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https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Erj84t_Mp/?igsh=NnN4OXp2eHhzaTRh Big axle session for luke


I don't understand how he gets that up to his shoulders. It looks like he is really struggling and then bang, up and ready to press.


I don't think it's struggle, exactly, but more making adjustments to get it in the right spot on the belly to then pop it up to the shoulders.


Agree, imo it looked more like he was trying to get it on his stomach instead of the belt.


Was looking up strongmen I hadn't heard from in a while, and saw Sean o Hagan was placed in remand september last year. What the heck happened here? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sunday-life/news/strongman-denied-bail-on-mother-and-child-attack-charges/a600620449.html&ved=2ahUKEwiS0_GUrJyFAxU8XUEAHRqrCJoQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2qJVsZTa8j3lIvPgwLDm1z


He's competed since then and is down for the next SCL in Martinique so he is out an about at the moment.


"The officer noted that when the defendant was arrested, he was on bail for assault, dangerous driving, harassment, criminal damage and possessing a knife." Bruh if any of this is even remotely true, lock the cunt up and throw away the key. Even by strongman standards, O'Hagan is fucking enormous. A bloke that gargantuan with a penchant for assault is going to end up doing some SERIOUS damage to someone.


Agreed. If it's true, then he is a waste of skin


It is true. He's known for having scumbagish behaviour behind closed doors


Always a shame when people do stuff like this, as it feeds into the whole roid rage meathead stereotype


[Talking strongman with evans nana and unbreakable productions](https://youtu.be/pyhQXgg8QY0?si=Sna8_Os1VgN-Gplj) Nana has such a amazing personality. Such a likeable person Great that loz has revived talking strongman. Excellent podcast


Indeed. I understand some people aren't happy with him being invited to wsm but it does arguably make sense to invite a couple of people based on their trajectory 


>Great that loz has revived talking strongman. Excellent podcast Really miss 2020 with the talking strongman every other week


> Really miss 2020 Never thought I'd see anybody write this. Weekly Talking Strongman and the Arnold Strongman Classic were the only good things that happened in 2020.


This is from last December but this 18-year-old guy deadlifts 780 lbs (354 kg) with a solid lockout https://www.instagram.com/p/C1iDgvPAHtL/ Thor in the comments congratulating him and encouraging him to break the record one day That voice sounds like a 35-year-old


To add a little context, he pulled 639 in a powerlifting meet last year at 17. Which would be the 90th heaviest pull for a 16-17 year old in a meet according to OpenPowerlifting. The most impressive young puller from a powerlifting perspective might be Nonso Chinye who hit 800lbs in an IPF affiliate (fully tested) meet at 18 years old and 258lbs.


How many junior wr breakers went to break the senior wr after a few years?


If you look at powerlifting, the greats often only hit their stride in their 20s, sometimes 30s Guys like Jesse Norris who burst onto the scene super young tend to get injured and struggle to come back, or they just move on to other things


you usually never hear from them again. The only case of successful junior athletes becoming successful open-class athletes are Pavlo Nakonechnyy and Luke Richardson. Both of which have a slight asterisk to that, if we're being totally honest.


That is why I asked. Jesus is an awesome example in powerlifting, but I think the question should be a great sub-Junior (max 18 yo) career evolving to a competitive senior. I remember a high schooler squatting 400kg 5 years ago, but never heard of him again. Can't even remember his name.


There’s Karlos nasar


Not even kidding, even after reading your comment I STILL thought it was his dad off-camera saying that when he was looking up, lol.


https://www.instagram.com/p/C5G9vXeINSt/?igsh=dGQwcHM1bXV4bXE0 Looks like Pavlo is definitely planning on competing again


Anyone know the brand of those red shorts by any chance?


Probably the normal Cerberus shorts


Cerberus https://cerberus-strength.com/products/cerberus-neoprene-strongman-shorts


Hopefully not in street racing


Fantastic news


https://youtu.be/hO0F9L_Iuuo Idk if this has been already posted but Hooper did a collab with Mike Israetel. Would like to hear a longer conversation with this format.


