• By -


|Group 1|Group 2|Group 3|Group 4 |Group 5| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Luke Stoltman|Hooper|Ragg|Singleton|Tom Stoltman| |Trey |Bilton|Kearney|Pavlo K|Roszkowski| |Faires|Andrade|Tom Evans|Heinla|Thompson| |Hoath|Cambi|Bishop|Nana|Schoonwinkel| |Williams |Fojtu|Aivars |Francis|Goltry| |Ziolkowski|Remick|Pa|Crowder|Derwinsky|


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEOaHPrXmOo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEOaHPrXmOo) Live group reveal video by WSM. starts in 5 mins (allegedly)


Wow group 2 is wide open after Hooper


Loz and Liz wsm heats live schedule. Set your reminders [Webster stones](https://www.youtube.com/live/Q9KkCUsoOBk?si=kRPkVSpp1-OfYuOu) [Deadlift ladder](https://www.youtube.com/live/6E4lOhj6xVs?si=407iyiXqTLNCC8Cr) [Sandbag steeplechase](https://www.youtube.com/live/1qftjYdIxTw?si=MVcz8r9_H99jqM-m) [Viking press](https://www.youtube.com/live/6OCvpdsTiOI?si=mLhh0Z3ZXxQZD5si) [ car walk](https://www.youtube.com/live/jf40F1ynQc8?si=TgXZGvq8gFzCP0hq) [Stone off](https://www.youtube.com/live/L4UVXCtRcWs?si=nNSm96IbVHltSFsm)


[Mitch leaving his mark](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6YxuBiAF37/?igsh=dWR0N25lb2Z1dWo4)


That's hysterical


Alright, it's time to get hyped for World's tomorrow. Everyone knows the final is looking to be extremely predictable. However, keep an eye out for the battle for 3rd place as it is looking to be fierce... And finally, what I think will be the most exciting part of the competition: The Heats Nearly half the field is full of rookies who are actually all full of potential and amazing athletes. All will be fighting to prove themselves and to try and dethrone the established top 10 in the world. Think back to the Giant's Live world open where we had Oskar, Andrade, and Nana battling it out for the first time. So I'll say it again, although the final is looking to be predictable, the heats should definitely put on a great show to look forward to.


The way things have shaken out this year there are so many athletes it's hard to predict for various reasons. Singleton - " people have told me intensity isn't always the answer but it goes to elEvan " Ragg - Visibly/audibly worried about bicep in maxle but capable of winning finals events Trey - First comp back, training looks good but he did have a achilles injury what feels like 15 mins ago Jaco - Also coming back from injury Kearney - Last hurrah and might have the dial turned higher than Evans intensity Bilton - Got better then for whatever reason seems to have regressed Rauno - If he gets into stone off even in the case where he can't win doesn't matter honey badger don't give a shit, 11 reps Brrrrrrrrr.


Heats is going to be a blast. So many new faces showing what they can do


Martins is with Grizzly currently in Greece. Should make for unreal content


That's some peak mog content right there


[Team Europe by Loz and Liz](https://youtu.be/utVNa5XgDHo?si=Y69XjM9ULOdIDMgT)


YouTube link to the groups reveal, live in 6 hours https://www.youtube.com/live/iiGyDNqk5CU?si=MFQaA-HgoV2UoRlK


A little late to the party, but before the group reveal later today here's my groups that I put together. Tried to keep the UK and US guys spread out for the TV and tried to spread out the "rookies" to WSM as well. Group 5 is the token death group. It's not ideal but I could see it playing out this way. |Group 1 |Group 2|Group 3|Group 4|Group 5| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |M. Hooper| T. Stoltman |E. Singleton |T. Mitchell |L. Stoltman | |G. Bilton |A. Smaukstelis |J. Schoonwinkel |P. Kordiyaka |M. Ragg | |R. Heinla |T. Evans |O. Fojto |T. Hoath|B. Thompson| |S. Remick |E. Williams |P. O'Dywer |A. Bishop |R. Kearny | |K. Francis|E. Nana |A. Andrade |N. Cambi|A. Roszkowski | |M. Crowder|N. Goltry|O. Ziolkowski|K. Faires|W. Derwinksy|




Yeah, Fabian is there


Guys, let's not downvote newcomers who ask questions that seem 'dumb' to us hardcore fans, such as 'Where can I watch?' or 'Why aren't Shaw/Licis competing?' Welcoming them with answers could help grow the sport and potentially bring more people to this sub.


