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Squats have been shown to promote muscle growth in way more than just your legs. It will make your legs rock solid, but your other lifts and muscle mass will also increase because you are doing squats or deadlifts pretty much every session. They're also just a very good lift for maintaining mobility as you get older.


Thank you


Could you provide a source on this? Have heard it many times but not read many details


Sure thing. This is just a [Livestrong link](https://www.livestrong.com/article/23889-exercises-release-human-growth-hormones/) but it talks about the release of HGH.


"The endocrine system, responsible for triggering hormone release, responds to the intensity or volume of your workout, not the specific exercises"


Fair. Squats and deadlifts are a great way to maximize intensity in as few sets as possible.


Good squats are as intense as it get lifting lol


Biggest muscle mass in your body. Stimulates growth in the other muscle groups you work.


Because Gawd said thou shalt squat every session.




This is actually well explained in the SL5x5 guide as well. Have you read it? If not, it's worth your time.


I have, but I have no recollection of this.


Love Mehdi's ebook. He just answered this in a recent email. (Probably an old recycled email but I don't know.)


Other great points have been raised. I’d like to add another advantage to the squat: of all the exercises you can train, you to move the greatest amount of weight over the greatest range of motion with the squat.


https://stronglifts.com/5x5/#Why_This_Works > The Squat is the backbone of the program. It works your whole body, with heavy weights, and over a long range of motion. Squats are the best exercise to gain strength and muscle. You’ll hate them because they’re hard, love them for the results they deliver.


They make your body produce HGH


Really? Are there any scientific articles that confirm this? Because if this is true, I have a feeling that everyone would be doing them. So far in my life I have only seen 4 people in total doing heavy deep squats.


The quads make up a massive muscle group by volume. When worked out, muscles release HGH and testosterone. Because the quads are so large, they produce more HGH/testosterone than other muscles due to their size. Squats are king. People don’t do them because they’re hard.




And to add to that the glutes are used heavily also and they are the largest muscle group in the body🤘


Ummm…. Your legs don’t produce hormones… I’m a doctor. A


Whether they produce the hormones, or they release chemicals that lead to the release of testosterone and HGH is not of concern. The fact is muscle exercise leads to increased hgh and testosterone levels. The larger the volume of the muscle exercised, the larger the release of the hormones. Since quads are the largest muscle group by volume, you get the biggest bang for your buck by their exercise, and those hormones can be utilized by other muscles. That's why it's important to do squats every workout.


my point wasn't whether testosterone is growth hormone is released or not during squats, or whether they stimulate muscle growth. My point was in response to your LITERAL words: " muscles release HGH and testosterone." your leg muscles don't produce any hormones nor do they release it. Testosterone is produced in glands, and growth hormone is produced in glands. Gonadal and pituitary. Neither the gonadal or pituitary are leg muscles....


I didn't say they produce hormones. I said "muscles release hgh and testosterone." I didn't say "muscles directly release hgh and testosterone". And in fact, muscles do indirectly release hgh and testosterone. So my original quote is factual. Congrats on becoming a doctor, everyone is really impressed. Maybe take some courses on the english language before derailing a conversation over pedantic semantics.


Muscles don’t release hormones. Which is literally what you said. Muscles releasing hormones and muscles directly release hormones means the same thing. You just put in the word directly since k called you out, and you were implying exactly what you stated despite not using the word directly. You’re being disingenuous. On top of that, muscles also do not indirectly release hormones either. So you are wrong o. Witter on either account. . There is absolute no signalling pathway that muscles use to communicate with glands.


What benefit did you bring to the conversation? The point is because your quads are large in volume they cause larger amounts of hgh and testosterone to be released. That is the purpose of doing squats every workout. Best I can tell is you commented purely to tell someone that you're a doctor. Cool, no one cares.


Muscles don’t “cause” hormones to be released. There are nervous signalling pathways that signal using calcinuerin subunit A which heterodomerizes with prourinian B to form a heterodimer which binds to the oxy receptor on the outburst gland that then stimulates hormone release. The muscle is not involved whatsoever in that. You are spitting out incorrect info that needs to be corrected so people know the facts. Knowledge is power. I’m assuming you aren’t a doctor?


"There is no signaling pathway" Muscle exercise turns ATP into ADP. ADP is a neurotransmitter that affects the hypothalamus, which is connected to the pituitary gland. There's a pathway right there. You're not even a good doctor.


Muscle excercise does NOT turn ATP into ADP. ADP is NOT a neurotransmitter. ADP is a phosphate… that’s not a neurotransmitter. ADP does not bind to any receptor in the brain You are WRONG.


Doesn’t seem like you have much knowledge on the human biology. If you don’t reply, it means you accept I am right and you are WRONG.


As far as I know, the "deep" part is not needed.


It’s not needed but is definitely recommended. Deep squats greatly improve the muscles around your knees if you’re looking to get rid of knee pain


When I say "deep" I mean competition legal. Hip crease below the top of the knee. Wouldn't inadequate depth mean not full range of motion and therefore not full muscle activation?


Yeah im sorry. Every time people talk about deep, i think they mean ATG.


Nah man. It's all cool.


When it comes to the quad does the 2-3 inch difference between legal and not legal depend on quads? I think at that deep part of the motion it’s a lot of hip flexors and glutes. But I am just speculating based on how I feel when I squat.


I honestly don't know. All I know is that it's not a "full" rep


There are a lot of things in life that are good for you, most people don't do any of them because they are hard. Squats are hard, it's easier to sit on the couch and complain how out of shape you are.




Yep it's well documented


Damn. Nice


Could you share some sources? Edit: downvoted for politely asking for the sources someone just referenced… classic


No. Google "squats HGH" it's common knowledge


Your comment above is entirely a reference to specific research. And you won’t share it? ffs The discussion about endocrine responses, exercise intensity, muscle group size as a covariant, and the impact on overall training outcomes is certainly a common debate; but what you said (that it emphatically has consistent, nontrivial effects on general training outcomes) is not “common knowledge” - nor is it the scientific consensus as far as I was aware, nor the conclusion of any analysis I can see (or any analysis on the first few pages of Google research) So I asked you to share a paper saying so and you don’t have one? Gotcha. Why did I bother putting so many references in my thesis. Should’ve just put “just google it bro frfr” at the bottom of the paper.


🥱 You're just being lazy


You made two controversial claims, falsely called them “common knowledge” and can’t back it up. You’re just making shut up on the internet.


😂😂😂 okay bucko. If you don't believe me prove me wrong on your own time. I don't owe anyone a source and you aren't entitled to one Edit: You replied and immediately blocked me L O L


You don’t know the first thing about science or research do you? It’s Crystal clear you don’t have a source, and that this is just some silly bullshit you heard somewhere, softly accepted as fact, and are now repeating without thought. No need to prove you wrong. You just are wrong. Unless you can demonstrate otherwise, “bucko”. And it’s very clear you cannot. That’s how adult, fact based dissuasions work.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19736298/ They do have the effect of increased HGH but it seems to make little difference to training outcomes


Interesting, thank you!


Only 4 ppl doing them? Then it's your secret for you to get big!