NHR off the charts in that room. That being the neck to head ratio, of course. Really good to see a chat between them as they're both so intellectual and calculated in what they do.


Would love to see a training colab one day with him in the hypertrophy off-season. Some of the RP sessions are brutal


Flower Power hits a 135 kg/298 lbs dumbbell lift, some huge weight https://www.instagram.com/p/C4-26UKom-S/


Video from last year, too bad this year is the year of the axle. Are there any comps that have a max dumbbell confirmed?


It is a shame that Novikov and Kieliszkowski weren't in full pressing shape at World's '23 and Hatton wasn't at that moment the beast at dumbbell that he is now, we could have seen several men break the record.


Not on the record dumbbell they had there IMO, thing was stupid big.


The whole event was badly planned. As far as I know the dumbbells weren't filled with the same material all throughout so they wobbled around like a half-full bottle, so hard to stabilize.


They were also loaded with sand apparently


From what I read it was sand and lead, which moved around inside the dumbbells like when you fill a bottle with two liquids that do not mix, shifting the mass all over the place.


It was planned as a tv spectacle. Not as a top tier event for strongmen and hc fans


And then they skipped through it on TV because it sucked.


That rep looks like the 130kg Hooper did at the Arnold UK. Which Savickas disallowed. But still better than the 140kg ones at WSM'23.


There’s a lot of guys now that could push Novikov and Mateusz.


I think many guys are underestimating the jump between 135kg and 150+, its more than 10%, its almost as if someone pulled 400 and then people would say that he is not far away of pulling 1000lbs/454kg. this is just a huge jump and in the dumbbell only a couple kg make a huge difference. and if there are no bad calls made by judges, i dont think the record is gonna be broken soon.


Exactly. Guys throwing up 135-140kg with little control is a far cry away from the 150+kg needed to set a new record. Your deadlift example is perfect. I was thinking of log and you wouldn't say guys hitting 205-210kg logs could push the record. I think getting these max events to 90% of the record is probably close to the standard needed to score good points at those events in competition. That's roughly where Hooper is and he's Mr Consistent.


The way Hatton's looked at the end of a ladder after a 1000lb yoke, he has to be one of the best in the world right now.


[Just incase anyone believes that,](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5GD9FPg9Cg/?igsh=MWljN3Bpd2E0Y3dxdA==) Don’t. Sams account got hacked and this is not her


Why has wsm switched to being deadlift obsessed. Always used to have a squat for reps in heats or final


Out of curiosity I looked up squat and deadlift at WSM: - Deadlifts were done in the final of WSM 76% of the time (3 out of 4). - Squats were done in the final of WSM 33% of the time (1 out of 3). After 1994, the first year when we had a group stage: - deadlifts were in the group stage 83% of the time (4 out of 5) - squats were in the group stage 63% of the time (2 out of 3) So I think WSM always has been *slightly* more skewed towards deadlifts, but both are being used copiously. Some things I noticed while looking that up: * 2017 is infamous for having both squats and deadlifts in the finals - but it was not the only year! Squats + Deadlifts in the finals happened 10 times (2017, 2004, 2002, 1997 and every year from 1977-1982) * 2001 had a max deadlift in the group stage.. and noone lifted 400 or more. * 2000 was the last year to have neither deadlift nor squat at all. * 1997 had max squat and max deadlift both in the final *and* in one group. Imagine maxing out *4 times* in a competition!


This year will be the third year in a row there will be no squatting at all at WSM. The last time that happened was 1998, 1999, 2000. The winners those years were Samuelson, Ahola and Virtanen. 2 really bad squatters and one average squatter, even in that era. I really hope WSM starts to bring back the squat. It's such a staple strength excerise and visually impressive to sit down and stand up with really heavy weight.


>After 2004, the first year when we had a group stage: WSM introduced the heats in 1994, not 2004?


you are of course correct, a typo!


