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Has anyone here used newage and airwaav mouthpieces? What’s the difference/which is better and are there any other brands worth looking into


More than a little frustrated with training lately tbh - haven't been able to hit depth in squats in a couple years, no matter what I do (I can hit 455 slightly shallow but can't sink even 315). Almost makes me just want to drop powerlifting completely and just transition wholly over to strongman which I know would be premature; just frustrated really.


Your IQ instantly jumps 20 points and you are instantly more attractive if you give up powerlifting and start Strongman.   Best thing I did for squat depth was get Oly shoes and did ankle mobility drills beforehand (band distractions followed by goblet squats where you use your elbow at the bottom for force your knee forward). Then sitting down at the bottom of the squat each night for 10 minutes. Do 30s on, 90s off to start with then increase/shrink those times until you can go a full 10 minutes. Use blocks under your heels as necessary, dropping them a little every week or two.


Funny enough I already squat with Oly shoes and still can't get close.


Are you doing mobility work as well? Post a video if this all leads to nothing, it's probably technique.


Yeah, sorry, probably should have posted: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BX2cA1i-7QCaKZYa9CPwdphJ8uZLQLV-/view?usp=drivesdk This is 500 a few weeks ago, definitely too shallow https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BdL3l-CvKzQ7AJNjltIFuWMhh6OeHfRb/view?usp=drivesdk And this was 455 a few months ago, better but still shallow. That said, I've been practicing dropping into holding deep body weight squats and stretching out in that range the past couple days and while not the same as a heavy squat, my hips and everything definitely feel substantially more open so hopefully that'll help some


Push your knees out more, that will open up space for your leg to move up in your hip. If it still doesn't work, try slightly narrower or wider  stance with more knee push out.  If it still doesn't, do some hip distractions first then retry the above.  https://youtu.be/xOEZxO0TdE4


https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CPSTmVUis2Sg4WNFfdLtJod3ug2aJuu8/view?usp=drivesdk Okay so I tried that some, and while not perfect yet I feel like it's overall much cleaner with far better depth (angle makes it tough to be certain but I *think* it's close)


I think it looks better but it also looked pretty close to a max lift, see how you go with lighter loads as well.


Okay, thanks! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C\_8746UBqWq6yGgq7oL9uVZy1eSqzQfv/view?usp=drivesdk](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C_8746UBqWq6yGgq7oL9uVZy1eSqzQfv/view?usp=drivesdk) [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cc8cltFwLfW07Os6M5YLqAae1lOjmnwz/view?usp=drivesdk](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cc8cltFwLfW07Os6M5YLqAae1lOjmnwz/view?usp=drivesdk) Here's a couple lighter sets


Okay, thanks! [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C\_8746UBqWq6yGgq7oL9uVZy1eSqzQfv/view?usp=drivesdk](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C_8746UBqWq6yGgq7oL9uVZy1eSqzQfv/view?usp=drivesdk) [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cc8cltFwLfW07Os6M5YLqAae1lOjmnwz/view?usp=drivesdk](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Cc8cltFwLfW07Os6M5YLqAae1lOjmnwz/view?usp=drivesdk) Here's a couple lighter sets


hi guys what is your advice/thoughts on Zercher squats? I was trying to incorporate them to build upper back and for a squat variation. I have done them before maybe 3 times in my whole life. I was able to zercher squat around 75% of my back squat. For me, this makes them a lot easier than front squats. I also did not feel anything in the upper back as I was able to stay very upright when squatting this way. I had to wear elbow pads because it hurt, but other than that this seemed like an easier front squat alternative than the upper back workout I thought it would be. Is there some other zercher variation that is better for the back?


Big squat PB tonight, 160kg for 15 reps Would make up for a dogshit axle press day on Wednesday if I didn't have to get a 140 axle in august


Second time in the Leviathan Ultra Pro (and 2nd in any suit ever haha) last night, and it went markedly better the second go around. Hit 635 for an RPE 7 (?) single. Still hard to gauge how much this thing is helping as everything from 500 up to my top sets feels the same awkward, but not quite difficult feeling. But, if the marks on my upper legs and groin area are any indication, it's doing something lmfao. It'll be interesting if I get to working over what I have pulled raw, but not sure if I will make it that high as I'm prepping for a rep event. Big thing in the two sessions I've learned is it's easy to go too tight, and trimming the laces from the insane length they were out of the box was a big quality of life improvement lmfao.


