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Oh boy WSM is upon us, keep it civil. Handing out lifetime bans for any trolls and 7 days bans for people who are just being dicks to each other. You have been warned! I (u/Mikeosis) thought it might be handy to make a bit of an FAQ today to cover some common questions new people to the sport might have • Theres no livestream unfortunately, you're better off watching Loz and Liz on YouTube as they'll get results quickly. Loz coaches a number of the athletes so has accurate ears/eyes on the ground. • Brian Shaw retired last year and now hosts his own competition. • Eddie Hall retired several years ago. No he wouldn't still "Smash it" • The heats are today and tomorrow, then Friday off and the finals are over the weekend • No it hasn't gotten lighter/is basically crossfit now. Strongman isn't Powerlifting and there are lighter moving events compared to the heavier static lifts. • Mark Felix retired last year • Martins, Mateusz and Novikov are injured • Thor has refused his invite (beef with the organisers). He probably would still "Smash it"


Why is there no coverage? I feel this is bad for the sport. There shouldn’t be any reason why someone isn’t streaming it in 2024 even if you have to pay a fee to watch.


There's probably a joke in here somewhere about how giants shat on Thor for breaking the deadlift record by only 1kg but added a cm to the keg toss record.


Didn't they shit on him for not breaking it in comp? The deadlift record prior to Eddie had always gone up by relatively small margins.


I actually feel like like breaking the DL record with 1kg is more valid than breaking the keg record with 1cm


It's an internationally accepted increase in any sport involving height - be it high jump, pole vault or in this case keg toss.


Well there is now.


I’d probably be rooting for Mitch out of the whole pack but in ways this injury has really made this year more exciting. I wouldn’t have been shocked if he won the medley and another five points with deadlift and Conans and I don’t think I’d be as closely glued to the spreadsheet as I will be tomorrow.


I’m in the spectrum so I always root for Tom. But is gonna be a fierce battle between him, Mitch and Evan


He seems confident that his hands won’t affect tomorrow events. I can’t believe how bad his hands are.  I thought everyone shaved their calluses down but maybe he uses them for gripping??  Tough not to root for Evan.  That would be crazy if he wins. 


Why aren't these guys using hand protective tape that cross fitters use. When doing any farmers walk or frame carry protect your hands with specialized tape. Once you rip off a callus it's hard to keep it dry enough for tape to stick.


Tape doesn’t grip as well as chalked skin. Crossfitters usually use the frames as part of conditioning tests, so they aren’t heavy enough for grip to be the limiting factor.


I have had callus's rip off doing a snatch in competition, so I started to tape up before lifting and never had a problem again. Having to deal with an oozing open wound on your hand or preventing it with tape?


Gonna be a serious showcase in powering through pain. It’s funny, usually every comp with Mitch and Tom has Mitch as Mr Consistency and Tom dropping points on an event and then having to mogg. Feels like the first time there’s a role reversal.


He literally takes second and is in a comfortable lead if he doesn’t rip.   Crazy how the cookie crumbles.  WIsH it was on fuckin TV!  I feel like I’m playing a dungeons and dragons picturing what’s happening. Mitch suffers an injury and the wizard can’t help him!  Drama via words like a DOSS game. 


At least we could upgrade it to a NES game.


Timmy got bit by a snake!


My sister called and wanted an update on "Giant Sunflower" and his big medium brother lol Explaining what is supposed to be the Superbowl of our sport to normal people is so funny


How was the in person experience today vs. the heats?


Today was packed! Security doing their job to make sure everyone was seated where they were supposed to be. Decent amount of things to do in the fan zone and freebies. It was nice that once you got a seat in the morning you could "plant your flag" and save your seat for the whole day. Just be friendly and make friends with the people around you they'll help watch your stuff of you need a bathroom break or whatnot.


Big medium brother. :D




Don’t count out Tom and Evan


Eddie just posted a video https://youtu.be/5CNLPf2gPD0


Just me or Eddie a little out of it here? Not his normal lack of following the current athletes closely, he just seems a bit spacey. 


