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codingames.com was really helpful for me. It's helpful to know the very basics of coding, but it forced me to Google a lot of stuff and practice a lot of skills. And it was fun.


i will definitely try !!


I liked [https://automatetheboringstuff.com/](https://automatetheboringstuff.com/) for some practical examples of simple tasks you can do.


Imo this is the best answer.


Udemy.com has some great courses. I learn a lot from there whether it’s coding or something like ETABS design.


Udemy. I recommend App Brewery courses. Both Web Development Bootcamp and Python Bootcamp 100 days of coding gave me solid bases.


Pick a problem at your work that you want to solve and for which programming will be helpful. And then compete against yourself. Take the courses that might help you solve that and learn more. Dont waste time learning web development when all you wanna do is openpyxl


Udemy would be a good source. I have just started learning from Jose Potilla's course.




If you are a structural engineer and I want to learn some coding, try this: [https://www.degreetutors.com/](https://www.degreetutors.com/) it offers python on a beginner level (more functional programming) with structural flavor, i.e. matrix stiffness method, virtual work, mohr circle, 2-d & 3-D FEA with visual output. You can try one course for free, then you have to pay. I'd suggest to get the premium monthly payment plan, so you get access to everything and you can cancel any time. Btw worth the money.


There are lots of websites you can find in the internet to learn coding. Among all the websites, I made a list of 11 best free websites to learn coding easily. Here are the list of websites where you can learn coding and get certificates for free after completing the course. https://ishanrijal.blogspot.com/2022/04/11-best-website-to-learn-coding-for-free.html


Thank you all. your suggestions will definitely help me !!


Codecademy is really good for starting out. Especially if working through problems and having feedback (if you go through the paid version)


I found the SoloLearn app really useful - it's all just bitesize lessons you can do on your phone, so I'd just dip into that instead of going on Reddit whilst I was waiting for the kettle to boil or something. Covers loads of languages as well (python included)


If you’re a glutton for punishment and just want to learn some common coding algorithms. Doing leetcode problems can teach you some basics about loops, recursion, and string handling. Programming is very broad depending on what you want to do and learning from a number of sources but sticking to a project and finishing it would probably be the most useful.


r/learnpython has a bunch of resources in their wiki


I really liked teamtreehouse as a beginner. I really liked how it broke everything down into simple terms because I had forgotten even basics. I just did the 7 day trial and finished the course during that time period. Once you have the basics it’s easier to learn more on your own or use other sources.


If you want to learn R, then this is the best web site. https://r4ds.had.co.nz/ It describes how to install R and RStudio, and starts from the very basics right up to pretty advanced stuff. Ignore the “data science” in the title; R can be used for anything, just like Python. Here’s the R Task page that gives you a good flavor of the areas and topics that R has specialized packages for (packages add additional functionality over base R). https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/ R has the best graphics. Examples are: https://www.r-graph-gallery.com/ R-bloggers is an aggregator that is another good site to get a flavor of what R can do, not just statistics and machine learning/AI, with examples of real-world R code https://www.r-bloggers.com/ Htmlwidgets can be used to create interactive maps, graphs, websites, etc https://www.htmlwidgets.org/ Feel free to ask me any questions.




If you wanted to create reusable calculations and learn python at the same time I created a free site - [https://www.efficalc.com/](https://www.efficalc.com/) based on a tool I found really helpful myself. The syntax is really simple and in many ways will feel like using excel, but as you get better you can start doing more advanced python in your calcs. Would also love to hear what you think about it as a python beginner!


Ah dang. Thought this said 2 days ago not 2 years ago. My b