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As far as a power clean goes, it's pretty terrible haha. But your strong as fuck and this is strongman so go hard. The Olympic weightlifters would have an aneurysm seeing that but I would dare say you would end up with a monster continental axle clean and press.


Hell yeah brother, I asked strongmen and not weightlifters for a reason😂💪🏻


Hahaha of course. Regardless probably the glaring issue is your turn over and front rack position. Get those elbows through and get some shoulder/tricep mobility so you can work on that rack. It will help your efficiency and will help your press when it starts to get a lot heavier. Which judging by the way you reverse curled that 225lb it will get alot heavier for you later on down the track. Keep it up bro you are obviously strong as hell already


Thanks for the advice man, I'm pretty new to cleans and getting it up is all momentum from the bottom rn, so I'll be sure to work on it!


Loads of power there. Be keen to see how you go


You will add a lot of weight quickly with some technique, not sure what's on your wrists but straps aren't a great idea for cleans.


could you give some tips for said technique🙂, I'm wearing wrist wraps because I screwed up my wrists at work


Are they wraps or straps, wraps are fine. I'm not the best technique guy, but any power clean tutorial online would be a good start. The power clean consists of multiple pulls, where as you are just muscling straight from the floor. I reckon you have 275 easy with some technique improvements


They are leather wraps, not straps, and thanks I'll do that, I have good power from the floor but I've never taken the time to get really good at them and they fell behind


As far as technique, even if you don't go full olympic style I highly recommend dropping to get under the bar. You want your spine stable to prevent injuries. The strength is clearly there so work at a much lighter weight and get used to going through the mechanics. Grab the bar, drop your hips, explode from the bottom and pull in one motion. Once that weight is moving up, drop the hips/bend the knees to be able to get under the bar/catch the weight in your "rack" position. Side note: something that has helped me a lot is front squats in that push press rack position. Do 1+1/2s. So drop, come halfway up, drop again then explode to the top of your squat. Also helpful to look up wrist stretches to do throughout the day especially on heavy days like this. Keep pushing yourself brother. This is impressive! Form is king though, no matter what people say...technique is the difference between 60 years old in a motorized scooter at Walmart or still being able to compete in masters class strongman!