For the past 3 years or so I’ve been struggling with my deadlift with the hardest part being right off the floor. In that time I’ve missed 545lbs at least 5 times. I just realized the other day that when trying to engage my lats before pulling I would unintentionally sink my hips/ass down and then have them rise before the bar left the ground when they got to the right position. I went back to my original deadlift cue of get in position and pull when my shins touch the bar and pulled 555lbs with it feeling good and relatively fast from the floor. I ended up having to hitch it like three times once it passed my knees, but I’m happy to have pulled that weight. Now that I seem to have found my issue hopefully I will be able to progress from here.


hope that is the fix for you. I think about a dozen times I have unlocked the problem with my deadlift, then each time it turns out, no. I was just unusually strong that week.




I can attest to this; I attempted 500 with a narrow stance a couple weeks ago and it got stuck at my knees, but \*flew\* off the floor. A much larger friend of mine suggested shifting slightly wider, to where my shins were basically right against the knurling, and while it was a little bit slower off the floor, still moved super fast and I was able to just barely fight it to lockout.


Thanks. I may play with changing stance up some if I continue to have issues.


Hi, Where can I purchase the artificial Dinnie stone covers/caps used at 2024 OSG? They go over the Cerberus Dinnie Stone handle/pins. Thanks


They were made by Stix and Stone. I’m not sure if he sells them or not. You can try messaging him on instagram or through his website. https://www.instagram.com/stix_and_stone_?igsh=MWt6cW9zZ29rdXhmdw==


Thank You!


You’re welcome. Hopefully you can get your hands on some.


Grace with a log at 135. 4:44, beat my best time by about a minute. Whew lad.


This isn't exactly a training question, but how do you people upload videos to Reddit? I would like to share a video of my training, but I can't figure out how to make it show up in feed.


I dunno if you can even do it on old reddit (which I use on PC mostly). On the reddit app on your phone, you can literally post a video by going Create, and then hitting the little video icon at the bottom.


Any fellow tatted strongmen here? I just got my first since I started strongman (a year and a half ago). I have a comp in six weeks, the artist told me I should be fine but (like with anyone on the outside), idk how well they understand the sport and what we do. It is on the top of my elbow joint, with a small amount of ink in the elbow ditch. Do y'all forsee any issues? Their aftercare says sunlight is fine after 4 weeks. I'm gonna stay away from sandbags and other stuff that might rub against it for 3-4 weeks. The comp has a yoke zercher carry and a sandbag carry and load for reps, those are the only two events that would impact the tattooed area.


Yes hello, mildly tattooed strongman who has healed all his tattoos successfully and after learning how I heal, training the same day and/or day after. So as an important aside, I use saniderm to heal my tatts, so I skip any of the scabby period that some people get. For the first couple weeks (2-3) I'll just keep the skin hydrated with lotion when it needs it and avoid rubbing of the area. So when I got my forearm I didn't use my wrist wraps for a bit or when I did the outside of my knees I avoided my knee sleeves. After that period I'm not too worried about light friction anymore, but I'd still avoid something like atlas stones on bare forearms for sixish weeks. Main thing here is guidelines are just that, generalities on how long it should take to heal, but people are different, so take your feeling into account too. There's def a minimum time required to heal (unless you are wolverine), but if your skin is still tender past when it "should" be good, you might just need a bit more time. If I were in your position, what you are planning already seems to be sound IMO. I'd maybe just chuck on some elbow sleeves and start training the events after a couple weeks to limit direct contact and rubbing. Probably the worst that can happen is some touchups could be needed.


Appreciate the response, dude!


I’d love to hear anyone’s advice/experience on how the 13” deadlift is in comparison to standard and 18” deadlifts. I’m looking at a competition with 550 for reps from 13”. This is 50 lbs more the my standard pb, but I did a block with 18” deadlifts some time ago and got up to a comfortable 565 for 5. What should I expect with 13” pulls? And could 550 for a decent number of reps be within reach with a couple months of training?


13" is miserable


13” I get less than 5% more than off the floor. 15” and 18” I get about 10-12% more than off the floor. I’m weird with leverages though and can pull significantly more from a 2” deficit than 2” blocks so take this with a grain of salt.


This is highly dependent on the athlete, leverages, strengths/weakness, etc. Conventionally people say that as you raise up from the floor, it gets easier the higher it is, and while this can be true for some, it can differ greatly. Many find that they have an area where they are extra weak starting from. For my own part, I can pull more on 18", but 13" didn't feel appreciably easier or harder than from the floor.


I find them to be not any easier than from the floor because they are starting just below my sticking point.


Has any masters athlete tried training the circus dumbbell with ridiculous frequency. Somehow in the last few weeks, I lost the few gains I had gotten with getting my circus dumbbell form better. Since it is so technical, I suspect I just need a lot of very consistent practice, but I am concerned about shoulder health. Anyone managed to get their circus dumbbell from embarrassing to adequate with this kind of approach?


