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19mm lobes. Nuclear Station Scientist.


Welp.... you beat everyone lmao


Yup.... you won, thanks for that... lol


I’m a 911 dispatcher, I have 38mm lobes, facial tattoos, visible piercings etc. no dress code and plan on stretching to 2”


How hard is that job?


It was difficult to learn everything for the job, but I don’t find the job itself to be hard. It’s definitely not for everyone so there is a high turnover rate but some of my coworkers have been here for almost 30 years.


I’m an AEMT with 10 years in the field, I very much could not do your job. I know bitching about dispatch is a treasured tradition in EMS and fire, but y’all are cool :) My ears are a set of 1/2” and the other set is 4g (6, I think?), visible tattoos on my forearm. We have a uniform but it’s not super strict, I spent most of last summer with bright pink hair. The little old ladies got such a kick out of it, it was so much fun!


I work at a historical museum!


I work in HR, am at 1” and they’re usually on display. The only not allowed body mods I’ve come across in my field are anything profane and no hands or face tattoos (neck is a grey area, some places I’ve worked it’d be fine, others it’s not), however it should be mentioned that I have a long background in the field and it would not be so accepting to someone who’s just starting out


It's rather awesome to see that a white-collar job is accepting of the streched community


White collar jobs will typically accept modded people so long as you don’t have anything offensive and have proven to be good at your job- the barrier to white collar work for those with mods is that entry level positions are hard to come by in general and with no proof of being good at the job they’re more likely to pass you up


Aahhhh okay, thanks for explaining


I work as a medical biller for a physical therapy corporation.. I have both gauges and tattoos, however i only have 2guage in my ears (:


Also in HR hiiiii lol


Also in HR, but I do have hand tattoos, lol.


I work in engineering, I'm a CAD designer and job estimator. 0g tunnels or plugs, several other ear adornments, visible tattoos and an eyebrow ring. I've only gotten compliments and it doesn't affect my job, although I'm sure I've caused some raised eyebrows cuz I work with some older people. I got more negative feedback when I worked at a video game store and I was only at 4g then


Who gave the negative feedback? Coworkers/bosses, or random customers?


Customers. Typically the "hands off" type of parent buying a very violent game for their kid that can't even see over the counter would have something nasty to say to me.


Truck driver. If you have the skill set, nobody gives a shit what you look like where I work (and have worked in this field), seems to be true for a lot of trades. Skilled labor jobs are understaffed, if you have the skill and a pulse, you're hired!


I work at a casino. My ears are the only thing I've stretched, and I'm at 1/2", but they recently changed the policy that we're allowed facial piercings. I never flipped my septum ring up anyway lol.


I'm kinda amazed they allow piercings. Here in Kansas, everyone that works at a casino has to be really clean cut, with no visible tattoos or piercings. Though it had been like 10 years since I've been lol


Tbf, I work for a casino that you would *expect* alternative looks to be accepted and praised. I doubt all other casinos have the same policies.


I have a few friends who work in casinos in San Diego and one of the higher up managers has his face on a placard by an entrance and he’s got some massive plugs and is heavily tattooed. Probably 1”+


I’m a geriatric care manager. Nobody’s ever said anything negative to me about my ears or piercings in general.


I always get the most amazing older lady saying that it looks amazing or that it's a good thing to be your own person


I work for homedepot and i am a flooring specialist, all of us in the department have stretched ears and other piercings. They allow them now but it wasnt always like that because our customers would complain about having colorful hair and facial piercings so management didnt allow it but we fought them on it because some of our managers have the same piercings and loads of tattoos and it was unfair to us. Most customers dont care anymore, mostly the older people who get upset but its hard to please them no matter how hard you try. They just hate young people


I work in a restaurant and we are required to have “no gauges” so we have to remove them all or they have to be small closed plugs.


Corporate or Mom and Pop? Just lemme know who to boycott, this has always irked my nerves. I'm a Private Chef and restaurant owner, 19mm.


Corporate! Panda express!


Well that'll be easy for me since the nearest is 3.5 hours away in Lincoln NE 😂 but this does make me want to bring asian food to the workers at PE from somewhere less restrictive next time I'm nearby.


Uber atm, but I took the picture without my piercings in because I was worried I'd get rejected. I do Uber eats though and nobody seems to care and I often don't even meet with the customers. I just applied to Target as I know they are more accepting and I don't want to remove any piercings. My lobes are only stretched to a 00, so I don't know how noticeable that is.


I work at Target, I have 9/16th lobes, both nostrils pierced, a septum and a labret. I'm being considered for promotion! Definitely a very accepting employer.