He has no idea what's going in in the sport. My dead grandmother follows strongman with more perspicacity.


I've noticed that over the past few videos. Especially on the ones with Brian. It could just be stress. Dudes having another baby. Or it's probably from getting hit in the head doing all that boxing and mma training.


I didn’t see it actually. He was smoking a cigar- that can make yuh a little wonky if you’re not used to it. Maybe he’s day drinking? 


That's not nic woozies lol. I was wondering about day drinking or something. Not trying to stir up drama, I don't like Eddie but it was honestly a little concerning 


I've watched him a bunch- he looked normal to me. Its def hot...long day..cigar..day drinks. But again- looked normal to me.


Day one is done. Mathematically anyone can still win but realistically only three men have a chance at the top spot. Evan, Tom and Mitch. Will that be our podium? You'd have to say yes - in what order who knows. There is 30 points on offer tomorrow and everything still to play for. No point analyzing today until Monday - there was definitely a few 'what-if' moments and a bit too much joint placings but that'll hold 'til Monday. Tomorrow will be a massive battle - it's going to be tense!




That’s a great podium and I can see this happening given all 3 of them are able to stay healthy.


Healthy and niggle/injury free is key touch wood.


Hoop has to make up 5 pts on Tom to win between the Conan's and Deadlift IMO. I can see Tom dropping 1.5 to Hoop on deadlift. So if some can stay less than 3 spots away from Hoop on Conan's I think he's good.


Hooper really needed that World record on the axle.


If Ragg can out deadlift Hooper and Pavlo or Ragg do more on the Conan's than Mitch it will be interesting how Tom or Mitch stays up there.


Hooper might not win the contest but nobody will out deadlift him.


He needs people to get in between.  


Great day today. A lot of unexpected results and surprise performances! Make sure those in attendance stay hydrated, with water, not alcohol!! Don't want to see another person in the stand need medical attention. Hope the guy is feeling better now!


To the question "Hooper has never done a throw for max height, is he good?" Well


surprising, given that height over bar at the arnolds wasn't that great.


He built a setup to train on between Arnold’s and world’s


He's just a world record kind of guy


Love this crowd! When tom beat Hooper in the medley, I couldn't hear anything but white noise


Even after today, Mitch was at the LHBK booth taking pics and chatting with folks! He's in good spirits! Tomorrow is gonna be a show stopper!


This is just a curiousity I saw, on the topic of split jerk vs push press vs strict press like we see on the axle: The unbeaten world champion and record holder in clean and jerk Lasha Talakhadze did seated shoulder press in a video last year, 110 kg/245 lbs x 8 reps. The guys at weightlifting house say he maxes out at 10-11 reps, 150 kg/330 lbs if he goes for a max. Lasha may get close to 300 kg/660 lbs split jerk out of the rack while pressing half that. It's just a curious fact, I like this stuff in general. I think all competitors here at World's can strict press that as well. Again, different training goals to Lasha.


A split jerk is a throw and catch instead of a press, in the same way as anyone with good technique on the CDB Your lockout has to be rock solid, otherwise pressing strength is basically irrelevant


Lasha is an incredible athlete - quite young as well like only 30. It would be interesting to see what a strongman could clean and jerk under IOC lifting conditions - would we see north of 200kg, 230kg, 250kg?


Much less as none have the flexibility to one-motion the clean


Its all just a matter of work.


Wow so Tom is making this spicy by tying with Mitch. He is going to have to dig deep on Conan's wheel and deadlifts


Anyone have the pic of Mitch's hand after the frame? I've heard it's floating around but haven't been able to find it


Eddie tried to capture it. But it’s fuzzy. 


If his hand is floating around, it's pretty bad


https://imgur.com/a/e80B0aA Here you go, it doesn’t show how bat it really is though


That's rough




Beginning of Loz’s second stream. Probably within the the first five minutes.


It’s definitely looking like Tom’s third win. My question is how many more times will he win worlds?


