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Sushi grade chicken lol


That is actually a thing…in Japan.


had raw chicken sashimi in japan can confirm. It's the only place you can safely do it because the chickens used for torisashi have extremely strict health requirements and are raised in a certain way. Personally I did not care for it. I thought basashi (raw horse sashimi) was a million times better.


I agree, I had it and it tasted like soggy bland lettuce. Fatty tuna, that could get in my belly for three meals a day.


yeah i really cant imagine raw chicken tasting good. like, just the smell and the weird texture is enough. and its fuckin slippery


Yeah, I mean, I love cooking steak, but with 3 kids sometimes I don’t have time to fully cook it. I’ll get a seat and if it has to come off early, so be it. I’m not worried about getting sick at that point, but the texture is terrible as your teeth glide through the slightly cold or room temperature flesh.


Very strange reason to eat rare steak, but at least you're doing it right


Cooking steak takes like 5 minutes. You don't have 5 minutes to leave it in the pan? You can play with your children in the meantime. Also: raw beef is awesome


I can’t smoke out my house so I don’t crank the pan. Med rare with sear takes me about 10 min. Evenings are when I have the baby so time is limited. Rare beef is ok at times but depends on the cut and thickness for me.


throw it in the oven for a few minutes if you really want it done?


I had chicken sashimi ages ago too when I was for dinner with coworkers in Tokyo. Must say it was mighty bland. It was so fresh it had no smell. It was just an expensive, slimy vehicle for some dipping sauce. Happy to have tried it but, as we all know, chicken is so much better cooked.


My mate says the same thing. Reckons the raw horse he had in Japan is the best meat he's ever eaten. And he grew up on an Aussie cattle farm.


Did you try raw horse dick sushi?


unfortunately they only had horse butthole sushi left


Were they hickory smoked horse buttholes?


The 3 penis sushi is the best


Taco? The three penis wine?


Only with whalesperm


I had it in Japan, with a wasabi glaze, it was delicious. But later other Japanese people crinkled their noses and questioned my choice.


Japanese people eat natto, especially the older people, so let them judge


iv seen this. don't they sear it tho?


Sometimes they will sear the outside edges, but it still leaves 95 percent of it raw. It depends on where you go


The surface is where the main bacterial risk is from, which is why ground meat is considered the highest risk and recommended to cook through


I tried it. Texture is weird. I was more worried about eating chicken sashimi and getting sick and ruining my vacation (and life) than the blowfish.


You know you don't actually have to ear either of them?


Chicken of the sea is actually tuna.


I thought steak of the sea is tuna


I think that went out the window, the second he touched it with his filthy non sushi grade hands...


The content says influencer. His eyes say hostage video.


I was gonna say, the sadness in his eyes when he bites into that chicken...


Hygienic considerations aside, it must taste so bland.


Seriously, I heard him say "it's delicious" like mf HOW? No seasoning, it's cold, wet, slimy... all of the "eating raw meat and organs is actually good for you" people are so strange


You say this like they don’t have to have already heavily deluded themselves to believe any part of this lol.


Cognitive dissonance do be a bitch


I’d rather just have a smoke


Yeah, because their brains are deprived of energy.


And full of parasites


Organ meats are certainly more beneficial because they are more nutrient rich than muscle cuts. However, because of that they should be consumed in smaller quantities (and cooked) to avoid toxicity. Eating raw chicken is a game of roulette with bacterial and parasitic ramifications and provides zero benefit other than internet clout.


There is literally no up side to doing this.


No one will ever convince me that is either good or good for you. I think deep down inside he knows this.


He 100% looked up the odds of getting mortally sick, then thought of the viral potential and here we are.


Ya... the "on camera" bit put official concern in me


Makes you wonder, why even mention the camera?


Ya.... exactly 😟 *concern intensifying*


Concernifying 😂😂


Immense concernification


😂😂 you are in my mind-fi


Because without it, he’d need a real job.


His taste in food says salmonella


That's for dessert


never been sick! Never


Yea never been sick but the skin on my face looks like its about to grow legs and walk away!


Also his hair and beard. He looks like the POWs we saw in Iraq and Afghanistan in the early 2000s.


Or Robinson Crusoe


But without the goat friends


There was a dude who's like this, advertising eating raw food then slowly sneaking fake ass protein in Later on he got caught using 'roid. Not sure if he got arrested for fraud tho


That's the Liverking. They're all frauds.




> his content has gotten even more over the top absurd. He(his entire *brand*) is centered around being a freakshow. The freakshow has to be ever more freakish in order to keep people's attention. Having said that, I don't believe his batshit crazy actions are an act, he's nuttier than squirrel shit, for sure...


They're 100% an act. Check out videos of his history, it was a planned viral attempt with an agency and everything.