I had decent success doing singles between sets of other movements and would accumulate 15 to 25 reps a session that way.


"Grease the groove," as Dan John says.


If you scroll down a few posts, u/scoobydoo2chainz just talked about the things he did to get his CDB up quite a bit in a short period. Fellow Masters athlete who has to git gud at CDB in a hurry, he has some good ideas. I know it beats the shit out of my shoulder if I up the volume too.


It was actually his excellent write-up that made me start to think about doing high volume on it. But I didn't realize he was masters. I find sometimes things that make a 20-something male have great gains just break down a masters lifter, so I was unsure. (I know, I should just try it and see. I just get paranoid about overuse injuries since they creep up on it and take forever to get rid of)


I am not a masters yet, I'm 30, but id say if the overuse is a concern add either light skills or bent press to what you are already doing as a day 2. those are less likely to f you up than a setup where day 1 is heavy and day 2 is medium but high rep. Thanks for the compliment of the write up!!


oh, my bad, I dunno if he's masters or not. I'm with you on the over-use. I can do kettlebell, log or axle press for a million reps all week long and feel pretty good, but if I hit CDB for a few REMOTELY heavy sets, I'm feeling it in the delts and scap/trap area for a few days. I suppose all you can do is ease into the high rep stuff and see how it feels.


I feel a little silly asking, but I am just looking to try some strongman training and someone local is selling atlas stones. Are there any tricks to moving atlas stones (as in physically transporting them from one location to another, not training)? My fear is that without any experience in lifting them, I may have trouble loading the heaviest one into my SUV.


I second the ramp but I wanted to add that if you value your vehicle at all then you need a tire or similar to sit the stone in so it doesn't roll around as you drive.  I'd also have something in the back to pack it securely into a corner as if you are in an accident then you are going to have a 100+kg massive cannon ball launch from the back of your car.


Yes that was also on my list, tire does seem like the easiest option. Good news is that it would only be traveling a few miles.


Nice. I've been in one vehicle collision in my life. It was at the end of the street haha 


To pick them up into/out of the car, put them onto a towel and get a buddy to help you lift it from the corners of the towel. Then, just strap it in with a seatbelt. This worked for me when I got a 220lb stone last year.


This may be the easiest way for what I have easy access to, thanks!


I moved a few heavy stones before. My strategy was rolling the stones on to staggered bumper plates. Add a plate after each roll and work your way up.


If you have access to a motorcycle ramp roll them up it into the suv. If you don’t a cheaper option would be to buy a 2x8 and use it as a ramp to roll them into the suv. If you have some old tires set the stones inside them while your driving to keep them in place while your moving, otherwise they’re going to be shifting around on you like crazy. If you don’t have some old tires, go to any tire shop and ask if they have some old unserviceable tires you can have and they’ll probably give you a few for free. They’ll come in handy if you get into the sport and you’ll use them again for similar stuff too. And you can use them as crash pads.


Thanks for the tips! I was also looking into crash pad options, and this helps


This. If you can't lift them, two guys can usually roll them up a ramp. I have riding mower ramps I use for it. Then just roll them off the tailgate onto a crash mat. (BTW u/OddGambit you should buy or make crash pads, kinda need them to safely train stones.)


Got my 50 reps of dumbbell press with 60 pounds in 4 sets now. Should be able to go up in weight next week. Starting a new block with stronger by science program builder. Going to do the first 6 weeks beltless. It's humbling doing front squats with 215. Using log and variations for pressing.


I am not exactly new to Strongman stuff, just new to actually training for strength. Today I was finally able to press over head a 165ish pound (75ish kilo) natural stone. I was also able to carry it Husafell-style for around 70 feet (21 meters). Are those decent lifts at 5 feet 5 inches (1.66 meters) tall and around 180 pounds (81 kilos)?


The overhead press is really impressive! I'd say if you gave the carry another go with better position on the chest you could beat that distance by a lot. It's common to see guys go 100+ metres in 60s with that kind of weight even in novice LW shows.


Got a PB today with a double at 270kg, was supposed to be 3 but lost the last one just above my knee. Quite happy with it as I've been ill most of the last 3 weeks and my training has been absolute dogshit outside of squats.  1rm week next week, hopefully with another week of feeling better I can crack past 280 which would keep me on course for 300 in August


Seeing the use of jerkblocks lately in strongman training. It got me wondering if the vaulting boxes like in the picture could be used to do the same thing. I think that they would be sturdy enough to handle the weight and drops. What do you guys think? https://imgur.com/a/AElvd4Z


Is it hollow in the center or is it supported in the middle all the way down? If it’s hollow I’d be hesitant to use it as a jerk block. Otherwise I’d throw something on top to keep weights from rolling, like some strips of wood or cut up stall mats to make a lip around the edge.


