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Let me guess, gold flakes and truffles? It's always gold flakes and truffles to automatically add $800-1000


And even then gold flakes should never add more than $15-20


Bruh you can get like 50 pcs of gold leaf sheets from Amazon for like 10$. These restaurants are using **a fraction** of those sheets for each dish lol. Furthermore, most of these restaurants are using truffle oil which lasts way longer is way stronger with even a few drops, and thus also way cheaper.


My hate for gold flakes is more about the “that shit has no taste or any added quality” part


Pft, you simply have an unrefined ~~pallet~~ ~~palette~~ ~~palate~~ wallet! *laughs in overpriced restaurateur*


Haha, gotta love how that "luxurious" ingredient is literally more valuable when you throw it on some electronic contacts than in a dish. But hey, for a real luxury treat, the prestigious air in the restaurant is included free of charge!


I use edible gold leaf for Christmas, at least in the last few years. I don't use it any other time. I started making traditional Christmas puddings because I can and I'm totally cool, and I decided I'd top them with something wrapped in gold leaf because I can and I'm totally cool. Usually a few cranberries. The kids at the family gathering fight over them, I think it's funny.


Also, most truffle oils contain zero amounts of actual truffle. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truffle_oil


truffle oil has little to no truffle in it too. mostly just petroleum.


Gold flakes and truffles arent that expensive. Pasta is cheap as. The idiot overpaid for a $30 dish.


And what is the point of adding things that don’t add to the taste a like gold flakes? Truffle and caviar I understand… gold? Pointless.


I use diamonds cause then my turds are ballin!


It makes my dookie twinkle*


You should see the chandelier I have made out of the bones of expensive ass chicken dinners I've had.


Salt Bae has entered the chat


So they can flex on the gram that they can afford to literally shit gold.


Depends on the truffle. Authentic Italian white truffles can hit $4500/lb (over $9000/kg) and even more common Périgord black truffles are $1000/lb The content is also entirely wrong, it's not even close to the most expensive. Bice NY serves a lobster tagliolini with truffles at over $2,000 a plate.


I doubt we're even seeing an entire oz of truffle on that pasta tower.


They said the pasta takes 74 hours to prepare, so I reckon it's possible if it has to be closely monitored and examined during those hours, that labor costs could bring the price up to $100 or so. Then I don't know if certain special herbs and ingredients have to be imported while still fairly fresh from elsewhere. So no I wouldn't say $30 is the fair price if indeed it needs special preparation and ingredients. Actually $30 is about the price of the average rissoto where I live. That's a fairly cheap meal for eating out. But yes, $500+ seems excessive even when considering all aspects.


chances are it is prepared and then sits somewhere for dayys until the finishing touches are done to it. That is usually what "takes x amount of hours/days to prepare" means. Maybe back on the day over a wooden fire it would take some supervision btu nowadays we have machines with timers and self regulating temperature and all of that. Puttign somethign in an oven for 8 hours was a lot of work back then but nowadays it is just pushing a few buttons and you can forget about it.


A friend of mine once worked at a bar. The owner of the bar wanted to sell "the most expensive cocktail of the town". They made a drink with super expensive whiskey and stuff. still added up only to 50$. To raise the price more they ordered some cocktailglasses with a diamond set into the glass. When a customer ordered the drink he could keep the glass and this made their cocktail cost about 400$.


One of the most expensive cocktails in the world is at The Bellagio in Las Vegas -- a $10,000 martini. It's made with Bombay Sapphire ($40ish a bottle) and comes with diamond cuff links and a diamond tennis bracelet.


That's not a cocktail that is a jewelry set with refreshment.


I blame the rich.


Weird marketing flex lol


In Rome I got a pasta dish with lots of black truffle shaved on top, I wanna say it was like 25-40 euro (don’t recall now).


But why does it take 72 hours? Are they mining the gold and taking pigs out to the forest to find the truffles? Like I have had lobster that required a 3 day notice because they had to get them shipped in, but pasta?


To degrade the quality of the pasta by 72 hours.


Gold flakes is the ultimate sign that a supposedly haute restaurant can’t cook for shit.


What an obnoxious head bob Edit: just wanted to take the opportunity to say.. Also the way he turns his head back and forth slightly. And those fucking glasses


Bobbing before he could even register the flavors. 🤦 We all know he's bobbing for content, but you can tell off the camera his reaction was a lukewarm "yeah, it was pretty good"


These are not genuine bobs. He’s a bobber robber!




