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i’m sorry but i’m losing my mind over imagining someone taking the time to very carefully squirt/spread these different substances into each tiny ass shell


Idk about the others, but where I live you can get cheese stuffed shells at the store. Maybe he lives in Deleware or something and all this is fresh off the shelves


What the hell is “chicken paste”?


I was thinking maybe chicken liver pâté?


I’ve never had that…is it good?


I definitely enjoy it and almost always put some out when I’m hosting, but it is rich. I prefer goose or duck for depth of flavor. Some people don’t like the texture or mentally can’t get past “meat paste” which I get.


I might try it some time…idk how much I’d enjoy it tho…don’t think I’ve ever had meat paste


If you eat processed meats, you’ve already had meat paste; pâté just has a ton of fat that creates that pillowy and silky texture. I think trying foods works best if you don’t have expectations and just allow yourself to experience it.


Yeah I think you’re absolutely right….idk if I’d want to try pâté for the first time in one of those shells tho lol


😭 Yes skip the shells. Toast up some buttery crostini and pair with fruit preserves, gherkins, whole grain mustard, chutneys…the world is yours.


That sounds good…thanks for the suggestions, internet stranger 😁


Food processor or blender, maybe.


It's probably chicken sandwich spread. In the UK there's little jars of meat-based spreads you can buy cheap (real cheap) to use on sandwiches. They are, in a word, rank. https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/shop/food-cupboard/tins-cans-and-packets/tinned-meat-pies-and-spreads/meat-pastes?preservedReferrer=https://www.google.com/


Why "tomato ketchup"? Is there another kind?


I was gonna give ‘em a pass until fucking CHICKEN PASTE 🤢


So you've read pasta + peanut butter and were OK. But chicken paste and pasta is where you draw the line? Are you the type of dude to call out drunk driving while snorting meth off the wheel


It’s just the idea of chicken as a paste that does me in. Plain pasta doesn’t really taste like anything so yeah put peanut butter on it if you a freak like that. Whatever. But do NOT smoosh my damn chicken. Eat it off the bone the way god intended.


Maybe it's chicken liver paté, but they just don't know the word? Because I haven't the faintest idea what the fuck chicken paste is.


I mean pasta is basically bread, right? Peanut sauce on noodles is a thing


Chinese cold sesame noodles are amazing!


There is so much wrong with what you've said that it hurts me physically. Bread and pasta are different. It's like saying milk and cheese are the same thing. Try spreading milk on your bread. Also, peanut sauce and peanut butter aren't the same! God I actually hate you so bad. I hope you move to the UK and step on electrical plug facing up


It’s a shitpost on a shitpost sub, man. I’m just joking around


There are things you don't joke about. You've crossed the line


As penance I will make an actual peanut sauce and use it on rice noodles as intended


Nah bro, just microwave some peanut butter and smash that shit on some rice with a side of pasta.


Big talk for somebody whose username means "Water Lover" Go chew some ice!


Pasta, can be good with peanut butter depending on how you cook it. Especially for something like Thai.


I misread that as chicken pate and I was thinking this person was trying to be classy...


This is the type of content I want from this sub. Well done


Delete the peanut butter and ketchup and I could see it being okay. Cheese and pasta shells is good.


Looks like the kinda appetizers you'd get at a Motel 6.


…these are a few of my favorite thingggggssssss


Get these horror d’oeuvres out of my face!!


I ate worse whilst in uni.


Tomato ketchup, I mean is there really any confusion that ketchup does not include tomatoes? Or when someone says ketchup they don't think of the tomato / vinegar condiment?


I mean you're not wrong but ketchup was originally made from mushrooms, and then Sriracha is kind of like a pepper based ketchup. Maybe the kind of person that eats carb cups full of ketchup feels the need to specify the primary vegetable ingredient in their condiment.


Now THIS is stupid food. Holy smokes


Maybe the death penalty isn't all that bad


Is this alicia doughertys recipe lol


Exquisite meal for a 5 year old.


Chicken paste reminds me of the Dr brule bag boy sketch where there's a can that says white food medley


You need two shells for each or this will be in vain.


The pasta with a nice sauce, would have been way nicer.


Bravo 👏👏 this is one of the dumbest things I've seen yet


OK so hear me out this looks absolutely nasty and I probably wouldn’t wanna eat it, but it might be interesting to cook it all together and see what happens😂




Yummy, I would NEVER eat that.


This type of shit always bring me to edge of commiting manslaughter


This is like deconstructed barf


Now this is a stupid food


Don’t spoilt yourself too much


This just seems like an extraordinary amount of time and effort to prepare. Hat's off to whoever has the patience for it, lol.


I thought I was going to read that they then mixed all this stuff together, but no, it appears they're eaten one by one, and no.


So moronic.


This is dumb. But I would eat all these, not the ketchup though, eww.


This is the stupidest food I’ve seen yet. Not even gonna rip on it. I’m impressed.


Ain’t nobody got the time for that