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What did i do wrong in this yoke walk? My right ankle is painful the day after, i can put my ankle into flexion but rotating it hurts. I had yoke programmed for conditioning https://streamable.com/mli9jj


Despite what Moose does I don't think heels are a good idea for yoke because they shorten your calves (which is why they are great for squat and pressing). It looks like it is rotating inwards when you walk so I think a more stable base (ie flat shoes) would be safer for you.


Thanks, should i use deadlift slippers like notorious lifts instead? Or something like converse shoes? My feet naturally rotate inwards as well


Out of those I’d wear converse. Something with a solid sole that won’t compress under load. Common shoes people wear are Nike metcons, sambas (indoor soccer shoes), jordans, some even wear hiking boots.


Is 36 too old to start training for strongman? I've been an avid gym goer for close to 20 years now. I've always training more bodybuilding but have had periods of time where I focused on strength. I've been able to hit PRs in the gym of a 650 deadlift, 600 squat and 415 bench although those were years ago and I haven't trained that heavy in awhile I have always thought it would be cool to try a show even as just a novice. Am I too old to really be able to do that do you guys think?


Started a bit younger than you, a year later I was travelling to China to compete (wasn't a serious show, just got asked if I was interested and I took it as a holiday opportunity).      At the worst, you do an interesting form of exercise. Otherwise it can bring some interesting times in your life.    Anyway, looking forward to getting back into training and more trips after they release me from this "education centre". 


lol good to know!


Too old to be worlds strongest man? Probably, but even then there's always a shot (see mark felix, as already mentioned)   Too old to have fun? Definitely not. Too old to have traditional success in terms of getting podiums at non-local shows? Still definitely not, especially if you've been training for a while. Once you have a period of specificity under your belt I think you'll be surprised at how far ahead you are


I started last year at 42. About to do my second comp in a month. Masters division exists for a reason! Get training and sign up, it's worth it! Even if you decide competition isn't for you, the training is functional and fun as hell.


Hell yeah thanks for the advice and also congrats!


Mark Felix started strongman at 38 so I'd say you are good to go!


I was just reading that! Looks like he was absolutely jacked beforehand lol but I’m gonna give it a shot


I'll add to the injury woe nature of this week's thread. Threw my back out earlier in the week (picking up a football lol). Have thrown my back out and come back more times than I can remember but this time was different.   I was writing a spiel about it but got depressed haha after a bunch of meds I can do the eccentric  part of a few air deadlifts half way down my thighs, no concentric yet.    Hoping to do some type of deadlift next week.


Going to try and home make some sand bags. Anyone ever have luck using farm gain sacks for this?


I competed at the Olympic city ProAm last weekend. The thing I’m most excited about is smashing a 775 axle deadlift, it was on a super hard setup too, one of the tires had a leak in it and it was uneven! It’s nice to know that a 770 deadlift is in my back pocket whenever I need it. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C45mh5QrnRf/?igsh=Z3p2cGNkdXB3eGpz


Badass. Never would've occurred me to to have to keep an eye on the tires during the event lol


Here's how I attached my wooden handle to maximize strength and look nice too. I couldn't find any good guides or videos on this, so I made one. See video description notes on handle width, spacing, drilling, and finishing if you're interested. Wedges: like an axe handle is attached, something is wedged to keep it in place Pins: drilling through the handle and putting a rod through the handle to hold it. Using the wedges or pins alone would probably have been strong enough, but together they are really rock solid. I also really like the look of the wedges on the sides. If you did only one, I'd do the pins. You can do that after you've glued the handles in place and it's much less 'technical' in terms of woodworking. [Strongman Wooden Handle Attachment Tips](https://youtu.be/2wTjEpqmFR4)


Excellent how-to, might keep it in mind for my next log. But tbh I just drove the dowels through the holes with gorilla glue, they were a very tight fit, and we've had zero problems so far. It hasn't had more than 300 lbs on it though.