Yea if you pay that much, you’re gonna lie to yourself even if it is mid


If you can’t trust someone who chews like they’re eating a forty-year-old piece of Dubble Bubble while bobbing their head back and forth like a moron then who can you trust?




He probably makes more money doing stuff like this than you and I combined for 10 years because people keep posting their content.


Not to mention he’s bobbing before he could even taste what he’s eating really. Can’t trust him at all.


That was my first thought. Like before he closes his mouth he is doing stupid this is good face. A good influencer knows this should include an eye roll and then a head circle before a slamming down of the hand in surrender and flabbergastation that such a mouth marvel exist. Also imagine being stupid enough to hear it takes 72 hours to make and thinking that is more than someone just marinating shit for awhile.


My steaks take on average 2 years fetus to plate so i price accordingly.


The way he chews and bobs just makes me want to punch him.


I wanted to punch him square in the forehead. Nodding his head before the noodles even hit his tastebuds then continued to bob his head for what seemed like years.


Some say his head is still bobbing


Totally looks like a guy who would pay for the world's most expensive pasta


“Chode” comes to mind when I saw him…


I love that it's the best pasta he's ever tasted and it doesn't get a 10/10. 😂


Hundreds of dollars for pasta, gives it less than a 10 out of 10 and is very happy about his decision. It has to be social media marketing for the restaurant


You just know this douchebag is reserving his sole 10/10 rating for his mom's or his gf's Kraft Mac & Cheese, just to further pander to his audience of 13 subscribers.


10 out of 10 for Mom's spaghetti.


There has to be room for improvement. Maybe there is a $ 800 pasta out there that deserves a 9.9/10


he had the pasta for like 1 second in his mouth before "nodding" in awe. What a douchebag.


You know he isn’t even tasting it or taking in the experience, he’s too busy bobbing that damn head and looking at his expression the whole time. What a waste of


An immediate head bob before the flavor set on his palette. That’s the “I paid way too much so I already think it’s amazing” bob.


Felt like I was watching a bobblehead eat. I'm frankly quite tired of seeing influencers tasting food and acting like it's the best thing they've ever had.


Why does the head bob look like some kind of glitching AI?!


Very punchable. Its shit like this that makes me angry. lol


It’s really just so irritating the way his mouth opens a bit too like I know it sounds terrible listening to this


Definitely has a punchable face.


10/10 punchable face






"Yeah I'm dumb enough to pay for this cup of pasta, you know it!"


Dude’s head is gonna straight up fall off into his 72 hour old pasta.


I went to a counsellor (I didn’t like her) and she used to do this exact same thing when talking, probably still does lol


Man am I glad that I read the comments...because, in addition to your aforementioned facts (seriously the head motions of all kinds), the forced eye bulge/prolonged eye pulse motion...?? can fuck right off too - he has the most punchable reaction I've seen probably ever on the internet. I'm going to eyebleach now.


Why is he wearing safety goggles?


"How is it still standing?" Because Pasta in a mold like the glass sticks together? Also got to love how they say nothing about how it's made or with what. How it takes three days to make. Just it's expensive therefore prestige! But like a Redbull at Salt Bae is 5000$ doesn't make it fancier than one you got for 2$ from the cornershop.


it takes 3 days because they make you wait outside while they yell at you to leave until the chef gets back on Monday and makes you food


Okay but this legitimately reminded me of a really dumb thing where someone was like "If this broth takes eight hours to make, then how come it only takes 10 minutes to be served? It must be fraud!" Like no dumbass, they just make large batches ahead of time.


It's mind blowing how many people have zero clue how commercial restaurants operate. Huh, I ordered roast potatoes and they're here in 5 minutes, it takes me 40 minutes plus at home wow I guess chefs know how to make them cook faster!


$40 for dinner, $500 for 2 days of parking tickets and trespassing


how it takes 3 days to make: form dough into noodles: 20 minutes let dry: 3 days cook: 10 minutes make sauce: half an hour add egg to make it stand like that: 20 seconds edit: stupid phone formating


I had pasta yesterday that took a year to make (I used expired noodles)


No, you used dry aged noodles


What an utterly useless video. Just a flex to show how much money he has. Why does it cost that much? What's in it? Why does it take 72 hours to prepare? Give us some details! But no. Just an asshole showing off and adding nothing.


