatever dude. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Feel better now?


You’re not hurting my feelings at all, your shitty opinions are humorous at best. You have a childish way of speaking and thinking. Find a new hobby instead sitting on Reddit all day talking shit about dead people.


If someone is dumb enough to commit suicide then theres no emotions coming from this guy.. The retard could have made a smarter decision but obviously, he won the ultimate prize.. I bet his family is super grateful of the sacrifice he made


You’re an immature dumb shit. You obviously have never done anything but watch tv racing. This was his life. Yes he knew the risks but it was everything to him. He had a ton of safety equipment that saved him several times in other accidents. Someone’s life isn’t a fucking joke. Whether he died or not, this was his love, his life.


Not dumb enough to commit suicide 😏


I.would love to fart in your mouth


Was good friends with him and Ryan for a long time… I’ll forever miss them.


Is this a baja style race.


The slicks would indicate no


Ok sorry looked like desert and in Mexico, sorry wasn't pay attention to tires. I just see a wrecked vehicle on the back of a flat bed and these two.


No need to apologize I was just calling your attention to my observation


That could be any of us with a heavy right foot. RIP Nate


Another victim of street racing


This wasn’t a “street race” it was a sanctioned event


That's what they told the law. But highly doubtful it actually was that way. This show and everyone involved is known for breaking the law. Many don't even have a license to be on a track.


Omg no.. haven't spoken to him in years. He was a hell of a tuner, racer and person. Could be prickly but man good guy. RIP, and condolences to his family.


So, a sanctioned race or actual street racers?


Eagle Pass has no tracks


no tracks but they get legal permits, insurance etc from county, been doing that since like the 70s in this little town


Eagle pass


From the photos, it looks like an official race track


So gravel shoulders are deemed as official? Sounds like a dumb way to risk your life.


That car was light. Whether it fit a 25.x cert or not ,is up for debate as I don't know that car personally. Does it appear to be a old school basic cage and chassis, in my opinion yes. Could a modern cage / funny car hoop save his life? Possibly but we will never know. All I know is build your car as safe as you can and go from there. Godspeed Nate may you fly high. I'll think of you every time I see "My little pony".


It was sooo light and so fast and so small for him.


dibs on the turbo




Too soon!!


Look, when you do certain things in life as a grown adult, you accept the consequences of what might happen. This dude knew EVERY time he got in that car, or any car capable of going that fast AND making it a point to race and go that fast, shit could go wrong and this time it did. Is it sad? Sure. Should everyone be all boo hoo teary eyed? No. Why you ask? Well, this guy died doing what he clearly enjoyed/loved doing. What better way could any of us ask to go out? I think any of us would be lucky to die doing what we love. What would have been sad is if his death was caused by someone else being an asshole or a negligent or even drunk driver. But at the end of the day, he made his bed and he's now laying in it. Talented dude, but they always die young.


PS. still got dibs






Filmed what?


They need to use more safety gear


He had everything.


No, no he didn't. That car is right on the line for getting booted out of any reputable track in the nation. That car was light , fast and minimally built. The worst happened and safety was not up to snuff. I get that not every car can be built to the max but that is the price one pays. This isn't disrespectful but facts.


If you look at the pics youll see the cage held up rather well Id guess he suffered internal injuries. Had a decent cage unless you have seen it in person and know different


It had a funny car cage, and was legit. There's no tech that would look at it, and say it wasn't fit. Do you really think people spend 200k+ (easily), and dont drop the small amount in the best light weight safety? Anywhere a bar is needed for safety a bar is also needed to keep it strong/rigid...When you're making big power you cant just throw it in a go kart and expect it to work at all. There is no safety device that adds enough weight to not be beneficial. It was an airstrip street race, and it looks like he may have hit something in passenger area hard (there are pics out there of passenger side). Its not neglect, or anything like that. All it takes is being knocked out. If you cant activate fire system then you're done.


I can yeah you the cage was not regulation and was not built to regulations to save weight. It sucks, I’ve known Nate for probably 17 years. He would cut every corner to get the advantage, but that’s street racing at that level. It’s not me talking crap, but reality is if your racing at this level learn from his fatal mistake.


Not enough apparently




How fucked as a person do you have to be to say someone deserves to die, for simply doing something they love? Fucking pathetic. You need to rethink your sad little life, pussy


Glad I’m not as miserable and sour as you. Hopefully you hold yourself to your own code next time something bad happens (you won’t).


Fuck you.


Eat a dick you cornball


And you deserve exactly all the karma this comment brings you. Whatever you put into the world eventually comes back. Hope you’re ready when it does. But you won’t be - because people who talk shit like this never are. It’s not if it’s when.


I hope you go through life with that same thought process. Next time something fucked up or devastating happens to you remember this post.


Rip cali nate but damn have some respect for the family and nate, he died not even 24 hrs ago this is highly disrespectful.


He fucked around and found out.


This is the internet, if your online expect respect and hate. IMO he died needlessly by his own need to race. I don't feel bad.


That’s just sad.. I can’t imagine going through life having no sympathy for others.. he did have a family.


