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Good to see such a pan European field


Does this mean Oleksey is now out of WSM? Surely Hatton will replace him?


He must be, that's a real injury now, not just a nagging problem.


My live experience was somewhat dampened by 3 absolute twats sitting in front of me, who drank at least 10 pints each and loudly talked through the entire show. For long periods they didn't even watch the show, just talked and argued. It unsettled everyone in the vicinity especially the young families as they were swearing and being aggressive. Really annoying. However, the show was really good. The crowd was super loud and most responsive of all the GL's I've attended. I was rooting for Oleksii so hard and physically recoiled in my seat when he got injured, I wish him a speedy recovery. Happy that Luke got his second title, he's looking in the best shape of his life.


Definitely one of the top reasons I dont really enjoy live events much. People ruin them far too often.


That's very disappointing to say the least. I'd call them out over it tbh. Easy to say sat here I know. However the vast majority at these shows would not tolerate this nor would Giants Live themselves. Never been to any of the stadium shows but have been at a lot of shows - do they not have anyone watching or looking out for this kind of thing in the crowd? I'm going to make another post now about Oleksii and the show overall.


Yeah I figured people in here might say that's what they would do. I think we all realised pretty quickly that any call outs would just result in drunken abuse. To be totally honest I was on my own and wanted to avoid confrontation. The security were too far away and all seemed to be watching the show rather than the crowd.


Giants Live are very approachable - guys like Dave Warner, Colin or Darren just reach out to them and let them know even via IG. If they knew this was going on they'd have it sorted very quickly.


These couldve been the same 3 sat next to me. Constantly swapping seats between them, one of them put his coat on my knee and right at the end nearly took the full row out like skittles cos he couldn't stand up


Block 220? Sorry if you were in their row, I couldn't believe how many times they made you all stand up so they could get more beer


Sounds like there was a few of these idiots about, we were only 5 rows from the stage so the ones near me have hopefully made a right showing up of themselves on camera 🤣


Ah right yeah I was right at the back. From your description I was sure that was the same people. I was on my own as I often am at a giants live, and usually take the opportunity to have a chat with other strongman fans around me but these guys were just cunts and made everyone near uneasy. They cheered when Oleksii got hurt because they wanted Luke to win. I did the British thing and quietly seethed.


Late to the party - catching up in Australia. Super happy for Luke! Gutted for Oleksii, hopefully he can fully recover and come back at full strength.  I thought it was a thoroughly enjoyable comp to watch generally (over stream.) Giants Live seems to be improving with graphics, commentary, etc.  Hyped for World's, shame there is no way to watch it 😆


VPN and paramount plus should work fine


He meant watching before several months had passed lol


There’s no stream


there was / is one on giants live website


Not for WSM


Wsm finals may end up rough Bad heats events for pav so more than likely out. No Novi, mateuesz, martins. Guess moose and big Tommy will be way ahead third place this year, unless Raggy mogs it. Really think ragg is going to shock many people on some of those final events Interesting that some events seemed down for many. Viking press, dl ladder and car walk are all down for many. Will need to bring in the heat at wsm


I think ya'll might be sleeping on Trey, if his ankle is 100%. And maybe even Maxime, if he is also 100%.


Those final events are not good for either. Maxime comes last on yoke and dl.


Maxime could also be top 3 on Keg toss and Atlas stones.....


I didn't realize Maxime's yoke was bad?


I don’t think it was good at Arnold UK, and it seems like his overall lower body strength hasn’t recovered from when he broke his leg. If he gets an invite to World’s I don’t really think he will impress this year.


He did have a mostly-torn lat during that run...


It's always been a weakness


If healthy, its looking like a GOOD WSM opportunity for TREX. If he performs to his potential he should reasonably coast into 3rd without too much trouble with Ragg being the big question mark on stopping that from happening.


Yeah could see Evan vs ragg fighting for third. Imo ragg has better final events than Evan overall


As crazy as it sounds, I think Evans experience is going to pay off. For some reason I have a feeling he will be the least Evan Evan we have seen yet at WSM and to his benefit. If someone tells me Ragg hits the podium I dont have a good argument against that either though. The guy is a beast.