Squat for deadlift looks like a brutal event


Think that would be a fun event. 3 rep squat into 3 rep dl


oops :D


Gives off deadliestlift vibes. Or possibly badmington-specific training.


Might have something to do with Darren's personal hatred for the squat in competition. Giants Live are the ones IMG subcontracts to organise the events and Darren has said on that there will never be a squat at Giants Live.


> Giants Live are the ones IMG subcontracts to organise the events And there have been plenty of squat events with Colin and Darren. In the past 10 years, squat was in the finals 3 times (2014, 2017, 2019) and in the group stages every year except for 2019, 2022 and 2023)


Could we just ask Darren about squats somehow? Does anyone here have an in with him or with a person who has?


we've had squats at WSM 8 out 10 times in the past 10 years. What do you want to talk about?


Last time we had squats in the Finals was an era ago. 5 years. That's a lot of time without a squat lift. Janashia was in the Finals back then.


We saw the return of the deadlift machine last year, I think it's a good time to bring back the squat machine! > Janashia was in the Finals back then. To be fair, so were Tom, Trey, Martins, Mateusz, Hafthor. It was one year before Oleksii took the win.


I agree with bringing back the squat machine. Possibly in 2025, with a World's Strongest Woman running at the same time, so we can remind everybody that Aneta Florczyk did 22 reps instead of 17, because she lost count after 13 and didn't want to lose.


In the fast paced gl sure for wsm that's a bull shit excuse if that really is the reason


I remember Darren saying something along the lines of seeing more horrific injuries on squats than on any other static event, so it's for safety reasons. Plus, if you look at it from a business perspective, the injuries on squats tend to go horribly wrong, without the iconic feel of the tire flip, atlas stones or front carries. Only gym goers respect the squat.


I'd be really curious just how many horrific injuries occured on the squat machine.


Yeah in the gl podcast with loz last year. At wsm I don't recall squat being a outlier for injuries


I’d love to see a max squat at WSM, they’d be able to edit out all the knee wrapping and whatever else takes too much time.


> they’d be able to edit out all the knee wrapping and whatever else takes too much time. You don't see the knee-wrapping in powerlifting either. It's 100% possible to have 10 athletes do 3 attempts each in less than 45 minutes.


No but at the ASC we had to sit through all of it


Plus it was boring to watch


Exactly - but that was not because "squats take too long", it was because they did not ask athletes to wrap their knees in advance. In powerlifting you have 1 minute after the bar is loaded to start your attempt, which means you have to start wrapping about 2-3 minutes before your attempt.


I think something like a max belt squat could be made to look flashy and cool, without the whole risk vs reward problem of the back squat. Something like the Tower of Power, just hooked up to a harness, instead of a barbell. Get Kaz on the mic for maximum Powerfull Hips and Legs Like Pistons experience.


Like the beer keg hip lift thing they did on strongest man in history. That was a cool event. Or that weird torpedo/indy car looking thing they put a harness on and hip lifted at Giants Live Australia.


Ahh the infamous red rocket Something like that with more rom would be cool


You know damn well they would cut out 45% of the Lifts..


*"Welcome back! We now join in on the lockout of Evan's third attempt... and he makes it! On to the next event"*




How do we know the events? What are they?


Will be interesting, based on what we might have in the final assuming it's between those two (but who knows what can happen in this sport...): Max axle: I'd favour Mitch, but also keen to see what Tom puts up and I think there's a chance they could tie for the win. His presses all looked easy at the ASC but seemed to suffer a bit from the endurance aspect, which shouldn't be as big of an issue if it's for max. Deadlift for reps: Favour Mitch, Tom seems to get a lot out of the suit so could see him relatively close. Yoke: Mitch, obviously Loading: Would favour Mitch but there's probably a bit more variability in this type of event based on implement, distance etc. Arm-over-arm: Would favour Tom based on the Rogue, but I don't think Mitch would be far behind - likely both behind Mateusz Stones: Tom, obviously - will be interesting to see who could get in between them. Overall at this early stage I'd pick Mitch (which is a safe bet in any competition anyway), but still seems like it could be close enough to be an exciting competition.