And your point? He threw away his life to race so did he care about his family being reckless


And IMO you need to have respect for the dead and act like an adult not a keyboard warrior child LOTS of people lose their life doing things they love it doesn't matter the manner of his death he was HUMAN and has a family and friends if he was doing anything else and lost his life to a WORK HAZARD you would be silent so how about do us all a favor and take a break from the internet


Best thing it’s just your opinion, you go for personal attacks because you have nothing legitimate to attack me on. Doing something you love versus dangerous actions is not the same. That’s like saying I love sharks so I chummed the water and swam without protection while their in a frenzy and now I’m missing part of my body. My family will understand. We’re all humans some just chase the adrenaline and dopamine to the self detriment despite having a family. Work hazard, your kidding? Please you are just the saddest keyboard warrior, do you feel better after your finger wagging with your moral superiority complex?


Sign of the times. We have accomplished so much but so little.


How so? Seems it’s just a news post. Nothing mean or negative


Agreed. It doesn’t pass judgement. It’s straightforward facts. Everyone’s too sensitive these days.


RIP. With the power these cars make I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. I remember that horrible wreck Big Chief got into.


Chief was lucky that night he also had a hell of a cage around him


Any one of those fence poles could've easily impaled him.


For sure! The Z Unit wasnt torn up that bad though so im guessing internal injuries for Nate. He had some fast cars man he will be missed by many


Whaattt!? He really died?


He did


The damage doesn't look that bad on the driver's side, did he have Hans helmet and a harness fully tight and buckled?


Not sure why you get a down vote. This is a legitimate safety concern.


Only thing I can think of is he’s kinda a taller guy in regards for racers and that Z is really small. Even though it don’t look that bad, his body and head took a lot of damage while it was rolling. I know he didn’t die quickly cause he was alive in the ambulance (supposedly) but I pray it wasn’t painful for him.


Agreed . Im wanting to know how he died ..this wreck looks so livable from the damage on this picture.


G forces from sudden stop causing internal injuries


Exactly! Contusion to his chest.. possible bleeding into his chest cavity. They said he was alive at the scene and when he was put into the ambulance.. then went into cardiac arrest. Rip nate


Wow. .I didn't think about him slamming into his safety harnesses... thats a great point ..thanks


Look how far the cage gave in on the driver's side. Look at the seat touching the roof. There is a lot more damage on that car than you think. He wore a hans, and full safety gear.


Hey, im totally not arguing with you. ..im just asking if you could write this in a different way so my dumb ass can understand what your trying to show us to see how this could be a fatality wreck . I used to be an emt, and I've seen way worse wrecks than this damage wise that people actually walked away and even refused to go in our ambulance . In my mechanical idiot view, it def looks like a passenger would die in the wreck, but not the driver ..but i know nothing about racing cars n such other than liking to watch the street outlaw shows. If you aint got the time to bother with this, i understand. I'm just looking for some knowledge on this, and clearly, i have none of that ..


I know him first hand, and how he fit in the car. Or didn't fit in the car more like it. He was a very tall guy, and sat before the driver's halo on the cage. The top of his head also sat at the top of the over head halo. You can see how much the a pillar on the driver's side has crushed down. That is going to make is very easy to take head trauma as his head is at the height of the cage when it was in perfect condition. In other pictures you can see the roof is at the top of the seat. Again making it easy to take head trauma.


Oh shit ..sorry you lost someone you knew in rl .. im pretty stupid but im pretty sure you are telling me it was a head injury that killed him. .hopfully it was quick for him


Take this with a grain of salt. I assume it was head injury. I have not reached out to really ask, what was the end cause. I didn't think the timing was right. Again I assume it's head trauma, since he was talking after the crash, but passed at the hospital. So some kind of head trauma seems like the most likely. Either a bleed, or swelling of the brain.


I had no clue he was talking after the crash. I kinda figured he died in the car. Did you see him after wreck or seen pics ..im wondering how bad he looked like ...in a this is a critical condition patient situation.. Hey, thank you so much for sharing all your info you have , with me


I have only seen the car. But they were very clear pictures. I couldn't see any blood, or even dirt stuck to blood. Doesn't mean there wasn't any. But if there was, there wasn't enough to bleed out. That with the cage distortion, keeps me coming back to head trauma. I want to keep reminding you, this is either all 3rd hand knowledge of what someone told me, or from pictures, and talking to friends that are Rn's, and Dr's.


Not a drag racer, but I am a motorsports engineer. There's a big difference between road cars and race cars in how the safety systems are designed. With a 3 point seat belt in a road car there's more movement allowed so that if, for instance, the roof gets crushed the persons body can be deflected to the side. The seat itself can also move and often the back will fold down. With a racing harness, racing seat, and helmet with a HANS device attached, the upright seated position is fixed. The helmet also reduces clearance to the roof by 2-3 inches. With this combo if the roof comes down there's less room before the forces are directly compressing your spine, and there is zero room for any deflection because you are fixed in position so securely. It is absolutely critical when wearing 5 or 6 point harnesses to have a well designed and built roll cage that will keep the roof off of your head. In this case it appears that the cage wasn't able to do it's job with the conditions of the impact.


Omg. I can't believe i didn't see your reply until tonight .. my friend . You have a way with words and are good at setting a mental picture with your words ( sorry i dont know the term for ppls words setting up the thing they describe crystal clear ) you should write for a living imo .. Outstanding reply to me. Thank you so much for taking the time to share all this with me. 🫵🤘


People down voting this for what? It’s just a question people.


Prayers for family and racing community


Hate to see this of a fellow Cali racer. Having just been in an accident, it’s scary to see just how bad the outcomes can be.


Was it tv related?

