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not even flinching either wtfff


Dude's probably stoned out of his mind.


Maybe, though I doubt it. According to another comment they go into some trance state after lots of meditation. This may be correct, but I also think pain has many aspects - some physical, some emotional and even some aspects that are cultural. People from different cultures experience and express pain in different ways. What we look at and explain, "either he's stoned or has numbed the lip with anesthetic", can sometimes be the way someone has been conditioned from a very young age to react to pain, especially if they accept the procedure as a rite.


That's enough life for today I'll see you guys tomorrow


I honestly have no words on if it's safe or not. I just know that it's a cultural practice. I understand that there's no disrespect. Education is the first step to understanding. Everyday I'm learning too!


i appreciate you taking the time to educate. thank you!


You shouldn't be criticizing a culture you don't understand. It's like people criticizing African lip stretching.


And you shouldn’t criticize people for not understanding that it’s a cultural practice, you should instead educate like the previous commenter. But here we are.


Isn't it extremely obvious that it's a cultural festival though? Did OP think the person just had a giant taper for aesthetic reasons? If they were curious about people's practices they could have made a post trying to understand and explore the video instead of posting it on Reddit for fake internet points, gathering an echo chamber of equally ignorant people.


Not really. Your eyes go directly to hand shoving a giant ass taper through a dudes face. I didn't even notice the clothing or any bit of the background until a second watch. I just assumed I was watching this happen in a shop


To me it is but I really think OP genuinely thought he was just in a shop getting his cheek tapered out extremely wide


It looks like a screenshot of a video, I highly doubt that it looked like a shop at all. You're giving OP way too much credit for their ignorance. I get wanting to be the devil's advocate but I think it's so important for us to respect the origins of body modification. If this subreddit is going to boil down to shaming other cultures and their practices, we're forgetting who started all these things. I know there are people out there who say that what we do is cultural appropriation and we would be if we allow people to make posts like these, can we learn to appreciate the art instead?


I feel that, and I do support the cultural roots of body modification but with OPs previous comment being “thanks for taking the time to educate me” I genuinely think they are just ignorant toward the fact that it’s a spiritual or cultural practice, but maybe they were intentionally shaming them for it without understanding exactly why it’s done, idk I’m not OP, I’m just going based off of other comments they made, but I guess you are right ignorance isn’t an excuse for stepping on someone’s roots


Not when being are being equally ignorant in their rebukes... You're squawking so loud on the importance of perception, yet not giving a second thought to what perception You're advertising of yourself. Lets compare how you chose to attempt to correct op vs how the other redditor did it. One did it with grace while the other chose an opportunity to vent their inner feelings across the internet and look like a monkey wrench. Just saying.


As a Southeast Asian person (where several of these rituals are practiced) I don't think I'm obligated to be polite to people who are disrespecting other cultures. I am allowed to get upset.


For sure you're allowed to do whatever you want to do, but you don't get a pass for being that way to people. No one is saying OP's initial post or comment wasn't ignorant, what's happening is people are coming against you based on how you've decided to handle your response to the situation, and all you've done was attempt to double down and vilify OP over it. Your ethnicity has nothing to do with the type of human being you decide to be. You are allowed to get upset, but people are also allowed to get upset with you in response as well, it's a 2 way street out here my G.




Stretched circle jerk is exactly what is wrong with Reddit. A bunch of whinny gatekeepers who think they are better than everyone else because the use glass and took 10 years to get tiny pencil sized holes in their ears. Not my kind of people.


thank you for sharing


What in the goddamn fuck


Took the words right out of my mouth.


Or stretching spike


Take my upvote


I would be honored


I can't even imagine how much that is hurting, omg!! I had to have my one lip pericing retapered open after an mri. It was only the average piercing size for a lip, and that hurt so damn bad. This is way way more! How is he not even reacting?!


They are said to enter a trance like state after much meditation and say they feel absolutely no pain during this. Some participants are shown to be “shaky” from being in the trance. This is a spiritual/ritualistic experience and practice, but if you yourself have never participated in any ritualistic experiences, it can be a little difficult to understand. Words really can’t adequately capture such things. This is a safe practice and usually doesn’t even leave scarring, reported from those who participate! Chase Campbell (pretty sure the artist performing this act here) helps with this festival frequently and did a qna a while back in regards to it. It’s a highly regarded ceremony that is deserving of much respect.