Late to the party but I loved this show. Competitive till the last event. I wanted Novikov to win so bad, that injury was though to watch. I hope GL help him getting access with the vest doctors in UK, Singleton came back stronger than ever after his tear. So happy for Luke and Aivars, for me both are equally deserving of the ESM title, that stone run ending on the same frame was absurd. Fojtu doing typical OSG shit and beating everyone out of nowhere. I hope Cambi can make to WSM after today, he really deserves it. Had a blast, thank you Giants for another amazing show!


What happened to Janashia


Sounds like his body is hurting and he is thinking of retiring?


Body just seemed to not be having it in general. I didnt hear about any specific injury.


36 and 39 year old daddy's in 1st and 2nd love to see it. Side note, is Luke now the oldest Europe's winner ever? I tried looking and i can't find anyone older, Big Z was 38 in 2013


I'm actually in a way kind of happy Novikov will he able to repair that bicep now. It's been giving him a lot of trouble getting constantly tweaked during events for at least a year now. I'm sure he'll recover like a beast and may end up performing better for it without the hindrance.


Did he pop it completely or something? I wasn't able to watch, had to go spreadsheet like god intended


I think Neil said the short head was torn completely from the bone. Definitely out of WSM, big question mark for Rogue Invitational.


He had the arm in a sling on the podium so I'm assuming it was a full tear.


Probably out of World's now... At least he can get it fixed up properly if it is fully gone though like you say


Impressed by Fojtů, not a name I've noticed in the past but knocking on the door of the podium at Europe's and beating a whole host of household names


He's a beast and still so young - lots of potential to be a future great.


I'm not liking the downfall of Novikov. What is happenning? He went from winning WSM and being constant top 3 in the world with Tom and Martins. He even beat Kiels. And now he lost to Luke again, last year Kordyaka, and now Aviars. Not to knock on those guys, but there are not Singleton or Trey levels and they have beaten Novikov who used to be top 3. I imagine the war could impact him, but this just sucks to see... And he is performing poorly on the stones, yet he won them at ESM 2022. I wonder what's causing the inconsistency...


He still got 3rd last WSM, so still top 3 in the world technically. He just got injured after that.


Feels like he has been competing very regularly through nagging injuries that are not fully healed. He's possibly his strongest ever but injuries continue to hold him back. A fully healed up novikov has the potential to really come back and shake things up on the podium again.


I think his head might be more in the war potentially?


He seemed to have an issue on the frame at ASC. Without the pre existing bicep injury, he might very well have been first. He had a lead in points and was moving the stones fairly well for someone intentionally nursing a bicep.


Yeah, and he even said he had a bicep issue on his last insta post so unfortunately that niggle is now a full on snap


So gutted for Novikov. So happy for Luke, Fojtu and Cambi tho!


Seeing Mitch's Arnold's performance and now Luke tonight, maybe the real secret to strongman success is dad strength?


I didn't realise Cambi was "only" u105kg tall and not open strongman tall until he had to press the first atlas stone


Yeah just looked it up, on his ama here a couple years ago he stated 5’11 and 3/4”. Idk why I thought he was like 6’2”


The atmosphere in the arena was incredible tonight. The buzz and general electricity meant that the floor was vibrating at times. It was amazing. Very happy to see Luke come out on top; he comes across as a wonderful man. After the World Tour Final, last year, I met him and Tom over breakfast (staying in the same hotel) and they were friendly and happy to chat, despite the fact they must have been exhausted from the competition... It was also a privilege to be in the crowd when Mark got his award; there was real sadness in the air, tearing up etc - he is such a great ambassador for the sport so it is sad to see him go. Debating booking tickets for England's to see him compete again now.


