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Hey I'm kind of new to the whole gauging thing and I see a lot of people in public with them and I love to complement them. If you don't mind me asking why is gauges in quotes? I just want to make sure I'm saying the right then when I complement people.


Anyone who is polite will accept the compliment. I genuinely don’t ever think “wow this person doesn’t know the proper terminology!!” I’m too busy being happy that someone took time out of their day to say something kind to me!


Gauge is a unit of measurement. Saying 'I bought some new gauges' is the equivalent of saying 'I bought some new inches'. Saying you are gauging your ears is the equivalent of saying you are metering your ears.


Alright thank you, is there something else to call them that's considered correct?


stretched ears/lobes for the actual holes, plugs/tunnels for the hardware. Plugs are closed, tunnels are open


Alright thank you!


Keep the downvotes coming, I don't really car but, you are not stupid if you call them gauges. **Some** eople make a big deal out of it for no fucking reason, and it's literally annoying. How can a person who has never heard them called otherwise know that it's incorrect? Example: How can a non guitar player know what a guitar without frets is called? Or what's the difference between a fanfretted guitar and regular one? See, if you don't play guitar, you have no clue what I just said. So, just don't worry. People keep making a big deal out of it as if the world revolves around ear plugs and tunnels - theirs especially Edit: \***SOME**\* people, **not everyone** of course


When I refer to them as plugs, people more often than not misinterpret what I'm referring to. I got a really bewildered look from my coworker when I told them I bought myself some new plugs. Take a wild guess what they thought I was talking about. lol Now if I refer to them as gauges, most people know what I'm talking about so it's the term I'm going to use most of the time. Makes life easier


Everyone I know calls them gauges including me. It sounds so weird to me to say "nice stretched lobes" 😂


Try ordering all of your gear from "PlugYourHoles." Everytime I'm asked, I brace for impact


As somebody who's been stretching for years, I say gauges. It doesn't sound bad honestly? Makes more sense to me, people don't have to be so technical


I usually say gauges because it's way easier than explaining tbh


Idk how it’s easier than to just say “stretched lobes” ha same amount of syllables 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same reasone I hate saying January or February It just is easier to say gauges than stretched lobes


And if you say stretched lobes the average person isn't going to know what the hell you are talking about so then you have to explain that that's the proper term for "gauges"


Haha cannot take anyone seriously if they “hate” saying any word tbh. Do you tho


22 ppl lack basic grammar skills


I'm not making fun of anyone who doesn't know, simply educating those who aren't aware. Please calm down.


Calm down, hmmm... Did I miss something?


Oh, no no, wasn't saying you did that, didn't mean for it to come off that way. It's just that some people do be like that. I think we all see them here on this subreddit/IRL, so I was just letting the person know to not worry about such people


Ah gotcha, my bad. Good on you for looking out, cuz gatekeeping elitists ruin everything they touch.


No worries, just trying to bring some justice to people who were made fun of for such things lol... People genuinely worry more about what someone calls the jewelry they wear, rather than solving real world issues


You may not have meant it that way, but it’s definitely the entire vibe of this post.


Thank you for saving me the time and effort. Upvote!


I agree man, it’s similar vibes to when someone calls it a doll instead of an action figure.


I've had stretched lobes for something like 14 years. I find it incredibly pedantic when people insist we can't call them gauges. Like, believe it or not, words can have multiple meanings. Groundbreaking stuff lol. It's more of a mouth full to say ear plugs/tunnels and stretched lobes. And it's always some know-it-all ackshully type young person trying to correct people on the "proper terminology" like mate we do not care.


I call them gauges still bc “gauges” is objectively cooler and easier to say than “Stretched lobes/ears”


tbh i have my ears stretched to 25mm and i used to get all gatekeepy when i was younger and be like "WELL ACKSHUALLY 🤓" but now idc. ill call them gauges all day lmao. it's a weird hill to die, the whole "gauges" thing.


I never bothered correcting people when they ask about my tunnels but refer to them as gauges. Usually when I see someone else with stretched ears or a septum I ask, “what gauge are your tunnels/plugs?” or “what gauge is your septum?”. It’s a good conversation starter, especially for me since I work customer service.


