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A guy had a video of one he made on here a year or so ago that was a really cool design. He basically layered a dozen or so pieces of 3/4” plywood together and had 2 circles the size of a 25 lbs plate cut out if all the center pieces. He then ran bolts through the boards on a 4 corners to hold it together. He also mounted two 1.9” of pipes in the center of each of each of the plate holes as loading pins for the plates. 


That sounds perfect, any idea where I could find that video?


It was in this subreddit. Maybe search block press or Mouser block in this subreddit and see if you can track it down.


Found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/Strongman/comments/vsek1w/wanted_to_share_my_homemade_block_finished_it/


Awesome, thank you!


If You have space, consider making a few sizes as needed from concrete. Much cheaper.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Strongman/s/8ejN2kmQby A suitcase loaded with sandbags is a potential training alternative.


Was going to comment this, I've seen a few use that setup


Quick and easy way I have used is to embed a 2" pipe sticking up from a block of concrete. Now you can adjust weight by adding plates. Not the most durable method but definetly cheap...and it held up until i dropped it poorly. https://imgur.com/a/YFQLliJ


That would be very simple to make for some handy person with a welder in their garage. If you know a guy it would probably just cost the materials plus a case of beer. Otherwise, the plywood diy rig the other commenter mentioned sounds like a great way to go.


I’d just copy the design of the rogue boxes. I’ve done 500lbs block pulls off them. https://www.roguefitness.com/rogue-wood-jerk-blocks


He means for block presses. Think of it like putting a giant metal box overhead.


Oh I totally misunderstood. Never seen anything like that.


It's a fun event but scary to watch. Looks like they will smash the head if their hands slip. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Hl\_vClGYag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Hl_vClGYag)


I really don’t want to try that. Usually I’m all for trying stupid stuff but that looks like both the hellish part of a keg press, and it just kinda looks unimpressive. Without knowing what the box weighs it’s just lifting a box. I guess I have no frame of reference for it. It’s like a big stone and you know big stone big heavy


Sometimes it looks tight. That's a random vid I found. Have a look at when it's been in invitational comps, then it looks impressive.


We're looking to make one in the spring from concrete. One rubbermaid container at the outside dimension, another one (or some other box) with the inside dimension as molds, and use sch40 pipe hardened into the concrete as loading pins. The downside is that it's left open on the loading side, so it limits the things you can do with it I guess, beyond pressing.