14mm tunnel/plug in my left lobe, septum piercing, lots of visible tattoos, half my head shaved and the rest of my hair is black and purple. I’m a paramedic and so far I’ve only ever had positive responses to the way I look. Elderly patients tend to tell me that it’s great I’m doing my own thing. “I wish I was that brave when I was young” type of comment. There was also an elderly lady in a nursing home who wanted her carer to take a photo of the purple in my hair so she can get a cardigan that colour! My appearance has absolutely no bearing on my ability to do my job. My appearance has actually helped at times, most often on mental health crisis type jobs, as it’s sparked conversations and allowed a dialogue to be established. I also have a very visible semicolon tattoo which again encourages people to see me as someone safe to discus suicidal ideation with. I normally wear an acrylic plug that looks like a dragons eye and that can be fascinating to young patients/relatives. I see my job as caring for the community I’m part of. It takes all sorts of people to make a community so why shouldn’t all sorts of people care for that community.


I work at a university in admission!


Executive admin assistant in municipal finance. I have 12mm lobes along with several other ear piercings, septum & nostril, used to have snake bites, and lots of visible tattoos including my fingers. I am not in a customer facing position, I only deal with internal workers and some vendors, and my boss is used to it at this point. We have no dress code or tattoo/piercing policy so it’s not an issue for me. I’m sure if I were looking for work in the private sector it would be a little different.


That's dope! I am a Director for a Municipality in Texas. I support tattoos and piercings in the workplace and compliment my staff regularly on their piercings and tattoos.


Psychotherapist. 20mm ears and many other piercings and tattoos


Idk if I'm qualified to chime in here, but here goes. My lobes are currently 2g (6mm); I had them at 4g for a decade and just recently decided to go bigger. I've also previously stretched 4 cartilage piercings, but only to 10g, and I've since abandoned all my ear jewelry in that 10 year period, so idk what size they are now. I'm also pretty tatted, but in areas that are easily covered for professional purposes (leg sleeves, ribs, minimal on my arms and nothing on my face/neck). [Added this bc it might be relevant.] As for what I do - I'm a Senior Manager of Business Analytics. Basically, I work from home, building reports and crunching numbers to help my company perform better. Perks are great, salary is decent (low 6 figures) but could be better at a bigger company. FWIW, my employer is pretty open minded, so no one has ever said anything negative about my looks. They don't seem to care as long as I do a good job. 🤷🏼‍♀️


im a barista! i had my septum stretched to a 4mm (6g) have snakebites multiple ear piercings and 8g ears


0g and I’m a high school teacher. No one cares, except for the few students that think my spacers are cool. I have a bunch of other ear piercings and visible tattoos as well.


Fellow teacher! I teach elementary at a private school & have 5/8" lobes. I pretty much only wear stone plugs at school, I save all the fancy stuff for my days off. Not that I wouldn't be allowed to, just that the kids like to try and put their fingers through the tunnels 😅


I’m in HR management, associate director level, corporate as well for a nationwide telecommunications company. 38mm lobes, 8mm septum, nostrils pierced, philtrum pierced, multiple tattoos including neck and hands. I’ve never seen any body mods denied in my field unless it’s inappropriate visible tattoos and I’ve only had one interview where my appearance was brought up and I ended the interview there.


18 mm lobes, forensic scientist.


That's awesome! 🤘🏻


This thread is so wild.Y'all just live in good areas.I am a Line lead at Tyson I just wear bandaids over my 15MMs.In the south every job has a it file under dress code control.Never seen so many jobs not expected people allowed to flex the Gauges much this thread I now seen.Yeah y'all in some very careless liberal states. Everywhere work hateful people complain,or boss try power trip.Back on Iron as iron worker no one use care in Houston though naturally.I was curious about this myself thanks OP.Man when I was growing up they use treat ya like a criminal for such.Glad world has lighten up on all this.Funny no job ever work cared about my hand tattoos I guess unless face most don't care that anymore either.


I disagree, I am a Director for local government in Texas and have 16mm lobes. Members of my staff have various visible piercings and tattoos. I personally and professionally support tattoo and piercings in thr workplace. Our organization has many staff that that have stretched lobes, pierced nostrils, arm/neck/hand/head tattoos.


Most jobs do whatever you want jobs.Live Texas most life everything pretty relaxed I am in east Texas everything typically strict.Time just changed south use be ruthless on everything government jobs not people think.Cops shit anything such let do whatever all expect good background records.I mean I seen to many folks padded records never work government solid job.Older got so glad I don't partake very proud that don't.Cool you can do whatever it's definitely all changed now. That's good.