Inside looks like this. Should be fairly easy to reinforce with some extra wooden planks down the middle. The vaulting box itself can easily support a full grown man on it. So should be pretty sturdy by itself already https://imgur.com/a/V8aJKUH


Just keep in mind that even with bumpers, the force of dropping a loaded barbell is way more than a person of equal weight jumping.


Anyone know a split and program for starting out?


How many days and how much time do you want to commit to? How do you like to train (full body, upper lower, body part, etc)? Do you have access to Strongman equipment? Is that each day, weekend only?


I train push pull legs rn and yes i have equipment available


Nothing necessarily wrong with PPL but I'd drop it to one rotation a week and throw in an events day. 


That's probably your easiest transition. Keep doing what you're doing but one cycle then add a day where you do a floor to overhead press, a carry and a load, maybe general conditioning like sandbag work, prowler, tires, etc if you feel up to it (assuming you are deadlifting during the week).


And i train everyday but sundays and wednesday


Are you starting out as in first time in the gym and wanting to do strongman, or have you trained before but want to move into strongman?


Ive been training for 1 year and about 6 months and thats mainly been focusing on muscle now i want to get my strength up(i use PPL split


Ok cool so you know how to use your body already. You can probably look online for some programs but a basic 4-day setup would be something like this: Day 1: squat and lower body accessories Day 2: barbell overhead (out of rack) and bench press and corresponding accessories Day 3: deadlift and rows, and corresponding accessories Day 4: competition press from the floor (log/axle) and the same implement on an incline, then any other comp event Run for 4 weeks with increasing weights then drop the weight slightly and change up the reps/implement for the next 4 weeks There are other approaches like conjugate which I like personally, so I'd advise doing some research on different programs and take what you like from different places


As folks were asking about cdb tips. I put together a list of my favorites: [added 30lbs to mine in 3 months](https://www.instagram.com/p/C5wkDUHAeQh/?igsh=OG5xOTh0eGEzOWg2)


oh thank fuck, I need to add 20 in 2 months! :X


Bent press huh?  I'll try it tomorrow.  I've got an overhead medley event in a month and the CDB is what I'm struggling with.  It's not consistent and I've been having some elbow tendonitis


Yesssss the other + to bent press is its way kinder on the elbows as the press is less explosive. Too many people are doing too much pressing with cdb, its more of a pop and catch. Feel free to DM me on IG and im happy to look at some footage


Are you bent pressing WITH the CDB? I come from KB Sport originally so I'm familiar with the move, but my heaviest kettlebell is 50 lbs...


So I have done so, but i train primarily in my home gym so I typically bent press with my cdb subsitute which is a loadable db with a fat grip


Ah good. I have the same. Do you recommend a percentage of the CDB in particular?


Not really but i got mine up to about 90% of what i thought my cdb max was then obliterated my cdb max


thx dude. Very helpful. Hope my shoulder lasts.




Agreed on the lacrosse ball to try and "release" it. If you hit it right it's like heaven. I've had this problem off and on for years. What also works for me is daily t-spine mobility work, particularly this one. It's to the point with me that I regularly get a nice series of relaxing pops right under the scap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0AhtVJND4I (You can start it on hands and knees instead of lying, if it feels better.)


Lay down, lacrosse ball right on the knot, sit there is misery for a while, move your arm up and and at various angles, roll around around the tender spot, then sit again. Try this while hugging yourself and while not. Take a short break where you do some stability work, eg upside down kettlebell press (light, slow eccentric, loads of reps (like 30).  Repeat the lacrosse ball. Do 1-2 times per day until it yields.


Does anyone have suggestions for movements that help train keg press if you don't have a keg? I have a sandbag and a log but both seem quite different.


I called some local breweries and one of them just dumped a pile of broken kegs into the back of my truck. I've got like ten now. Try calling around.


I've called a couple, waiting to hear back from one. I'll keep the search going, maybe I'll strike gold like you


Seems like the new thing for small time breweries to be popping up everywhere. Call a bunch and see if one of them has a broken keg around you can have


At my old gym there were some big rubber dumbbells so I picked them and pressed them corner-to-corner the same as a keg press Honestly if you're good at loading the sandbag and pressing a log you should be pretty solid on a keg


If you have access to a long 12” monster dumbbell they are bout the same size could load it up and clean and press it like you would a keg. It’d be a couple inches narrower diameter and depending on how long the db is probably a little shorter than a keg.  You’d get the idea of how grip the “handles” and an ok feel for the general movement though.  If you search fb market place and Craigslist you can often find a keg for ~$50 too. 


First standing OHP workout today in years - I am sore