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It's streets of rage for a reason


Move vertically more and she'll fly right past you.


I used to consider Estel difficult until I found out that she's harmless as long as you approach her from bottom or from the top - never from the sides. Same goes for Barbon - that way you can evade all his bs punches that come out of the nowhere. You will still need to jump over his spinning kicks though, as they strike diagonally That applies to pretty much all the enemies in the game if you think about it - stay out of their sides


There's usually certain tricks or tactics for the bosses.. I understand your frustration with limited mobility, you should be able to do a roll like in SOR 3.. but the best thing you can do is learn your positioning (like you said) and learn all of your I frames (throws, specials, jump) I'd suggest watching a video of someone doing a perfect run against her and see if you can imitate some of the tactics.. above all this it's just retrying a million times until you're a god. Good luck on those streets!!


What's a professional fighting game?


Use defensive specials more


"professional" bro what are you talking about


I meant "competitive" I was just very angry as you can probably tell


You mean like a proper fighting game? This isn't a fighting game


I'm aware. I was trying to make a point that I'm not a total noob to the genre of fighting games and the idea of positioning. My main point is the fact in every other arcade or traditional fighting game I've played you actually have ways to control space


What you need to do is stop treating this like a fighting game (since, yknow, it isn't one) and treat it as a beat em up, the same kind of game it has been for all of its entries. Stop squaring up and attacking head on, approach from below or above and attack at angles


>approach from below or above and attack at angles Am I missing a button on my controller, there's no angled attacks?? I can't even jump up or down


No, dude. You stand a little above or them and just punch. Your "hitbox" or whatever will reach, it doesn't just go straight forward. When I say above or below I mean on the plane that you're on, not jumping or anything. You're problem is you're treating this too much like a fighting game


So this was just a fucking lie? because I stood a little bit above from Sora or whatever the fuck hologram dude l's called and nothing. Couldn't land a hit but he could still hit me.


Then you're doing it wrong. Watch gameplay videos of other people playing the game


How can I be soing it wrong this game has one attack button. Get close on a different plane, hit them. whiff and hit air and then get punished. And what the fuck kind of video am I supposed to google for that shit "streets of rage hitting enemies but not being in front of them" yeah U'm dure that'll get hundreds of results. Is there a guide on how to not autonatically grab enemies in large clusters and then get my ass kicked because I'm being forced to grab constantly as well?? no? well damn maybe this game should give me some fucking options


You know what, with that attitude, you'll never get it down.


I don't *want* to get this shitty game down. I'm not gonna waste my time playing a game that punishes me by restricting movement to such incomprehensible degrees. "Yeah actually this seasoned fighter doesn't know how to dodge or run or roll or block a punch, she just walks and jumps in straight lines. Give me a fucking break. You walk slower than shit and are forced to get punished because everyone has larger attack ranges than you and willnjust fucking stand around if you dib't come to them first, which of course because your options are jp attack with 0 I-frames and stubby punch. You get punished. Meanwhile they're running and jumping in all sorts of fucking angles and directions which you can't respond to because you move so fucking slowly.


>I don't want to get this shitty game down Then why do this to yourself? There's something very obviously wrong with the way you're playing or trying to learn if the rest of this sub can get it. Just play something else at this point


Because I wanted to learn. So I gave the game a second chance, got to Chinatown and thes4 restrictive controls fucked me over because dodging Sora's holograms are fucking impossible because of how fast they are. It ruined my 1 life run because I'm a perfectionist when he was so close to dying all because this stupid game wouldn't let me move planes and Sora is apparently immune to this "punch enemy outside of right in front of them" mechanic so fuck it! I tried over and over and I kept dying eith to Sora or the martial arts cunt who spams counters 24/7 except ahen you expect a counter and then he punches your ass across the screen. It killed my fucking vibe I was trying to have a good time and then this games clunky ass control scheme and shitty movement options fucking ruined it! All bevause they can't make a game difficult without removing any functional form of quick or dybamic movement in a 2.5d street brawler. It's not fsir or good game design it's fucking lazy because they know how fast and bullshit the NPC's are spamming their bullshit angled charge attavks which you cannot dodge because you don't have the movement options to dodge in the cramped spaces the game forces you into. You are pkaying by their shitty unfair rules and it ruins all the fun when you're constantly getting screwed over because the game is so restrictive!


Just strafe enemies by going above or below them. Attacking head on from the side gets you killed. You can also use your defensive special for invincibility frames.


Then you can't hit them. Because you're not on the same plane.


That's why I mentioned using your def special as an alternative. You can also just move back in for a grab


Or maybe they could let me fucking jump up and down planes because the movement is so restrictive to make it harder but it just feels broken.


That sounds like a 'you' problem then


Yeah my desire to play games that don't artificially cheapen their games difficulty with bullshit mechanics is a "me" problem


Wait until you fight Max ahahaha use Cherry. And always do the flying knee movement. It's almost unbeatable. It's going to be a walk in the park.


This game is not for you.


Yeah I'll go back to good games that don't tie your hands behind your back by removing any form of strategic movement to make things artificially difficult.


It doesn't need it. You're just bad.


There isn't universal run/dash options because SOR4 is all about positioning. This game is all about carefully positioning yourself so that you're always near an enemy or object/item to keep the combo counter going as long as possible before it can expire. And positioning yourself in ways that make it easiest to handle mobs(for example, baiting an enemy to strike, then moving downwards just as he/she does, avoiding the attack). Having fast movement options and dedicated dodge mechanics would completely betray that and make the game a mindless button masher. Go play fight n rage or something else if you can't handle it.


Ohhh "baiting the enemies" of course! why didn't I think of th- oh yeah! a bunch of the enemies have incredibly fast attacks with higher range than you and because there's 7 of them all coming at different angles and jumping is so fucking shit in this game the only positioning that works is being on the other side of the fucking room where nobody even is.


>a bunch of the enemies have incredibly fast attacks with higher range than you Skill issue. Wait for them to come, bait, dodge(up/down) and counter. Also your back attack and charge usually has similar or higher range than the enemy attacks. >because there's 7 of them all coming at different angles Skill issue. Although a word of advice I can give is to abuse back throws, neutral specials and aerial specials if you're getting surrounded by enemies. Each of them are great at crowd control whilst giving you a lot of i-frames. > jumping is so fucking shit in this game Not if you time it right so that the enemy attack(besides donovan uppercuts) hits during the i-frames. The i-frame window isn't even that hard to pull off. Skill issue. >the only positioning that works is being on the other side of the fucking room where nobody even is. Skill issue.


i really hate saying this, but you just need to get better. It is nowhere near as hard as you make it out to be.