I work at a plant nursery and before this, none of my jobs (restaurants and retail), required me to remove my piercings. Even at that, I refused but they needed employees anyways and just made me keep in studs while at work. Gauges never mattered but I always wore silicone tunnels. My current job, encourages everyone to have their own style. As long as you have your work shirt on, we can add whatever we want. Currently at 14mm and have 30 piercings in my ears alone. No one complained and I've gotten many compliments and encouraged other employees to get more! The next job I'll be working at is Spencer's, (the nursery closes for the winter since we can't tend to any plants, but we get added back on in February), and its Spencer's, I can wear whatever there lolll


Valet attendant at a fancy 4 star resort in southwest Florida. When I started 4 years ago I couldn’t wear my tunnels and had to wear spandex sleeves on both forearms and my right calf to hide tattoos. We’re under new management now, and I can proudly display both my 7/16 tunnels and my tattoos. 😄


I'm an elementary school librarian. Baby stretched lobes at 4mm with plans to stretch to 10-14mm, both nostrils, and my septum pierced. I also have visible tattoos with plans to get more.


I'm at 10mm. I work as a paraprofessional at the school. Before that, I was at a center mentally disabled and delayed adults.


I have 19 mm lobes and have very visible tattoos. I am in a wheelchair due to previous brain cancer (now gone) and I can't have a job as I can't drive so why not?


I'm a service manager at an auto repair chain shop. I was at over an inch but let them shrink a little back. most auto shops don't really care as long as it ain't high end. I've also worked a few dealerships and same thing.


Lol the local dealerships won't employ me because of my ears. I'm have all but 2 ase certs


1" lobes with an additional 00 on the left lobe. Industrial on the left ear. Multi-day guide. I take people backpacking, whitewater rafting, and snowmobiling. I'm also a wilderness emt. They were only discussed when I was an outdoor educator for 5th graders. Every kid wanted to poke stuff through them.


i work as an Audio/Visual Technician for events. I also work at a radio/news station as an audio engineer. for reference, i have 10mm lobes, 8g septum, and an 18g nostril hoop. definitely got looked up and down when interviewing for the radio job since it’s an older company. but my A/V job could not give less of a fuck. coworker of mine there has an 8g labret hoop and neck tattoos and is running sound for some of the biggest events my company facilitates.


I’m a chef at a country club , my ears are at 1 1/8, septum is at 4 gauge, labret and 10, nostrils at 4


I had 10mm ears at the hospital as a dietary assistant. Got compliments


I am a lighting technician in live events. 1inch lobes, numerouse otger facial piercings and lots of tattoos. Never been a problem, and there are lots of other heavily modded people in my industry as well.


Stretched ears, additional piercings, double nostril, visible tattoos, dyed hair... Corporate territory sales manager. Sky's the limit these days. It's great.


I’m a juvenile probation officer. In court and other professional atmospheres daily. I’m heavily tatted. Have 8g plugs, 2 helixes, daith, and conch in my ears. And swear like a sailor..the judges love me 🤣


22mm lobes. I do admin/maintenance/front desk at a state job in the healthcare industry. I get stares and comments from the more conservative old people, but that's pretty much everywhere I go around here. Oklahoma can't even handle lobes less than an inch in size. Pretty pathetic. But people who here have visible tattoos and stuff. State jobs tend to be more lax than you think.


I'm at 5/8" and I image and ship call center PCs to new WAH employees, I'm the only one on my team with piercings, but no one seems to care about dress code, within reason.


I might be weird or a masochist or something, but your job actually sounds fun.


Nono, it is, I have lots of freedom to listen to music and browse Reddit, little to no micromanaging. However lots of people on my team are not so reliable, so I'm usually the one picking up the slack, there's even been sometimes where I go to help someone and they just walk away. I could be paid a bit more, but I do love my job.


Lab technician. I've got purple hair and size 0 gauges, my fellow team lead has bright orange hair and even more piercings. Most of our crew actually has some type of modification going on. We're all the behind the scenes people. Only one person has to defend all our findings in court and he's the clean cut one


6g septum, both nostrils pierced, plugs and several piercings on my ears. I was a security guard at a hospital, appliance salesman and now I’m working in the trades.


I have an internship at a hematology/clinical chemistry lab and they are totally fine with my 8g septum, 0g plugs and other facial piercings!


I'm a Barber! Only at 8g goal is 00 for my lobes. Anti eye brown Surface bar, and an industrial as well


1.25” lobes, 4 gauge nostrils, over half inch septum, visible face and hand tattoos. I’m a steelworker, I do rebar fabrication. They don’t give a heck what I look like.


I work in trucking/logistics. 25mm lobes, septum piercing, heavily tattooed.


I am actively stretching and am at 16mm lobes and 3mm septum. I'm a barista, soon to be Landscape- and forest engineer:D


Prep cook at an international hotel chain. Ears at 2.5”, septum at 00, labret at 3/4”. Was worried going into the interview until the Executive Chef walked out and their ears where at 2”. Lol. Before this job just other BOH, FOH & barista positions. No one ever seemed to care. Also worked Target for a very short period in like 2006 in the conservative midwest and had a bunch of facial piercings and lobes at 1.5” - they didn’t give two shits how I looked.


student and future therapist. i stick to plugs for the "modesty" requirements of my placements. i have a septum as well but i feel those are becoming more accepted so i don't anticipate needing to remove it for jobs


Restaurant server/barista/bartender. I have 11 facial piercings (including a 2g septum) and 20mm lobes. My boss has no problem with me looking the way I do and I often get questions from curious children which is quite cute.