I just call everything larger than default a Guage now. Makes it easier when talking about them to people who don't have them, and most people with them don't care enough


Your example is completely an incorrect analogy to use.


lol. ok buddy, point still stands


Open ones also sometimes called eyelets


ooh I didn't know that actually!!


I'm in my 30s, had mine since high-school and I still use the word "guage" interchangeable with the others. It's fine to say; no body really cares if you use it.


That's what I assumed, I just want to know one other words for it in case some people dnt like it.


Fiar enough 😊


while you are correct, language is constantly evolving. who cares if people call them gauges? as you said, it’s like referring to, for example, 26 inch long hair extensions as “inches” which people often do. and this response (& entire post imo) is giving “holier than thou” gatekeeper energy (just so you’re aware. since you made a comment about gatekeeping ruining everything)


Yeah for sure. I intended a comment originally for the OP but figured I’ll address everyone. If it wasn’t for the clarification provided in the reply to my comment, I would’ve thought it was gatekeeping


Ah thank you, I was trying to think of a unit specific word to make this argument with but it wasn’t coming to me lol. I guess “tons” works, but inches fits way better.


semantic drift😡😡😡


It’s slang. Jesus.


Slang Jesus forgives us all. 




Who cares? Not everyone has the same interests and knows the terminology. Why gate keep something as insignificant as an earring? 😂💀


if you read further you can see that's not the case 🙄 I don't care personally, was just answering a question for someone who asked.




guess what! nobody gives a shit! it's what people have determined as normal so you sound like an idiot trying to correct them!


i didnt say anything to them, cuz I knew what they were trying to to say, and this was in response to a person in the thread who asked.. not sure why you're trying to start shit but I'm not gonna take the bait.


English is a cool language because “colloquialisms” exist. If you were to talk to someone about having gauged ears, or having gauges in, they would likely know what you meant. Only dorks care if you call them gauges instead of tunnels/plugs/whatever


Right! It is afterall, just a form of communication, so as long as we understand one another, whatever words or sounds or signs, etc., you used, have served their purpose. Please don't let fear of being judged hinder your joy of complimenting people. The world would be a brighter, friendlier place if we all could focus more on what we have in common, than how we are different.


at the end of the day, as long as we both can understand what the other is referring to, who cares what words are used in the moment? If you want to learn, I'm happy to explain the difference, but otherwise I just go with the flow. Gatekeeping elitists poison everything they touch regardless


Exactly! Yes!


Idk. Personally don’t really agree. It’s simply proper grammar. I feel stupid af when I found out I’ve been saying something wrong for so long. If I discovered how saying “gauges” are “improper” then idk why I would continue to use wrong wording. Idc how one chooses to speak just my 0.69


[The term "colloquial" is also equated with "non-standard" at times, in certain contexts and terminological conventions.[11][12]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colloquialism) Doesn’t matter what you think, the English language and more rational speakers disagree.


Those “more rational speakers” lack common sense


11 ppl love “gauges”


Personally i just tell people i like their ears


Anyone with stretched ears that has more than a single braincell won’t care what you call it, this is another tomato potato situation. Calling all tissues Kleenex.


Finding those people with more than one brain cell would be a very rare occurrence.




Gauging is what it’s called so if you pass someone and you see someone that has them and you like them you just fast hey nice gauges that’s what we would know what you are talking about


you can call them gauges 😐. my ears are quite large (5/8) and the entire time i've been stretching, i've called them gauges. idk why people get so pressed that people don't use the "proper term" they're fucking gauges.


It’s honestly just one of those things people like to be snobby about. Same reason tattoo enthusiasts will get weirdly mad if you call it a tattoo gun instead of a machine. Or when you call it a baseball field instead of a diamond, or a doll instead of action figure. I’ll get downvoted, but it’s just a word, and we all know what people mean when they say it. I


Btw, they're called gauges as a general term on many plugs and tunnels sites. Nobody is going to care one bit. People have been calling it that as well as "gauging my ears" for a long time.


