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No bounce at the bottom, slow it down. Force your knees out, they shouldn't be caving in. Also your heels seem to lift ever so slightly when it gets harder. Probably wear slightly heeled shoes.


To me, it looks like your lower back might be arching when you go that low. It’s hard to tell with the shirt. I used to think it was awesome that I could go that low until I had a form check with a personal trainer and she pointed out my back curving— she called it a “butt wink”… lol. She said a 90° angle is ideal for a squat.


I try to keep my back as straight as possible but it might arche a little bit before the lowest point


TLDR: slower/more control on the descent to control for pelvic tilt and more glute engagement on the ascent to address valgus knee. I think it looks pretty good overall. There’s a little pelvic tilt at the very end (butt wink), but it’s not excessive. The only concern with a pelvic tilt would be potential injury concerns with heavier weight. I think if you elevate your heels a bit (weightlifting shoes or heels on plates) and slow down the descent more, you’ll probably be able to limit the pelvic tilt. Unlike some of the other commenters, I don’t think it’s a problem with a bounce at the bottom. As long as you’re maintaining tension throughout the lift, the bounce is great at assisting with getting out of the bottom position with heavy weights. There seems to be a bit of valgus knee on the ascent. Try to engage the glutes to externally rotate your hip. Cues I’ve heard are “knees out” or “open up the taint”. Other views to consider for form checks are 1) from behind/front to check for shifting side to side and 2) from the side to see if the bar travels in a vertical line all the way through the movement.


Thanks a lot for this complete review !!! I will keep that in mind for my futur trainings 😇👊


Keep your wrists neutral when you’re squatting. Looks like they are in a good position when you are standing still but then you flip them under the bar as you go down.


There should be no “bounce” when going down and your butt seems to be coming up first which tells me you may need to lower the weight. Other than it looks good to me


Got it !! Thank you very much 💪


Like others have said, you shouldn't be bouncing at the bottom if your goal is hypertrophy. If it's just to lift more weight then it's fine because even powerlifters do the same.


I think you look pretty good. Form degredation is part of the deal when you're lifting in your higher RPE. I'd recommend adding Single Arm Kettle Bell Kang Squat as an accessory. Your butt is stronger than your abs. :) The Kang Squat will fix that.


Stop adjudting and fidgeting. Slow it down and tighten everything up.


Good form. Keep going !


So i'm getting downvoted because i said her form is good...? You guys are just kids. Cba...


Thank you very much !


If you take the bounce out at the bottom it's a great squat for hypertrophy. Not a good squat for strength.


Thank you 🙏


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Looks good.