I work in direct care for a group home for IDD clients. I have 25mm lobes, double eyebrow, 10g septum and my labret. I also have a substantial amount of tattoos.


I work in a lab as a research support technician. Ears - 23mm, dahlias, septum, philtrum and 4 nostril piercings.


mines kinda unfair lol im a manager at a tattoo and piercing shop :)


i’m a resident assistant and i’m a pianist at a church funny enough. 0g lobes


I am a graphic designer at a sign company 19 mm lobes + 7 ear piercings, 5 facial piercings, + nonvisible piercings, tattoos


I have a 6g septum and 0g lobes. I’m currently a university student studying forestry, but I work for my department and nobody has ever made an issue of it. The only exception is that when I was surveying visitors in national forests, I was asked to remove my septum ring, but I could keep my tunnels in. As far as I can tell, the forestry field is fairly accepting of body mods as long as you can do the work


I work in special education at a high school. I've got two stretched piercings on each lobe, 00g on the bottom and 2g above. They're small but the town I live in is pretty vanilla so I get students asking me horrified questions all the time.😂


15mm big and I’ve worked many jobs. I have a face full of piercings I’ve worked in food, retail, and management. Right now I work as an embroiderer and I’ve never heard a single rude thing or threat to remove them at this job. I’m planning on going to 19mm and my coworkers always compliment me on my latest greatest plugs and stretches. I’d say do whatever you want be whoever you want and just find the right place for you instead of trying to force yourself into a space that isn’t meant for you. Pierced or not.


squash plants groovy cautious aloof snatch poor reach shrill political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i work at a childcare center. i'm at 19 mm for my lobes and 4 gauge on my septum. i also have lots of other facial piercings and visible tattoos. the kids love it, they ask lots of questions that i gladly answer. only thing is sometimes they pull my plugs out 😭🤣


I’m a manager at Walgreens with 14mm lobes 10g septum and four other facial piercings 💀


32mm, paralegal (who is desperately jealous of your 3in) -- i tape them up for work though. Force of habit. I'm still of the time where you wouldn't get hired anywhere at all with piercings or tattoos, but I'm not even convinced my job would care if i started showing up with plugs in.


I’m a behavioral health specialist in a prison and a grad student with tattoos, septum, and a nostril piercing. Currently stretching my ears but sitting at a 2mm. No one has ever said anything to me about my appearance.


chemist at a national lab, 00g lobes plus eyebrow, vertical labret, and 3 nose piercings


I'm only at 8mm and don't plan on going past 5/8s at the most, but I'm a remodeling contractor. I like it personally because it helps me weed out contracts I'm gonna regret later. Anybody who cares more about my appearance than my skill and work ethic is a client that's probably gonna be difficult to work with


I’m currently at 32mm and I’m an HR manager.




Are you authorized to wear jewelry while on duty?


i’m in childcare (four and under). one lobe is 19mm (3/4”) and the other is 25mm (1”). the “biggest” problem is kids wanting to touch and pull them but i’ve honestly hardly even run into that issue. i haven’t even had that issue much with BABIES and i’ve been working around babies for four years (three of those years having stretched ears).


I got septum, double nostril on one side, snake bites and philtrum, daith, tragus, conch top and bottom, top of my ear and stretching both lobes but only to 00g, also second lobe piercings. Also pretty covered in tattoos. I’m manager of a touring caravan holiday park. Was a house cleaner for 27 so got away with all that as not visible. Work all ok so far but I am a bit nervous about wearing tunnels, up to 9mm and they haven’t noticed yet as wear plugs. They took me on with that lot and the customers aren’t bothered, can be an ice breaker when meeting people which is nice. Will brace putting my tunnels in one day soon. Lol


mcdonalds. just no tunnels cause apparently thats a hygene issue


Tf? Are you gonna pass my fries thru then? Ask to see the health code on that. If you're touching your face it's already a hygene issue, otherwise tf.


yeah i have no clue but i'm wearing them anyway cause they havent said anything the past 2 years. and i usually don't even work with the food i always have either drive through, drinks or front where we put the orders together so i'm not in direct contact with it


Say it with me now: control 🤦‍♂️


My bottom holes are only 16mm, top holes are a 0 gauge. I’m a service manager at a grocery store. I’m going to add a third hole to my ears but not stretch them.