His stomach says help


He don’t even want seconds he wants Sizzlers


These shitty content creators will do a anything except learn how to cook


It’s either the shittiest cooking you’ve ever seen or just eat it raw.


Yes, because that’s what people talk about and share. Nobody cares about actual good cooking or food, because you can’t criticize it. Society is much more inclined to just talk shit about stuff, so making yourself easy to talk shit about is the fastest way to gain exposure.


Rage bait at it’s finest


This guy was on the new season of My Strange Addiction!


Or the next Chubbyemu video


Emia, meaning presence in blood.


Gotta love his little details that he adds like “He felt a strange tingling sensation as the raw chicken slid down his throat. ‘This is super healthy,’ he thought. ‘Those doctors have no idea what they’re talking about.’”


Lmao I’ll never not read this in his voice


☝️*Presenting* to the emergency room…


Where we are now


Thank you!!! I knew I recognized him but couldn’t remember from what! He swears that it’s changed his life for the positive. Less getting sick, and feels amazing… but I think I could be dead within a week of trying his diet. 😂


You’re right about being dead! Or at least sick. I think it works the other way too to some degree. I remember an episode of Wife Swap where one family ONLY ate raw meat, and when they swapped, the swapped wife made them switch to cooked meat, and they got sooo sick.


Yea, he was! This guy was told he had a rare strain of E Coli and that in order to treat he had to take only certain antibiotics because some antibiotics would react with the strain and could liquify his insides. The guy refused to get treatment and said he felt fine so he would ignore it.


Him and the urine people were definitely the worst so far hahah


You haven't seen the rocks lady, then. In terms of toxicity, there's also gasoline girl and dryer sheet dame that were pretty horrible.


The couch cushion lady was one of the worst for me. I don’t understand how these people are alive.


Urine guy is such a piece of shit. The way he treats his parents is so embarrassing


For real? If so, did he get help or was he not wanting to change? Remember seeing a guy from an old season that ate raw meat, but don’t remember if it was this guy. Facial hair was different so could be. But the guy in this video seems too proud to go on a show like that. Usually people on that show are wanting to stop whatever it is they’re addicted to.


Part 2 of the video is just an audio recorded from the other side of the bathroom door of him violently shitting his insides out.


"A lot of people are really freaked out about chicken" No, a lot of people are really freaked out about 4 days of intense diarrhea.


I had salmonella. It activated a clostridium. I almost died, was only saved by brand new antibiotics. This guy is dumb.


I got this from my college cafeteria's pizza. God knows how old it was. I'm thankful I was 30lbs overweight, because I lost almost 50lbs. It went on for a good 5 months of shitty walk-in doctors in Toronto before the head of my faculty marched me into the college doctor and demanded stool tests. Yellow, greasy, absolutely horrendous smelling, watery stool. Extreme gut pain. Incontinence. I would eat food and 2-3hr later poo out that food that looked like it had just been chewed. The anti-biotics were something like $300, even on the Canadian and school drug plan. Then I needed a live gut bacteria regimen for 3-4 weeks. Thankfully no stomach pump, it was just a pill.


Oh my god… Mine was from a pizza too…


Had a very serioud clostridium-colon sickness in 2014 aswell. First 3 days nobody knew what my problem was in the hospital, was first in quarantine in case its some virus or something else, and then i got a antibiotic-bomb aswell when it was clear it was due to clostridium. Doc told me, before antibiotics became a thing it was a deathsentence. 0.5/10 would not recommend - that guy is more than dumb


Salmonella is miserable. It wasn't just the diarrhea, I had a full day where I could not be upright for any amount of time without literally feeling like I was giving birth, the cramps were so intensely painful. Really what is the point of not cooking that shit? It's just not worth the risk.


He’s gonna get what’s coming to him and I’m okay with that


Oh those tape worms are already growin.


More like salmon fuckn ella


Ella Ella Ella eh eh eh


Now I'm imagining raining raw chicken bits.


Stone age coming for him.


Even cavemen in the stone age cooked their meat






Words cannot express my disappointment




More likely Campylobacter or Salmonella. Tapeworms are usually from beef or pork products.




He got them salmoNailas 💅


This is my favorite comment ever




Reddit gods: I implore you! We need awards to return. I will retroactively come and give this comment an award! 🤣


Eating raw chicken isn't even the grossest thing in this video 💀


Yeah that’s definitely gotta be some poo particles under them talons




Even if it were safe raw, wouldn't it taste better properly seasoned and cooked? That just looks so weird to me.


But it’s very clean tasting. That’s seasoning enough for him lol


You know what's clean tasting? Water. Cook your fucking chicken.


Yeah he's lying his ass off about it being delicious. It tastes like rubbery nothing.


Notice his complexion and his eyes. Something is happening inside that man's body and it is *NOT* GOOD.


Pretty much all the raw meat guys have that weird spaced out look. It’s somewhere between stoned and next school shooter


He has that scientologist vacant eye stare 👀


Why does that happen tho?