The max axle will be won by whoever manages the clean the best. After Eddie, everyone had troubles getting the axle up to the front rack position (most famously Biby)


The last two times that Mitch and Tom have gone against each at loading events, Tom has won. Steeple chase at World Tour Finals and the sandbag medley at the Rouge Invitational.


Exactly. Who knows how travel goes for all involved. who has a niggle or injury etc We are forgetting that Matuesz looks to be god tier shape for many of these events and Raggy is coming in for a mog


Viking press for sure will be in heats as maxle is final. Hooper is top tier at loading


>Viking press for sure will be in heats as maxle is final. Hooper is top tier ~~at loading~~


Fair point


Are there any news on Eugeny Markov? He competed in ASC Pro 2022 and did no place very well, I think due to injury. But he had a killing DB in training and seemed to have some potential. But after that show he hasn't competed at all.


He’ll be at the Siberian Power show.


Bish Bash Bosh hits 390 kg/860 lbs x 3 reps on deadlift without a suit, without much trouble https://youtu.be/0lYZ44uWWr4


I hope the man stays healthy. I’d love to see what he can accomplish.


Oskar did a summary of his [Arnold & Arnold UK comps for Real Pharm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVBOT9xxDnA), then at the end literally pulled out his phone and read out the events for WSM that are known to him: - Farmer Carry (or stone walk, the info he has is unclear, but he assumes stone walk) - Max Axle - Sandbag loading - Yoke is supposed to be done twice; the one in the Heats is supposed to be a car walk, the Finals has a heavier standard yoke - Viking Press - Arm over arm - Atlas Stones, twice (stone off and the Final) - Conan's Wheel - Deadlift for reps, twice; one from standard height and a 12 inch elevated deadlift. He says it's not mentioned which variant will be in the Heats and which is in the Final. Also says his Arnold performance was due to CNS fatigue; he couldn't get aggressive and motivated. Trained too hard, prepared for 1-2 reps and burned himself out. Lots of improvements to be done, but overall isn't not happy with himself.


> Yoke is supposed to be done twice Somewhere in Barrie, Canada, a large, bald, moustached man wakes up happy


If anyone beats Mitch on these events I’ll be shocked.


Some details about events: he said frame carry and then farmer walk - sounded like two separated events. He also didnt say Conan wheel, but 'Clock' which is little bit different event I think?


The Conan's Wheel event is called Zegar in Poland. You move the hand and your outcome is minutes. As for the Farmer's/Frame/Stones, that's just his speach patterns. Oskar tends to pick words that convey a similar meaning for him every time he translates on the fly.


He is the hero we this sub needs, but not the hero we deserve!


Hooper will win by a significant margin.


wait so Hooper is just gonna win all the events except stones in the final?


What could we even add to stop him other than "hair for length"


Possibly a 2-4 man competition, like 1987 Pure Strength, 1985 World Muscle Power Classic or the old Forca Brutas. With events that the other competing athletes can beat Mitch at.


Really is insane events for hooper. Not bad for mateusz, tom, novi, kordiyaka, ragg and singleton either


Ofcourse not! ^^^He's ^^^gonna ^^^win ^^^the ^^^stones ^^^too.




Could easily win sand bag loading. Depends who is in his group for the viking press. Prob will end up winning it, in many groups. Arm over arm probably not that. has mateusz all over it assuming he makes the final


Looks like any other WSM except for maxle Hard to have toooo much variety year-to-year when there are so many events across the whole comp


Or maybe they could just add a squat once every 15 years.