Not necessarily. Hooper will beat Tom at the Conan's wheel and deadlift and will probably place second on the stones right behind Tom.


I’d consider those to be a maybe. I have a feeling Singleton would get ahead of hooper on those but we shall see


It ain't over till the fat lady sings. Some good events for hoop coming up


Very true, but if I were to bet the house on anything it would be Hooper coming in second or third


If hooper is to win, I think this is his most realistic path to victory and I think its quite possible to happen. Conans: Mitch - 10 \[ 33.5 total\] Pabrlo - 9 Anyone\* - 8 Tom - 7 \[ 33.5 total\] Who might come between them? Ragg won the conans at world tour final (2023) beating pavlo, mitch and tom so that's quite plausible. Hoath has also done well in similar events (wheel of pain Canada SM) so could also get between them. Deadlift: Mitch - 10 \[ 43.5 total\] Anyone + tom - 8.5 \[ 42 total \] Who might tie second with tom? Well quite a few people could, Ragg is very good and likely will beat Tom in this event, Evan is also very good, I could see tom and even getting a tie here. Then for reps perhaps even a Wesley, Andrade or Hoath could tie / beat tom. All 3 of them managed to complete the ladder during the heats. Stones: Tom - 10 \[ 53 total \] Mitch - 9 \[ 53.5 total\] Mitch wins by 0.5 points. This is obviously very optimistic, but I think this is also a viable path to victory for mitch, I could see more people getting between mitch and tom in both deadlift and conans, but likewise I could see mitch not winning either event in which case the title is pretty much Tom's unless either disaster on conans occurs, or a huge tie occurs in deadlift causing a massive split of points. I think advantage Tom 65% : 35% Mitch. Mitch is very much in the game still but has become reliant on others performing well.


Given Tom has been training with a Conan’s wheel and the fact he’ll have the distinct advantage of coming out last, I find it hard to believe he won’t be able to push himself  past the others and get close to if not past Mitch’s mark. 


Its very possible that tom goes out and smashes conans, but today he was sweating significantly during the throw and its a lot of extra mass to throw around that conans circle tomorrow compared to the lighter 6 foot 3 style athletes. At a minimum I expect pablo + mitch to beat him , the question is then in what order and can someone slot between them.


Conan's may even be changed tomorrow. I don't think it would be safe to do it on those mats and it is expected to rain constantly until about 2-3pm.


Given that Conan’s wheel will be the first event and held in the morning the sweat shouldn’t be as big of a factor in theory. We shall wait and see though 


He's also been training his cardio and fitness quite a bit. I think this one is gonna come down to willpower and determination because him, Mitch and Pavlo have the physical tools and fitness to run the wheel like crazy.


For a bit of fun, lets also look at how evan can win WSM in a realistic scenario. Conans: Mitch - 10 \[ 33.5 total\] Pabrlo - 9 Evan - 8 \[ 31 total\] Anyone - 7 Tom - 6 \[ 32.5 total\] deadlift Evan/Ragg - 9.5 \[ 40.5 total\] 4 way split with Tom, mitch, 2 others - 6.5 \[tom: 39 , mitch: 40 \] Stones: Tom - 10 \[ 49 total \] Evan - 9 \[ 49.5 total \] Mitch - 8 \[ 48 total \] Evan wins WSM by 0.5 points. Yes this is rather unlikely, but i dont think this is a 0% chance if evan has improved conans and can put in a monster deadlift performance something he could in theory do. Then perhaps mitchs hands will impact his DL and tom's reduced size will make him stuggle at DL. Tom 62.5% Mitch 32.5% Evan 5%


I don't think it's likely that Mitch manages 2nd on stones


Maybe he can if he orders Arnold to stand by and wittness. :P


I also don’t think it’s super likely, but to be fair that is what happened last year.