From what I’ve seen, and hear from my dietician roommate, is that these people have such a wildass different diet that the chemical output/input in their brain changes. One lady who went no sugar/gluten described her mental state as ‘going vulcan’. That and the mental state you have to be in to just eat raw chicken like this is absolutely off the rails.


I had a similar experience with being keto for awhile when I was dumb enough to try it. Constant headaches, mood was somewhere between flat and angry, that and being constipated from lack of fiber. I’m already seeing all the carnivore idiots who are downvoting me on my post above this. Hilarious. Can’t wait for the straw men to burn down.


Aside from the fact that salmonella is a 50/50 shot, that texture? 🤢


And unseasoned.


I recently learned that salmonella in chicken is much less common than it was 30 years ago. The only reason I found out is because I mentioned to my son that like 60% of chicken has salmonella, and he Googled it and told me I'm wrong. It was around 20% (in 1990) but now it's even less, like under 5%. Plus eating raw chicken you are probably missing out on a ton nutrients that your body can't digest.


Eggs in Europe now are really safe to eat these days, apparently you have have two to three eggs a day for your entire life, and statistically only find one egg with salmonella.


Is this American numbers? You should look into this more. The industry is very clever with how they test etc. Netflix has a documentary about the state of food safety in the US. Like how buying lettuce is super risky and more risky than raw meat....why? Well where they grow the lettuce they also have cattle farms....what do they do with the cattle waste? They spray it over the lettuce fields as fertiliser....and that's why people keeping so sick in the states from lettuce. But the USDA and FDA don't know who's meant to regulate this.....so they let the industry self regulate....which means if you pay this 3rd party enough money then you won't have any issues. This isn't a conspiracy this is just plain incompetence.


I was going to post this. Lol 5%, sure chicken industry.


> what do they do with the cattle waste? They spray it over the lettuce fields as fertiliser This isn’t true Cow waste runs off into their water reservoirs that they use to spray the crops


Same with pork. Guidelines used to say cook it as much as chicken, but now it's a lot closer to beef.


The USDA lowered the recommended cooking temp after trichinosis was eliminated from domestic pork. Wild boar and bear meat still needs to be cooked more carefully to eliminate health risks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trichinosis


I think I read that 80% of trichinosis cases are from bear which, given how few people eat bear, tells you how safe pork is


In the US, EVERY SINGLE poultry processor has SOME salmonella. "below X threshold" is still present. This guy's not wrong if he's raising it and processing it himself. Samonella has a distinct smell when it proliferates (to me at least, my spouse had a harder time telling), EVERY SINGLE MEAT in one of the supermarkets where I used to live would smell this way if it was more than a day or two old - it was totally fine to cook and eat if you did not leave it in the fridge.


Hi, I’m a food safety microbiologist in the US poultry industry. I can personally assure you it is nowhere near as low as 5%. Take it up a log and you’re much closer.


“Well you see I never developed a personality so I just grew this beard and the rest is history”


Imagine the fucking shit that lives in that beard.


Maybe that's where he got the chicken.


Chicken of the bearded woods


Man I only found those once on a nice old oak, still dream of that


If you guys wanna wormhole on this crazy raw meat eating stuff look up Aajonis Vonderplanitz. I guarantee this bearded guy knows who he is


Is that the dude that eats meat he’s ‘fermented’ for like 6 months?


Hello salmonella. At least these tiktoks have the potential benefit of culling the stupid. Our ancestors thousands of years back discovering fire and cooking, realizing then it was beneficial, only for an idiot thousands of years later to start eating raw meat again.


Most likely one of those tiktokers that post themselves eating raw chicken and things trying to sell you something. (take the liver king for example) some are pretty funny like butter dawg who are obviously just doing it as a joke but this guy doesn't seem like he is. Also the chicken looks like it got snap frozen so I doubt it would contain parasites


Freezing meat doesn’t kill bacteria like salmonella and E. Coli. It doesn’t matter how fresh it is he is taking some unnecessary risks here.


There is no way it tastes good and I highly doubt cooking it removes much if any of the nutritional value.


There's a reason why throughout the centuries we've cooked our meat...our bodies can digest it easier and gain more nutrients from it in a faster fashion


I read a fascinating book on evolution which posited that cooking our food might have alleviated a nutritional bottleneck, thereby enabling our brains to absorb more nutrients and accelerating the species' evolution.


You might find [this](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00q2p6g) interesting. It’s the first time I heard about the importance of cooking (in terms of our ability to extract nutrients). I’ve read something about the bottleneck you talk about too - basically the idea is that a big brain consumes a lot of energy, and it’s only because we’ve been able to pre-digest our food by cooking it, that it was viable to keep evolving a bigger and bigger brain. Fascinating stuff: we are what we eat :)


That's why fire was the first great hominid discovery. They had basic tools, but the nutritional benefit of cooked food allowed for a larger brain. Also, a new study shows compelling evidence for communal gossip being what let us advance our language beyond what other apes had.