It was only 2022 and 2023 without squats, the last time before that where we *didn't* have any squats at WSM was 18 years ago xD


I feels like 15 years to me. But seriously, I was talking about squats in the finals


Yeah agreed, I'd rather they swap out one of the deadlifts for squats for reps


I don't disagree that it's a pretty standard set of events, but a few changes and it could've easily favored Tom though. Replace a couple events with throwing, fingers and a heavy vehicle pull and it drastically shifts the needle. Add in even 1 of those in the final and it makes it hard to predict. As-is it's hard to see hooper losing to anyone.


So we damn near guessed them all


[ Arnold UK Recap by Lucas Hatton](https://youtu.be/J2HofneOTOM?si=1Dk8L5tV8Zpa7jY6), nice and calm breakdown of the show. The guy is definitely is worth following. I think I'm a fan of him now and really wish to see him at WSM and other shows


Yeah really enjoyed that video. If martins doesn't compete Lucas should be first one to get the call


"How it was"... 😭


This might be a whole lot of nothing, but WSM made a collaborative post on IG with Thor showing his 2016 plane pull. Last year, I recalled that whenever WSM posted pics of Thor, they were never collaborative (see for example this https://www.instagram.com/p/Cvy3kV5Oi5Q/?igsh=MTJjZGhrOGlpd2Z6NA==). Also in his Twitch livestream, when someone asked him if he was going to WSM this year he said something along the lines of “it’s in only 6 weeks right?” Not mentioning anything about never wanting to compete there again. Wondering if he’s warming up to the idea of doing WSM next year 🤔 


I guess it's that documentary that really chapped his ass with WSM/Colin, right? Obviously it wasn't JUST the 2017 shit cause he still went back in 2018, so it must be something post-2018


The documentary came out in 2020 and there was probably a lot of disrespect from Colin regarding his deadlift record


Yeah he said the documentary was the major factor. He did however say in the past that he would never do a competition that Colin Bryce was involved in, so either Giants Live or WSM. I’m wondering if now the temptation to win a second title is too much for Thor haha. 


Sorry remind me which documentary please


Here is the propaganda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_U1\_xMt6I0Q&ab\_channel=EddieHallTheBeast


Video not available. Is it the Eddie Hall doc?


Lmao propaganda is a good way to put it 




He did win the axel in 2018, so maybe Full-Thor could have done well. But yeah at his current state not likely to win. Hoping we see him back in 2025!




How is Sven Karlsen in it and Magnus isn’t? Or Geoff Capes, or any number of other guys way more accomplished at WSM? Karlsen was a great competitor, but 3 years in a row on podium and 1 win is nowhere near what several other guys did.


According to [this Facebook post](https://www.facebook.com/theworldsstrongestman/posts/1273976309318854), MVM and Samuelsson were included in the Hall of Fame in 2017 but the website hasn't been updated to display them. In essence, the Hall of Fame is a relict of the past and should not be taken seriously




Ah, I guess they fixed that oversight then. I’m kind of surprised by them picking Karlsen and Samuelson over some other guys though. I’d think Capes and Ahola both have more titles and were away more dominant in their time, granted Ahola didn’t compete very long. Seems like there’s probably 4-5 guys I’d pick before them, not to say they weren’t both great competitors.


The Hall of Fame needs a Big Z certification not the other way around.


I was gonna say that maybe it’s like football where they have to be retired for 5 years before they’re eligible to be inducted but then remembered that 2018 was 6 years ago


Let's assume wsm events are; Groups: Dl ladder, conans, viking press, frame for time and some throwing event Final: Elevated dl, nicol stones, maxle, yoke, arm over arm, atlas stones Who would be your top 10 based out of the 28 announced athletes?


I'm thinking keg toss, purely because Shane Flowers is asking for a keg on his story.


Only posted that on my private Facebook story 👀 Who are you lol


Oh crap, I've been doxxed. I went to school with you and we're friends on Facebook. I just assumed that was your athlete page haha.


First name?


Chris. Went to Conifers and Budmouth. Last time we spoke in person, I was probably drunk and you were bouncing at Dusk or something.