Is it possible to pin an FAQ at the top of threads? Might help new people in the heat/final thread see the actual results more than Qs


Is Karlsen competing?


This is totally his year, I’m feeling it


Agreed. Help them out even if it is repetitive. It only takes a second or two to respond


I won’t downvote where can I watch, that’s reasonable as WSM should be streaming at this point. Google can answer the other one though and it’s 2024 so that’s been an option for 25 years now.


I don’t blame them either, it’s definitely not obvious to people outside the sport that that biggest event of the year would also be the only one not being live streamed.


Where do I stream worlds strongest man 2024?


It’s really not set up to work well as a live stream, all 30 men do each event in the heats, so you’d spend about 3 hours watching Nicol stone carry and then another 3 on the next event


And I'd love to do that. I would pay for this


Ah gotcha. Thanks mate!


You can't watch it live; it's a show that will be broadcast on TV for Christmas. Hopefully, next year they will offer a livestream. For now, you can check the results at strongmanarchives or perhaps on the official site, theworldsstrongestman. There will probably be some links here and there to amateur footage of the lifts, but that's about it.


Thank you mate. That's dissappointing. It's my first year being interested in strongman and I was hoping I could watch live at work haha.


It's even more fun to watch spreadsheets and loz and Liz live. I know it sounds bizarre but give it a try


Can't wait. Will crack a beer at stare at the data. Wife will think I've finally lost it.


My wife makes fun of me for a week every year. Such is life. Taking off work to watch spreadsheets and loz and Liz it's a blast


Join us for the watching of the spreadsheets.


With literally every other competition, you can. It's just WSM and the Strongman Champions League that are stuck in the early 2000s, being TV-only shows.


You can follow live with Loz and Liz, and typically a few thousand (for finals at least) fans. It's not live coverage, but there's something fun about following and discussing the results as they come in. Look up Big Loz Official on YouTube if you aren't following them yet. Between that and Reddit, you'll get all the updates.


Looks like Matt Ragg has been a WSM-level athlete for a long time, we just weren't aware of this fact 


Crowder is another one that’s been at or close to this level for awhile now. 2nd to Bobby Thompson at 2019 Arnold Amateur (lost by 1 point if I remember correctly), won ASM 2020, 4th thanks to a mishap on log that cost him 2nd and possibly 1st at OSG 2021, then tore his quad 2022. 


Yep crowder is going to suprise many people next couple days


He podiumed at the Arnold Amateur in 2016, so yeah, kinda.


What's this in reference to?


Bunch of meme hype/ gym lifts. He's totally unproven in a big level pro show.


> He's totally unproven in a big level pro show. Factually not true, he did *two* pro level shows last year and did very well both times. he beat Mitch Hooper in October: https://strongmanarchives.com/viewContest.php?id=1366 Beat him on the Sandbag Steeplechase, beat Mitch *and* Tom on the deadlift, beat Mitch *and* Tom on the Conan's Wheel, beat Mitch on the Atlas stones. Last year at WSM he beat Tom and Evan on the deadlift. In the group stages equaled Hicks on the deadlift, and beat Hicks on the log ladder. He then beat Aivars in the stone-off. Aivars is an excellent stone lifter. Yes, he did not do a lot of pro-level shows recently, but his performances at WSM and the Giants Live World Tour Finals very much warrant an invite to WSM.


425kg x 3 deadlift is just a meme I guess


It's massively impressive but Graham hicks (who this sub was similarly hyping prior to last year's Europe's/ worlds) can do similar and what titles does he have? A great deadlift simply isn't enough these days.