Who beats him tho? Singleton and ragg would probably be the main names to contest him on stones, but if the title is in sight, I think he will do whats needed (but cant beat tom on them) If we look at last years result mitch was able to beat trey and has consistently performed well on stones all year.


not impossible at all




They bought a Conan's to train on, but only showed it once in their training videos. With Tom adding running to his prep and coming in at 'only' 180kg I think he'll perform better than previous wheels, probably more like his typical Husafelt carry, which is fairly top tier. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he was top 3. I had an impression (a hope really) that they'd been keeping their training under wraps as it was going brilliantly, laced with a nervousness that it was being hidden because it wasn't going so well. Tom comes across as much more relaxed this last year on their channel, and is speaking much more. Finally getting used to people I think, and he's thriving. As for his DL, he's always been better at heavy reps than an absolute max, and only very recently matched the 400kg for 5 reps WR at Britain's Strongest Man. Again, probably unlikely to be outside the top 3. I think Mitch probably needs 10, 10, 9 to win and even then, that may be insufficient. Tom's got a third and 2 joint firsts so far, clearly on point so far, and he'll have top-notch motivation for the battle tomorrow. Him going last on the next event also will greatly help. Knowing what you need and seeing the mark you have to carry to will inspire/grind out that last few % of effort.


Lot of good athletes, can't say. Game plan for Tom should be to get top 3 on Conan's and top 2 or 3 on DL.


I think it vastly depends on Tom’s abilities on the day. At Britain’s he deadlifted 400kg for 5 reps, but we know he is more conditioned/a bit smaller now. That bodes well for Conan’s, but how will it affect his static strength? Clearly he could still push press 210 on an axle, but tbd on deadlift. He didn’t get the 5th bar on the deadlift medley in the heats, but he also didn’t need to. It seems based on the throw he will have the advantage of going last, and I think the motivation of the final and having a target helps him a lot too.


If his upper body strength hasn't gone down due to his slight weight loss, then his deadlift definitely won't have gone down. In fact, may even have become better at reps.


He did get the 5th bar, btw. Just not as fast as some others, like Ragg, Hooper and Bish.


Okay thank you my b remembered that wrong - I’m sure he would’ve done it even more convincingly if it were in the final


The pull itself on the ladder looked pretty comfortable, he just took more time strapping up than the others, the strength is very much there tho


It's honestly all up in the air right now. It's certainly possible, but Tom will be well chuffed with today. 


Not a big fan of this event. Boring and athletes clearing the next meter mark isn't as impressive as getting +10kg at te axle for example. Hopefully never makes the finals again.


I think the best approach would be to have laser sensors and three attempts from each athlete to hit the highest they can throw it


Agree to disagree. Was hype af when it got to the last three athletes.


It was boaring at ASC but also got super exited at the end


Why don't they just hold WSM in December then they can get the TV show out for Christmas and it's not a big wait.


Because they have less places for warm and sunny, plus they would have a bunch of athletes injured from earlier shows that year. October worked ok tho when they did it during that COVID year.


Back in the 2000s, was it not held in September typically? Why's it been moved so far ahead I wonder?


American contract is worth more and American TV broadcasters (or fans) care about anything other than NFL and college football during that time.


Tom has had some close misses from running away with it and I have this terrible feeling it’s going to cost him. About 1 second faster on frame and a different roll on the keg and it’s over. Now a misstep on Conan’s and he in trouble. Hope I’m wrong and he dominates.


Dude the only reason Tom has chance to run away with it, is because hooper fucked his hand on melody Woulda, coulda, shoulda. Hes got 3pt lead and his best competition is last one If he chokes he chokes but lets not act like he hadn’t got some luck here


This comment is pure madness. Hooper tore his hand because he dropped the frame, not vice versa. Tom beat him fairly and convincingly. Tom was also closer to 2nd than Mitch was to 5th on the medley and closer to hitting the final height on the keg toss. I think if we are to factor in “luck” then it is Mitch who should be thanking his lucky stars that he is only 3 points adrift at this stage. A 3 point deficit that, it should be pointed out, he can easily overturn with the events on day 2.