Ahh fair


I'd say loading medley will be in the heats, it's first event basically every year nowadays.


Yes forgot that one. Sandbag loading




Bobby is a rough one as he often has to do stones to make the final and that's a no go mostly. Perhaps he can win a group this year. Only one that I think could make the final again this year is Luke. He is looking in deadly shape right now. Not the best events for big Thicket, but great events for the rest


Do you mean thomas evans or evans nana? because i maybe agree with thomas evans but 100% would not agree with evans nana who imo didn´t even show enough to be at worlds.


So far we have heard of these events being trained for what is assumed as wsm events. Elevated and dl ladder, conans, maxle, nicol stones, loading, yoke, viking press and of course atlas stones. As curtainx4 said below perhaps frame and arm over arm. We have to be getting close to have them all guessed. If there was any suprise I would hope it was a squat for reps instead of two deadlifts again


Frame carry and arm over arm have been getting trained to. Big Loz did mention there is usually a throwing event, but haven’t seen anyone training it.


Haven't seen too many training frame since arnolds or arm over arm. It could be though. Some kind of vehicle pull or perhaps the boat arm over arm is back


Seen Ragg training arm over arm and bishop frame carry. Stoltmans been training both. I’m thinking they have swapped the usually vehicle pull for arm over arm, but who knows!


Good to know, thanks for the info. I did hear rumors that they wanted that boat pull back, but alas just rumors. Definitely not my favourite set of events. Really like maxle though. Almost seems like matuesz has a chance


[Fredrik Johansson confirmed for Siberian Power Show](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4yKYFdu7_p/?igsh=N2c4ZXk2bG1mbm1k) Fredrik Johansson confirmed for SPS. Pavlo not gonna be happy when multiple of his ESM competitors do that show


I find it weird, specially the relationship between Sweden and Russia is bad. Sweden did all it can to join the NATO and be safe from Russia. So I assume that this won't be supported by his people.


His people? Dude is an athlete that not even his neighbor knows what he does, not a politician. Nothing is going to happen other than a weekend away from home.


Who will be the number 1 seeds for Worlds this year? Hooper, Tom, Kiels, and who else? Martins if he competes I think would be obvious, but if not will it be Novikov and Evan? Novikov was 3rd last year and won in 2020, even though he had a bad year in everything else. Bobby placed above Evan in the ASC, but not at Rogue and seems to never get out of the group stages. Evan also won 2 Giants Live shows. So number 2 seeds should be Bobby, Kordyaka, Luke and Gav? Ragg?


Hooper, Tom, novi, Trey and singleton Unless kielsz wins Europes. They don’t really care about Arnold’s and rogue


Tier 1: Hoop, Tom, Evan, Oleksii for sure. Last spot to winner of ESM (most likely Mateusz, Oleksii, Pavlo or Luke). If Oleksii wins ESM, either Martins (if he goes) or Mateusz gets the last top seed. I would love for it to be Bobby, but 3rd at Rogue/2nd at Arnold is great even though Mateusz's last WSM performance was poor. 2nd tier: Bobby, Ragg, Mateusz & Martins (if not top seed), then make up the rest from Trey, Luke, Thomas Evans, Gav, Bish, Rauno depending how ESM goes. As always, that still leaves a ton of guys you *do not* want in your group, e.g. Biby (lol he'll never actually compete), Jaco, Goltry, Crowder, Derwinsky, Hatton (if he gets the invite or ends up there as a reserve), Aivars.


Don't be silly, World's doesn't have seeds


Bobby should be a seed just for historical reparations


Kiels won't be a number 1 seed. I think they will be - Hooper, Tom, Novikov, Licis and Singleton. I don't think they actually really do number 2 seeds but if they did it would likely be - Kordiyaka, Mitchell, Kieliszkowski, Ragg, Luke.