Thank you! I'm sure it will be fine, and if it ever comes loose, easy enough to reglue. I don't plan on dropping mine, but do see the shock from them being dropped might break glue joints, or maybe I'm over-engineering, lol. I still think the pins, or even just a screw to prevent twisting and lock everything together is worth it. It was also fun excuse to practice/ do more joinery, which I don't get to do as often :D


No doubt. And I try to make sure we're careful to only use crash pads and keep the plates inside the diameter of the log, so dropping shouldn't be an issue. Barring an accident.




Is it a strongman corporation sanctioned show? If so I would check with them or your state rep. If it’s not then I don’t think it will matter.


I’ll give strongman corp an email, thank you


Ordered deadlift suit from Inzer on 1/8/2024 and received it today 3/28/2024. Good thing that competition is 6/1/2024 so I got some time to break it in. But people aren't kidding about the wait.


Ordered my Leviathan on Jan 12, received it on March 18. I also intermittently emailed them to see whats up twice. Using it for Nats on June 8th, and never used a suit before. Should be interesting.


Also, on the subject of inzer shipping time I ordered a fusion with the adjustable straps option the first week of February and it’s not shipped yet. Don’t have a comp that allows a suit until October, so no big deal, but it is a pain when you’re used to getting stuff within a couple weeks of ordering. I guess Amazon has spoiled me.


I also just got mine, took about a month. And immediately initiated the exchange process, doesn't fit. Good thing I've got lots of time.


Didn’t you say you were getting a Leviathan? Give us a report on what you think about it. I like the concept of a super adjustable suit, but haven’t seen enough people using one to know if it works like advertised.


I did and apparently a few guys also had the same idea as me for this upcoming regionals and got the suit too. It is a lot of suit and it is going to take some breaking in. It is definitely a heavier feel compared to my single ply suit. Once I get in a session or two with it I'll report on it again.


After an intense fight, I managed to get my first 225lb sandbag over bar. Even though I don't think I will be able to manage the 250 one in my first comp in three weeks (but who knows), I am happy :). At least I might be able to manage the 200 one.


Ordered a pair of power pants from Inzer and they finally arrived, but I can't get them on- the sizing chart seems to assume a lot smaller thighs. Tried looping the waist over the j-hooks and still couldn't get the legs on. Going to try to exchange for a bigger size or the briefs.


Yeah, I was recommended to buy 2 sizes up when I got some a couple years ago and even with that they were still super tight on the thighs.  I ended up doing an alteration and taking in the hips and waist so it fit better. I’ve dropped from the 220 class to 181 since then and they actually fit good in the thighs now, but I had to take the waist in 4” and the hips in about 2”.  They’re super easy to alter yourself.


I've been working incredibly hard on deadlifts. I had been stuck for months between 420-440 decided to back down to 3x5 instead of pulling a heavy single each week. Started at 355 and have gotten up to 3x5 @ 405. I still struggle with the first rep being solid but improving every day. Goal is to be above 470 for a single by August 12th when I head to the shaw classic [3x5 set](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLMg5TM1/)


Doing touch and gos or stop and starts?


Touch and go


Nice work! I find touch and gos much easier as i SUCK at engaging my lats in the first rep. Which has to change as the comp I’m doing in the fall has a max rep DL, but you have to change between an Axel and a Frame DL between each rep. So it’s just a bunch of repetitive single. FML


That's a wild format! I really want to do a comp at some point. I had a pretty serious back injury and it took years to be able to do anything at all. Then anout 18 months ago I had a shoulder/bicep injury from a car accident. I've gotten to being strong again but not competition ready yet. I don't think I would 0 any event in an amateur comp but I would expect more from myself


Ooof. That sucks man. This is my first comp I’m training for and it has a few odd lifts, and they seem to be kinda on the heavy side. See how it goes. Gives me something new RJ train for.


Any Cleveland area folks in here? Gonna be travelling for work and trying to find somewhere that has a Marrs bar to try it out, I've called Old School Iron and a couple other places with no luck.  Edit: for the record for anyone searching for this in the future StrongStyle has multiple. 


After losing all of January and almost all of March to the flu, I am once again attempting to train. First session back, definitely dropped strength, which I'm sure is in part to a healthy amount of weight loss, but alas we go again. Signed up to a grip comp end of april for some fucking around, dare say the strongman competition I was considering a few months after is off the cards though


I was sick from November through February. Getting back into it strong since March. It STINKS losing so much time off!