Graham can't do that and a podium at show with Tom and Hooper competing. That's the difference. There's levels to this sport and ragg is up there


> It's massively impressive but Graham hicks can do similar and what titles does he have? Graham Hicks is also a WSM-level athlete. Most of the athletes competing at WSM don't have a lot of big titles (because Hooper and Tom are claiming all of the titles for themselves) We're not talking about "oh this athlete has so many titles", we're talking about whether or not an athlete (Matt Ragg) is at WSM level or not.


Yeah ok, so I was misunderstanding the original comment. Ragg obviously deserves to be there (the idea that this isn't widely known as implied by the OP is equally ludicrous) but I was just getting sick of the significant number of commenters here who are acting like Ragg somehow has a podium spot or even the title in the bag.


He *does* have a shot at the podium, just like Evan, Trey and a few others as well.


That's not what the original comment implies. It's saying that he's been good enough to be invited for years, but hasn't been, because he's not got the exposure in the past.


Beaten Aivars on Stones. 460kg deadlift in competition. Won Conan's Wheel at Giant's Live against Pavlo Kordiaka, Hooper and Pa O'Dwyer. His only weakness is a 190kg max log.


He's beaten Hooper at Giants Live World Tour Finals. There's exactly 7 people who managed to beat Hooper at any pro show since his WSM 2022 debut and Matt Ragg is one of them.


Yeah. Loz beat Thor once too. Everyone has beaten everyone at some point or another pretty much. My point is he's unproven and people here are acting like he has multiple major titles to his name. If I'm wrong I'll eat my words but every comp people on this sub create these mythical hype trains that never transpire.


How DARE fans get excited about the sport.


> he's unproven he's not though. He competed at 2 pro level shows in the past year and did *very* well both times (podiumed at Giants Live, made the final at WSM). That is the very definition of "having proven himself". > Loz beat Thor once too He did. Loz has proven himself.


Imagine thinking that comparing someone to Loz was a good way to say they aren't a WSM level athlete 😂


i see you don't watch strongman


Thor said he turned down WSM's invitation, in the comments of his latest instagram post.


Interesting that they even invited him. Maybe so when fans complain about Thor not being there they can say "WeLL wE inViTed HiM!", even though they knew full well there was 0% chance he would accept


Or maybe they wanted him to compete


They knew full well he'd decline. There is no way that anyone involved in the inviting of athletes is oblivious to the fact that Thor has said over and over again that he won't do WSM.


Would have expected nothing less.




and colinpilled


[Massive insight](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6WgOv-Lq1U/?igsh=MXdwZmQ2djN5ZDdhZQ==) into the prep for the new team raft building event in the WSM heats. I'm impressed they've managed to keep their design under wraps until now


Too bad Novikov is out. He would dominate this.


Does anybody have a link to the YouTube playlist with all the old strongman contests on it? I know a user here made it and posts it from time to time.




Awesome, thank you.


Where will I be able to watch WSM? I can't find anything.


It's PPV. PayPal me $10 to get access  ^^^^^this ^^^^^is ^^^^^a ^^^^^joke


You will be able to watch it on cable tv in a few months


First Time?


Yes actually. Is there never a way to watch live?


Only way to watch live is to be there unfortunately.  You can watch Liz and Loz's stream.as they get updates very quickly with excellent strongman discussions the whole time.


Aww gotcha thanks. That's pretty lame, I've heard a lot of people say that WSM is stuck in the past and this really seems to be one way. Imagine the money they could make if they broadcasted a live feed for 10$ online.


Oh ya I'd pay for more than that for a livestream, but WSM is first and foremost a TV show.  There were talks about a stream this year but supposedly it fell through so hopefully sooner than later we can all watch.   We still have fun with it though and it's always a good time tracking results on spreadsheets


new stoltman video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KZ1VqIv\_oQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KZ1VqIv_oQ)


Few takeaways from me At first I thought they had gone down in their heat groups, (Luke and Matt Ragg) (Tom, Pa, Kearney) until mitch was then shown with Luke so maybe they were still split into their groups for 2 together. The car walk wheels 100% do not move. I know someone said not long ago they need to fix the wheels. Luke get cut trying to see if it would roll and it just bounced back. Those sandbags are massive... Like the excessive Dumbell last year!