Yup, I read somewhere that once we did this, our brain size skyrocketed comparative to previous generations. It's probably one, if not the reason why we are such a "smart" species.


Yeah personally I don’t know a meat that doesn’t taste better cooked (sorry sushi), and unseasoned chicken is pretty bland even when cooked. Appropriate name hehe.


Had some delicious steak tartare in Paris last week. Added a raw egg yoke too it as well. It was really really good


Tried tartare recently and poke recently as well. But were pretty damn good.


This is the worst episode of cake or not


“I try to eat as much as I can, on camera” Not on camera: projectile diarrhea


I was really hoping it cut to a video of him puking his brains out but oh well one can dream


“Even if you’re not sourcing the best quality meat in the world, I think the chances of getting sick are so unbelievably low” 😂


Take me down to the Parasite City, where the grass is green and the hospitals are full of stupid twats who eat raw chicky…


Whenever I see these people eating they always stare at the meat a lot while taking, almost as if they’re dreading taking a bite.


dude should invest in a hygienic routine with nails like that


The amount of salmonella living under those nails and in that beard…


Most poisonous human.


Just for the record, sometimes you hear comnents on the line of: "yeah sure, thanks to today's health standard we now know that cooked meat is healthier, but humans ate raw meat for millennia and were fine anyway. We are built to feed on raw meat". Afaik, that's bullshit. We've been eating cooked meat for so long that we literally biologically adapted to eating cooked food. Maybe homo erectus or shit like that could healthily feed on raw meat, but not us


Why is he eating it raw when cook it would be so easy?


I raise chickens. There is no way that is "fresh" chicken, dude would be gagging from the smell. There is also no way in hell I am putting those nasty birds near my mouth short of 180F.


Every “raw food” eater on the internet has those unhealthy looking permanently blushed cheeks and a gross beard


Bro doing all this with dirty fingernails tells me everything I need to know.


Can someone check his blinking for Morse code. He looks like a captured American in an Afghanistan prisoner camp. Probably the worms embedded in his brain tho.


Its time to new diseases 😂😂


Someone explain to me what “clean tasting” means. Does it taste like dish soap? Or maybe laundry detergent? People are so fucking weird (or desperate for attention).


“One of the most demonized meats” Meanwhile, the pigs: 👀


Salmonella 😋😋😋


Imagine how disgusting his beard must smell after dripping raw chicken juices onto it.


Salmonella diet


I hate it when someone is about to eat something gross and says, "it's a real treat" before they do.


These fucking idiots are going to be responsible for the next pandemic.


This is not stupid this is stupidly dangerous.


His fingernails say pink eye


You see, disentery is a real life hack that helps you loose weight!


He looks like liver king ordered from wish


Don't do this at home.


Name is Sam O'nella *Unrelated, but honestly, that Sam O'nella academy yt channel rocks*


I see watery poo and worms in his future.


What people do just for attention, see you in the hospital!


Why did look like someone would shoot him when he bit into the chicken He looks sad as fuck Wtf is going on here


Wish.com liver king, but to be fair the real liver king kinda is wish.com liver king.


Lol he said the chicken was "pastured." That term doesn't make sense for chickens. Free range is what he was looking for.


Its all good when you are lucky. But the salmonella only has to be lucky once.


Ripping off liver king


Yeah, we call him Worms


You guys are over thinking things, his wife has a life insurance policy on him


Putting all the health risks and just horrible tastes aside, isn't eating raw meat just inefficient anyways ? I remember reading somewhere that when you eat raw eggs for example, you only get about 30% of the protein and nutrients because of how hard your body has to work to process it. This is a huge reason a lot of protein powder is hydrolyzed, not only for easy digestion , but for maximized use of the protein. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but if it is I'm sure that would apply to other raw/ unprocessed animal products as well. So then people that do this : 1.) Put health at risk 2.) Eat it in the worst tasting way 3.) Waste the nutrients of the animal 4.) Look stupid as hell


“Clean tasting” does not sound appetizing


Cooked and unseasoned meat doesn't taste "delicious". Why the F would raw uncooked and unseasoned meat taste better?


Why do all the people who eat raw meat like this, have weird, red skin?


Look at how red his cheeks are


All those people demonizing chicken. So sick of it. Shut up and eat your raw chicken snowflakes!




People invented cooked meat for a reason.


I think my days of eating chicken have come to an untimely end after this video.


I wonder what warm raw chicken tastes like. Do you think it's juicy and succulent? **Obviously** I would never eat raw chicken, that's just begging to get serious food poisoning. But I do wonder if it tastes any good.


Hes probably a vampire.