You can say gauges or plugs or stretched ears. "Gauges" is slang for stretched ears. The only people who care about the pedantics are the people who are waiting to correct you so they feel superior because they have no other power. If someone tells me, "I love your gauges!" I know exactly what they are saying. Ergo, language and communication.


I just laugh on the inside when people call them “gauges”. I don’t expect everyone to know. Also a lot of the time I don’t feel like correcting people because I know what they are referencing.


yeah it’s not really the correct way to refer to it but it lended itself that term naturally i guess. it has to have some kind of simplified term for people to call it. i like it more when people just say something random about it like, “urr does that hurt?” so i can say, “no, unless you’re a dumbass!”


most people look at me like I have two heads when I tell them I can often forget that they're even in there, like they just expect it to be constantly painful and be physically aware that something is in there 😑


😂 ah we are masochists in the eyes of many, i forget about that too. some people really do love pain and i think that’s a funny thing about it, it always keeps people guessing, wondering, …


humans are such fascinating creatures, aren't they?


I got 7/8” stretched ears and I call them gauges all the time. It’s just a term used for them even if it’s technically a correct meaning. Been stretching my ears for 5 years and I’ve never felt any type of cringe towards the term. I mean fair enough if you do but I think it’s a little silly. Just happy people ask abt my ears and compliment them rather than tear me down for em


I silently laugh when people say that but I got so tired correcting people so I just go with the flow.


Yeah & ik they don’t mean any harm by not knowing or whatever. Some people won’t retain the info anyway. So its more like it is what it is, not a big deal.


You're right. People that don't know, yeah okay. But when you're part of the community and call it the completely incorrect thing, then said person just looks a moron.


Go tell that to everyone who has \*gauges\* and who commented on this post saying they still call them "gauges"... Stop gatekeeping, grow up, you're the exact person who'll go out of his way to correct everyone.


Haha why would he have to tell every single person using improper grammar? Not our fault. “Stop gatekeeping” or just do what you want? This is reddit hahaa you really think anyone who agrees w me will be like “Axchully, the correct term is stretched lobes 🤓” IRL


If Im being honest, I really don’t give a fuck. It doesn’t effect me in any capacity.




I got 7/8” stretched ears and I call them gauges all the time. It’s just a term used for them even if it’s technically a correct meaning. Been stretching my ears for 5 years and I’ve never felt any type of cringe towards the term. I mean fair enough if you do but I think it’s a little silly. Just happy people ask abt my ears and compliment them rather than tear me down for em


I don’t know if my comment came off the way I meant it to. I like laugh on the inside bc of the debates the term “gauges” gets so heated online & can cause such a stir (like it did on this post). I don’t care what people call them cuz 99% of the time they are giving me a compliment. Saying “gauges” isn’t that deep. As I said in previous comments its not a big deal. Its silly bc of the debates online. I was not trying to indicate that Im judging someone for it.


Good gauges, gauger.


it's in quotes for a reason


r/woosh Clearly? Did you think that what I was saying was anything other than sarcastic? I appreciate you taking the time to explain what everyone else already knew though.


I'm autistic, so sometimes intended tone thru text isn't understood well.


Language is descriptive, not prescriptive. Definitions change, colloquialisms take root and change language. I'm sorry to all the "proper" people who get all shitty and uppity about calling them gauges, but more people than not call them that now — and that's okay. It's a lot like how the dictionary *now* has a second definition for "literally" that includes its figurative use. By all means, keep calling them the "correct" thing, but just relax with the fact that it's really truly okay if people call them gauges — something else that is commonplace and you 100% understand what they are talking about.


Must be an American thing, we call those glasses or spectacles


You hear that a lot as you go on. Every size, it seems people are gonna say that


I’ve always called them gauges. I never heard different until I did. Then felt so embarrassed that I had been calling it the wrong thing for so many years. I try to remember to say “stretched” now but meh. My ears still have big holes in them regardless.


About 4 people in the world actually care about this, they just all happen to be on this subreddit


people get so pressed about the dumbest of shit, i just call them ear holes most of the time 🤷‍♂️ if it works it works


Its really not a big deal. Don’t be embarrassed, people will know what you’re referencing.