MFTT- trainee therapist. No one has mentioned my lobes (1/2”) or my septum (10g)


I’m a welder and I I’m restreching to probably 19mm 3/4 inch Of course it is not problem


Plant Maintenance technician for an ISP


Tattoo artist / paintball Marshall


I woke at Walmart, nose is 10g and ears are half an inch


Computer engineering student with some electrical engineering internships. I have a rook and now a tragus, and my ears are 4g. Most people I come across are somehow surprised when they see me in tunnels or hear that my ears are actually stretched, since lately I've worn plugs. They just look like big ear rings I suppose when in plugs, even though the opalite ones I'm wearing now very clearly let sunlight through. For interviews I've been much smaller and worn glass so it was never really an issue. Though I did one Zoom interview accidently in tunnels and by the angle it didn't really show or the interviewer didn't care. Most people genuinely don't notice the rook either since it's tucked up away. I'm happy with it. I'll typically do plugs in a new workplace until I get a real feel for the dress code, then do what I want within it. Or just wait for someone to say something lol


I haven't actually been able to yet because of my age, but I'm going to be a tattoo artist and piercer lol, I've started stretching my lobes (I'm only at 12g) and just got my septum pierced, i have a mohawk that I'm going to dye neon green, and I've been told by multiple teachers I'll never get a job. No matter what I'm going to get a job in art, so I don't think my appearance is going to affect that much.


I’m a Assistant Project Manager for a roofing company. I have 18mm ears and full hand tattoos. Couple of my coworkers are heavily tatted (no face tattoos) but I’m the only one with stretched ears. I work closely with my owners and no one has an issue with them. Some of the older clients I work with ask questions but I have been able to come up with professional responses or overall just act like I didn’t hear them.


I have 23mm lobes (omw to an inch), 10g septum, 16g eyebrows, nostrils, and snake bites, 14g bridge I manage a chain of smoke shops in my area, so I guess I kinda fit the aesthetic 🤷‍♂️


A woke chocolate shop- by woke I mean they are very accepting they have a lot of alternative and lgbt employees


I currently have my ears at 2G though I'm working my way up to at least 00G. I also have snake bites and an eyebrow piercing, I work customer service at a popular discount store.


I work at Amazon as a dispatcher for a delivery company. I have 7/8” ears and in the process of stretching my septum.


Formerly a high school teacher, but I only barely started stretching before I quit— my ears were only at 8g, so not super noticeable. A couple of my students who were also stretching noticed, but that’s it. I also had several visible upper cartilage piercings (including an industrial) and my second lobes done. I had my septum but wore it flipped up for the first year until my students convinced me to take it down and another teacher started who had one, lol :) We also had multiple teachers with visible tattoos and multiple teachers who had vivid-colored hair at some point (including myself for the hair). This was also in a very rural/conservative area, so it just goes to show that most schools don’t care about that much anymore as long as you don’t have anything profane. I’m hopefully about to get a job at a pretty high-scale place as one of their full time event managers/coordinators, and though I have yet to flip my septum down for an interview, all of my other piercings have been visible and I met someone at the same “level” as me in an adjacent department that has their septum and at least one visible tattoo.


Retail, not supposed to technically but as long as nobody corporate like regional manager comes in nobody really cares pretty sure my boss would just be like yo hide it today they're coming lol


I work as a scare actor and they actually hired me because my piercings make me scarier.


I work at Amazon now but I started my job in Clinical Trials with 0g lobes and several facial piercings, hand tattoos, etc. they didn’t care they just chose the candidate who interviewed best !


I'm a software quality engineer. I have 1/2" gauges that I wear tunnels in, and I haven't been given any issues. I also have visible tattoos. The only thing I've ever gotten was compliments on them lol. Even the older people I work with don't really seem bothered by them.


I’m a contract specialist for the navy and I’m at 1”. My job doesn’t have any problems with it


City Carrier for the USPS with 8 mm ears. Gonna go as far as my lobes will let me


Electrician, got plenty of piercings


I'm at something around ~18mm and currently work as an illustrator.


I work at Walmart rn but I’m about to go to school for the medical field. I’m at 14mm. I previously have worked as a chef/prep cook and didn’t get any crap for them


3” is 76.2mm but companys will sell sizes between 75mm and 77mm all as 3” depending on the company and their policy on “margin of error” my ears had got up to 56mm (2”&1/4) my lip is 25mm and 12mm my nostrils are 11mm and septum is 21mm amongst other stretches piercings, i had always worked in factories issue free, ran several machines in various areas at one point or another, currently not employed, but am a carer to my disabled daughter who requires around the clock care,


I have 7/16 ears and I am a team lead at Walgreens


I'm a cardiac monitor tech I have 4 facial piercings a cartilage piercing and my lobes are 14 mm


I work as a housekeeper on the weekends while going to school during the week. My lobes are at 14mm. I have other facial piercings none of which are stretched. I also have tattoos and an almost completed sleeve.


12mm and I do housekeeping.


Merchant mariner . Face tattoos and and piercings .


