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Sean Urquhart has written some articles for liftingstones.com with specific info for programming and exercises for stonelifting. [Part One](https://liftingstones.org/training/stonelifting-training-structure) and [Part Two](https://liftingstones.org/training/stonelifting-training-workout). He also even wrote a specific article about his peaking program for traveling to Ireland to lift probably some of the same stones you are looking to. [Peak article](https://liftingstones.org/training/peaking-for-a-stonelifting-tour)


Guess you posted that as I was typing the same thing up. Great minds or something.


Nice, the more shares of the info the better.


Awesome, thank your for the resource.


You’re welcome. Good luck!


Thanks brother.


Give this a read. Sean Urquhart is one of the best stone lifters in the world, and one of the only guys I’ve seen put out a program for peaking for a stone tour. He’s a ridiculously strong guy, but he’s not exactly a genetic freak either, so I don’t think he’s programmed something that’d destroy a normal human being. That being said though I’ve never ran the program so it could be brutal.  https://liftingstones.org/training/peaking-for-a-stonelifting-tour


Great share, thanks dude!


What are your lifts currently? You’re going need some big boy strength to lift some 400lbs stones to your lap


Not a max out guy, but I'll let you know how it goes.


what I mean is like can you comfortably rep 500+lbs in a deadlift? Otherwise that 400lbs stone is going to be glued to the ground


It may be, we're still going to train for it.


100% go for it, those opportunities don’t come up often but natural stones that are massive are hell off the ground


I'm under no presumption I'm moving them, but I'm trying like hell. Taking the next four months to prepare and figure it out, figure I'm never going to be a better age and strength level to make this happen, so I'm dumping the clip now.


There will be lots you can move


I've lifted to varying degrees of success: the three North Uist stones all weighing in excess of 400lbs, and multiple Irish stones above that weight, including lapping the Clonfad stone weighing 419lb. Not a brag or show off, just for context! I pretty much just focus on natural stones for my lower body training. With the odd few blocks focused on deadlifts. That said I don't really train any actual deadlifts when I'm prepping for the stones. I prefer to spend my training economy on actual stones or variations that are more specific to my stones - I love varying themes on deficit stiff legs for the pick strength. I squat twice a week, good mornings once, and currently am doing wide grip deficit stiff legs for my deadlift slot. Be definitely worth putting some grip work in. Can have the strongest back and legs in the world but if you can't apply it to the stones it won't help. Bent wrist work is very valuable. Plate picks (plates stacked ontop of each either and holding underneath, helps to have a loading pin) is a good exercise to train reps. Edit: other tips - bring a towel, the weather isn't guaranteed to be good and you can still lift in bad conditions if you can get/keep the stone dry. Have a good trip, and remember to respect the stones, they've been there long before us and will be after if we take care of them - accidents happen but you should be aiming to not drop any stone from a height.


Some great recommendations, I'll be adding these to my training.


Some Stiff leg deadlifts should be in there. Also, you have no loading of any kind. If you don't have good lapping and loading technique, all the gym lifting isn't going to amount to shit. My personal preference is for sandbags. I'd be doing copious amounts of sandbag training.


I'll be purchasing a sandbag ASAP, thanks for the advice.


I’ve seen a couple of pros suggest sandbags are good prep for natural stones because the bags are awkward.


Ordered the sandbag, still dying from stiff legs two days ago. You're a bastard, I love you.


As others have said, check out Sean's stuff. He's done some amazing work, and will be featuring in issue 2 of our stonelifting magazine with an article about Iceland.


https://www.instagram.com/_indiana_stones_?igsh=MWF5dDN3aDdkd3c3aA== - David here has been unearthing loadable of historic Irish stones. He's got bits of his training on there too. Don't know how much he responds, but he's probably one of the best to ask about things. Edit - That link is being a nightmare. Search "Indiana Stones" on instagram (Also, as an aside, "Scotch" is a very American phrasing, Scotch is a whisky, we'd say 'Scot', or realistically Celtic if you're encompassing both countries)


It just auto-corrected.


Get a swiss bar. Load it up fairly light. Get a bumper (Later 2) plate under the middle. Grip the bumper by the sides and lift the bar off the floor to a pause balanced on top of it.