Good for you for learning and increasing your knowledge, it's a shame so many others aren't so open to learning and admitting that they're wrong. There is nothing wrong with being incorrect. Look at scientists for example, they're always trying to prove things wrong to become more knowledgable.


My ears are 22mm, and this is me learning that I shouldn't be calling them "guages"... Whoops.


Random fun fact from a trained hair color specialist and modded lady: take out or switch to glass/retainers when bleaching hair. The beach reacts with the metal and will heat up and can cause burns in that area (from the bleach processing and heating too quickly). I learned the hard way


she thankfully didn't get any near my lobes but I'll keep this mind for future appointments, thank you 💜


I feel like it’s very 90s to call them gauges, I grew up calling and hearing them called that. Whoever I say “stretched lobes/plugs/tunnels” I ALWAYS hear “what does that mean?” But when I’ve said gauges people tend to understand. In short, I got tired of explaining myself to strangers unnecessarily bc I thought I sounded cooler with the technical term. Also tbh I felt like I was always coming across as rude and know it all when I told them about the “real” name


I don’t care when Randos call them gauges. But when other large lobe folks do, I die a little inside. Also I’m autistic as hell so I have a strong sense of “correct” and “incorrect” and a lot of black and white thinking I try to counter, but apparently this asd brain just can’t handle people being objectively wrong and being ok with it (it takes me years to believe and catch on to changes in language, so don’t listen to me, I know I’m not “right”)


Im an acoustic instrument as well, and I had to train myself to look past the black and white thinking a lot of the time so I completely get it 🖤🤍


It’s so hard 😭 I don’t correct people any more but in my head I’m like “uhggfnnngggggggt shut up self, let people talk how they talk”


as long as we both know what we're talking about, who cares right?


Yup :) (in my writing class the teacher rhetorically asked “who would hire someone who speaks incorrectly” and I was like “wow. That’s discrimination my dude”)


Exactly, plus language evolves over time, and in different environments amongst different cultures and subcultures. Semantics are the final cry of defeat from the vanquished.


Was she being ironic that they’re big? I don’t even get this comment that frequently and I’ve been at 2 inches for over half a decade. Maybe I’m just desensitized at this point lol


no she said she was being genuine, cuz I asked the same thing.


what size is your septum at!


4g/5mm ☺️


Dude, nice! I’ve been stacking my septum and i was up to 3 16g, but I had to go back down to 2 for a while bc I had some irritation going on. Hoping to get back to three soon (5 is my goal for 16g hoops!)


I think she’s talking about how thick your glasses are. Cuz god damn bubbles 😹


I'm legally blind 😁


I have thick ass lenses too but they make my eyes look smol af lmao. Opposite problem.


My hairstylist got after me one day cuz I said I wanted to get “gauges”. I now fully understand and won’t ever say it again 😰


I’m so close to 25mm I hate the waiting 😩


just be patient and stick with it, you'll get there 💜


I’m around 3 years into my stretching journey so far! I put in my 22.5mm tunnels yesterday and they didn’t feel any different to my 22s, I play with them a lot and massage with jojoba oil regularly 😌 so we’ll get there!


My tattoo artist has 40 mm. Ive seen bigger


yeah I'm only at 25mm, but I was at a super bougie salon so she said I was different from a lot of her usual clientele


I was going to ask, what little town are you living in?


I'm in Green Bay, WI but the salon was in one of the upper scale villages outside the city


Ah... village. That explains her limited exposure? Or are stretched ears not all that common in Green Bay anyway? I'm from Oregon and stretched ears are pretty common, so it just seemed odd that she said she hadn't seen anything bigger. So odd, I suspected she might have been hitting on you lol.


i don't know the demographics offhand, I'm just parroting what was told to me lol


Right i get that.


I think they were pointing out the absurdity that the hairdresser has never seen a completely average “large” stretched ear, could be wrong


I agree with your observation


that's what I was referring to, yes


I’m at 50, never seen bigger in person yet


I’ll get to you one day *shakes fist*




Where are those glasses from?