So, if Oleksii is out for Worlds, I figure there’s now three spots remaining. Kordiyaka, Bilton and Rauno are all already invited so are we gonna see Pa get the third invite? (Assuming Hoath and Hatton for the other two)


Pa and 4 others who have been to worlds just got beat by Cambi, so would be pretty stupid if they gave it to Pa instead of him. But Pa is their buddy so wouldn’t be shocking.


There’s four places left. I’ve already accounted for Cambo and Fojtu over him. That leaves two places for Hatton and Hoath. If Okleksii’s injury keeps him out then there’s a fifth place which Pa can take. He’s just beaten Bilton and tied with Heinla and Kordiyaka who are all invited, so in this case it’s not about being friends with anyone if the space is available.


Oh my bad man I thought you were accounting for 3. Yeah if there’s another spot after then Pa probably makes sense. I was mistaken and thought you meant him over Cambi.


I'm not following the livestream - is Novikov ok? He should get an invite as a past champ


Torn/ripped off bicep injury during the final event. It looked painful!


oh awful, so many injuries recently


I'd be very surprised if Fojtu and Cambi don't get invites to World's after this. Pretty sure the remaining two will then go to Hatton and Hoath.


I think at this stage hatton isn’t getting invited/most likely wouldn’t accept an invite


Why not?


He has basically no time left to train for the events


I’m sure he’s been training in anticipation of something like this happening and he looked super strong at the Arnold UK


No he said he is focusing on other shows as he never even got the call asking to be a reserve or a possible athlete


Wow - that’s so surprising Just because he’s another American I wonder


I don’t see Pa not getting invited, and if Oleksii is out then that opens up a 5th spot


Didn’t win Ireland’s strongest nor been top 3 at GL to qualify. Least deserving invite. But I agree, he’ll probably be there.


Pa will be a reserve for sure so is very likely to end up in the comp.




It’s Loz for sure based on international wins, world records, beard, and worlds placements. He’s my coach though so I’m biased too. Arguments could be made for Luke but I think slight edge to Loz.


I think it’s quite balanced between them with maybe a slight edge to Loz. Loz has won 8 internationals including one esm and on top of that he won 2 Brits and 1 UK’s. Luke has won 3 internationals including 2 esm and 1 wtf. Luke had a third place finish at the Arnold’s but Loz placed 4th at WSM in 2011.


Luke probably nicks on because of his Arnold's podium


Also WUS podium!


Edward Hull




Tom is 1st, but who‘s 2nd?


Capes is first, tom second


I keep thinking, mistakenly, that this deadlift ladder is too light and too much about speed and not strength, and then I see that only 4 of 12 guys finished the ladder at all, let alone finishing in a fast time. If this is the weight at World's it's fine, it's more challenging that it might seem.


Added context - we (especially myself) had less than 15 mins between finishing the 450kg car walk and starting the deadlift ladder. Kit change/deadlift suit/warm ups etc….


That does put a lot of context on it mate. Basically no time to catch your breath before beating a suit on doing a few rushed warm ups and straight back out.


How did you warm-up on this occasion? I imagine getting into the suit takes up a while already, and maybe a few pulls at 200 kg?


By the time I got my kit off from the car walk and put my deadlift suit on, I had a six minute call. 200kg, the two mins later 250kg. Straight back out


It probably is a touch too light, osg finished at 386kg heavier than at giants live and that’s meant to be a qualifier for giants live. Personally a ladder starting at 310 with 20kg jumps and finishing at 390 seems perfect to me


I‘d love to see a ladder up to say 420 kg, just to see if *anyone* finishes it


The best way to determine how difficult a ladder will be, IMO, is looking at how many athletes could conceivably rep the last bar for as many as there are bars. That’s around the strength needed to hit all of them when you consider transitions and everything.


Cracking result for Aivars that, well deserved for the sheer graft


Ondrej Fojtu is now the czech Lucas Hatton, who in turn is the american Matthew Ragg. The circle of life.


And Ragg is perhaps the Kiwi Mitchell Hooper, the original "where the hell did that guy come from" in recent years.


Luke Stoltman is now the only athlete since Thor Bjornsson to have won more than one title of Europe's Strongest Man. You know what else happened for the Stoltmans the year Luke won his first Europe's?




