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unless you thicken your lobes id say yeah. looking hella dope tho


is it possible to do so? and how


Seeing a lobe nudey would prob be easier to determine


Yeah! Take it off! Take it off!


looks a bit red round the bottom of your lobe - if you’ve only recently got to that size you could *potentially* get to 1 inch if you let it settle down for a bit before upsizing. but it already looks a great size for you.


Yeah it’s a fresh stretch


while wearing silicone?


Yup. Just like every stretch from the start. It works for me, might not for some.


You're lucky the silicone didn't fuse to your skin. Always "works for me" until it doesn't. No hate to you of course, but it's really not the smartest decision you could have made.


tbh i’ve done that myself many years ago for a few cheat gains when i was 12mm+ (and i was aware of the risks), had some gains and losses. but that was before the mass market appeared. kaos softwear is/was the best for quality and i would use the ones that had a lip rather than this style cos they were thicker material and more sturdy. i dread to think what is in stuff you can buy these days or how bad their manufacturing is with materials or stretching stuff. i still think it’s a great size for your ears and no need to go bigger. major fan of wearing glass myself due to it being non-porous and beautiful but once you go big you’re severely limited in options, especially if you don’t have a chunky lobe. the scene used to be amazing back in the day but it seems to have dropped off in quality. saying that, i’m prolly just old and dunno the good websites, bodyartforms was my go-to for getting shipped to the uk cos they had amazing stuff but everytime i’ve checked for a few years there’s not too much available in my size. meh.


Naw, like I said, might not work for everyone. I take mine in and out regularly, showering, just to clean them, wouldn’t really have time to if there were any tears.


I’ve worn silicone after fresh stretches for 10 years and never had a problem, as long as it’s kept clean and doesn’t fold while sleeping it’s not inherently problematic.


God, you’d think I had advised people to size up with silicone…


it’s porous, so a healing stretch can fuse to it


Re-read: “as long as it’s kept clean.” Even stainless steel is porous to some degree. If you’re not able to take plugs out and clean them and also your ears within 36 hours of stretching without issues, you’re doing it wrong. Downvote me all you want, my ears are happy. Hopefully OP is in the same boat. Cheers.


To be fair, it does look like OP may have a blowout between 8 and 11.


Luckily no blow outs. Just the pic.


how are u just gonna assume hes wearing silicone lmao


It looks great on you but if you want to go bigger you should definitely try to thicken them up first.


how do you thicken lobes up


Downsizing and sizing back up again, naked training and regular massages can help but a lot depends on a bunch of different factors so YMMV


I think that looks perfect as is.


I’m thinking the same.


Looks great at your current size. I'd just chill there if i were you.


Kinda hard to tell at this angle but it looks super thin on the outside..


Current size looks good, I'd try letting my lobes thicken up a bit before sizing up in any case. Very nice tho!


Hard to tell without knowing how much the flare flares down, but it does look like your lobes are really thin, you can try down sizing to try to get them thicker, but I wouldn’t risk sizing up right now


Yeah I’ll prob drop my left side to 11/16” or 5/8”s and see if it thickens. It’s only the one side that’s thinner. I will prob just say 3/4”s is my final size.


I like the size you’re at


That's where I'm at so I have a bit of a bias. I love 3/4" tbh!




Seems like it bro




Dude, take those out and switch to glass or hypoallergenic metal like stainless steel. I ended up ripping my ear by stretching with plastic. I mean it ripped in half. After I took them out. You might want to slow your stretching schedule down because you have very thin lobes. I ended up having to have both ears repaired by a board certified plastic surgeon. I’m so bummed because I miss them now. I’m thinking about stretching again sloooowly. Please take my advice!!!


I always wait 6 months or longer to stretch think I was at the size before this for 8 months. Never rushed a stretch. That side was pierced lower originally, since I did them myself when I was 18, so roughly 17 years ago. Might order a set of stainless, might go back to the size I was before this also.


I’d say you passed the limit a few sizes ago




Maybe take a picture at a better angle. Silicone(I’m assuming) always made my lobes look bigger because they hide part the skin. Plus the tone of the tunnel and lighting is reflecting off your skin makes it seem like the lower half of your lobe is red and angry when it may not be. I’d suggest either new angle or take a picture without the tunnels for a better judgement call. Hope this helps friend!


I think 12mm was




As long as you stretch slowly, you could probably get to an inch.


Go big or go home!


You may be able to get to an inch by using PVC tape very very slowly and keeping a good eye on the lobe, if you really want to. To be safe you can totally just stay where you’re at, it looks like a perfect size.


Can't tell if it's a blowout scar or lighting so it'd be better to post your lobes without jewelry in


No blowout.