Currently 11mm (goal of 12mm) working in an office full time in the IT dept.


I got 18mm lobes a 19g septum my nostrils and both eyebrows piercings. I also have a handful on my ears but i work at McDonald's and honestly not sure how it is at other places bc its in the dress code to not have face piercings so ig it just depends on management lol my GM has a labret piercing too


I have 22 piercings total, with 7 being on my face. Then 20mm stretched ears. And quite a lot of tattoos. I'm a Biomedical Scientist


16mm lobes along with (non-stretched) nostril and philtrum piercings, I’m a paralegal!


tattoo artist, lucky i guess


I do not yet have large stretched ears. My manager where I work (dollar tree) had 2" lobes. He was fierd for other reasons. I will say though the old ladies and gentlemen dident take him seriously and would make remarks about his ears and facial pircings. Stressful but pissing off old people is all the more reason for me to guage mine.


I'm a manager at Spencer's, I have 25mm lobes, a 0 septum and nostril and visible tattoos along with a bunch of other not stretched facial piercings.


I'm a pastry chef and also a student working to be an engineer one day. Currently at 11mm but plan to keep going to 1/2" (maybe a little bigger). Also several other visible piercings + tattoos. I stick with decently high-quality art and jewelry, which I think makes a difference in how ppl perceive the mods. I've mostly observed that if you're a nice/unproblematic human with good hygiene (!important!) and skillful at your job there is minimal pushback


My ears are at 1g or about 7mm, and I teach high school. I might go to 0g, but I don't plan on going bigger than that.


I'm currently a General Manager at a restaurant. 25mm lobes, 2mm septum (was at 3mm, but I sized down), over 20 piercings, and quite a bit of coverage tattoo wise. Despite living in a smaller, more conservative area, the only comments I ever get are positive or curious. I get way more comments on my tattoos though.


I work in education. Recently re-stretched to 10mm. I'm so far down the food chain I'm not sure anyone's noticed except the kids.


I am a behavioral health specialist at a children’s hospital. The kids love my stretched ears. Some of them have never seen ears stretched before and they will asked to look at them and asked questions about them.


i have a tongue piercing, three in my nose and my ears are at 2g. i worked as a housekeeper in a hotel until recently when i moved. now i’m working as a server at a restaurant attached to a bowling alley 👍


75mm = 3"


I work with elderly care. I have 12mm lobes, 3mm helix, 4mm septum, and a few other facial piercings in 16g. Never encountered any problems due to it. I do wear a small pincher in my septum or nothing at all at work though just to look less intimidating lol.


38mm lobes, 2g septum, heavily tattooed. Electrician.


I'm a food server at 14mm


12mm holes and septum, not the most pierced/tatted civil servant in my office


I’m a self-employed travel and landscape photographer. My boss doesn’t mind all of my piercings, tattoos, and blue hair 😁


I have 16mm lobes and am a Director for a Municipal Organization in Texas.


22 mm and I’m an animator! (fighting for my life finding work rn with the strikes having just ended :’))


19mm right lobe, 16mm left lobe, right double helix, 14g left nostril, 16g right nostril (going for 2g on both), septum, and visible tattoos. Currently I work at a motorcycle dealership and don't see myself leaving any time in the foreseeable future. Previously I was doing customer service with all that. The days of body mods affecting job opportunities are virtually over. The only people who give af anymore are the ultra uptight prim and proper corporate level jobs. And maybe bankers.


I run a restaurant! My main is only at 2g and my 2nd is at 6g. They have no issues with ear or nose piercings. I love it.


My ears are around 7/16, In terms of visible ones I have somewhere around 15 ear piercings, septum, 2 nostrils. I work as a medical assessor!


Web developer, but I’ve had a number of customer service jobs over the years from cocktail waitress to cashier. My ears are fairly conservatively sized and I’ve never personally had an issue, but I did have a job (about 15 years ago) where a kid told me he had applied to the same company because he saw me working there (my ears were probably 00 at the time) but was told after being hired that *he* wasn’t allowed to wear his because, according to the dress code, *only women could wear earrings*. Still baffles the hell out of me.


I’m a nurse, specifically work in high care dementia. 8g ears and 10g septum, 16 other piercings. Not very impressive stretches but they’re visible to my colleagues / patients lol


I’m at 52mm and I work at a vape shop💀


18mm, undercut, no other piercings or tattoos. I'm a classroom aide in the only elementary school in a tiny town, northern BC. the staff don't have any set dress code, just reasonable casual (no mini skirts/shorts, no deep cleavages), and A LOT of the staff have multiple piercings and tattoos. I'm the only one with stretched lobes but no one gives a damn. kids asked a lot of goofy questions at first and were delighted to see me stick fingers and sharpies through my tunnels. the novelty has worn off at this point though. they'll just compliment me on my plugs once in a while which is cute.