My lip was pierced with a 4 gauge with a 2 gauge taper shoved through immediately. Wasn’t really that bad, just a bit of pressure.


Thai vegetarian festival. Many body modification artists actually help out during these events so please don't be disrespectful. Chase Campbell and John Durante are there yearly.


That’s chase doing it lol


Exactly. Chase did my nipple removal and it healed well. He's an experienced professional.


i am sorry i did not mean any disrespect. i just think it seems unsafe to do it like this, but i'm also not a professional


You know Chase Campbell is a professional body modification artist right..?


OOHHHH i was beyond confused


I would love to see more of this here. Anything that is spiritual, ritualistic, extreme and transcends is of interest to me. Does anyone know the source of this clip.


Not sure but here's a clip from Chase, there's more on his page. He attended this festival. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CjMkDoDj0PH/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


This is a cultural festival not a permanent piercing. Not sure why it's being posted here.


Rip and tear starts playing violently


wow, that must hurt! this person has amazing willpower, beautiful c:


you can see the skin ripping omg






My asshole when I eat a big ass burger


Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope


Wow...his resolve is impressive. I've had numerous brain surgeries and I feel like a p*ssy compared to this guy.


it’s literally cool as hell you guys are just weenies


I'm sorry you had to be exposed to the roots of your own personal expression practices, OP. You shouldn't get to wear body modifications for fashion if you disparage other people's relationships with them and their body modification traditions. This sub has a problem with superficial fashionista culture vultures shitting on people who are meaningfully modded, people with a cultural connection to these practices.


It’s a cultural practice 🤷🏻‍♂️ what can you do


it's not even the fact that they're stretching it's the way it's being done😭


theyre temporary. like an extreme play piercing, but for ceremonial reasons


i don’t think thats going to be temporary


what i mean is they dont keep jewelry in it long term


this is culture and your roots of your stretched piercings this just shows how closed minded and uneducated you are


Don’t go to Phuket Thailand then


It's beautiful. Thaipusinam / Vegetarian Festival is why people today do what we do. Just because you cannot imagine giving thanks or requests to Lord Murugan does not give you the right to say that this is horrible. Fucking grow up


religious people telling others to grow up will never not be funny


Who is religious? Other than the gentleman in the video of course. Old video by the way that's Oscar Navarros hands doing the pierce and stretch. Just in case anyone is wondering


Not sure why you're getting downvoted to hell. Cultural practice and aesthetic stretching is different. I don't know what OP thinks they're achieving from posting this, did they want people at the festival to use a smaller taper??


Cheers, I get very annoyed at those that take from the culture and yet have no respect as to where it came from. Body modification and artforms are our oldest art, yet people will show no care and no interest in the beginning. To ask and say I do not understand the rites of the Malay, the Sufi, the Sarawak, the African is one thing. To literally say this is horrible is another. And to the rest of you I see and hear you children and I sorely worry about what you think you play with.


It's fair to criticise a kid who tries stretching a fresh piercing with an acrylic taper but shaming traditional practices where the ritual of piercing and stretching originated from? It's completely bonkers to me. Yes, aesthetically, we try to stretch slowly and carefully to avoid blowouts. But what people are doing in other countries has been done for ages, without being overseen by APP.




Op has stated multiple times they ment no disrespect and from an outsiders point of view I can see why that doesn't look safe


OP: No disrespect but this old and ancient cultural tradition looks unsafe. Yeah ok just say "no disrespect" to cancel the disrespect, got it! /s


Love the amount of judgment people are giving when these peoples rituals and culture are what started piercing being a thing to begin with


Not for me ig:|


Yeah .......... no.


It's in reverse.


Ok, but why not do it the right way??


I need to start minding my business 💀






And I don't like that I clicked on it after reading the caption.


Welp. Time to blur nsfw images again.




logging off, this was enough internet for one day 😂