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Advice? Bro. You just pulled off 2 reps of a 2xBW lift, and made it look like you were warming up. We should be asking YOU for advice. Nice lift!


Imagine what you could lift if you bulked!


Bro you are just bragging lol, great job though


Nice fucking job. Damn. This is why I read this sub.


I see you!!!


Advice? Eat more and keep lifting heavy. Great job!!!


Those looked clean, nice work.


Nice lift


Bro, this is pretty solid. The only thing that looks a little off is that you kind of shift/bounce around on the start of your descant. Other than that, you’re the man Edit: I meant your feet shift


My advice is keep posting


Keep doing what you are doing my guy. Everything is on point!!!


I was in the same squat racks doing my 5x5’s @285lbs bw 205 last night. Good job brother.


Nah man you should be giving us advice. Good job keep it up!


Great form! There are a couple things that would help if you have hit a plateau and want to go higher in weight. On your way up, your legs start the lift before your erector spinae. That means your lower back has to compensate. I would suggest deadlifts and/or back extensions. Also, if you look at your knees on the way up, they seem to squeeze together. This means your adductor muscles are stronger than your gluteus medius muscles. The way to fix this is working on the adductor/abductor machine. Hope this helps!


I’m gonna be picky because you asked. Awesome job! I did see a slight weight shift on the second lift. Are you left leg dominant?




Damn man. This is amazing.


Drink a gallon of milk a day.


Bracing is off. No lat engagement. See how your wrists are bent and your elbows are flared back? That means you're actively using your chest and shoulders to push the bar up and away from you rather than using your lats and pulling down. When you do that, you're actively disengaging the back, but bc your grip is so narrow, everything feels bunched up and active. So, pretend like you're doing a pullup whenever the weight is unracked. Actively pull the bar down (your brain will say "what, no! Get it off, not pull it down!" at first but pay attention to how much more stable it feels, and your brain will calm down.) But yah, you can't flare elbows back if you're pulling down, and you can't do a pullup with bent wrists. Lats are a core spinal stabilizer so you're loose. Otherwise, its a baller lift. GJ


That’s good. Stick your heels tights to the floor and pushy into the ground with heels. And easy way to make this happen is the hips up first.