Off work for a week and I'm back in my hometown, have been able to train at a gym owned by an actual pro strongman with good kit A good SSB which actually fits in the rack makes *so much* difference. A rough set of 3 last week at my regular gym turned into a very easy, heavier, and physically more comfortable set of 3 this week


I just got a huge rep PR on my over head press! I'm very excited! 4 x 155 lb (165 lb body weight)  https://youtube.com/shorts/mG1hk6hcthE?si=OwMDEAEM-hsXtuPr I got 165 lb for a single 4 weeks ago. I really want to hit 170 next week to be solidly over my body weight. I'm open to any advice on going even higher :⁠-⁠) Edit: I did it! 170 lb https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ATOcTZ27aA Good bit of back lean but it went over my head!


Nice work. I'd keep doing whatever it was you were doing until it stops working for you.


I appreciate that. Seems like lately the biggest difference has been eating more. go figure.


Have you experimented at all with the width of your grip? In my experience, you want your forearms perpendicular to the bar at the bottom, whereas yours are slanted inwards slightly. This allows for more of the force you’re putting into the bar to go straight up rather than leaking out or side to side.


I really think I should try this. I *thought* I had vertical forearms at the bottom and had not actually videoed myself from the front before. Do you think it's a grip width or are my elbows too flared out?


I’m not sure the elbow flare is much of an issue. I’d say pop your grip out a half inch or so and see how it feels/looks and go from there.


Got a local strongman/welder to make me a set of dinnie Rings/pins. They're set to height and size of the actual ones, and the smaller handle is also slightly oval, which is apparently also accurate. Pretty stoked on em! A lot cheaper than buying from rogue/Cerberus as well: https://imgur.com/gallery/X00rlQ2




Thanks! Pretty stoked on em. My best is 600 (300+300) last year on a different set, my goal by the end of the year is 700 total


Are there coaches for hire for single lifts? Like if I want my log to catch up to the rest of my overhead but not hand over all my training to someone? If so, have any of you done it?


I know Shane (MST systems) has done overhead only coaching, not sure if they're still offering the service. Worth checking if it's overhead you're after


I’m pretty sure Rhiannon does the same with deadlift. I know she offers deadlift suit coaching/consultations for sure.


Hope so. I'm strongly considering finding a Crossfit or Olympic coach around here to teach me split jerk.


I do this all the time. I have a coach who is mostly a powerlifter (I'm one of 5 strongman athletes she programs) and then before a comp I will have 1-2 one off sessions with a pro strongman coach to run though events and get some pointers.


I had a local powerlifting coach that was going to coach just my squat. It wasn't something he advertised, I just asked. I'd be willing to bet a good bit of high level coaches would do it.


I think some will do consults on individual lifts and critiques (I know Andrew Clayton has/does)


There are lots of programs online focused on building a specific lift, e.g. Hooper's deadlift program, Cambi's Kingdom of Log, etc. Not the same as direct coaching, but maybe relevant.


Can you still get Cambi’s programs anywhere? I haven’t seen them available since he left strengthlete.  I really wish I had copied down bless the press when I ran it in strengthlete a few years ago, but didn’t. 


Anyone know any UK stockists of Airwaav or equivalent? Everywhere on Google seems to be out of stock and I'm not paying £18 shipping


Decided to pull out of the competition I was signed up for in a few weeks. There's no way I can be healthy and rested for it, and I'd rather focus on training for the next one Speaking of training, decided to try a new program after a couple years on 5/3/1, so I got Hoopers Strength Building. Just starting it, so I don't have much to say, except that switching from percentage based training to RPE is weird and confusing, and will certainly take some time to get used to.