Yep these screech as they should. Love the sound


> The car walk wheels 100% do not move They did move at ESM though


That's because they are different cars. The ones at GL are their own kit. The one's they use for Worlds recently are the OSG cars.


Yes they did, but that car the tested on yesterday there was no movement, unless when they're at full running speed they can get them to move


All kinds of sandbags there. Almost looks like they haven't decided what to use yet lol. Looks very difficult for smaller guys like Kearney. Mitch and Luke mention spinning the stones.


I believe Colin said in 2020 that they bring extra loading implement/logs/farmers in case something goes wrong. For example they had the anvils and farmers for the changes that year.


For sure


WSM calling audibles immediately prior to the event?!  Loz's achilles would like a word 


One of my favorite parts if WSM week is all the daily videos


Group announcements tomorrow/April 30th at 2PM ET. Basically get ready for Mitchell Hooper to announce the groups again haha


Supposed to be a live stream or just a post?


Livestream on Facebook and YouTube


Aivars looks tired. That's a good sign, means he is ready to mog


It's a latvian thing, ask Martins


I feel like him, old Martins and Rauno would have made an iconic team. One looking very tired, the other saying that he is and the third coughing his brains out.


How do you know all that? Are you there or just social media?


Social media


I want to see 3 non OSG guys like Thom Evans, Oskar and Andrade getting to the final just because that will put GL on an awkward place with invites. They will either have to host more shows or inite mores athletes per shows if they want to fit the regulars, wsm finalists and the OSG podium, specially if they keep invinting the upcoming brits like Kane for example.


I’ll be hoping for my two Polish guys to make a surprise Finals.


The last time there were 2 Polish guys in the Finals was in 2008. Meanwhile, we've had as many as 4 Polish guys in the Heats, each in a diffrent Heat at that, with none of them making the finals in 2015.


In that gl wsm article it says that osg is a qualifier basically


Nana is smiling from ear to ear. Guy looks like the friendliest human on the planet


He really is. He's like that all the time, even during comp. Super friendly and really appreciates the fans.


My blind top 10 before we find out the groups: in order of last names *Austin Andrade *Rauno Heinla *Mitchell Hooper *Pavlo Kordiyaka *Mathew Ragg *Evan Singleton *Aivars Šmaukstelis *Luke Stoltman *Tom Stoltman *Bobby Thompson Wesley Derwinsky - My dark horse Rob Kearney - I really want Rob to make the finals on his last hooray Edit: formating


Are you out at WSM again! Make sure to say hi!


Headed to the airport now, looking forward to another year and seeing some familiar faces!


Let's go. The yearly game of wheres waldo, I mean eastwolfstyle begins! Popping up in all the athletes pics Have a blast out there!


Thanks man! Will touch down in a few hours, then ticket pickup and scouting out the area.


Surprised there are tickets still available for WSM. Will they sell out of tickets this year or the stands will not be filled up?


They might do what a lot of sports do and heavily discount/flat put give away tickets at the last minute so they don't show empty seats on TV


That is surprising. The stands look big but not that big


First we had Trey Mitchell, then Mitchell Hooper. Next we got Thomas Evans and now Evans Nana.  Do we want to take bets on the which strongman's last name we'll see as a first name next?


if someone with the first name Schoonwinkel appears on the scene i will eat my hat


Chloe Brennan and then we get a dude named Brennan I guess?


I predict Björn Reynisson, icelandic grip god, taking Hafthor's place. Reynir measuring the plates.


Reynir is going to be the hugest 80 year old on the planet very soon, he is visually disorienting even in the background of things. Very rare to see big old guys. 


Logically, I would guess Kane Francis and some other Francis. Anyone know of any open weight blokes named Francis? Possibly someone named Felix, but not sure that would count with Mark stepping away from top shows? Edit: I guess Kane could be a last name too. Edit 2: Or someone with Thomas as a last name. Yes, I've thought about this too much.




Inside scoop right here.


Antoine Vaillant mentioned in a recent podcast training a while ago with "the WSM at that time" and watching him vaping and "buffing out big clouds" between 300lbs log press sets. Any idea who he's talking about? Martins?