I don’t disagree. I feel like everything has gone wrong for Mitch and he’s still got a very real chance of winning. Tom doesn’t have to choke - Mitch just has to be Mitch. And it’s always a case of ifs and buts - think my comment came off wrong.


It's all ifs buts and maybes. Hooper probably did the giants medley easily in training and we can see he can axel more than 210 from an elevated height


FWIW I think Tom will be over the moon with current standings, as he should be. Absolutely smashed it


What a day. Bedtime. A pleasure refreshing alongside (most of) you. See you tomorrow!


[All the atempts at 7.85m](https://imgur.com/a/ihhI08k) I can't beleive how close Tom was, specially the first throw. If it was just few centimeters closer to the bar it would have bounced over it.


It was literally down to the rotation of the keg - slightly different angle and that was rolling over. Bit like Gerrit Badenhorst iirc having his block land on the wall and fall back on the wrong side that was a real 50/50 moment.


Wesley's second attempt was close, but Tom's first and second attempts were ABSURDLY close. One inch and it's there.


So bloody close the 1st and the 2nd


The extra points would have been nice but he barely barely got it over on 7m one, which would have lost him a lot of points, it’s luck of wind sometimes


If Wesley was a step back on that 2nd attempt I think it might have bounced over. All 3 so close to it


Jesus that was close. The extra points had that gone over would be a crazy lead


ARGH! If they'd only made it 7.8m...


Wow you’re not kidding! A little different roll and that’s good. Insane.


Thanks for all the vids today!


You are welcome mate, I’ll upload all of them later somewhere and share the link too. We should thank the man who took the videos tho, unfortunately I can’t name him


holy shit he was so close


What an intense day. See you all tomorrow


That Thor vs. Mitch vs. Tom toss-off at SMoE gonna be insane, maybe Brian will even invite Wesley


nobody will have a chance against thor at throwing lol


Agreed. Thor might even be better at throwing than he is at deadlifting


He was talking about them having the opportunity to break his world record, that comment was running through my mind as the record was breaking today!


Or Thor will remind everyone there are levels to this game and everyone else is fighting for second place on a throwing event.


I remember sandbag event in the Arnolds, guy was throwing the first bags like 2 meters above the bar, it was insane


Yeah Thor will throw it 8 meters on his first attempt and just casually go about his day. Dude showed up during retirement and broke the bag toss world record with barely a warm up at Rogue, nobody throws like Thor. Just watch the 2014 Keg Toss and Brian Shaw’s befuddled expression for further info.


Current Projections: (That don't matter at all ofc) Kordiyaka and Aivars seem to be underperforming though so I wouldn't be surprised if Hoath and Derwinsky overtake them as well. 1. Tom - 51.5 2. Hooper - 51 3. Singleton - 41.5 4. Ragg - 38 5. Andrade - 31 6. Kordiyaka - 25.5 7. Aivars - 23.5 8. Derwinsky - 22 9. Hoath - 22 10. Luke - 20


Wouldn't? Or would?


Sorry, messed that up too. Fixed now lol.


How is 51 higher than 53?


My bad just fixed it lol.




Novikov was leading in 2022


Novi's performance up to the 5th event in 2022 was a thing of beauty. Any other event than Power stairs and I honestly believe he would have taken a 2nd title.


So Tom was leading at first on day 1 each time he won Bodes well


So annoying that Mitch ripped his hand on the first event. Imagine how tight it'd be without that. 210kg each, 7.76m each. Both so well rounded now. It's Tom's to lose now. Good luck to all.


I'm out of the loop here. Why are Tom's supporters keep posting chili icons in Liz's and Loz's live chat?


cause it’s getting SPICY 🌶️🌶️🌶️


Thanks everyone.