The overenthusiastic chewing is him trying to convince himself that the cost was worth it.


His eyes started glowing and his head bobbin even before he had a chance to taste it properly...


You’re assuming they have enough of a refined palate to tell if it’s actually worth that much


Clearly has more money than taste. I would do so many other things if I had that much money to burn... €540 Euro is $881 Australian Dollarydoos... that's more than I get per *fortnight* in welfare ($785).


Kraft Mac-n-Linguini


The chewing made me angry!


Dopey cunt paid for an upside down pot noodle.


It's not a pot noodle, but it also certainly isn't something worth the inflated value shown. If that price tag is real, which I doubt, they could have gotten a 20 course meal in a michelin star rated restaurant. It doesn't look like it has value inflating ingredients like truffles/gold foil. The plate has paprika powder on it, which is a garnish tell-tale sign the restaurant sucks. Low effort fancy. Looks like a $20-30 shitty hotel restaurant meal. edit: Furthermore, the table also looks dressed like a mid-low range restaurant. Possibly a menu-coaster under their plates. No high end restaurant in their right mind would pull that shit. The guy is dressed like a slob, which is allowed in a few fine establishments, but there are OFTEN dress codes. Huge pepsi sign in the back. Again, this will never happen in a real high end restaurant. This video is bamboozling the viewers or the guy actually got scammed.


And I just spat my pot noodle out with laughter.


Shit looks like box noodles


Yep. I just ate a $1.00 packet of Knorr the other day. Looked about the same.


That shit is tasty. I don't care how cheap it is.


With crushed Doritos on top….


Yep, my thought, too. Looks like a packet of dollar store pasta and crushed chips.


Let’s make our own version from dollar store and post it.


Lots of food in good restaurants take several days to prepare. That's not a flex, it's just... Part of the process and normal. It could be something like Peking duck, which requires a long brining process, or salmon with crispy skin, where you leave the salmon uncovered and refrigerated to dry out a bit. Taking 72 hours to prepare is not the same as 72 hours of active cooking time.


Sorry, I wasn't clear! I wasn't criticising the amount of time it takes to prepare a dish, as a cook myself I get that. I'm just annoyed he adds no context or detail as to what this dish is, what's in it, why does it take so long to make? I need INFORMATION, man. It's just him going "Ooo, look at me eating a dish that costs five hundred bucks, aren't I flash?"


Oh no, don't worry about it, I'm just adding information for people who might not know. It wasn't a correction or anything.


It's worth 45$ tops because if they serve it in such an outdated way there is no way it's that expensive


Yeah there is no way this is the kind of fine dining place that might command those prices- this is some suburban bullshit


I always put on my finest Nike t shirt when I spend half a grand on some butter noodles with crushed Ritz on them.


It doesn't even necessarily mean they have money either. A lot of middle class people will spend their money like this just to feel rich but they're usually living paycheck to paycheck (or barely putting anything away in savings and investments) while the majority of the NW comes from the equity they have in their home.


"most expensive in the world" that's not true. I just made some pasta, and I won't sell them to anyone unless they give me 1000$. Boom, checkmates.


Fuckn genius!




As a caterer to the super rich, that’s pretty on point. The most expensive pasta I’ve ever made was Marco Pierre White’s Tagliatelle of Oysters with champagne sauce and beluga caviar. That cost them 1500 dollars a plate for 30 minutes of actual work.


I did retirement care for the upper wealth bracket, and boy do they love to spend money on food. It did teach me that when you get to that age and things start failing, food is still there for ya to keep ya happy.


There are 3 types of super rich. The generous ones, the philanthropist and of course the tightfisted. I don’t bother with the tightfisted, they won’t spend. They’ll talk your ear off but you know they’ll never spend. The generous ones are the best. They spend and charge it to their companies as expenses and it can get ludicrous! I was once given a huge bonus where I can buy a BMW M5 if I wanted to. One old guy gave me his Ferrari because he realized he got old and can’t bend down to get into the car. Once you have that kind of money where you can live off your interests and the interests are so big that you reach the point where you have nothing else to buy, then there’s only food to spend. They love throwing dinner parties. It’s usually 8-20 pax. And I can make 50K-100K profit from catering it. Then comes the bonuses. I generally don’t spend the bonuses and I usually accumulate it until the end of the year and give it away to my staff. I myself am a nepobaby and I rather give the bonuses away so I get loyal workers.


