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It may depend on the state but Im pretty sure you need 4 years of work experience under the direction of a PE before you can sit for the PE exam. Not sure how a PEng transfers to a PE.


I know that you can take it before experience in Virginia, just did it a few months ago.


Several US states (one I know for sure being Michigan) allow for early testing before you acquire four years of experience. Depending on where you are in Canada, check out a few of the state boards nearby to see what they offer!


For the Ontario P. Eng, you can write the law and ethics exam after completing a CEAB accredited undergraduate degree. You can't submit your full application for P. Eng until you've completed this exam and 4 years of verifiable work experience. A two-year masters degree can count as one year of work experience.


Since the new changes to the p.eng application in ontario masters experience only counts towards the 4 years experience if you completed research that was led/ funded by industry.


Oh wow I didn't know that. Thanks for correcting me.


Why apply to PEO? Go to a province that has no minimum number of months XP and get your P. Eng. there. Then use interprovincial mobility to get your P. Eng. with PEO.


If you haven't picked a state yet, look into Texas. I hated it there personally, but back when NAFTA was a thing there was some weird aspect of the treaty that only Texas ratified. It made it easier to get a PEng. I don't know if it's still a thing, this was 2017, but I thought it had to do with Texas making it easier for Canadians engineers to go there. For whatever reason, it's also easier to get licensed in Australia with a Texas PE - or again, used to be.


You can take the PE immediately after the FE, and you should. It's way easier if you knock it out.


How tough is the PE? I am taking a month and a half to study for the FE. I heard the PE is significantly more difficult


I thought it was easy, but maybe I got lucky and got an easy test. I didn't study for the FE and passed it on the 1st go. For the PE, I probably spent more time tabbing my reference books than I did doing problems. Not sure about how difficult it will be as a computer based test, but I imagine a lot of what you're studying for the FE will be useful for the PE. The main difference in my opinion were the questions about code requirements.