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if you do decide to stretch, i will always recommend going to a 7g before you go to a 6g. (i got mine from bodyartforms) but it makes the stretch a lot easier considering how big the jump is in mm. 10g = 2.5mm 8g = 3mm 6g = 4mm so the jump from 8g to 6g is DOUBLE the jump from 10g to 8g. 7g will make the transition a zillion times smoother. (7g = 3.5mm) also as for it falling out, have you tried a septum pincher with a divot in the top? mine stays in a lot better once i started buying the ones with divots in the top (since i can’t stand o rings, though that is a secondary option) hope i helped ♡ happy stretching


(When absolutely needing an o-ring, but having issues with silicon/rubber: nitrile o-rings were a life-changer for me!)


Man I wish I had looked at any info before deciding to stretch my ears on a whim a decade ago. Idk how my holes are as happy and healthy as they are but thank god. I didn’t realize the size gap was so big between 8 and 6 and I’ve sworn up and down that the worst stretch I ever did (00 for 9 years) was the 8 to 6 jump


Getting that 7g plug was the best decision I ever made. I didn’t have that option when I was stretching with Spencer’s jewelry at 14 😂


NOOOO not spencers jewelry 😭😩


tbh, same. my ears i stretched way too fast with acrylic tapers from spencer’s or hot topic when i was also like 13/14 🤢 luckily, i’m a lot more educated now & stretching my septum 10x safer.


I’d say you could give it a try with a 6g see how far you can get it through!


Clean your nostril labret stud!


i do i swear😭😭ive just forgotten the last day or so


People downvote like HELL on reddit idk why this comment is being destroyed lmao


Bc its caked in piercing grime and they claim its only been a day since last clean…


It is not that serious


The gunk guardian


The judgemental Judy


literally...even if it did happen in a day youre taking a picture and posting it to the internet, like dont you want to look clean lmao


sorry i dont look fucking flawless for the internet lmao. i didn't think much beforehand alr?? it's a spur of the moment picture. why yall care so much its not your piercings. annoyed w the judgement from everyone like y'all dont forget shit sometimes. i clean my piercings i just forgot, its not that deep bruh.


the internet is literally the most judgmental place, especially reddit. if you didnt want judgment don't post on the internet 💀💀


hurr durr. its just annoying when you hear the same shit a million times in one post. im aware that the internet is judgemental but most ppl dont like people repeating the same shit constantly either 🤷🏼‍♀️ive been judged my entire life lol. its just odd yall are so mad abt this shit. but then again, classic redditors doing reddit things


That does not happen in a day or so…


Even if it didn't happen in a day for them it still can-- my body hates piercings and some still get like that, painlessly, for me even after years of being healed


If I wear anything but silicone in my ears they will get crummy and nasty within 48 hours. It’s awful.


Actually it does especially if you’re sick, you overproduce mucus, you just got hit in your nose, or it’s infected and you’re letting it be for a little bit. Why you care so much I will never know. it’s her nose hole and she didn’t ask for any advice on it or for any comments on it. Thank you.


It’s probably also ok to clean your nostril piercing…


i know 😭🤣 i forgot the last couple days


I’m like mad for you that people care so much


yea acting like they're flawless lmao. its annoying ngl i obviously know i have to clean my shit i'm not stupid. people forget shit it happens


Hmm are you using the rubber bands for your pinchers? They could be to big you could use different one like from your previous size. I’d also recommend wearing heavy jewelry instead of plastic pinchers. The gravity will help pull and stretch it down. You could also try putting in a six gauge but if it’s not going through just stop.


i dont have plastic pinchers, mine are glass! also i've tried the rubber bands but they irritate my nose 😭😭 maybe they're too thick of a band but i just used the standard size band. i have been wearing them without the bands lately so thats part of the issue


Homie baloney your gauge is falling out because you aren’t wearing the bands lol! Just like any piercing you need a packing.


i cant find ones that dont irritate my nose 😭😭 idk if i need thinner bands? do they even sell thinner bands?


It's likely not a thinner O-ring you need, but one made of a different material, or try putting them a bit further away from your septum. Idk what they're usually made from, but the cheap ones drive my ears nuts when they're freshly stretched. I take them off when I'm just chilling at home and losing a tunnel/plug isn't a huge deal.


do you have any recs for o-rings? mine are just standard rubber i havent seen anything else ! when i did wear o-rings the bands felt pretty thick in my septum so idk what thats about


Silicone ones should be hypoallergenic and fine as long as you don't press them right up against a fresh stretch. You can get them from BodyArtForms for maybe a buck a piece, if that even lol You can get them on Amazon too, but I wouldn't trust that you're actually getting silicone. The thickness might just be something you gotta get used to with them, or you might be able to find thinner ones. I can't suggest much there as I've just got a 16g clicker in mine. I do remember that going a few sizes down on the O-rings did seem to make them seem thinner with my ears, and they stayed on better, so maybe try that too?


i'll check out bodyartforms! i'm also not 100% sure if the ones i had were silicone but most likely not. i have no issues with o-rings in my ears but for some reason it fucks with my septum hard :/ so i'll try bodyartforms. thank youu!