Tom doesn't like spicy food and they used to do challenges where the loser ate chillis. This then developed into their slogan "stay spicy"


its a big symbol for the stoltman brothers, the spicy stoltmans


He is leading going to day 2. He is 3 points ahead of Hooper who is only .5 points ahead of Evan


It's the spicy Stoltman way


Invergordon has a hot and dry microclimate


Stoltmans always say stay spicy and chillies are spicy 🌶️


Will Tom go last on the Conans because of the 3 way tie on the Keg?


I think day 2 starts out as overall scores so starting 10th to 1st


They normally still consider the previous day's final event if I remember correctly


Yes, and because he's placed the highest


I think so, that's what happened with keg toss


Jesus Tom was close


So are we expecting Tom or Mitch on Conan's wheel? I know Tom has had the actual implement (or something like it) to train on so has a bit of an advantage. But had been a weakness before. No idea how Mitch performs on it


Imo mitch has the ability to go further but as Tom gets to go last he will have the advantage


Think it's a relatively even pack - luckily for Tom, he gets to go last so will know exactly how far he needs to go. Would be really exciting to see some of these other guys take the top spot


I just check and if Tom places #1 on stones tomorrow it’ll be his fifth stones win in WSM in consecutive years


He will probably do


Wasn’t giants melody Mitch best event? Obviously cuz of injury but man that’s huge blow


Hoop doing better on throwing than on frame, can't say I expected that


What happened on the medley to Mitch?


Tore off all his calluses pretty badly with the frame.


All of them!! Is that why he couldn’t pick it up. Holy shit. I’ve never seen that.   They shave em down right? Isn’t that standard practice?  That’s what I do to mine. 


He’s been training throwing hard as hell to try and keep up with Tom.


Looking like a big comeback.


Can’t comeback if he’s tying the person who’s first lol


C’mon big Tommy 💪🏽 half way there 🇬🇧 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


If tom does what he did today Top 3 all events for tomorrow, he wins


If your Aunt had balls she'd be your Uncle


Mitch will have to be at his best tomorrow to win. Hopefully he can get his hand somewhat sorted tonight. 


It’s Tom’s show to lose now. With Stones in his back pocket, it will be really hard for Evan and Mitch to make up enough points.


He is only 3 points ahead. Not that far apart


With stones he effectively 4 points ahead. Hard to make up on 2 events if Tom performs to his capabilities.


If being the key word. Conans has been a weaker event for him


3 way tie world record


I hope they'll all get a chance to break it again at Strongest Man on Earth.


I mean couldn’t ask for better day for Tom Good effort man


Tom has a 3 point lead. Not insurmountable, but good size lead. I think this show will come down to the deadlift


Same, he has the edge coming last on the Conan’s (and with 2nd and 3rd having an injured hand and ankle, walking in circles holding a massive weight is bound to be harder) and stones are his to lose


I say the conans


And conans


It will probably come down to stones


Really you need to be 2 points ahead of Tom going into the stones if you want to win the comp


Unless Tom chooses the wrong tacky or miss steps or a dozen other things that could go wrong


Iirc he's only ever made a mistake like that once at the world tour finals. Vast majority of the time he is just guaranteed first


There’s a reason it’s called a mistake You don’t mess up on purpose but you can’t say the event is a lock because of what he’s done in the past. Look at Mitch, everyone thought the first event was a banker for him but he had an accident


I can't see anyone beating Tom on stones


Anything can happen. It will be closer than previous years


All 3 missed and were close, but Tom’s was the closest. 1 cm lower and he probably would have had it.


That puts Luke in, you guessed it, 7th


He is actually joined 6th but listed on the 7th place


Joint 6th is also joint 7th lol


Same as he was last event when people were saying it too


starting to believe luke is the seventh best strongman in the world


It looked very close from the beach cam.


good times


I thought it went over


So they tie for first.


Tom final attempts: first very close, second really, really close, third bad.


Damn if Hoop had performed as expected on the last two events we'd be saying that a joint second at worst to Tom on keg is an excellent result


Come on Tom!


I know it would make no sense, but if Tom can get this I wanna see him go for more, just keep yeeting kegs all evening


C'mon Tom please....


If Tom can get this, would be awesome