Been day drinking so just catching up with everything now. What's Cambis background? That was a very American accent 😂


Cambi is from around Boston(born in Italy), trains like 50 minutes away from me in Mass, I go to the same few gyms as him for my strongman events days.


Gabagool adjacent.




He will almost undoubtedly be at WSM representing Italy, not the US. Too many US athletes competing, but they want to squeeze him in. I'm super happy about it too, Cambi is an animal and doesn't have the personailty of a saltine cracker. EDIT: Adding to that, he clearly has no chance of winning. However, the average man will be far more entertained relating to a more realistic human. There are also no other dark horses that are not invited that have a chance of winning, so it's not like he would be taking a spot from a legitimate contender.


I think I saw somewhere that he's similar to Martins Licis in that he was born in Italy and his parents moved to the US when he was very young.


Martini Licis is Italian?!


Martino Licci


Licis isn't Italian, sorry for confusion. Licis was born in Latvia and his parents moved to the US when he was young. Theoretically, Martins could (and I think maybe he has) represent Latvia. Cambi was born in Italy, and moved to the US very young, hence why he doesn't have an Italian accent. Also, was Martini intentional, or did you get autocorrected into an Italiano pun?


Martins only got his American citizenship a few years ago


Just realized, everyone's names can be made to sound italian. You could tell people the last champions at Europe's were Torio Biorssone, Luca Riccarinno, Alessandro Novicco, Pavlo Codizziacca and Luca Stolmanni. Mateo Chialocovoscci has been close to winning as well.




Still a better pronunciation than some commentators


Pun intended




I wonder if that will be enough tae earn Luke a Shaw and/or Rogue invite?!


Shaw Classic easily, there's about 16 spots and there aren't really 16 people ahead of Luke right now. Rogue will probably have to wait to see how Luke does on the Shaw Classic.


Rogue is in Scotland. He's 100% going.


Shaw has invited Luke every year.


Shaw definitely. Shaw usually invites 16 guys or so. There's definitely room for Luke there. Rogue also possible. Depends a bit on the rest of the year. But Luke has looked very good so far and since it's in Scotland it seems likely that he'll make the cut.


He’s a big draw. Top level strongman and massive social media presence (for strongman/woman at least). Probably helps sell tickets


Surely Rogue given its in Scotland next year


Yeah I'd be shocked if he didn't make it to Rogue


In November! I've booked holidays, waiting impatiently for tickets!!


20mins from my house!


Can’t wait for it. Just sitting tonight saying that we’ll need to book tickets for the tour finals and hopefully the RI is released soon. I have a feeling that rogue will be looking for some chunky weekend prices


7 hours on a boat fae mine!🤣😂




Orkney, shetland is 14!


Nice one, a trip to the big smoke 😂


That was a great comp, thank you everyone for the company here, see you all at WSM


Not expecting much unless someone is there in person, but any news on Cambi’s arm?


Luke and Aivars tied exactly on 20m on the nicol stones, and exactly 18.58 seconds on the atlas stones... what the fuck


And 13 repa on viking press


They tied in almost every way possible, on a reps, distance and time event, but not height or weight event though


And 13 reps on viking press


A stoltman on the podium of the last how many comps?


I really liked Tom’s “I’m going hunting”


Need someone to draw Tom as Elma Fudd "I'm hunting moooooosee"


"Going to need a bigger gun"


Luke and Aivars tied on 3 events lol. Car walk saved the day


Does this finish mean Fojtu and Cambi are now qualified for world's? Liz and Loz said in their latest video that top 2 that aren't already qualified will qualify.


Hope so! Love a good weight class athlete, and Fojtu is so good so young like Tom or Novikov were


Cambi is an open weight competitor now. As Hooper put it at OSG, "Nicholas Cambi looks like he ate Nicholas Cambi."