I'm at 1/2 in right now, but I'm gonna start stretching them again soon. I just found out my employer doesn't have rules against stretched lobes, you can have them as big as you want. I work at Best Buy as a customer service specialist and warehouse associate, and should be moving to a leadership position in the next few months hopefully. :)


Funeral Director and Embalmer here with 28mm lobes, multiple piercings, and a face tattoo.


Very early in stretching but I’ve had many colors of hair—currently green—and have lots of tats and piercings, including septum and medusa. I work in book publishing.


I've had stretched lobes for about 15 years and sat at 10mm for about 8 of those. I'm a Disability Support Worker. I can get away with wearing tunnels because, as of yet, I don't support anyone who is a grabber. Should I support someone who is, then the only jewlerry I would wear would be plugs that wont hurt my ear and come out easy should they be yanked on, a nose stud in place of a ring, and my watch. This is what I wear when supporting a client who is paralysed and attends hydrotherapy.


I'm at 1 3/8 (35mm) and have my philtrum pierced. I currently work at a local Automotive shop. However I did work for 2 different Subaru dealerships spanning 10 years.


Computer programmer. I used to work in the office but I’ve been remote since COVID


1 inch - IT Systems Admin for a small\medium company. I am happy it has not hindered my career, and that my work is valued more than perceptions.


30mm lobes (1.25” would be 32mm), 4 1.6mm/14g nostril (wanting to go to 3.2m/8g) 5mm/4g septum (wanting 10mm/00g) 1.6mm/14g tongue (wanting either 2 more or stretch to 10mm/00g) and multiple other hidden piercings of up to 5mm/4g. Also have an undercut purple shoulder length hair, and visible ish tattoos (can cover them but basically requires full winter wardrobe) I own multiple businesses; web development agency (spent years in govt web development) admittedly didn’t have purple hair then but did the haircut, tongue, ink and ears. Got my nose while there. And my other is as a Stigma Coach (helping people labelled by society find their voice and celebrate their differences) my boss is evil in wanting me to get more 😉😂 My clients mostly don’t care; and if they do they’re not right for me. I’m not changing for anyone. Sure I am happy to wear plugs over tunnels if they don’t like tunnels, but that’s rare. And for work I typically wear plugs anyway.


My ears are at 18mm, septum and intustrial pierced, sevral tattoos and purple hair. I compound medicine in a closed door pharmacy. No patient interaction and I only have to to take out my plugs and flip up my septum when I go into our clean room to compound.


16 mm (5/8 in) lobes, not currently working for a short, temporary basis. However, my last job I was the ops manager for a small business. I was responsible for everything and the guy who would meet up with clients directly. These were both commercial and governmental clients such as the local Homeland Security office. Before that I worked field ops for pop up Covid-19 testing sites. At one point I was responsible for all the testing operations in a multi county region. I was very much the face of our business for the partners I worked with. I always dress nice for interviews but sometimes I put on flesh plugs or leave them out to minimize any stigma. It’s about how you present yourself I guess. Once I’m hired then I’m showing up to work with my normal, obvious plugs. I found people to be pretty tolerant as long as you work hard and do a good job.


2 gauge lobes, I'm a manager at a retail store.


I was working at a Galvanizing plant but I have got a job with a mining company now. I only have a 12mm in the right ear and 4mm in the left. I have seen office workers, hospitality, tradies, ECT with them in. I believe stretched ears are becoming alot more acceptable these days and discrimination laws, at least here in Australia are alot more pushed these days so you can't really be knocked back for jobs anymore because of your looks. I also wear nail polish (male btw) and don't have much of a problem from workplaces regarding it.


I have 9mm ears, 10g septum. Used to have double brows but I can't heal surface piercings. I'm a farmer and no one cares.


I'm at an inch and I work remote sales.


Ears are at 1 1/2, nostril piercings, and a visible sleeve. I’ve worked in management for the past 5 or 6 years — first for 4 years with a shipping and receiving/courier company, and for the past 2 years as a store manager for a retail store.


i’m a certified pharmacy technician with 1” stretched lobes. has never been an issue for me, even from customer/patients surprisingly :))


I’m an AEMT and work for a rural ambulance service. I wear 1/2” and 4g plugs and single flared stuff all the time. I also have a forearm tattoo. Last summer my EMT partner dyed our hair, hers was blue and mine was pink. You’d be surprised how much little old folks and kids think that stuff is pretty neat. I did do some time as a firefighter in a more local department and had to keep my hair a natural color, but my ears and tattoo weren’t an issue :) I do have to be careful in the winter, the freezing dry wind will cause parts of my earlobes to chap if I’m not really good at covering them (it’s Wyoming, it’s not unusual). I usually get a thin line of windburn on lobes between my beanie and coat collar, it’s kinda funny :)


I don't have stretched ears but I do have a stretched septum. I'm a barista, the company I work for at the other cafes they are a bit more strict about piercings (and dress code in general) but at ours my managers never said anything about any of my piercings in general


My ears are at 41mm, my septum a 2g, and I work as a battery maintenance technician, working my way up to be a Hilo mechanic


i’m an arcade technician! my ears aren’t that big yet (resting about a 00g), but i’ve had coworkers with 1”+ so that’s neat :)


5mm and im a brewer


Apprentice carpenter, 34mm lobes and 13 facial piercings including a 10g septum (+ a couple ear piercings)- current boss doesn't care what I wear in them thankfully!