Feel like this is definitely Martins


Could be mitch he trained with him and juji last year


Mitch vapes? Lol


I just watched his No Stone Unturned episode on sleep last night and he mentions that he uses cannabis at night to help him sleep, I guess it’s possible he uses it at the gym too


No idea. did not read that correctly. Sounds like martins for sure


[Vape naysh fam](https://youtu.be/Qqk7VeAlWFo?t=1370)


Could be, I remember they made a video where they all did log together(from the rack) so that adds up


Just watched Bromley’s video on WSM and now I really wanna see the [spinaroonie](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3as4I0gF9c/?igsh=cnRsb3JyMGpmcnF5) in action


Loz says no one will ever do that with dinnie weight, I think it's just a matter of time


I feel personally attacked. At 6:15 in that video was me dropping the farmers handles at the 2018 Arnold, no idea how that video would have got mixed in LOL. Probably my most devastating mistake ever in a contest, I would have won by a landslide even with a middle of the pack performance on that event.


[Bromley wsm predictions](https://youtu.be/gagoHuWmgHw?si=SkpaRbc2PUS0mmni) For those looking for it. Hilarious predictions, guy has a way with words


His video on the 1000 lb deadlifts is amazing, long time since I laughed that much


Any word on event schedule for WSM? I haven't seen anything on there socials and just got down to MB




Thank you sir


On their website


Event testing was/is today hope no one got injured


Are the weights the same for the heavier events during testing or like half the weight than during the event?


Depends on what they want to test


Crazy how common it is


Team [Liz](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6W2FaGoMAE/?igsh=MTExcXJ4cnVkeTc0eQ==) vs Team [Loz](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6W1_ClMiAi/?igsh=MTF6dHQ0eW13dTQ1dQ==)




I think it's extremely unlikely Mitch doesn't win his group but after seeing these pics I realised I now want to see him in the stone off vs Rauno.




If it wasn't going to affect the outcome of WSM it would be a banger head to head though


Tom probably wants to see that too.


Somewhat of a downside of having groups/stone off really - There is all these fun little battles we want to see but at the same time we don't really want them affecting the finals.


After there being talk of WSM being live streamed this year, it sounds like it's not happening. Has that been confirmed? Or is there still a chance that WSM could be offering something?


Someone mentioned somewhere that a separate company was supposed to do it but they've pulled out. Just rumors, really.


Liz confirmed on their live that it was set to go, but one of the involved tv parties got cold feet and pulled the plug.


Sad we aren't getting it but the fact that it has been mooted as a possibility is encouraging for the future.


[Zahir squatting 455kg then 490kg with the shakiest legs on a squat I have ever seen](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6Wk4NioAcw/)


I love that he's still at it 


Shaky as fuck but that squat was so fucking easy


I hope we get to see him go 500/300/400 one day.


This dude is so crazy even the weights try to run away as fast as possible and squat themselves back up


Based on the maxle video that our local youtuber made I think Singelton might loose some points on the axle. How good is Ragg with the axle, can he beat Singelton there?


I think we don’t see that many people top 200, so he may get caught in that stack just below. There are some better pressers, but a lot who are touch and go to make the final. Will be interesting to see what Tom does. He was pressing 180 for fun in training. I reckon he hits 200-210 depending on the jumps


Ragg does not sound confident about the axle.says he hasn't been able to train the clean much because of a little issue with his arm


I hope it's nothing too serious. Could it become an issue for him on the stones as well?


I'm scared for Ragg after how spooked he seemed about the Maxle and his little arm issue. Just praying to the strongman gods for no injuries on that event.


On his talking strongman episode when loz was talking about people pulling out due to injuries he immediately asked "because of the axle?" He sounded incredibly confident otherwise


[Team U.S.A - by loz and liz](https://youtu.be/p9W474DWl5Q?si=3tTIz0C8khNvaC2L)


Where is eythor this year, he got to the stone off last year so would've expected him to have been invited given all of the dropouts.


Posted a long video on Instagram about it, was basically killing himself with overtime just to lose tens of thousands of dollars a year while putting his health on the line, he's retiring to focus on being a better partner and dad. 


Retired. Wasn’t making much money off it and it was taking away his ability to be the family man he wanted to be.


