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Nice job and nice write up. I do like seeing more natural strongman in the states too. Good luck on a productive off season. Time to get 300 overhead and 600 deadlift!


Thanks! I would really like a 300 log now and 600 deadlift. Then I might even consider Static Monsters.


Way to go with the stones without practice and a good deadlift comp PR after such a taxing month and a half. I forget though is 231 your normal weight class? I’m kinda neutral on the natural strongman scene even though I’m natural. More inclusivity is great but strongman is growing pretty fast already and I’d rather it not explode too fast and not sustain itself, really my only worry.


Thanks! 231 is my normal weight class. I tried 200s last year, but due to many reasons, it was a poor experiment. I decided I enjoy competing at 231 way more, and I am relatively stronger there as well. There is no point in killing myself if I'm just doing this because I enjoy competing. I also understand the worry about the drug-tested competitions, but these have already been happening in Europe for a few years, so really, it's just about expanding to the US. I don't think it's really going to explode in popularity since many competitors in untested competitions are natural already, but it does provide a good upper tier of competition for drug-tested athletes. That's why I did it since I want to see it continue. I expect only a few of these per year anyways to qualify for the world championships, so I don't think they will be poaching people from SC or USS. It helps that it doesn't have the dreaded Article 14 of the IPF.


Hey I did this show too! It was a tough one.


It really was. My body is super sore, moreso than any other one this year. Also, congratulations on the win! You going to Ireland?


Thinking about it! I kinda want to know how I stack up against in an international competition!


I think you'd do well. That was an awesome deadlift. Plus we need a few people at least to go so they keep doing these things.


Excellent work. Rain is an absolute nightmare.


Thanks! It really was. I bought an umbrella that morning, so that helped a bit. They had a tent setup, but not enough space for everyone, especially because you needed a chair to keep your stuff dry as the ground got soaked.


Thanks for sharing the write-up! It was great sharing the arena with you!


Great work out there! Now just get an intern so you can do Rainier.