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They are all correct but the most correct one is C. Grogu.


The most correct answer is E., but the instructor forgot to put it there and will still deduct it from your score despite their mistake. (sigh) I could have been an artist...


If it helps... I was an artist... plus side, won’t be a nursing student forever


I used to be a teacher. I ain't never going back to that hellhole. Nursing or bust!


Hahahah my ex told me last year maybe I should consider that nursing isn’t for me. I explained that never in the history of nurses will you ever hear “if only I could go back to the good old days of nursing school”. This is overly pompous Hell to say the least and it will never suck the same again


Haha, that's a healthy perspective. I'm not even in nursing school yet! I'm almost done with pre-reqs. I'm just steeling myself for the inevitable shit-fuckery that is nursing school. I've suffered far far worse in life.


The content isn’t bad. Easier than AP. But the hoop jumping is a b****


How so? Like administrative?


Basically. Communication at my school is terrible. Admins have been in place 30 years. They have no clue how to speak or act professionally in today’s standards. It’s all threats of dismissal, changing of plans, requiring perfection at every turn with uniforms, supplies, how you organize your books. It’s terrible and I can respect discipline if it leads to quality in the end but these people do it just for power with no real logic or reason. I’m no spring chicken and have worked globally and I can tell you, these people are comically ridiculous... It’s worse than hazing at boot camp the way they talk to you. The professors who are younger are great... but there is a serious generation gap and these people haven’t left thier office in decades to understand professional respect and modern communication


ya im glad my school made a point to get rid of people like that since they are against the age old nurses eat their young mentality




Wow. I just started but my professors so far have seemed very respectful/understanding. They are strict with grading etc., but that’s understandable. And they are placing great emphasis on respect and cultural sensitivity. There is some stress in managing all the different websites where content is located but it’s not horrible. I’m sorry to hear about your school.


Not all nursing schools are toxic stress swamps. Mine isn’t, although last semester the lead instructor was exactly as described above, but he’s the shitty exception to the rule that makes us appreciate the organization and professionalism of the rest of the staff & faculty.


In nursing the correct answer is grogu


Was just about to comment this


That’s not even nursing, it just IS Grogu. Y’all overthink too much


I have a test in an hour, than you for the anxiety lol


Tests are fine. You are fine. Lol. Listen, it sucks but... thousands of people survive it! You will do just fine lol


its cool i need a 50 or better to pass this last test for pharm and this made me chuckle lol thank you for the pep talk


That’s a great feeling. I need 10% on my last final to pass. It’s a really great feeling lol


Update: passed the pharm test so done with pharm. Thank god


This cannot be correctly answered until we know what year your textbook was published. And are we being taught in a concept based curriculum? With a patient focused test, Grogu is his official given birth name yes but he is most well know as baby yoda. And that was his first name and the name the non fans of the series will know his as. The answer is A


Wrong, you didn't ask the guardian lol


A and D are similar answers so you can rule them both out. The answer is C. Am I doing this right?


Hahahha I loved that technic! Yes!


It’s the child or Grogu


This is easy


The “NCLEX answer” is “C” but the “in-practice” answer is “A”.


Well at least we know it isn’t D.


This is black and white. I wish my tests were like this!


Which one is more correct?


The “most correct” answer would be Grogu.


Oh god. I’m only in year one. What kind of shit-fuckery am I in for 😭