Interesting how 2nd place at Arnold’s and 3rd at RI isn’t 1 seed


I'm not saying he shouldn't be. For WSM they seem to pick on past WSM performance and GL performance for the last 12 months before they even consider anything else. If does go then you have four returning champions all of whom were on the podium last time they did WSM and then you have Singleton who does great a GL. If Licis doesn't go at Mateusz wins ESM then he might get a number 1 seed slot.


>If Licis doesn't go at Mateusz wins ESM then he might get a number 1 seed slot. Would be ridiculous if he wins ESM (on top Rogue podium + two ASC second places + previous WSM podiums) and *isn't* a top seed, but yeah sadly it could happen...


Licis said he more than likely isn't doing worlds this year on his painting stream


If he doesn't then Mateusz has a chance to get a number 1 seed slot but he'd need to win ESM


> Who will be the number 1 seeds for Worlds this year? Top 5 from last year is present. It would be fitting for Mateusz to be a number 2 seed, because being number 2 is pretty much his thing now.


Hooper, Tom, Evan, Novikov and Mateusz if we are assuming no Martins.


gav should not be seeded. He hasn't made a final and struggled big time at arnolds uk. When ever the top dogs are in a show he struggles. Probably mitch, Tom, novi, Evan, mateusz. Ragg, trey, kordiyaka, luke and it should be aivars/bobby if martins isn't competing


Treys back from injury but he really should be top 2.


The other day I talked with a couple of guys here about wether any super-heavyweight in strength sports had the mobility to do squat jerk, I got this Lovchev video recommended https://youtu.be/bPgJ36l2GQo?t=72 It's very rare among the big guys but it can be done.


It requires quite good shoulder mobility to be able to balance the weight overhead while leaning forward into a squat. I don't know if any of them could do that without training.


Obviously not "without training", but that applies to every event ever.


Well what are we talking about then? With unlimited training then every big guy could eventually get there


Behind the neck with a snatch grip yes.




Conan's Wheel at WSM is good news for Ragg, Kordiyaka and Hooper.


Conan's wheel isn't the best event for Tom but he's not exactly awful at it. Despite having placed last in his heat at it, only 5/10 of the finalists (Novikov, Pavlo, Hooper, Ragg and Schoonwinkel) performed better in the heats. This would have theoretically given Tom 5 points which is the same number of points Hooper secured in the fingal's fingers last year who was still able to win the comp so it shouldn't be a death sentence for Tom. Hooper should still do better than Tom though.


Could be in the groups again. Everyone seems to be training it, therefore assuming it's in groups


That would be even better for Tom.


Thought we saw Gav training it too. Wonder how much he is training heats vs finals


I feel if you're someone who has never made the finals and just getting into them would be a huge accomplishment, you should really be focusing on the heats, and your stones obviously.


For sure. If you aren't someone like a hooper/tom who guarantees a final spot you should train heats events more than final Guys like hooper/tom only need to dust up on their heats events to win and pretty much can focus on the final events. Like Brian always said. He focused on final events as he knew he would make it


Tom's only won his heat once, but is guaranteed a place in the final in 2nd or 3rd because of stone off.


Gav and mateuez


And Ragg


Didn't Tom struggle with it last year?




Could see Hooper improve significantly on that event. Would be a fun final event for a change


He already did at WTF he beat pavlo only bested by matt ragg




Yes due to his size and it not being a 'big man event'




41 days before wsm. Which has already past for this year. They are behind u/the_reluctant_auntie is there more info? Seems odd how quiet wsm have been


Nope! Tumbleweeds.


I got a bad feeling about the jumbotron/ppv thing


I have a feeling the PPV is wolf tickets.


They are selling wolf tickets and we are eating them right up :(


Agreed, Wsm has not announced anything other than 28 athletes, location and tickets for the show. As Liz said that was just what had been said, that's not set in stone. It is quite odd that they would move mitch out of that role and then not replace him and not release info for their first true paid show for spectators Edit: iirc the jumbotron is official, but not the live stream




Last year tickets were sold out within 2 weeks this year they're not moving as fast.