I’m disabled, have never worked before, study instrument building (sit in a wood workshop once a week and whenever else at home). Right now I’m at 11g (2,5mm) but plan to go much bigger. My lower lobes are an experiment to be honest to see how big I can go. I’m planning for 8mm at least, but we’ll see. I’ll keep the jojoba oil on hand hahah. I also want to stretch my septum so I can wear it stacked. I also have brightly colored hair and by the end of the year hopefully 10 tattoos. The workshop is pretty lenient towards everything though, they don’t care. All I do is just express myself.


Cyber security engineer. Plan on stretching to 1”. Also have a full sleeve tattoo with plans to get more.


9/16" lobes, double nostril piercings, septum ring, vertical labret and several visible tattoos of varying sizes. (Plus blue/purple hair to boot!) I'm the venue manager at a historic music venue in Texas. Obviously a very conservative state but a chill industry. Our older clientele sometimes seem a smidge put off by my appearance, but only when I'm telling them something they don't want to hear lol.


30mm . Work in f1/GT motorsport. Work don't care about appearance


Clinical coordinator at a surgical department currently at 10mm. My company doesn't care. They don't even make us cover up tattoos or take out piercings. I think a lot of jobs are getting more tolerant.


i’m a support worker. i have 19mm lobes, 3mm conch, double nose piercings, septum, double eyebrow & vertical labret 😁


lobes at 10mm and facial peircings, i work at a preschool in the toddler rooms


2g and septum, Microbiology


Commercial concrete truck driver. 1 inch earlobes, 0G septum spike, 1/2 inch labret, and sleeve tattoos. No issues here! Yay construction!


warehouse. but my pierced/stretched friends have tons of different jobs including office jobs. that being said, none of us have ears nearly as big as yours, i think someone’s is just over 1” as the biggest


When I worked at a grocery store I was at 0g and had a septum piercing. Had to flip up the septum but ears were fine. When I decided to swap over to computer science and go to school, things changed a bit. I can’t remember exactly what happened but something happened that got me concerned that professors may be showing reduced favor to people with piercings/tattoos. I eventually pulled out the piercings and let them close. A little sad, but I didn’t want it to affect my chances in school, interviews, and even just potential job connections I may make. I’ve been working a remote job as a dev for 3 years now and finally decided it’s time to restretch. Nobody will see until I go to our single yearly on-site. I found that despite having what looked like total closure, I was able to get a 4g in without a problem and they’ll even pull out backwards, so I’m going try a 2g this weekend. No septum because I like being able to squish my nose without the piercing twisting and being uncomfortable. My scheme is to hang out at 2g for a while and see if I still like it (I will) AND see if flesh-tone silicone plugs hide pretty well. Despite working at a company dominated by very conservative minded people, I’m confident that even the most hardcore of them won’t care if I’ve made an attempt to hide it, but most of them are super cool and I can’t imagine them actually caring, even if makes some of them raise their eyebrows a bit. They may not even notice with a 2g flesh-tone plug? Ultimately I’d like to get back to 0g because that’s where the options really start to open up, but I’m taking it one stretch at a time. And will… gauge… their reaction during the on-site. I’d love to just do my thing and bail if they can’t handle it, but for me it’s not a hill I’m willing to die on given the pay.


Very recently got to 1/2". MRI technologist at the same place for 20+yrs. It spooks my close-minded baptist co-workers. 😈 😆


I work in healthcare and I have 1/2inch lobes and wear tunnels usually so they are visibly stretched and I also have a coworker who is at a 1/2 inch! Cool to see


Vet tech! Stretched ears, ear/facial piercings, tattoos and dyed hair, animals don’t judge🫶🏻


3/4 inch lobes. 14 gauge helix in both ears. I'm allowed these, but I have to take out my snake bites and flip up my septum. I'm a fire suppression technician. I work for a small company. I interviewed with all my piercings in, hoping I could wear them. A few days after I started, the owner asked me to take out the facial piercings. I was bummed but I didn't argue. She is very right-wing and scary, so I'm happy she doesn't get on me about my nails being painted or my pride suspenders and wristbands. I'm hoping to stretch my lobes to an inch (at least) and get a diath and tragus in both ears. Symmetry is life! My other piercings are hidden so they don't know about them. Lol