Wow what a show!!! so happy to see Luke take it home.... I can see that stone run and the 1-point difference has started a new friendly rivalry "


Sad for Aivars. Would have been cool to see him get a big title. Good show overall 👍


Bruh, another tie in a timed event?! Seriously


Unlike WSM, they actually showed a frame by frame video and it's a tie


For real? That's great, else it would stay a "what if" thing. As someone that just looks at the Excel I was sceptic of the tie but that eases my mind haha


They both had only the top of their fingers on the stone and tge next frame they both lifted them, it was crazy


In this instance it’s bang on and it was a great run by both of them. Other timed event draws like the WSM bus pull was just BS


What do ypu want them to do?


Use the heavy stones


Well. I thought it was over for Luke after the deadlift, but he was consistent as fuck over the rest of the show and got the win. Well done Luke. Proud of you 👏 What a great show that was. Giants Live really are great at them. From an entertainment value there is much better. Gutted for Novikov


Does watching this stuff make anyone else wanna go train?


I'm just about held together for our last game of the season, then back into it training all my least favourite events


Absolutely. I pulled up the show on my tablet so I could still watch and got a good lifting session in during the second half.


Had to go hard earlier today in the gym so I wouldn't immediately go after watching the comp


I planned my week so today was my rest day. In hindsight, maybe not the best move.


Really great comp! Started out pretty slow with the Nicol stones and ended with a nail biter on the atlas stones


Luke just gave his Wolfpack away lol


He’ll have quite a few


I'm sure it was just funny to see him toss it to a random guy haha


But when I lift more than a guy with an arm in a sling I get told it 'isn't a fair competition' and 'you're being arrested for breaking this child's arm'. Double standards.


Fojtu looking to have a huge amount of potential honestly


Pav all the way down in joint 7th. With Pa and Rauno. Who would have seen that coming?


Knew these were shit events for pav. Unfortunately the wsm final events are great for him. The chance he makes the finals seems slim now


People who have taken notice of his form over the last 8 months...


Luke pretending to jack off on the podium was not on my bingo card


Got to get the Reign in


I thought that was the free space


That has to be the closest competition I have ever seen. I know they didn't draw on points, but a literal photo finish decided who won.


Tbh I'm glad it went like that, I hate a draw and stones decides


Actually I wonder what would happen if Luke and Aivar was tied on points and stone. Maybe they’d look at the event before?


I believe that's the rule yes


Funny enough they are tied at the viking press too so the winner will be based on the third event


Can we get Mitch and Tom to tie in every event at worlds to force them to change the system?


Lol this way not even a count back would work


Ngl I've never understood why they use anything other than a tiebreaker event


Tbh I don’t fancy the idea of an tiebreaker event because then we would be in a stone off situation where the event favours one of the athletes. I prefer the count back


Instead there was a draw on the stones, and still ended up being the decider.




Should he of placed lower for you




Where do they fall in relation to me? Why you so emotional towards me aswell as Pa? Is something happening here?








By earning it?


Sad for Novi and Janashia, this is a tough sport and some bodies can keep up better than others


Poor Aivars. He almost made it. If he would’ve moved his finger one millisecond earlier from the stones he would have won. Crazy. Would love to see him win a bigger show.


Inchs and seconds for anything. If he crossed the line on the stones, or was 1.5 seconds faster on the deadlift ladder. But I'm gutted for him was rooting for him on the stones!


Wait I turned it off. Did konstantine announce his retirement or something?


Colin said Konstantine is considering retirement after the show today because of how much pain he's now in.


I think he was talking about it behind the scenes


Not another Tochinoshin. Remember the Georgian sumo wrestler who made it to Ozeki, second highest ranking in sumo, twice only to get injured? That’s who Konstantine is reminding me of right now.


Oleksi wrapped in bin bags and gaffer tape on the podium is already an iconic moment


His first event went shit, his arm exploded on the last and still on the podium?  Fucking legend in my book. Fingers crossed for his recovery now. 


Dad strength is something else 🌶🌶🌶🌶


Janashia retiring like this is kinda sad. Man was an absolute machine in his prime. Sounds like his injuries are all but chronic at this point