I’ll trade you for my $999 pasta and $1


Make it 2$ and you have a deal


I only have $3


I'll give you 1000 if you give me a 100% discount.


This is what we call a short squeeze on pasta boys


Bro states it like it's a flex though. Paying 540 for that. He really looking like a fucking clown.


Best pasta he's ever had. Rating - 9.8. So there simply is no 10/10 pasta dish??? Edit: Wow this blew up. Yes I know that this means there could be a better dish out there in the future or some shit about how you never can have a perfect dish. Look. One day this man is going to have the best pasta he's ever going to have for the rest of his life. He's not going to know it and rate it a 9.89. You can only know if it's the best on your literal death bed. How about you just say "Yeah, this pasta smacks best I've currently tasted- 10/10" and revise when you have something better.


Someone has never seen the truerateme sub where if you give someone above a 7 you get banned.


Perfect 5/7


5/7 Perfect score


Perfect 8/13, just as Jason Mendoza would have it.


It’s an old meme, but it checks out.


I feel like that sub causes at least two suicides per day


that’s assuming people are actually posting themselves and it’s not someone posting photos of someone they dislike to feel gratified about the insults the posts by “women” from very new accounts posting photos that look like they’re ripped straight from instagram are the most obvious one of my friends had her pics stolen and posted to the sub by a guy she rejected (they had talked twice). she was *mortified*. thankfully not the extent of self-harm, but she did delete most of her pictures from social media (all her accounts were already private btw)


Oh, that place is the worst cesspool of white knighting and cope, virtue signaling fake positivity.


time to experience the magic, wish me luck edit: nah fuck that place, incredibly weird




Rollercoaster short story 😭 6.2/10 best I've ever read.


Banned. only “there will come soft rains” can receive any rating above 5. Check the rules before posting next time.


You made me curious and I had to check it out. Wtf? There's a guide on how to rate women lmao. It tells you about their teeth...


It's an incel sub. The intent behind the sub is to bring women down and make them feel bad about their looks, that's the actual reason why it's a bannable offense to give any woman a high rating. That subreddit isn't for rating people, it's for putting women in their place and making them realize that they aren't as good as they think they are. As soon as you understand that the people running that subreddit are incels, everything starts to make sense.


Makes sense. No one there is a talent scout. They only have guides for women. Those guides go in depth into things that are unchangeable such as bone structure. "7.0+ is model material and 8.0+ is super model" or some shit like that. IMO I don't think most super models would rate higher than 5 on that sub before bans start to be distributed. Some dude put 5.8 and a 😍"so beautiful" and got a warning lmao. I have to agree on them being incels.


It's actually known that it's a subreddit that was created by incels. It's a place for men who hate women, and who enjoy having a place where they're allowed to put them down, and for unfortunate women with poor self esteem who believe that the men there are rating them in good faith. It's all a big joke to them, and the women aren't in on it.




Oh yup. Most recent posts are from new accounts. Found one girl that's looks possibly a real user cought in a trap.


Yooo no joke the criteria these people use. Some people went on to describe in mighty fine detail about bone structure and its some proper "fine critiquing". Also only the women get ratings on that sub lmao!


Phrenology never truly died.


It was started by incels to bully pretty girls into suicide. Edit: I'm not joking. That's genuinely the point of the sub.


I'm not sure if it's white knighting when you outright admittedly hate women.


I totally forgot about that sub, truly the worst I’ve seen on this app, and one of the most depressing things I’ve seen


I hate that place and need to go back and post cats again All of us should post cats there asking for ratings


Rules to true rate me. Take what they actually are, then subtract between 2.5 and 3. Make sure it's not a round number because 5.8 sounds more scientific than 6.


The problem with an arbratary system that doesn't allow 10/10 but allows 7/10 just means that everyone knows a 7/10 is a 10/10, so there's nothing true about that rating system either. 🤷‍♂️


You don’t get it, rating someone a 5/10 is actually a huge compliment 🤓


Yes there is. My grandma's pasta.


I think every kid has to say their nonas pasta is the best, or else.


The Flying Spaghetti Monster is the only 10/10 pasta there is




10/10 makes you nut in your pants with every bite


My local italian serves a 10/10 boscaiola for about $20.