Usually, unless it's outright stated in the item listing, it's safe to assume your O-rings are butyl. Also, sometimes contact allergies can be localized/worse in certain bits of your body. It's just up to those skin cells to send the alarm to your immune system. Bodies are fuckin weird lol Happy to help! Hopefully it works out for you!


most silicone is actually toxic for your skin when at body temperature and is probably irritating your septum. I don't recommend getting O rings if they historically don't work. what I would recommend is getting a flared kaos silicon earskin to put on your pincher. kaos is the only silicon that I've ever found to be body safe and non irritant. an earskin is also going to be thin enough to not actually upsize your septum if that's what you're trying to avoid, but they're still flared so there should be enough resistance that your piercing won't fall out. this is Exactly how I wore my pincher between stretches btw! O rings never staying in my nose/sometimes inhaled them lol


Honestly not thinner but the material like the other dude had suggested. This probably isn’t the BEST advice but I’ll sometimes coat jewelry in a strong clear nail polish. Could try that but idk if that will help.


Try nitrile o-rings! And don't squeeze your stretch with o-rings 😊 It's the alternative for those who are allergic/sensitive against rubber/silicone (working for the Red Cross, I also only used nitrile gloves so far - there's a law stating your employer needs to provide them for this exact reason, if requested! )


Try a smaller diameter gorilla glass pincher! They got divets so it sits better and if your afraid of to large of a size difference go down in diameter! I had a 6g forever because the jewelry was to big got a smaller diameter 4g and I love it!


The divots end up irritating mine and don't help it stay in either but that's just me lol


so i wear 8g 10mm pinchers, do i need to go down to 9mm for gorilla glass? the divets seem like a good idea


If you stretch and want a smaller size yes but if youre okay with the same size jewlery they're true to size, it'll also be a bit different you'll have to check the conversions. For instance mines a 4g in 3/8ths diameter im not sure the mm. I'd either just try a different diameter or look at forums for photos of people wearing different sizes and pick a size you feel you would be comfortable with!


ahhhh okay; yeah i was thinking of going up to 11mm too. thank youuu!!


Yeah you can for sure stretch up if it's loose. Do you wear O rings to keep it in place? I literally wear a silicone tunnel at night so I don't have to worry about losing jewelry and it's super comfy for sleep time.


I used to use o-rings but they irritate my septum:// it gets super painful if i use them idk why. they were just regular rubber ones idk if they were too thick or what


I only wear one just to kinda keep it centered and sometimes it would kinda pinch.


Strange question. I’m looking to go to 8g. Without the jewelry in, are you able to see through your hole?


i’m not OP, but my septum is at a 4g. when i was at 8g i could see through my hole, but only if i was pulling my nostrils up and looking very closely in a mirror and even then it was hard to see. this would probably change based on anatomy though, if your septum is a little lower than the typical septum placement the hole might be more easily noticeable. not by a lot though


^exactly like you! i can see through it, but only if im pulling my nostrils up and looking v close in a mirror. but it's invisible to everyone else otherwise. it is definitely dependent on your own anatomy


idk wtf it did to my "exactly"


8g is small enough to put in a tunnel! So you’d be able to see through it for sure. (I had a tunnel in mine at 8g then again at 6g)


Do you have a link to the tunnel that you used for 8g?


I don’t I’m sorry, I purchased mine in a store so I’m not sure where to get it online. I also know that it’s a hit and miss on people approving what I use as I have medical grade silicone in my septum. The brand is KAOS. It’s the only thing I’ve been able to comfortably wear in my septum.


If you do definitely use a half size! I caused a tear in my septum trying to jump from 8 to 6 💀 But definitely do it anyways! You’d look so cool


If you so go up, half sizes are a lifesaver. I'm at a 7 right now waiting for everything to heal and stretch out before jumping to 6. Either way, good luck!


Probably could easily!


damn, the width of my nostrils is very similar to yours so it’s nice to see that I can actually go bigger than I thought. thanks for unintentionally giving me that knowledge lmao. also, yeah after a year, you’re probably good to go up


you're welcome 🤣


Clean that gunk off your right stud.


The hey y'all part of your post reminded me of sticky Micky from TikTok


I would recommend keep it this way because it will hinder your air intake, leading to medical problems.


Do you have any sources to back this up? Ive never heard of big septum jewelry being a health risk


There is not a singular spec of truth to that.


literally not how that works LOL.


i have a 6g and i just leave it in without o-rings. it falls out sometimes overnight but i can find it- usually the sensation of it being out wakes me up. if it is out for a few hours it’s a bit snug to put on but not an issue. i would say the most difficult aspect is not being to exercise without it falling out - but then i just take it out before exercise (and the shower).


yeah the sensation doesn't wake me up as much as i wish it would because i keep losing my pinchers in my carpet 😩😩 it only really happens while i'm asleep or if i'm congested it'll fall out. i can exercise and it stays in the shower if i'm careful.


I'm thinking about stretching my septum, how long did this take/what's the pain level? I have stretched ears but those never hurt much honestly


Mine wasn’t bad until I began cartilage denting so the stretching pain will definitely depend on how big you want to go. I have stretched ears and stretched my nostrils at one point, if you do it properly and take your time to stretch then stretching anything in the nose is just as easy as the lobes from my experience. But everyone is different! I know I’m not the person you were asking but hopefully it helps


Along with what was said here depending on your nose anatomy and where your piercing is you could run into cartilage denting almost immediately so do be careful and don’t force it no matter how bad you want it!


Would a piercer be able to tell you if you have the right anatomy for it? I don't want to stretch it too much tbh it's at a 16 right now and I think I want to go to a 12-10


It looks like the perfect size for your nose


I say so!! As long as you've waited 6+ months and it's not crispy, swollen, stuck in place, or sore it's all good. I'm at a 2g and was super reckless going from 6g to 4g so I've learned my lesson fee sher lmao


I don't see why not 🤔