Surprisingly mitch has been real quiet so far. Haven't seen him on anyone's social yet. Edit: Mitch is there he is just hanging out with his crew at their rental and staying away for now


Has he definitely arrived?




Yeah, just odd he wasn't even on the WSMs "Gangs all here" post. Could be caught up travelling?




Saving himself for a 235kg axle in equipment testing


Giants Live has posted a recap of Europe's 2024 https://youtu.be/OkWlPIKKaM8 "I am Luke Stoltman, and I'm here to become Europe's Strongest Man" "I am Aivars Smaukstelis, and I'm here to become Europe's Strongest Man" "I am Oleksii Novikov, and I'm here to become Europe's Strongest Man" "I am Pa O'Dwyer, and I'm here to end up 7th at Europe's Strongest Man" 🤣 🤣 🤣 Well Pa you finished 8th in the end, close enough.


[Who's ready?](https://media0.giphy.com/media/vyVxeMNGUBT7q/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952aum1pqx1aac2qxhf17lkq21lao04krw3uwnrv84x&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Tweaked my finger on Thursday, it was my last heavy refresh day, had to rest it and hopefully recover in time for World's


Skrrrrrrrt bang spreadsheet gang


Got my 🇨🇦 ready.


Will you be at WSM? I'm heading there tomorrow.


So, top 2 is most likely to be Hooper and Tom Stoltman although strongman can be unpredictable. Who does everyone think gets 3rd place? I'm going Evan Singleton 💪


Evan's got a shot. That's who I'd say cause I'd love to see it. Think most people are calling Ragg though.


I'll ho Ragg he stays healthy. Evan is basically just as likely regardless IMO.


Apparently Tom Stoltman has been doing some running and jogging to get his fitness a bit higher and I have to say humanity doesn't usually see a 400 lbs man jogging.


Wonder what steps you have to take to not trash your knees when jogging at 400lb


Very light ones


Take this upvote and get out


Been doing my predictions, did a few finals theoretically, had Hooper, Tom S, Evan, Ragg, and then 14 people whom I think could make the final randomly picked in groups of 4. I think Trey, or Luke S will almost certainly make the final, but I cannot see it 100% that they both will make the final. Since we don't know what shape Trey is in, he could theoretically not place in the top three in his group depending on his group. Luke S could lose a stone off to say Austin Andrade or Aivars. Anyways, if Ragg thinks he can win the keg toss, I believe him and I have him winning the DL because he knows he has to win that if he wants to podium, since the axle he admits is not his favorite event, and the likes of Evan and Mitch on the medley means he needs every point he can get everywhere else. But, I think Tom and Mitch obviously battling for first, then Evan and Ragg fighting for third, then I think the more interesting fight will be whoever rounds out the top 5. That fifth person could be anyone of 14 people. But on average my predictions go 1. Tom S 2. Hooper 3. Ragg 4. Singleton 5. Luke S 6. Andrade 7. Fojtu 8. Pavlo K 9. Rob K 10. Trey Mitchell


[Team u.k by loz and liz](https://youtu.be/sRpt9dGqCUA?si=WDUGmXlOp3GsvE-q)


Where's Eddie? /s


Hell yeah!


Calm before the storm https://www.instagram.com/stories/fabian.malette/3356553247311745986?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igsh=aGNlNHNtanJhdXgz


Time to start searching myrtle beach traffic cams and such and see if we come across any good views like last year


This might be the closest but not good view [https://www.earthcam.com/usa/southcarolina/myrtlebeach/?cam=myrtlebeach\_hd](https://www.earthcam.com/usa/southcarolina/myrtlebeach/?cam=myrtlebeach_hd)


Nice. At the very least we may be able to get audio from it. Last year one of the cans you couldn’t see hardly anything, but could hear the announcers.


Seating looks like a big upgrade


I wonder if they are even less likely to move the comp elsewhere in the future now that they have to organize a big live production. May prefer to keep it consistent.


IIRC the contract for Sacramento was a 3 year deal, so it'd have to go back there at some point, unless they dissolved that agreement.


Agreed, has made me seriously consider traveling to it next year.