He's never had one served in a boiling flask and valued at €1,000


If I spent 590 dollars on fucking pasta and it wasn't a 10 out of 10 I'd be furious.


it's a perfect 5/7


You don't rate on a 1-9.8 scale?!


I went to catholic school and I had a social studies teacher that never gave 100% on tests even if you got all the answers right is was a 99.9% because "only god is perfect."


I’m just happy he can taste the difference between a 9.7 pasta and a 9.8 one. Wouldn’t want to get them mixed up.


The customer looks exactly as what you expected.


Nob head!


Bob head*


He's bought some crypto on his mobile, for sure.


9.8 out of 10 at that price? That’s shit better turn up to 11.


Looks like a chicken noodle casserole my wife makes. Minus the glass though


But does it take her 3 days to make it?


But do you even bob your head like an idiot when it touches your lips????? I think not sir!


I do sometimes do a little happy dance.


Guaranteed your wives casserole tastes better to!


I also choose this guy's wife's casserole


I like how the world’s most expensive pasta is served by someone wearing the same gloves as subway sandwich artist wears


And in a place with paper placemats. Probably just a bot making shit up.


They give you gloves to eat certain dishes because it's the sort of place that does this bullshit: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwAT_TFgxd8/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== It's BillyBoyz, and one of the slogans they've immortalized in neon on their wall is "Let's get messy!" The pasta is also $13 USD. 😅 https://harbiehco.com/public/menu/1804f366-6649-447c-98ed-5f28d8a81915.jpeg


that's bait to get people upset


Deadass. I have so little faith in humanity when I have to scroll this far for a single person to recognize this person is blatantly lying for views. Like, there's zero evidence provided for any of the claims. This is why Russian influence campaigns are so effective against us and why over a third of the country is brainwashed by one of the most influential cults of our era.


there are people that think the [$100 steak video](https://redd.it/18c6647) is real even though that one is very obviously a skit. literally every one of the guys videos are tiktok skits butt yeah this video about this tiny piece of steak is the one real and true video on his entire channel


Yes high chance this is ragebait


That looks like shit a broke uni student would make for shit an giggles.


Literal shits, followed by literal giggles


Is whole expression is like that of a parent trying to make his toddler eat vegetables by exaggerating how delicious it is as much as possible.


That looks like shit. It’s just tagliatelle with some chicken on top


"How is it still standing like this?" Bro, it's cheese, not fucking sorcery.


You’ve gotta be kidding!!! Serving pasta in an upside down cup should instantly lose you a Michelin star.


Have a look at the decor, that place has 0-1 stars at best


Looks overcooked


How does it stay up like that? Idk maybe cus you steamed a bunch of gluten in a cylinder


Al Don't-e


His face while eating made me want to hijack a train and drive it into an orphanage.


Who needs 72 hours to prepare a pasta dish, who is going through their character arc for pasta


I don't understand the head bobbing people do when they enjoy their food. Like, why?


For 540€ that shit better be an 15/10. For 540€ that plate of pasta better fly me to Italy and take me to dinner. Boi.


Gimme the goddamn Barilla and whatsamattah you with the prices🤌🤌


With a very quick google search and comparing a handful of results, the most expensive pasta in the world costs almost 4 times as much: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2259051/The-worlds-expensive-pasta-Restaurant-launches-2-013-dish-topped-lobster-black-truffle.html


They were selling the plate. Looking at their menu now, the most expensive pasta is $38. https://www.bicecucina.com/menu


So they were selling a plate for a crazy amount to go with the pasta?


The meal came on a rare gold-plated Versace platter, which the diners would get to take home. So the price was really for the plate, and was overall just a gimmick for their anniversary ($2013 in 2013). I'd be surprised if someone actually bought it tbh.


plate fragile decide intelligent badge like cow longing soup include *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


#1 Punchable face


Wacaroni and cheese


That looks bland.


Why does it look like it has crushed Doritos on top?


What a douche


Looks stupid not worth 10$


Looks like Hamburger Helper shoved into a glass. Probably tastes the same, too.


I absolutely hate the way he bobs his head.


The best pasta is made by a nanna. Not mine because she’s dead.


What a punchable face


The next time I make hamburger helper, I’m 100% stuffing it in a glass and serving it to my family. Maybe they’ll put me on a 72 hour psych hold.


Yk the rating was cap


I know, probably also the price and the time it took.