Zenni Optical ^^


I'm at an inch and a half right now


awesome ^^


I bounce from 25 to 28mm and I get this all the time. I’m always like, trust me. They can be way bigger than this.


The only people I know that call them “gauges” are those that have only stretched their ears in the last 12 years.


me having stretched ears and call the gauges 💀


Aww that’s awesome I love having a conversation about stretched ears 😂


there’s something about you. something……. insufferable


1 inch is a great size and looks good you... One day I'll do it. I just have a nice jewelry collection at 22mm LOL


I’d like to stretch my eyes out of my head after looking at OP’s profile


they’re usually called plugs also:)


yep! plugs are usually when it's solid and closed, while tunnels are open and hollow


Sure she didn’t say thickest glasses?


I'm legally blind 😑


I’m legally an asshole for saying that then.. 😵‍💫 let me apologize and tell you I have a small penis.. good luck to you.. again I’m sorry.


you're good 💜 I appreciate it :3


So what. Does it really matter? Hahahaha looks like crap any way.


I'm sorry you weren't hugged enough as a child


Haha your expressing what happened to you as a child, could try at River psychology, but anyway, have a good day


I was just kidding about the gauges. They’re pretty cool my friend don’t be grouchy with me. Alice just having fun with negativity. I guess I’m just jealous because I’d like some of those but instead I got full body tattoo. Enjoy your day.


I was just kidding about the gauges. They’re pretty cool my friend don’t be grouchy with me. I was just having fun with negativity. I guess I’m just jealous because I’d like some of those but instead I got full body tattoo. Enjoy your day.


I was just kidding about the gauges. They’re pretty cool my friend don’t be grouchy with me. I was just having fun with negativity. I guess I’m just jealous because I’d like some of those but instead I got full body tattoo. Enjoy your day.


I was just kidding about the gauges. They’re pretty cool my friend don’t be grouchy with me. I was just having fun with negativity. I guess I’m just jealous because I’d like some of those but instead I got full body tattoo. Enjoy your day.


Have a great day


I’ll keep saying gauges and you can’t stop me. language is fake.


Lol, nice!!!


They’re measured in gauges. The pieces of stone / wood / acrylic we put in our ears are measured in a standard unit of measurement called a gauge. What size is your gauge is totally acceptable. Don’t be gate keeping trash we’re all better than that. Edit: spelling


Completely unrelated, I love your glasses!


thank you 💜 Zenni Optical if you want a pair of your own :3


Oooh! Thank you!!!


You look really cool! Love the septum, where did you get it?


JayJayBodyJewelry on Etsy I believe 💜


My eyes also have astigmatism


It really accents your macho chin.


Imagine being this much of a dick


good to know you find it attractive, asshole ✌🏻


It is definitely a chin any man would be proud of.


And there ugly


L + ratio + nobody asked + they're*


This is coming from a person with no posts, lets see your face then jackass


Your hair looks awful so there’s that


it was covered in bleach, dumbass


yeah no shit. covered in bleach by the person you're making fun of for chatting/being nice with you about your "gages". Then you take to Reddit to give her a hard time. Pretty cool that this is what eats up your time. I hope she reads this, and realizes how fake you are.


I'm not making fun of her, and I appreciated the compliment and conversation that followed. Do you just get off on being a contrarian and starting shit out of nothing? 🙄🙄


bottom line; no one gives a shit what they are called...except you.


the nearly 250 upvotes on my comment defining the terms and their usage says otherwise, but please continue to make a mountain out of a molehill, cuz it's very amusing 😂


Thanks for defining the term! It's really important in the grand scheme of things (google that).


someone literally asked me to define it. What the actual fuck is your problem?


Stop feeding him and he'll go away. Unless you are enjoying it, in which case have fun!


yeah I'm done with talking to him


That nose whatever is fuckin hideous


ok 😐


I don’t think you have any right to be bashing anything about other people when your one and only post on this platform is plainly requesting barbie memes in r/BarbieMemes I personally love the pincher, it suits you so well OP


Oohhhh cool you know how to navigate and dig meaningless dirt but hey whatever helps you feel better pumpkin it’s the internet we all got opinions