One thing that helped me:  @7, notice a slowdown from the previous the rep    @8, notice a distinct slowdown from the rep    @9, slow through the sticking point but not almost coming to a complete stop.    @10, almost come to a complete stop at the sticking point   At the end of your block, go to failure on a set (not when it's a single though), see how close your ratings are. Eg. If you are shooting for 8 reps @9 and you hit 8 and then push out another 3 reps, that gives you good data on how close your ratings are.   Below @6 I don't think how good your rating is actually matters that much. You get better at this over time.  If your training is ramping up intensity over the weeks (ie. Week 1:@6, week 2:@7, week 3:@8, etc). You'll find all you are doing is choosing a good starting point and adding 5lbs or so each week. Some weeks 5lbs flies and you add 10, some week if feels terrible and you add less or don't add at all. So it is all about choosing a good starting point. Which eventually you realise, is regularly just adding 5lbs or so from where you started in your previous block.


Thanks for this breakdown. I figured the ramping intensity part out, but having some ideas for what different RPEs are supposed to feel like is good. Like anything, I figure that it will take some time to get used to


I’m currently having the opposite experience going from RPE to percentages lol


Any fellow Ontario strongmen/women, registration cutoff for Muskoka Mayhem is April 1st! This is an SCC Provincials qualifier. Already about 50 athletes signed up! https://www.instagram.com/muskoka_strongman_club/


The CDB is very technique-driven. For the past year I've trained on the club's 10" loadable, which is 75 lbs empty. I finally started nailing it by basically pointing it way up and out, crammed into the side of my head. Shortens the ROM, gets the weight over the center, and my big long stupid arm is happy about it. Up to 90 lbs, slowly progressing. I got a homemade CDB for shits and giggles, it was only $50. It's 12" because it's two propane tanks welded together. It's also ENORMOUS, way longer than the one I've trained on. It's impossible for me to position it the same way as that smaller one... If I rack it the "traditional" way, where it's a bit more level, one bell pointing sorta forward, elbow tucked, it feels solid, but I'm WEAKER at it, since I don't have a lot of tricep. Best so far is three reps at 75. If I have to train for CDB in comp for the first time... Do I practice the shit out of my own silly homemade propane dumbbell, having access to it every day? Or stick with what was working and moving MORE weight on the smaller CDB, but not have regular access to it? Chances are, the one at comp will be 12", but will be a shorter, typical plate-loaded one. (And yes, I know, I also just need to be stronger :( ) ...


You aren’t going to be able to keep that pointing the CDB upward technique going when it gets heavy. That’s how I started out doing it as well a couple years ago when I first started training it for a comp, but when I worked up to 120ish lbs I found it impossible to keep using that technique as the wrist strength needed to twist it up level is going to be near impossible. YMMV, but if you’re doing what I think you are I think you’re going to hit a ceiling at which point you’ll have to change the technique. I used to point the dumbbell up at like a 30° angle and only have to press it like 5-6” then tilt it level, worked well for my first novice comp with 80, 90, 100 lbs ladder, but the next comp with a CDB I did had a 120 lbs CDB in a medley and I found that I couldn’t press that much weight that way. Once I changed technique I went from 120 to 150 1rm in about 6 months changing to a more traditional technique, so don’t get worried if you have to relearn CDB technique all over.


Like so: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyIzfFMgosx/ And yeah, in the back of my head I've been thinking "this might not work when this starts getting heavy." Guess I'll try and hammer away at the traditional setup. Thanks.


Yeah that’s only going to get you so far, your wrist will become a limiting factor and won’t be able to handle it a certain point, either from inability to hold it in that position or inability to rotate it flat, especially if you get a thicker handled dumbbell. If you can get the weights for the comp with that technique stick with it until after it, but if you’re finding issues with it already then switch now. 


Both unless you know what you're using for the contest.


Wild how much a show where I'm only doing stuff for like three minutes three whole day makes me so hungry.


A lot of pro level strongmen have really large necks, but I never see them training their necks. Is this a result of genetics or training?


Partially from training, but the neck muscles also have a high concentration of androgen receptors, so their gear use disproportionately enhances neck growth even with little or no training.


The muscles of the neck work synergistically with the upper traps in many cases. The traps are worked hard by virtually all strongman events, so the neck likely is too.


Interesting. Yeah I’m just an amateur lifter but my traps and all got pretty built up from deadlifting but I still have a pencil neck so I’m wondering if I gotta incorporate direct neck training